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Everything posted by wingman23

  1. I met my partner on the internet too, seems the way of the world these days. I suppose it depends where you live though to how this is going to work out for you. I live in the uk and our country isnt all that big from one end to the other, so more than likely you are only a few hours away from your mate anyway. Internet dating is just the new way of meeting someone, and for me it workes out a treat, we now have a lovely little baby boy because of internet dating.It's worth a shot
  2. I think you should tell her how you feel myself, like the other poster said though, dont say you love her or it will freak her out and make you look weird. play it cool, try to get eye contact with her and give her plenty of smiles, and watch her body language, if she smiles back she may just be being polite,watch her eyes see if she scans you up and down, if she smile then,she isn't put off by you. Try to get within a few feet of her and try to talk to her, be cool though ask her how she is or some other such stuff that relates to her, women love it when you are interested in them, if you can strike up a conversation with her, watch her arms, if she folds them,then back off, but if she start playing with her hair stuff like that, then the signal are all there. Life is too short to be carrying around feelings for someone and admiring them from a distance and not saying anything, and if she doesnt fancy you back then you are just wasting your time and will get deeper into this than you will want to. Also it gives an impression that she is better than you, which isnt a good start, girlies pick this up and will mess you about. Good luck on your quest
  3. I thought this was a joke when i read the topic headline and i almost wish it was. This is so wrong its beyond belief, and why i hate experiments like this. The scientists who do these things are cold blooded heartless excuses for human beings. They dont much care of the outcome, they dont much care that there may be a disaster and produce a human feeling, thinking ape, who will spend the rest of his/her life in torment for feeling like a human but living in limbo looking like an ape, being studied and experimented on, feeling i expect much like the Jewish prisoners in the concentration camps.There are some things that just shouldn't be done, human cloning for one, experimenting like this just feels so wrong. If this planet ever faces a disaster that wipes us all out, it wont be from a war, it will be from a scientist who just thought one day "I know, i'll see if i can make a super virus to show how clever i am", never really thinking whether he should actually do it for safety reasons....Dangerous breed these lot
  4. Thanks, im sure a lot of people, me included will breath a sigh of relief not to have our emails on show. Much appreciated
  5. I cant really agree with that, because the more forums you have the more subjects there will be to comment in. we dont all like the same things and i for one struggle in the games section but love posting in the more serious topics like health and relationships and topics like that. The more thats covered in the forums the more it gives people a chance to post.
  6. I agree with one thing free web hosting forum should go, or at least changed. when i saw my email on view to all i wasn't all too pleased i must admit, i wanted to go in and edit it out and i expect to get spammed like nobody's business now. emails should be private, only for the trusted few to see like admins and such. i hope somebody will look at that really.
  7. well if you are speaking of movies and tv then colour is best, ever tried watching a snooker game in black and white not good.. Photographs though are much nicer in Black and white, you see the picture better some how, the subject matter, with colour though you see the colours first and then the picture. Sepia is even better for that oldie worldy feel, which i guess is supposed to be old and faded black and white.
  8. The main thing to anything about being successful on the web is traffic, well two things really, traffic and unique product or service. Its very hard to be unique though these days, try selling anything and you can bet your bottom dollar somebody is doing it already and cheaper than you. There really is no quick way to make money off any website, it takes a while to build up your traffic, then you need to build up a loyalty base, which can take anything up to two years. as far as traffic is concerned, your main friend is the search engines, but you have to be aware that even if you are SEO up to the hilt you will still get penalized if you are a young website, the older you are the better google wants to make friends with you. in this country too (uk) we are in the middle of a credit crunch, which means people dont want to spend, its been reported too that internet spending on the whole is being reduced world wide, so its getting harder all the time.The best way to go is to love what your doing and if you make a few quid, then good, but if you set out to make quick cash then you will be in for dissapointment at the moment.The internet is really no different from real world business, and all small buisnesses tend to make a loss in the first few years of trading until they build a loyalty base, and the only way to do that is to offer a good service that people want, and give it time.
