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Posts posted by Florisjuh

  1. I don't really like FileFront, they obviously spend a lot of money designing their website and stuff, but when you download a file you often need to wait in lines, and when you start downloading the files often get terrible download rates arround 50 kilobytes per second. A much better alternative is the germany based http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, you never need to wait in a waiting line, too bad you can only download one big file per 1.5 hours ...

  2. Since your information is all under the privacy policy set by Xisto corporation, viewing your personal information is protected by others. Being able to view other's credit is for helping purpose and thus, whenever you want to view yours or others, the forum login is required. This way, there's a log of who viewed whose if some violation were to occur.

    Heeeey, give me my money back, you never told me you logged which accounts stole _teh_ secret hosting credits of other users here!

    Seriosu now, I'm glad Xisto does everything to protect our privacy and security, cheers for that ;p

  3. At the E3 this year, Activision (Publisher), id Software and SplashDamage (Developer) totally blew everyone of his seat by organising a 24 player lan for the yet unreleased game "Enemy Territory: Quake Wars". Many people expect ET:QW to be the multiplayer shooter of the year, with combined elements from games like Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (The prevorious game the Developer created), Quake (ET:QW takes place before the happenings of Quake II, in the same universe / setting), Battlefield (Vehicles etcetera!).


    ET:QW is a solely online game (No single player), which puts two assymetrical teams (the alien strogg vs the marine GDF) against each other in one of the best graphical experiences using new tricks like the MegaTexturing engine to render till the horizon in the Doom 3 engine. If you want to know more about the gameplay itself, watch the trailer, or better, the footage made during the ET:QW lan at the E3 (Which can be downloaded from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ )


    Also launched at the same time of the E3, the new Enemy Territory Quake Wars website! visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Also, they released a pretty amazing trailer for the game which can be watched on that website as well! :)


    Keep your eyes open for this new title coming out later this year, because it's going to rock the world of online gaming! :)

  4. I think the values you posted are a bit to high, I know there are company's offering even 30 gigabytes of space (Like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), but Google has just far too many people using Googlemail already. IF they would offer a lot of more space I guess they will need to compensate on the speed of the mail service etc. I think, in the end, Google mail will have about 5 GB available, which is far enough for you to use, in my opinion. I've been using googlemail for 2 years now, and I've just used 154 MB space...

  5. I think with the combined forces of Microsoft and Yahoo they ahve the technoligy, the money etcetera to beat Google, the only thing Google has and company's like Microsoft and Yahoo don't have is the unique power to shape innovation withoud getting in the way of the users resources like their wallet and computer stats!

  6. A tiny bit of researched about Google brought me this usefull information concerning their name

    What's a Google?
    "Googol" is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, "Mathematics and the Imagination" by Kasner and James Newman. Google's play on the term reflects the company's mission to organize the immense amount of information available on the web.

    I hope this has any use for you.. ^^

  7. hehehhe finnaly someone who can explain what it means :lol:. I've been wondering what 420 means since 2 years ago when there was this call called fourtwenty on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, who owned the crap out of everyone really.. I knew it had something to do with drugs because they all put marijuana pictures in their avatars / signatures / image gallery <_<

  8. One of the very best features of Google would be, that they have so many feature rich services. With all the services Google offers, people will all aumaticly stick to their company, because Google has your mail, your calendar, your daily news, your daily entertainment and much, much more. If you would ask to me, what Google's best feature would be, I would be saying Gmail, because that's the feature I use most of them. Google Search takes a strong seconds place, and Google news stands on place numer three.

  9. BlueSecurity advertises itself as a method to counter-act spam, today I received an email, which looks very suspicious (Which isnt from BlueSecurity btw). Has anyone received an email like this as well? I already de-installed BlueSecurity ages ago because the program made my Firefox crash very often, but emails like this make me scared, really scared. Seeing they can obtain my email because I'm signed up for BlueSecurity, I wonder what spammers would and also could, do with it.

    She was coming down the hallway now.One was suspending something (the typewriter came immediately to mind) over the door so she would be killed or knocked unconscious when she came in..

    You are recieving this email because you are a member of BlueSecurity (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/).

    You signed up because you were expecting to recieve a lesser amount of spam, unfortunately, due to the tactics used by BlueSecurity, you will end up recieving this message, or other nonsensical spams 20-40 times more than you would normally.

    How do you make it stop?

    Simple, in 48 hours, and every 48 hours thereafter, we will run our current list of BlueSecurity subscribers through BlueSecurity's database, if you arent there.. you wont get this again.

    We have devised a method to retrieve your address from their database, so by signing up and remaining a BlueSecurity user not only are you opening yourself up for this, you are also potentially verifying your email address through them to even more spammers, and will end up getting up even more spam as an end-result.

