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Everything posted by veerumits

  1. I am using Laptop so may time my home page is pop up when i hit on any links on the web page what i thinks that there is a any virus on my computer i scan it by anti virus but it is not shown any thread on my laptop could any way give the right way to resolve this problem on my laptop i blocked all pop up on the explorer menu. and i am using security firewall still have this problem any idea suggestion most welcome but please not say to reinstalled it again give the steps.
  2. Web development Application now a day using PHP MySQL Mostly as i observed on discussion topics on Forums friends switch to PHP MYSqL, Did PHP MYSQL is Easy and Secure for todays environment what you are say about this Hacking tracking stolen password are very much popular now a days his website hacked by X person so many time comes to news please emphasis on security issue when you go to develop any web tools . what is the right way to tight security on PHP what thing i kept in mind which logic i use that any one can not hack webtools.when i was use java/j2ee language as a web development tools. this type of problem is mostly come in little amount but today so many persons says me please remember the security issue. what i do for this most welcome PHP Developer or other who have knowledge, How to make PHP more powerful and secure. what strategy i apply here for this.
  3. How To Design The Popup Menu Item Using Javascript(1) and also code this java script file for menu code: var AgntUsr=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var DomYes=document.getElementById?1:0; var NavYes=AgntUsr.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1&&AgntUsr.indexOf('compatible')==-1?1:0; var ExpYes=AgntUsr.indexOf('msie')!=-1?1:0; var Opr=AgntUsr.indexOf('opera')!=-1?1:0; var DomNav=DomYes&&NavYes?1:0; var DomExp=DomYes&&ExpYes?1:0; var Nav4=NavYes&&!DomYes&&document.layers?1:0; var Exp4=ExpYes&&!DomYes&&document.all?1:0; var PosStrt=(NavYes||ExpYes)&&!Opr?1:0; var FrstLoc,ScLoc,DcLoc; var ScWinWdth,ScWinHght,FrstWinWdth,FrstWinHght; var ScLdAgainWin; var FirstColPos,SecColPos,DocColPos; var RcrsLvl=0; var FrstCreat=1,Loadd=0,Creatd=0,IniFlg,AcrssFrms=1; var FrstCntnr=null,CurrntOvr=null,CloseTmr=null; var CntrTxt,TxtClose,ImgStr; var Ztop=100; var ShwFlg=0; var M_StrtTp=StartTop,M_StrtLft=StartLeft; var StaticPos=0; var LftXtra=DomNav?LeftPaddng:0; var TpXtra=DomNav?TopPaddng:0; var M_Hide=Nav4?'hide':'hidden'; var M_Show=Nav4?'show':'visible'; var Par=parent.frames[0]&&FirstLineFrame!=SecLineFrame?parent:window; var Doc=Par.document; var Bod=Doc.body; var Trigger=NavYes?Par:Bod; MenuTextCentered=MenuTextCentered==1||MenuTextCentered=='center'?'center':MenuTextCentered==0||MenuTextCentered!