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Everything posted by Donegal

  1. bout....4...or 5... :/ I'm very silent in the "real world", so most my friends either know me from way back, or I talk to them on the auld interweb.. "I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, that the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had"
  2. I gave it up.. i have a nice board though..I used to be able to do ollies, kickflips and a 180 kickflip...oh.. and go down a steep, steep street, that was just gravel.. o_O I was crazy..Worst bail would either be, the time I went down the street, crashed into the side, fell over the fench, board hit the electrical wire's and I hit a feild of nettles.. >_< soooo sore.. Or the time, me and a friend had the "brilliant" idea, of taking the wheels of an old skateboard, and skating down a snowy hill.... >_< I went so *BLEEP*ing fast, I couldn't stop, so i jumped, and rolled, down the hill, whacking into a fench.. If i had've stayed on the board.. I'd have gone of a ramp and over the street into a patatoe feild...<_<That's bad enough, but I had a sprained arm at the time of doing that... o_ONow a days.. the board is in my press, and only gets moved when I get something behind it out..
  3. Rusty. You Irish?Whereabouts are you from?I'm from Donegal.My favourite band is probably Queens of the Stone Age. They just blow me away.
  4. Ireland here.England tends to get a bad deal in some places.some people say they are slightly arrogant when they win things(such as rugby).I like them tho. Their comedy shows are normally good and they are normally more intelligent than most places.
  5. My favourite song is probably Stockholm Syndrome.Anybody else see Glastonbury? They kicked everybody elses *bottom*.
  6. Psh, we're all equal.. aparently.. o-O except when it goes against them.. Ionno, to be honest, there are more girls around you than you think, they just pretend to be guys because it's easier.. >_> IT's hard for us to understand thatGirls, don't want thousands of horny 12 year olds asking for pictures.. if we had thousands of horny girls asking us for pictures, we'd probably feel cool.. O_o and possibly kinda scared that the only people to like us are 12 yr old girls..psh.. this topic has no point other than to find out what members are girls, so users know when to feel speical .o_O and don't lie, when an girl tells you something you done is cool, you do feel better than if it where a guy telling you
  7. Welcome back gamefreaksl.. GFE , wasn't the same with out.. and admin who did things.O_o 220? O_o Isn't the average like..75? o-O actually.. or is it BPM.. hmm.. Ionno... I'm not a doctor.. >_> My handwritting it too read-able to be a doctor
  8. Well.. everybody is so in love with mp3's..O-o but I don't like the idea of having my entire collection on one thing.. o_O it's not invincable.. it can break..Which is why, I favour, my Mini Disc player Seriously, the battery lasts FOR EVER.. and with long play you can listen to 4 hours of music..Now think about it.. will you really listen to more than 4 hours?v-v just a shame they don't make any music MD's
  9. I...don't know, seems like some kind of hoax. They probably wont accept non-americans.. pfft.
  10. >_<I tried to install my norton anti-virus 2002 today, and windows doesn't recognize the installer.. bah
  11. Okay.. so.. I have relised that I really should start to worry about security. ;; spyware and what not..Anyway.. can some one give me a list of things i should get?I have windows 98, runing on a IBM aptiva, which is around 6 years old now.. :/
  12. Oh for the love of god, no.. NO.. just. no.;;My linkin park album, is right next to my Limp Bizkit album and Metallica.v.v all where "impulse" buysO_o I bought like 10 albums in one go.. and after hte 7th.. I sorta... just... started to take things because they looked good.. :/
  13. Pink is nice.. o_O sort of.. I just hate washing a red t-shirt with a white t-shrit.. O_o Anyway, I'm on the default skin.. >_> the grey felt strange.
  14. Poland isn't in europe, the goverment is playing mind games on you.
  15. ugh.. when will you people learn, it's NOT about features.?_? Gmail is bloody awesome.It's like Mozilla and MACEverything is made to seem stupid and idiotic by msn..
  16. ;-; poor thing...YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED KENNY.... the mouse..
  17. Rodents aren't bad.. O_o it's the things that stick to them that are bad. (insects and what-not)Speaking of which.. I bloody hate insects >_< especially those spiders, with the long long thin legs and tiny bodies.. O_O;; they form colonies outside my window.. and when I open it... hundred's try to run in... O_o so i whack 'em dead with a book ... v.v the mess is still there.. >_<
  18. I don't like the OC.. I figured I might watch it one day.. but fell asleep and missed smallvile.. and these days I tend to run to the computer and stay on longer than an hour.. and miss smallvile... meh.. it's the same generic thing anyway.Boy gets close to girl, hero find out dark secret. Boy tries to kill girl, hero kills boy, and becomes a town hero, meanwhile, the sub plots of the rich son, and teh hero grow and the relationship between the hero and the girl grows.. and when the god dammit is he going to start to fly?
  19. I've allways found hamsters kinda... pointless.. they sleep all day and wake at night. Making tiny kids annoyed because they're pet is asleep.>_> I preferr cats.. they're cooler.. actualy, come to think of it, hamsters are locked up all day, so they would actually be better than cats.. ;_: they jump on tables and eat my food when I'm not looking.. Though, hamsters are cute.. and cool... they should make a new computer game where the lead character is a ninja hamster.. yeah... that'd rock.
  20. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, I'm just wondering, is it posible to change users levels, with out going to phpmyadmin? Cause that could get annoying..
  21. Just live with it, you use it for buisness, not to sit there and go.. "ah, now, aint my cpannel lovly..." Sorry if I offend you, it's just my opinion
  22. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Yea... that host is pretty crappy, so there's a 50% chance you need to wait a minute or to, then refresh.. I never use those forums anyway.
  23. Okay, here's just some links. Invite #1 Invite #2 Invite #3 Invite #4 Just click one, if it doesn't work, try the next, if none work, then, there are none left, obviously. Hopefully people will be kind and say "I got invite #3" or something.
  24. Radiohead-Street SpiritThere is a real sense of desperation in the vocals and the understated melodies are beautiful and moving.
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