  9. Im sorry to say that this does sound a bit as if she is ready to go her own way. Its very sad when this happens but it does. The time you have been together doesnt really matter, its the time you spend together that does. i know that she is special to you, but any relationship has to be on equal grounds, in other word, just because you love her, doesnt mean that she now feels the same.For a person to want to spend nearly a year away from someone doesnt really give off signals of a strong bond. When you love someone, its hard to be away from them for a week let alone a whole 10 months. Its only been three weeks you say since she's gone and already the emails and texts have stopped, what will it be like in two months, three months, i dread to think.I know all this sounds hard but you are only young, you have all your life in front of you... i know i know, ive had this said to me many time when i was your age and another girlfriend went belly up and i was left heart broken. its only with experience that you realise that she is just one in a long line of meetings you will have until one day you will meet the one who is right for you, and when the person does come along, you will know it and she wont be buggering off for 10 months like its nothings. True love isnt like that.
  10. Its not always about money i dont think, i use 123 reg and my domain (.co.uk) for 2 years cost me 6 quid, thats about 12 dollars i think. you should also consider the support you get too from where you buy it from, also if they give you access to full DNS control so you can point it where you like, ive heard some dont but will do it for you, probably when they get around to it) my domain comes with free parking and also a free web page. all these things are important when you buy a domain name.
  11. Ive tried loads of free forums in my time, the latest being forumotion, but that place has just got silly, the best free forum by far now is Jcink, they let you alter everything, css the scripts the lot,built in ipb arcade and a very good support team too. Ive had enough of free forums though and this is why i want to host my own now with backup of my post database and things so i dont lose my post again like i did with FM. ad free is a very big plus too, all these google spam ads now are terrible you see them everywhere even on forumotion these days which is whats so great about this place, No ads....Yayyyyyyyyy
  12. took the words right out of my mouth then, ive only been here a few hours, i log off and then come back and its all changed Aaaarrrrgggggg... just getting a feel for it too, now im lost again. My question is the same too, how do you get your c-panel thingy now, cant find it anywhere
  13. No dreams cant kill you, its the very opposite really, not dreaming can kill you, like with sleep deprivation. We dream because thats our minds way of sorting out the days events,or trying to make some logic of the things that bother us that we cant cope with in waking. Dreaming is the minds own protection system, without it you would very quickly go mad, which is why through REM sleep we dream every single night, even if you dont remember it. We have too minds, one is our conscious mind (when we are awake) and then we have our subconscious mind, this is the one that silently yaks away to our conscious minds telling us when to worry and stuff, its this that does the dreaming, the only time we remember our dream is when they cross over into our conscious mind. like when we are only half asleep or just about to wake up.
  14. i must be showing my age now because i didnt have a clue what you just said
  15. Well anybody who's ever used AOL will know that that result isn't much of a surprise, Being a moderator on a large forum, people who try to sign up using AOL never can and have to go through a special procedure, i believe its the same with links too, they have to have their own for certain things. I dont know anybody now who uses them, or if they did, they quickly moved away and went somewhere else.
  16. no competition really, i much preferred Primary school, how could you not though, mostly playing and messing about, secondary school though was hard work, exams after more exams....I certainly dont miss those days, although school is simply not the same any more.
  17. some good tips there, this is more important for young girls to stop brittle bone disease in later life. I know my eldest daughter while she was at school, they started on a course of jumping exercises which strengthens bones and makes them a little thicker for when you start to get a bit older. This is a really important subject for young girls who i suspect would never think about such issue's. Hopefully though, like in my daughters school, education will be the main key to get people ware of the problems that can occur later on.....We dont stay young forever :)
  18. The worst thing about weed though for me, is that it smells so bad, i was in the local indian take away the other day and there were a few young people smoking it like it was just nothing, and it did smell awful. a few people actually went outside to get away from the smell, which must be bad if you can smell it against all that indian curry...
