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Posts posted by Florisjuh

  1. It's very hard to judge if a website is the same, I mean, a website with two same type of game company's hosting their website might look the same, but they are probably very different.. (Altrough a game company doesn't need to be ranked very high on Google because the community playing the game will visit the website)

  2. Hey I'm wondering if anyone of you guys will visit the E3 in Los Angeles this year, and what do you think will be the greatest event / game / console shown there... For people who don't know wehat the E3 is.. It's the biggest gaming expo in the world, and it's held once a year. A lot of great new gaming titles and hardware are shown on the E3.I'm not goign to the E3 myself (I live in Europe, The Netherlands..) but if I would go I would surely pay a visit to the Activision stand organising a 24 man LAN party of the Enemy Territory Quake Wars MP Test, I've been following that game for quite some time now and it plain out rocks! Since I don't go to the E3, I hope they'll release a public MP Test a few weeks after the E3.. :lol:

  3. Yes, the idea of storing all your files on the internet is great, but seeing the securiry risks coming with it I wouldn't say it's very secure, and I doubt I'll ever use it for regular files, maybe for hosting useless stuff etc, but I don't trust my private messages etc to Google. I don't think Google is easy to hack, but I'll stay on the safe side in stead of jumping into oblivion... :lol:

  4. Google probably has all those domain names to help customers visit their website easier.. Some examples would be,Google AdSense ads are prefixed with "ads by google", adsbygoogle.comA lot of the mistyped domain names are for people who would mistype Google.com, like foofle.com, googel.com, gogle.com etc.The number adress is probably because it's *BLEEP* hard to type https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl in your phone :angry:

  5. My clan has various (succesfull, I might add) squads in both CS 1.6 and CSS, yes, the games might both start with "Counter-Strike", yet Source is a lot different than 1.6, seeing it isn't just a graphical upgrade as many gamers tend to believe. For one, CS 1.6 is very old, and the game runs on almost any computer nowadays, while Source requires you to have 'quite a rig'. The ability to play arround with crates and stuff give Counter Strike Source another dimension, because you can use them against the enemy (by hiding behind them, while in CS 1.6 all camper spots are well known). Also, I think Source is a lot more realistic than 1.6, seeing 1.6 maps are like "empty shells", with that I mean that the maps only purpose is to play online, while in source the maps look like real city's

  6. It looks great, top notch grafix, and is much more than just an email client, it has so many great features build in, I think even Google is behind compared to goowy, seeing that they don't have games yet, and a calendar is yet to come. Yet again, it loosk like goowy is kinda copying Google with their 2 GB mailbox, and the "Mini's" seem to work just like the Google Desktop program, biggest difference is that this is all web based.. :angry:Very much thanks for sharing, I love it!

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