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Everything posted by Donegal

  1. They are one of my favourite bands. I think they are very original and musical and rock also.
  2. Donegal

    Java editor

    Notepad > anything @_@ Just lay it out correctly, otherwise all you have is lines of confusion*.. note: I do not have any java script knowlege, I'm just going by what I know about html and stuff
  3. Yeah, I just really want something that works quickly. and doesn't have many fancy frills. like these boards..
  4. Yeah, has anyone got any idea if there is anything LIKE phpBB, but not as flashy, I think it takes to long to load, I want some quick, like the gamefaqs spin off codes..
  5. Hate breed, you should have a new private message. TWO more invites left.
  6. No problem, everyone deserves Gmail, lets just hope it's here to stay.Edit: thanks for the rep
  7. Code team, it's in your private messages. Eric, check your email, it should be there now.
  8. Send me 500 dollors... no, wait, I'm joking, just give me your email adress and as soon as possible I will send you an invite.
  9. Well, I had 5 invites, I wasted them on friends. Then, I get 6 new ones, since everybody has it, I figure I'll just post here and see if anyone needs a account.They're ideal for internet website's, because you can email large sections to people..First five people to ask for gmail, get it.
  10. Donegal


    Yeah, Zelda is the stuff. I have I got the special edition, OoT and WW for 50 euro, my seasons cart is missing though. I love the way the games are, there's 2 new zeldas in the making right now, The new gamecube one that's made "realistic" this time.I really don't see what people have against Cell Shading. It worked perfectly in the wind waker. Games aren't meant to be realistic, they're meant to make you think and stretch your imagination..
  11. Where are you going to go? This is your home, you've made your bed, now use it.
  12. I mean seriously, this is from the company that supplies telephone to all of Ireland. LOOK AT THE ERRORs. And seriously, how hard IS it to make a facility to show how much space you are using? It makes me sad that companies with money give such crappy hosting. While we have perfectly good hosts for free like Xisto. Though, that's how the internet works. Companies pay website disigners millions to make what some 12 year old could do. *eircom
  13. 930-330 at my school in sunny ireland
  14. ehh... I don't really know what it is.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Donegal


    I really dislike the domineering kind of girl. Especially the good looking ones. They assume that all guys want them and use that power.To the guy from singapore,that is really annoying. And funny.Feminism has gone too far hasn't it?
  16. Last night I saw a film on tv called "Cherry falls".great film.Its about this guy who's going around in this little American town killing teenagers because they are virgins.SO when the kids here about this, they organise a big sex party.And the killer comes, and runs threw them cutting them up.Such a great film, because you don't usually see a film like this.I advise to rent or buy.Rating = 10/10
  17. 8.67 What program do you make banners with?
  18. Donegal

    G-Mail Invites

    I got invites, dunno, how to give them out though.. I've allready spent 4 and that means one is left..
  19. keira Knightly. if pic fails I have better pictures on my comp..that's just from my site..
  20. Google, simply because it loads quickly, i used to have my website homepage but, when I screwed my google search box up i changed it..
  21. If your ever Going to Spain, i suggest the south coast, in a place call Salou. It is SO good there. There's a cool Beach, PLENTY or women, and the Theme park.POrt Aventura is what its called. its made its mark in Roller coaster history for having the 2nd Fastest Loop The Loop in the world, and the record for the most consecutive loop the loops, 8.It travels at 120km fer hours, and is over around 30secs, but it feels longer.I advise ANYONE to go there for a good time.
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