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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I voted for Desktop computer, due to i can't really imgine my work with a laptop, i used it and really at first it looked cool, but after few hours I started to dislike it.
  2. I did not like the screenshot, but it may be useful to make look your firefox as ie, but i still can't figure out an example, maybe for stupid friends who are afraid to use Firefox
  3. the game I really remember well and it involves time travelling, it is (now kind of old games, released in 1994) Labyrinth of Time, the puzzle I needed to solve through the game was so great, playing it long time ago I just couldn't stop until i finished, i finished it three times, but the last time I played it, I knew all the riddles and etc. and I finished it in 25 minutes it is similar to Myst
  4. hahaha, this is really cool, i am talking with him and it is interesting, to see what he replys
  5. Well, i live in Vilnius and some time ago it was not present in detail, but some weeks ago I found that it got updated and Vilnius got included, but what is strange that I found my house and etc. but the map is few years old, it has no new structures build since the last 2 years.. but it is cool anyway
  6. Well here in Lithuania, I don't know any serious programmers or a company which develops a lot, but there is and the money is not so bad, eventually the best programmers find their future in foreign countries by leaving Lithuania, because they pay more money there, joining projects, also there are a lot of programmers which work for their hobby or free time by having other paid job, etc. Nothing special.
  7. of course I do miss them, that is why I have emulators to play the games also speccy emulators, darn I am a retro gamer, the most I like amiga games, now when i have a lot of whd games on a still working amiga 1200 board, it beats a lot of PC Games for me !!!
  8. Happy Birthday wwheeler !!! have a good one
  9. this is a cool mobile phone, would want to buy it, but I can't afford it though for me best mobiles are from Nokia and Siemens, but of course I am not into mobiles to much, for me the most needed things are calling, writing sms and sometimes mms, thats all I really need, but other features are fun too and useful.
  10. I replaced the NS setting and pointed it to as you said: ns1.astahost.com and ns2.astahost.com :/
  11. at 2002 end i started using php, but only the basic stuff, next year we needed to use pascal, but I was playing CS with my classfriends, so did not do a lot.
  12. I like it, I would not say it sucks, good work
  13. I registered, got accepted and i pointed to name servers of Xisto, but nothing happended yet, i think 48 hours have passed.
  14. well it is interesting because i never seen anything like that before, but for me - I don't really like it it, due to the js, flash and it needs a powerful computer to view it and it would be annoying for me if lots of websites would be in that style. I like traditions and normal websites, but this is just my opinion
  15. This is interesting, I wrote myself an email and hope to get it after a year, it would be quite funny
  16. Yeah, cool it works, but I have a question, is there a way to check not the textarea, but the website ? to search for spelling mistakes say from Opera ?
  17. I never used any of those, but I saw php-nuke and php website running and i gave my vote for php website, even though I never used it as administrator, I prefer to use something I made myself, but of course if there is no time, it is a good alternative.
  18. I use windowblinds and it didn't double anything for me and I only have 256 DDR, well I never was a fan of mac style, I would prefer something else.
  19. the link to your website does not work for me
  20. the thing that a mod can edit your post is great, but I won't be reporting it for a spelling mistake everytime i find one in my post, but for the first time, it was hard for me to post here without the edit button, in some way a bit strange, but I got used to it.
  21. I agree with what other said, the site is no so bad and not all of them should be profesional looking, but i did not like the borders around images.. especially i liked the hitman hairspray assasin image, I am still laughing
  22. maybe it is useful, but not for me, I tryed the yahoo explorer and just thought why the hell i could use it, but maybe as said above it is interesting.
  23. This is cool, even though it is so simple, the result is good, and in some way funny too
  24. err it is down again, seems it is only up for some part of the day.. will this continue or will be solved with time ? I checked my account and others, they all do not work
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