  19. i dont know if any of you are as old as i am, but reading about high schools made me think. would any of you older folk like to go back and meet your old school friends, or meet your old teachers, although i doubt any of my old teachers are still alive, if they are then they will be in their 70's just had a thought then,the teacher i had a crush on in my teen years is either dead or a dear old granny, i wonder, would a high school reunion be a good idea
  20. many people sing the praises of weed, dont know if its true but i believe if you suffer a lot of pain, like joints, then they say pot can ease it. I dont know enough about this subject to make an in-depth comment, but it must be illegal for some reason, and what i can see makes it worse is that you have to roll it with tobacco to smoke it, that in itself will kill you even if weed was some wonder drug. I have it heard it said though about pot, that it can damage your mind, make you paranoid with prolonged use, and thats not good
  21. Thanks raw for that very brave post, its so nice to hear from someone so young with your conditions, and i must say that your post helped me a lot. I have a baby son, just gone 1 year old who was born with cerebral palsy, and the worry of how his life will be in the future can really be heartbreaking at times, when as a parent you dare to even think about it that is. he does get lot of help from the nurses in the community, but in a few years there will be school looming and the worry of how he will be seen, treated by others when eventually we have to let him go from under our wing a little. I just wished more people in our society were more aware of the people that are inside the bodys that just dont work right for them and would stop judging for what they see.
  22. i can see why they always say "if you want to keep your friends never talk about religion" and thats so true, you are either for it or against it, there never seems to be any middle ground. Mind you that depends who you speak to, hear in the Uk we tend to be more live and let live but in places like the usa, you say anything anti religion then be prepared for a riot. In the end we should all be able to believe what we want to believe,respect each other views, and not have those (what we call bible bashers) tell us we are going to burn in hell for not believing in god. God means different things to different people, some see a vengful almighty, while others like myself see an all forgiving light waiting for us to come home. In the end we are all flowers from heavens garden, borrowed but not given
  23. Thats really good advice, and i know from my younger days when i would body train, then without much rest i would do a few mile run, then not long after i would do a few hours cycle ride, this went on for some time. It soon caught up with me though and soon i couldnt eat enough to keep up with the excersice i was doing, and soon started to have joint pains in my knee's. As soon as i was forced to rest up for a few weeks my body soon recovered and that told me that i was doing too much. any arobic excersice can be addictive though, something to do with the hormones it releases. Like everything else in life it seems. Good in moderation
  24. I used to suffer from these kind of feelings years ago, and trust me on this, it will pass. You are going through a time in your life i guess which is very hard, and the trouble with depression it gets hold of you and makes you not want to do anything, which of course makes it worse. It can make you feel outside of life and so very isolated. You have to remember though that there are always people that care about you, and you should always try your best to find someone to talk to. Go easy on yourself too, remember that the thing about depression is, it makes things seem a lot worse than they really are, it make you lie to yourself telling you how things are always worse than they really are. you really must try to talk to someone, and to take easy steps. i always found going out for walks helps, not busy places, but somewhere you can be outside, and corny as it sounds, feel the wind on your face, or the sun, depending what the weather is like where you live. Take deep breaths and try to listen to your thoughts, you may hear them telling you bad things, like this is rubbish that is no good etc, but as soon as you hear those things in your mind, you have to say STOP!!! to yourself. half the battle in depression is to be able to control your bad thoughts and replace them with good
  25. If people dont know what this is, to put it simply, its a high pitch noise in your ears which is constant,24 hours a day. Ive had this now for over twelve months so i am regarded as a cronic sufferer. Belive it or not though after all this time, your brain starts to filter it out a little. I hear it all the time but its nothing like it was in the beggining. At the start of all this, well firstly it scared me half to death as i though i had a brain tumour or something. Course i went to the hospital to check it out, and it wasnt and my hearing is 100% too. The doctors then told me what it was, gave it a label. Id not heard of tinnittus before, and when they told me that there was no cure for it, i became very low for a while. it was very hard to come to terms with that i would never have silence again, and at first i couldnt sleep for the noise.Then found i could sleep better if i played a sort of sound track of the sea on the hi-fi, very low but enough for my ears to register it. This had the advantage of my brain listening to the sea and blocking out the whistling. Sleep helps to get your mind focused so after a month i had enough and decided to try to manage it. researching it i found that there are a lot of differrent sort of noise a sufferer can get, from a sort of hissing noise, to a full blown scream. luckly though after all these months, mine seems to have gone down to a hissing, or at least thats what my brain hears now anyway. Experts on this subject have said thats its got more to do with prolonged stress, this can trigger this condition off, they call it brain noise. nobody really knows where the noise is generated which seems to be why they cant find a cure. The only hope you have if it becomes too much for you to cope with, is to have noise maskers fitted like hearing aids, which produce a white noise which masks out the whistling.Does anybody else suffer with this condintion
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