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Everything posted by Ruben

  1. vBull is way better than Invision. I love it a lot! IPB is ok, but again as everyone said before: VB ROCKS!
  2. Simple question! I searched, and nothing came up. Can you donate mycents? See, simple as that.
  3. Dogs. Mans best friend. What would we do with out does, really? I love them!
  4. I love it! It takes a true artist to make something simple look great! It looked general, but professional. Keep up the good work!
  5. For me all it says is: this site is hosted by Xisto.com.
  6. LOL. Really, I think I might die. I wouldn't commit suicide, but I would just die. Simple as that: DIE!
  7. Without brining the work industry into this, could you live without the internet? I know I couldn't. The internet is one of my top means of entertainment. I don't think I could live without forums. Also, sitting back and looking at a great website you made, now that's fun. I know some really artsie people who don't use any electronics these days, but I know if you are replying your not. Anyways, do you think you could live without it?
  8. Let's say you won 10M dollars in the lottery. What would you do. Most business owners say they would keep working. At first you might be thinking: this is crazy, I would quit, but if you look further I think they have a good reason. They say that they would continue working, but would take frequent breaks. You might be thinking now: ok, where are you going with this. Ok, time to explain even more. The reason they say that they would continue working is because they would have so much time on there hands and nothing to do. Ok, so it still seems strange that I am saying this, but what do you think you would do. Really, put your mindset in winning that much money. Maybe you would think too much time would be bad. I know right now you might not be, but if you were would you be the same way? It's amazing how much money can change you. Just joking, I think. lol
  9. At most public schools in the US they have a policy where no child is left behind. If you didn't already know this means, it is if you are super advanced in your class, you will have to wait while the other slower students catch up. Some people have hours and hours of school wasted because they don't have different skills groups. Now, I do know that they are doing this because they are worried about kids self esteem. Well, at least that is what I think. I would like to know from all of you, what do you think about this?
  10. Oh, I get it. What a great system! I guess this one is solved! Thanks again, xpress!
  11. I don't use thunderbird simply because I think the built in with leopard mail app is better.
  12. WOW (as everyone says)! There must be a catch. That much for free. I pay for eMail and only get 5gb. What's up with that. :mad: I think I might use that for spam when signing up for stuff. Thanks for sharing. This could come in handy very much in the future.
  13. https://www.hover.com/?mp=DomainRedirn.com&ef=NA They look pretty promising, but as xpress said before if you have a domain go with what he said. I know that came out a bit wrong, but you get the point.
  14. In the billing area I saw that you could have a reseller account. What are the specs for them? Picture_1.pdf
  15. Each post = Xmycents? Fill in the blank for me. A bit confused on it. Just want to start planning ahead so I have a good routine going.
  16. I tend to stay out of the way of big words! I use the ones I can and learn a few new ones every week; only if I can find time. :?( lol
  17. I can solve one now in two minutes. I got the 4x4 rubik's and just gave up on it. Too hard for me! It just sits on a shelf now. Kinda feel bad.
  18. I know. That really creeps me out. Think of that when kissing. Just messing around. lol Who knew!
  19. I think this is a very cool idea. I wonder if there will ever be like 5 groups with silly debates. lol You never know, this could be big.
  20. Ok, cool. Thank you for answering my question!
  21. Funny. I guess I need to brush up a bit. North America and South America were my best.
  22. True, but most stall out afterwards. lol Just adding to the facts.
  23. No Sir, you only put one word down, so if I put blue (which I did) you will put for example: water. It's not spam.
  24. I know what you mean. You should be happy with your job! You are very important. Without you, bad things would happen. I know how you feel. Have a great stay with Xisto!
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