='right'?'left':'right'; WbMstrAlrts=["Item not defined: ","Item needs height: ","Item needs width: "]; if(Trigger.onload)Dummy=Trigger.onload; if(DomNav&&!Opr)Trigger.addEventListener('load',Go,false); else Trigger.onload=Go;function Dummy(){return}function CnclSlct(){return false}function RePos(){ FrstWinWdth=ExpYes?FrstLoc.document.body.clientWidth:FrstLoc.innerWidth; FrstWinHght=ExpYes?FrstLoc.document.body.clientHeight:FrstLoc.innerHeight; ScWinWdth=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.clientWidth:ScLoc.innerWidth; ScWinHght=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.clientHeight:ScLoc.innerHeight; if(MenuCentered=='justify'&&FirstLineHorizontal){ FrstCntnr.style.width=FrstWinWdth; ClcJus(); var P=FrstCntnr.FrstMbr,W=Menu1[5],i; for(i=0;i<NoOffFirstLineMenus;i++){P.style.width=W;P=P.PrvMbr}} StaticPos=-1; if(TargetLoc)ClcTrgt(); if(MenuCentered)ClcLft(); if(MenuVerticalCentered)ClcTp(); PosMenu(FrstCntnr,StartTop,StartLeft)}function UnLoaded(){ if(CloseTmr)clearTimeout(CloseTmr); Loadd=0; Creatd=0; if(HideTop){ var FCStyle=Nav4?FrstCntnr:FrstCntnr.style; FCStyle.visibility=M_Hide}}function ReDoWhole(){ if(ScWinWdth!=ScLoc.innerWidth||ScWinHght!=ScLoc.innerHeight||FrstWinWdth!=FrstLoc.innerWidth||FrstWinHght!=FrstLoc.innerHeight)Doc.location.reload()}function Check(WMnu,NoOf){ var i,array,ArrayLoc; ArrayLoc=parent.frames[0]?parent.frames[FirstLineFrame]:self; for(i=0;i<NoOf;i++){ array=WMnu+eval(i+1); if(!ArrayLoc[array]){WbMstrAlrt(0,array); return false} if(i==0){ if(!ArrayLoc[array][4]){WbMstrAlrt(1,array); return false} if(!ArrayLoc[array][5]){WbMstrAlrt(2,array); return false}} if(ArrayLoc[array][3])if(!Check(array+'_',ArrayLoc[array][3])) return false} return true}function WbMstrAlrt(No,Xtra){ return confirm(WbMstrAlrts[No]+Xtra+' ')}function Go(){ Dummy(); if(Loadd||!PosStrt)return; BeforeStart(); Creatd=0; Loadd=1; status='Building menu'; if(FrstCreat){ if(FirstLineFrame =="" || !parent.frames[FirstLineFrame]){ FirstLineFrame=SecLineFrame; if(FirstLineFrame =="" || !parent.frames[FirstLineFrame]){ FirstLineFrame=SecLineFrame=DocTargetFrame; if(FirstLineFrame =="" || !parent.frames[FirstLineFrame])FirstLineFrame=SecLineFrame=DocTargetFrame=''}} if(SecLineFrame =="" || !parent.frames[SecLineFrame]){ SecLineFrame=DocTargetFrame; if(SecLineFrame =="" || !parent.frames[SecLineFrame])SecLineFrame=DocTargetFrame=FirstLineFrame} if(DocTargetFrame =="" || !parent.frames[DocTargetFrame])DocTargetFrame=SecLineFrame; if(WebMasterCheck){ if(!Check('Menu',NoOffFirstLineMenus)){status='build aborted';return}} FrstLoc=FirstLineFrame!=""?parent.frames[FirstLineFrame]:window; ScLoc=SecLineFrame!=""?parent.frames[SecLineFrame]:window; DcLoc=DocTargetFrame!=""?parent.frames[DocTargetFrame]:window; if (FrstLoc==ScLoc) AcrssFrms=0; if (AcrssFrms)FirstLineHorizontal=MenuFramesVertical?0:1; FrstWinWdth=ExpYes?FrstLoc.document.body.clientWidth:FrstLoc.innerWidth; FrstWinHght=ExpYes?FrstLoc.document.body.clientHeight:FrstLoc.innerHeight; ScWinWdth=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.clientWidth:ScLoc.innerWidth; ScWinHght=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.clientHeight:ScLoc.innerHeight; if(Nav4){ CntrTxt=MenuTextCentered!='left'?"<div align='"+MenuTextCentered+"'>":""; TxtClose="</font>"+MenuTextCentered!='left'?"