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Posts posted by Florisjuh

  1. This is a silly attempt of EA to make competition versus "Enemy Territory: Quake Wars", which is predicted to draw a lot of EA's customers away from BattleField2. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars has a much better graphical engine and will probably have great gameplay as well.
    Officiall ETQW website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Preview and screenshots of ETQW: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Seeing even EA fans vote for Enemy Territory Quake Wars in stead of Battlefield 2142, EA games is pretty much screwed if you would ask me... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  2. Google seems to be best at everythign they do, email, toolbars, programs, search... Altrough in the future there might appear company's beating Google, I think they will continue to be very strong with their products in the near future. Espessially since they bring out new products on a very active base...About the Google Desktop Search, I like it very much. When I first got Mozilla Firefox I thought I had enough use of the Google search box, but the Google Desktop has so much more use... Microsoft doesn't even get close to the quality of Google Desktop search, because Microsoft uses microsoft search which sucks compared to Google search in my opinion :)

  3. Thanks!Now I know that!

    But why Google call theirs blog-project as Blogspot?
    Why not Blog-Google.com or
    Google-Blog.com or
    Blogoogle.com or something other???

    This question for Google Team...
    And how I may get google-logo t-shirt?

    When Google bought Blogger I guess they didn't want to google-ize that name, there

    Both have the letters g o g l e so indirectly the name contains google-ized text :)

    There are probably webshops selling fake Google T-Shirts, but for real google T-Shirts I guess you should work with them... :<

  4. A few weeks ago three very high skilled clans merged together, Team SuXuS, Qlasics Multigaming Clan and Team Pink. Forming suXus Multigaming Clan.

    Our clan is very skilled in a lot of games, we have the following squads:

    #suXus - Counter-Strike Source
    #suXus - Counter-Strike 1.6 (NL Squad ranked 1st in 7 ladders!)
    #suXus - Enemy Territory (Top 5 benelux 6on6)
    #suXus - Call of Duty 2 (Ranked 1st ClanBase SD Benelux Ladder)
    #suXus - Pro Evolution Soccer 5
    #suXus - Soldiers of Fortune

    I'm posting this, because we're allways looking for new but very good players in this game, and if you are in a top squad on CB you might be able to join our ranks as well! Contact us on the IRC channel #suxus on the Quakenet server, or visit our website. :(

    Our website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Our sponser https://www.suxus.com/ provides us with all the servers we need to play on. :(

  5. The reason Google adds these kinds of things like Google Moon and Google Mars, is because they want to be the first company offering route planning services when we start cononizing these planets / satelites.Just kidding ^^Altho not many people find the use of projects like this, they are fun to watch and make jokes about. Anyone remember that if you zoomed in 100% on Google Moon you would see what the moon was made off? I'm sure there is such a joke in this one as well, so let's start searching. :(Can't wait for Google's 1 April joke ^^

  6. Pardon me but what does Wekkm mean. As for the calander, i personally don't see any use, unless your the CEO of some big company, the average person wouldn't need the calander to keep track of your daily activities.

    'Wekkm' seems to be 'well' but mistyped.

    I think the calander is a pretty nice thing, it does look sexy, and seeing it is webbased you can check it everywhere if you just have an internet connection (School, work, internet café's). Integration with Gmail and other services from Google would make it an uber nice product in my opinnion.

  7. I don't thni kthe filefront server is very good. Speeds are often very slow, not to mention they often have just a few severs hosting a file so you often need to wait in line. A much better alternative (in my opinnion) is called RapidShare. Teh only big problem about this filehoster (In my opinnion again) is that there is a 10 mb download restriction per hour...

  8. -F-You are idealistic and romantic, putting your lover on a
    pedestal. You look for the very best mate you can find. You
    are a flirt,yet once committed, you are very loyal. You are
    sensuous,sexual,and privately passionate. Publicly, you can
    be showy, extravagant, and gallant. You are born romantic.
    Dramatic lve scenes are your favorite fantasy pastime. You
    can be a very generous lover.

    I could dream about being like that, but I ain't... poorly.

  9. You have started the same topic question here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33953-is-invision-power-board-131-free/ and it was answered. You should have continued your reply there since it's the same topic issue. As replied from Invision Board sales department, since Xisto cPanel is no longer offering self installation any method, after Xisto cPanel stopped offering, of how you obtained will be viewed as illegal.
    The proper method is you should notify Invision Power Board the website which offers now considered piracy activity of spreading the software. Invision Power Board has online piracy notification submitting form.

    Altho I fully admit Invision Power Board has full right to restrict usage of their forum software, and seeing a website shouldn't be used for warez, running IPB is not nice to the authors, still I think it was a very lame thing to rescrict usage of IPB to people who buy a license to use it. :(

    Oh well, phpbb2 for the win. :(
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