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Posts posted by y4nzi

  1. Salsa added into pasta sauce? sounds interesting, will try it. Back to the main question, canned vegetables are definitely not as good for you as fresh, you could also try frozen vegetables, they're better for you than canned (although I'm not sure how everything compares in price)Pasta and rice are good cheap carb options and they fill you up.I definitely agree with the buy in bulk and freeze. Even with loaves of bread, I tend to buy in bulk and keep them in the fridge so they last longer, same with meat and so on when I'm in a pinch. (No they don't taste as good, but in the end there's got to be a little trade off between saving money and really nice food) :P

  2. Mcdonalds is just cheap and easy and tastes relatively okay, not great, but okay. I don't eat there personally, but for many of my friends its their first choice in a food court or when we go out.I admit I do like their fries... they are tasty (although i would prefer if they weren't AS skinny) but other than that I haven't bought anything there in years.As for the "Mcdonalds makes you fat" argument, yes their food isn't healthy and has higher calories than alot of things out there but I agree with rpgsearcherz, it depends on how active you are. Pretty much you can eat whatever you want as long as you are active. Unfortunately, alot of people who eat Mcdonalds are on the lazy inactive side... so it becomes a vicious cycle of sorts.

  3. I don't have any major things I would change about the game. Introducing cameras or more 'machines' to referee would i think ruin the fluidity of the game, and can lead to some ridiculous REALLY marginal decisions (e.g. like in Tennis where a ball is called in when it catches 1mm of the line, how is the human eye supposed to see that?).Still the idea of a goaline camera could work, since it is sort of a crucial point on the field... and very unfair when goals that weren't are rewarded. That wouldn't ruin the flow of the game much either because it really is at the end of a play that it would be used.

  4. I agree with most of the people who've replied so far. I haven't had any issues with Adobe products, I find Acrobat reader a good product (and it's supposed to be a taster for you to buy the full Acrobat anyway). As for other products, I've been a Photoshop user since forever (it's the perfect application for editing, designing, logos, website making etc), and I now also use Dreamweaver which I haven't had any major issues with so far.As far as I'm concerned Adobe products are great :P

  5. I use NoScript to block ads and I find it works really well. Firebug is a great for developors and coding etc. I find it very useful. Another one of my favourites is "Screengrab" which I find really good for screenshotting entire web pages (great when I want to show other people my layouts)ColorZilla is also another good one that lets you determine the HEX colour codes on any page, or just finding any color codes. FireFTP is a good alternative to filezilla as an FTP client (it's convenient because it just opens in firefox and has pretty good features)They're the main one that I use... I might have to try this Webmail notifier, I didn't know about it and it sounds perfect for me. Thanks :P

  6. Wow, so colourful, almost blinding haha. I agree with bluebear, i haven't head of some of the ingredients. What exactly is "cake flour", plain flour? self raising flour? But it would be fun to make and show people :P, I wonder how it tastes since essentially it's just flour and sugar...

  7. The PS3 price was rather expensive when it was first released but now it has dropped a bit. But when you compare its processor and functions with the other gaming consoles out there (Xbox and Wii, and then look at the prices) it does seem reasonable enough.In terms of processor and features it is a MASSIVE step up from the PS2 and yes the price is as well. Still, I think it is worth the price tag and I would buy one.

  8. I'd heard about all those conspiracy theories but Honestly I don't think it was faked. The US had nothing to gain by faking it and there are perfectly logical explanations for all those "theories" and "reasons" why the video looked fake.If it really was faked there must have been some leak of official documents or something related by now, in this age its really difficult to hide anything with the media the way it is.

  9. It's always difficult going from a "friendship" type relationship to a "friendship AND business" type relationship, because everything changes. You need to start tackling all these issues about organization, money etc which on a normal 'friend' basis you didn't really mention before.Either it will make the friendship stronger or it can ruin it alltogether, especially when trust issues come in. When large amounts of money are mixed with relationships, you discover who are your real friends and who personality wise is compatible with you... Personally I would stay away from it because its quite a risk. so: friendship to business partner, i probably wouldn't do but business partner to friendship, possible

  10. In terms of the law, you can't really enforce it. If you make suicide "illegal" are you going to punish those who attempt to commit suicide? It's not the best option either1. the person was successful in commiting suicide so you can't do anything OR2. they survive, but their mental state will already be fragile, the should go see a psychiatrist or get some counselling, not be prosecuted for doing something "illegal"Suicide in the end is a moral debate not a legal one. Everyone has different moral opinions, personally I could never even think of committing suicide, but I'v never suffered from depression. I think no matter how bad you might 'think' things are, life should still remain valuable and suicide means you leave your loved ones behind to deal with the fallout... :P

  11. It depends on what type of website you want, a blog? or a website with some other type of content? If you want a blog I suggest installing Wordpress and customizing a template there (there are lots of free templates for wordpress which are pretty good)For other websites there are lots of CMS out there, I'd recommend Joomla - which also has plenty of templates.To get started I suggest you look at some of the free templates out there. It would get you started with a basic html/css type layout. And trap 17 offers great 'free' hosting.

  12. Interesting question, and a difficult one to answer. I like the idea of spirituality because it is a bit more open minded than science. Ultimately I agree that both science and spirituality are ways to attempt to explain the world around us.The problem with science is that it's so black and white, if numbers, graphs, data, research, or our own eyes don't prove something, then it is wrong, nonexistent etc. Spirituality on the other hand can take things a bit too far to the point where I don't believe some of the concepts and beliefs being thrown around. In the end it's a balance between the two that varies for each individual, I think i classify myself as a fence sitter, believing in a bit of both. Some may have more faith in spirituality than science whilst for others it may be the other way round.Either way I think both need to exist to compliment each other...

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