</div>":""}} FirstColPos=Nav4?FrstLoc.document:FrstLoc.document.body; SecColPos=Nav4?ScLoc.document:ScLoc.document.body; DocColPos=Nav4?DcLoc.document:ScLoc.document.body; if (TakeOverBgColor)FirstColPos.bgColor=AcrssFrms?SecColPos.bgColor:DocColPos.bgColor; if(MenuCentered=='justify'&&FirstLineHorizontal)ClcJus(); if(FrstCreat){ FrstCntnr=CreateMenuStructure('Menu',NoOffFirstLineMenus); FrstCreat=AcrssFrms?0:1} else CreateMenuStructureAgain('Menu',NoOffFirstLineMenus); if(TargetLoc)ClcTrgt(); if(MenuCentered)ClcLft(); if(MenuVerticalCentered)ClcTp(); PosMenu(FrstCntnr,StartTop,StartLeft); 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StartLeft=M_StrtLft; StartLeft+=MenuCentered=='right'?Size:Size/2}}function ClcTp(){ if(MenuVerticalCentered!='top'&&MenuVerticalCentered!='static'){ var Size=FrstWinHght-(!Nav4?parseInt(FrstCntnr.style.height):FrstCntnr.clip.height); StartTop=M_StrtTp; StartTop+=MenuVerticalCentered=='bottom'?Size:Size/2}}function PosMenu(CntnrPntr,Tp,Lt){ var Topi,Lefti,Hori; var Cntnr=CntnrPntr; var Mmbr=Cntnr.FrstMbr; var CntnrStyle=!Nav4?Cntnr.style:Cntnr; var MmbrStyle=!Nav4?Mmbr.style:Mmbr; var PadL=Mmbr.value.indexOf('<')==-1?LftXtra:0; var PadT=Mmbr.value.indexOf('<')==-1?TpXtra:0; var MmbrWt=!Nav4?parseInt(MmbrStyle.width)+PadL:MmbrStyle.clip.width; var MmbrHt=!Nav4?parseInt(MmbrStyle.height)+PadT:MmbrStyle.clip.height; var CntnrWt=!Nav4?parseInt(CntnrStyle.width):CntnrStyle.clip.width; var CntnrHt=!Nav4?parseInt(CntnrStyle.height):CntnrStyle.clip.height; var SubTp,SubLt; RcrsLvl++; if (RcrsLvl==1 && AcrssFrms)!MenuFramesVertical?Tp=FrstWinHght-CntnrHt+(Nav4?4:0):Lt=RightToLeft?0:FrstWinWdth-CntnrWt+(Nav4?4:0); if (RcrsLvl==2 && AcrssFrms)!MenuFramesVertical?Tp=0:Lt=RightToLeft?ScWinWdth-CntnrWt:0; if (RcrsLvl==2 && AcrssFrms){Tp+=VerCorrect;Lt+=HorCorrect} CntnrStyle.top=RcrsLvl==1?Tp:0; Cntnr.OrgTop=Tp; CntnrStyle.left=RcrsLvl==1?Lt:0; Cntnr.OrgLeft=Lt; if (RcrsLvl==1 && FirstLineHorizontal){ Hori=1;Lefti=CntnrWt-MmbrWt-2*BorderWidth;Topi=0} else{ Hori=Lefti=0;Topi=CntnrHt-MmbrHt-2*BorderWidth} while(Mmbr!=null){ MmbrStyle.left=Lefti+BorderWidth; MmbrStyle.top=Topi+BorderWidth; if(Nav4)Mmbr.CmdLyr.moveTo(Lefti+BorderWidth,Topi+BorderWidth); if(Mmbr.ChildCntnr){ if(RightToLeft)ChldCntnrWdth=Nav4?Mmbr.ChildCntnr.clip.width:parseInt(Mmbr.ChildCntnr.style.width); if(Hori){ SubTp=Topi+MmbrHt+2*BorderWidth; SubLt=RightToLeft?Lefti+MmbrWt-ChldCntnrWdth:Lefti} else{ SubLt=RightToLeft?Lefti-ChldCntnrWdth+ChildOverlap*MmbrWt+BorderWidth:Lefti+(1-ChildOverlap)*MmbrWt+BorderWidth; SubTp=RcrsLvl==1&&AcrssFrms?Topi:Topi+ChildVerticalOverlap*MmbrHt} PosMenu(Mmbr.ChildCntnr,SubTp,SubLt)} Mmbr=Mmbr.PrvMbr; if(Mmbr){ MmbrStyle=!Nav4?Mmbr.style:Mmbr; PadL=Mmbr.value.indexOf('<')==-1?LftXtra:0; PadT=Mmbr.value.indexOf('<')==-1?TpXtra:0; MmbrWt=!Nav4?parseInt(MmbrStyle.width)+PadL:MmbrStyle.clip.width; MmbrHt=!Nav4?parseInt(MmbrStyle.height)+PadT:MmbrStyle.clip.height; Hori?Lefti-=BorderBtwnElmnts?(MmbrWt+BorderWidth):(MmbrWt):Topi-=BorderBtwnElmnts?(MmbrHt+BorderWidth):(MmbrHt)}} RcrsLvl--}function Initiate(){ if(IniFlg){ Init(FrstCntnr);IniFlg=0; if(ShwFlg)AfterCloseAll();ShwFlg=0}}function Init(CntnrPntr){ var Mmbr=CntnrPntr.FrstMbr; var MCStyle=Nav4?CntnrPntr:CntnrPntr.style; RcrsLvl++; MCStyle.visibility=RcrsLvl==1?M_Show:M_Hide; while(Mmbr!