    By signing up for bluesecurity, you are doing the exact opposite of what you want, so delete your account, and you will stop recieving this.

    Why are we doing this?

    Its simple, we dont want to, but BlueSecurity is forcing us. We would much rather not waste our resources and send you these useless mails, but do not believe for one second that we will stop this tirade of emails if you choose to stay with BlueSecurity.
    Just remember one thing when you read this, we didnt do this to you, BlueSecurity did.

    If BlueSecurity decides to play fair, we will do the same.

    We are quite sure you will think this will not continue, that we will not continue wasting our resources doing this, feel free to wait out the first 48, or the second, and see whether these stop, you will be quite suprised.

    If you have another email under the protection of bluesecurity, and have not recieved this there, do not worry, you will soon enough.

    We mightve had your email addresses before in our lists, but now, we are targetting YOU, because YOU are a bluesecurity user.

    You might also notice, that the BlueSecurity site(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) is down..

    Just remove yourself from BlueSecurity, and make it easier on you.

    Shelby Castaneda

    "She got him into bed and he was asleep in three minutes.The gotta, as in: "I know I should be starting supper now hell be mad if its TV dinners again but I gotta see how this ends.

  10. Nice article, it's a bit long so I haven't had the time to read it completely tho. I have to agree on you, linux is nowhere near windows, both OS's have their good and bad points, and OS's becomming more like each other is bad movement I guess. At my home PC we use windows, over the internet gameservers websites etc I manage run linux, on my "work" computer I run linux but that's jsut to get familliar with it..

  11. if what all is saying is true and these messages are hitting legal owners of the os software, even if it's through a multi license(usually through a store you bought your computer from) then microsoft will have some serious legal issues in the future.
    is there anything on the microsoft website that suggests any of this topic here or screenshots of what to expect? i know someone posted screen shots, but where did they come from?

    sorry if i am a little leary, but i've seen too many scams out there to believe everything i hear or see so anything from microsoft directly? post a link that comes directly from microsoft if anyone has any information on that

    Yes you are right, I don't think there is any information from Microsoft itself yet, so I can't confirm what I said is true. I ain't gonna install a pirated version on my computer just to check if it's true tho..

    But, the sources given look quite thrustworty I have to say, even trough they aren't official statements from Microsoft.

  12. I guess this way Microsoft can hook you up at least for a year, because the domain will be registered for a year. You'll need to use the Microsoft service for a year, and seeing the service includes little to nothing except a page designing tool it sounds like a very bad idea to me, so no thanks microsoft better luck with other crappy products in the future <_<

  13. Well well, what do we have here? A very bad attempt to counter act pirating buiseness it seems *shrug*. Why give them a friendly pop up? Better would be to disable their system completely, wouldn't it? But on the other hand, so many people seem to have errors with this little patch, if they would totally block your system it would mean disaster for these legal users getting borked by Microsoft. Seeing the so called anti priracy program already got cracked just makes me laugh about microsoft, they seem to be the most stupid company in the world right now.Is this a serious attempt from Microsoft to counter piracy? Don't make me laugh...

  14. I use ZoneAlarm anti virus because it was in the ZoneAlarm package I have (Firewall, IM Control, Antivirus) but I think Kaspersky is the best anti virus, altrough the user interface is a bit advanced in my opinion. Most anti virus programs find about the same virusses so there isn't a really "best" antivirus available...

  15. i haven't checked but the forum ain't gonna help you. the forums don't take payments. look on Xisto.com and check how you can pay for extra bandwidth. i personally don't know if they have this option as i've never checked, but if they do, then put in an order or email them. i am sure if your willing to pay for something, they will get back to ya soon
    ok i checked for you. what you are talking about has nothing to do with Xisto evidently because i saw no added bandwidth for a certain amount of money. what i did see though is a banner for Xisto - Web Hosting.

    my advice to you is see if they do you a favor to increase your bandwidth just for this month since you weren't being smart enough to check it when it was running low. also it sounds to me that if you ran out this month, you will run out next month and you need to pay for hosting for more bandwidth. i don't think Xisto offers this though and only deal with free hosting. but again, maybe they will do ya a favor and increase it but i do think you need paid hosting and you should get it right away. your bandwidth i think is reset after the end of the month so your screwed for the next 10 days. it will also take about 3 days to trasfer your site on another server and i think the sooner the better. runing out of bandwidth is no good. you shoulda been a little smarter in catching this error but now you know and will be more aware in the future.

    again, if i were you i would transfer your site to Xisto - Web Hosting or some other paid hosting account ASAP. i doubt you will find anything cheaper than Xisto - Web Hosting for all the services you get.

    It is the Xisto - Web Hosting forum so I think he is talking about his account at Xisto - Web Hosting to be honest.

    Just drop the admin an email and he'll tell you what to do to make your bandwith limit higher...
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