=null){ if(Mmbr.Hilite){Mmbr.Hilite=0;if(KeepHilite)LowItem(Mmbr)} if(Mmbr.ChildCntnr) Init(Mmbr.ChildCntnr); Mmbr=Mmbr.PrvMbr} RcrsLvl--}function ClearAllChilds(Pntr){ var CPCCStyle; while (Pntr){ if(Pntr.Hilite){ Pntr.Hilite=0; if(KeepHilite)LowItem(Pntr); if(Pntr.ChildCntnr){ CPCCStyle=Nav4?Pntr.ChildCntnr:Pntr.ChildCntnr.style; CPCCStyle.visibility=M_Hide; ClearAllChilds(Pntr.ChildCntnr.FrstMbr)} break} Pntr=Pntr.PrvMbr}}function GoTo(){ if(this.LinkTxt){ status=''; var HP=Nav4?this.LowLyr:this; LowItem(HP); this.LinkTxt.indexOf('java script:')!=-1?eval(this.LinkTxt):DcLoc.location.href=this.LinkTxt}}function HiliteItem(P){ if(Nav4){ if(P.ro)P.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri2; else{ if(P.HiBck)P.bgColor=P.HiBck; if(P.value.indexOf('<img')==-1){ P.document.write(P.Ovalue); P.document.close()}}} else{ if(P.ro){ var Lc=P.Level==1?FrstLoc:ScLoc; Lc.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri2} else{ if(P.HiBck)P.style.backgroundColor=P.HiBck; if(P.HiFntClr)P.style.color=P.HiFntClr}} P.Hilite=1}function LowItem(P){ if(P.ro){ if(Nav4)P.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri1; else{ var Lc=P.Level==1?FrstLoc:ScLoc; Lc.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri1}} else{ if(Nav4){ if(P.LoBck)P.bgColor=P.LoBck; if(P.value.indexOf('<img')==-1){ P.document.write(P.value); P.document.close()}} else{ if(P.LoBck)P.style.backgroundColor=P.LoBck; if(P.LwFntClr)P.style.color=P.LwFntClr}}}function OpenMenu(){ if(!Loadd||!Creatd) return; var TpScrlld=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.scrollTop:ScLoc.pageYOffset; var LScrlld=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.scrollLeft:ScLoc.pageXOffset; var CCnt=Nav4?this.LowLyr.ChildCntnr:this.ChildCntnr; var ThisHt=Nav4?this.clip.height:parseInt(this.style.height); var ThisWt=Nav4?this.clip.width:parseInt(this.style.width); var ThisLft=AcrssFrms&&this.Level==1&&!FirstLineHorizontal?0:Nav4?this.Container.left:parseInt(this.Container.style.left); var ThisTp=AcrssFrms&&this.Level==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?0:Nav4?this.Container.top:parseInt(this.Container.style.top); var HP=Nav4?this.LowLyr:this; CurrntOvr=this; IniFlg=0; ClearAllChilds(this.Container.FrstMbr); HiliteItem(HP); if(CCnt!=null){ if(!ShwFlg){ShwFlg=1; BeforeFirstOpen()} var CCW=Nav4?this.LowLyr.ChildCntnr.clip.width:parseInt(this.ChildCntnr.style.width); var CCH=Nav4?this.LowLyr.ChildCntnr.clip.height:parseInt(this.ChildCntnr.style.height); var ChCntTL=Nav4?this.LowLyr.ChildCntnr:this.ChildCntnr.style; var SubLt=AcrssFrms&&this.Level==1?CCnt.OrgLeft+ThisLft+LScrlld:CCnt.OrgLeft+ThisLft; var SubTp=AcrssFrms&&this.Level==1?CCnt.OrgTop+ThisTp+TpScrlld:CCnt.OrgTop+ThisTp; if(MenuWrap){ if(RightToLeft){ if(SubLt<LScrlld)SubLt=this.Level==1?LScrlld:SubLt+(CCW+(1-2*ChildOverlap)*ThisWt); if(SubLt+CCW>ScWinWdth+LScrlld)SubLt=ScWinWdth+LScrlld-CCW} else{ if(SubLt+CCW>ScWinWdth+LScrlld)SubLt=this.Level==1?ScWinWdth+LScrlld-CCW:SubLt-(CCW+(1-2*ChildOverlap)*ThisWt); if(SubLt<LScrlld)SubLt=LScrlld} if(SubTp+CCH>TpScrlld+ScWinHght)SubTp=this.Level==1?SubTp=TpScrlld+ScWinHght-CCH:SubTp-CCH+(1-2*ChildVerticalOverlap)*ThisHt; if(SubTp<TpScrlld)SubTp=TpScrlld} ChCntTL.top=SubTp;ChCntTL.left=SubLt;ChCntTL.visibility=M_Show} status=this.LinkTxt}function OpenMenuClick(){ if(!Loadd||!Creatd) return; var HP=Nav4?this.LowLyr:this; CurrntOvr=this; IniFlg=0; ClearAllChilds(this.Container.FrstMbr); HiliteItem(HP); status=this.LinkTxt}function CloseMenu(){ if(!Loadd||!Creatd) return; if(!KeepHilite){ var HP=Nav4?this.LowLyr:this; LowItem(HP)} status=''; if(this==CurrntOvr){ IniFlg=1; if(CloseTmr)clearTimeout(CloseTmr); CloseTmr=setTimeout('Initiate(CurrntOvr)',DissapearDelay)}}function CntnrSetUp(Wdth,Hght,NoOff){ var x=RcrsLvl==1?BorderColor:BorderSubColor; this.FrstMbr=null; this.OrgLeft=this.OrgTop=0; if(x)this.bgColor=x; if(Nav4){ this.visibility='hide'; this.resizeTo(Wdth,Hght)} else{ if(x)this.style.backgroundColor=x; this.style.width=Wdth; this.style.height=Hght; this.style.fontFamily=FontFamily; this.style.fontWeight=FontBold?'bold':'normal'; this.style.fontStyle=FontItalic?'italic':'normal'; this.style.fontSize=FontSize+'pt'; this.style.zIndex=RcrsLvl+Ztop}}function MbrSetUp(MmbrCntnr,PrMmbr,WhatMenu,Wdth,Hght){ var Location=RcrsLvl==1?FrstLoc:ScLoc; var MemVal=eval(WhatMenu+'[0]'); var t,T,L,W,H,S; var a,b,c,d; this.PrvMbr=PrMmbr; this.Level=RcrsLvl; this.LinkTxt=eval(WhatMenu+'[1]'); this.Container=MmbrCntnr; this.ChildCntnr=null; this.Hilite=0; this.style.overflow='hidden'; this.style.cursor=ExpYes&&(this.LinkTxt||(RcrsLvl==1&&UnfoldsOnClick))?'hand':'default'; this.ro=0; if(MemVal.indexOf('rollover')!=-1){ this.ro=1; this.ri1=MemVal.substring(MemVal.indexOf(':')+1,MemVal.lastIndexOf(':')); this.ri2=MemVal.substring(MemVal.lastIndexOf(':')+1,MemVal.length); this.rid=WhatMenu+'i';MemVal="<img src='"+this.ri1+"' name='"+this.rid+"'>"} this.value=MemVal; if(RcrsLvl==1){ a=LowBgColor; b=HighBgColor; c=FontLowColor; d=FontHighColor} else{ a=LowSubBgColor; b=HighSubBgColor; c=FontSubLowColor; d=FontSubHighColor} this.LoBck=a; this.LwFntClr=c; this.HiBck=b; this.HiFntClr=d; this.style.color=this.LwFntClr; if(this.LoBck)this.style.backgroundColor=this.LoBck; this.style.textAlign=MenuTextCentered; if(eval(WhatMenu+'[2]'))this.style.backgroundImage="url(\'"+eval(WhatMenu+'[2]')+"\')"; if(MemVal.indexOf('<')==-1){ this.style.width=Wdth-LftXtra; this.style.height=Hght-TpXtra; this.style.paddingLeft=LeftPaddng; this.style.paddingTop=TopPaddng} else{ this.style.width=Wdth; this.style.height=Hght} if(MemVal.indexOf('<')==-1&&DomYes){ t=Location.document.createTextNode(MemVal); this.appendChild(t)} else this.innerHTML=MemVal; 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if(RcrsLvl==1){ a=LowBgColor; b=HighBgColor; c=FontLowColor; d=FontHighColor} else { a=LowSubBgColor; b=HighSubBgColor; c=FontSubLowColor; d=FontSubHighColor } this.value=eval(WhatMenu+'[0]'); this.ro=0; if(this.value.indexOf('rollover')!=-1){ this.ro=1; this.ri1=this.value.substring(this.value.indexOf(':')+1,this.value.lastIndexOf(':')); this.ri2=this.value.substring(this.value.lastIndexOf(':')+1,this.value.length); this.rid=WhatMenu+'i';this.value="<img src='"+this.ri1+"' name='"+this.rid+"'>"} if(LeftPaddng&&this.value.indexOf('<')==-1&&MenuTextCentered=='left')this.value=' \;'+this.value; if(FontBold)this.value=this.value.bold(); if(FontItalic)this.value=this.value.italics(); this.Ovalue=this.value; this.value=this.value.fontcolor(c); this.Ovalue=this.Ovalue.fontcolor(d); this.value=CntrTxt+"<font face='"+FontFamily+"' point-size='"+FontSize+"'>"+this.value+TxtClose; this.Ovalue=CntrTxt+"<font face='"+FontFamily+"' point-size='"+FontSize+"'>"+this.Ovalue+TxtClose; this.LoBck=a; this.HiBck=b; this.ChildCntnr=null; this.PrvMbr=PrMmbr; this.Hilite=0; this.visibility='inherit'; if(this.LoBck)this.bgColor=this.LoBck; this.resizeTo(Wdth,Hght); if(!AcrssFrms&&eval(WhatMenu+'[2]'))this.background.src=eval(WhatMenu+'[2]'); this.document.write(this.value); this.document.close(); this.CmdLyr=new Layer(Wdth,MmbrCntnr); this.CmdLyr.Level=RcrsLvl; this.CmdLyr.LinkTxt=eval(WhatMenu+'[1]'); this.CmdLyr.visibility='inherit'; this.CmdLyr.onmouseover=RcrsLvl==1&&UnfoldsOnClick?OpenMenuClick:OpenMenu; this.CmdLyr.onmouseout=CloseMenu; this.CmdLyr.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP); this.CmdLyr.onmouseup=RcrsLvl==1&&UnfoldsOnClick&&eval(WhatMenu+'[3]')?OpenMenu:GoTo; this.CmdLyr.LowLyr=this; this.CmdLyr.resizeTo(Wdth,Hght); this.CmdLyr.Container=MmbrCntnr; if(eval(WhatMenu+'[3]')&&ShowArrow){ a=RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?3:RightToLeft?6:0; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr=new Layer(Arrws[a+1],this.CmdLyr); this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.visibility='inherit'; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.top=RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?Hght-Arrws[a+2]-2:(Hght-Arrws[a+2])/2; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.left=RightToLeft?2:Wdth-Arrws[a+1]-2; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.width=Arrws[a+1]; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.height=Arrws[a+2]; ImgStr="<img src='"+Arrws[a]+"' width='"+Arrws[a+1]+"' height='"+Arrws[a+2]+"'>"; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.document.write(ImgStr); this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.document.close()}}function CreateMenuStructure(MName,NumberOf){ RcrsLvl++; var i,NoOffSubs,Mbr,Wdth=0,Hght=0; var PrvMmbr=null; var WMnu=MName+'1'; var MenuWidth=eval(WMnu+'[5]'); var MenuHeight=eval(WMnu+'[4]'); var Location=RcrsLvl==1?FrstLoc:ScLoc; if (RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal){ for(i=1;i<NumberOf+1;i++){ WMnu=MName+eval(i); Wdth=eval(WMnu+'[5]')?Wdth+eval(WMnu+'[5]'):Wdth+MenuWidth} Wdth=BorderBtwnElmnts?Wdth+(NumberOf+1)*BorderWidth:Wdth+2*BorderWidth;Hght=MenuHeight+2*BorderWidth} else{ for(i=1;i<NumberOf+1;i++){ WMnu=MName+eval(i); Hght=eval(WMnu+'[4]')?Hght+eval(WMnu+'[4]'):Hght+MenuHeight} Hght=BorderBtwnElmnts?Hght+(NumberOf+1)*BorderWidth:Hght+2*BorderWidth;Wdth=MenuWidth+2*BorderWidth} if(DomYes){ var MmbrCntnr=Location.document.createElement("div"); MmbrCntnr.style.position='absolute'; MmbrCntnr.style.visibility='hidden'; Location.document.body.appendChild(MmbrCntnr)} else{ if(Nav4) var MmbrCntnr=new Layer(Wdth,Location) else{ WMnu+='c'; Location.document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterBegin","<div id='"+WMnu+"' style='visibility:hidden; position:absolute;'><\/div>"); var MmbrCntnr=Location.document.all[WMnu]}} MmbrCntnr.SetUp=CntnrSetUp; MmbrCntnr.SetUp(Wdth,Hght,NumberOf); if(Exp4){ MmbrCntnr.InnerString=''; for(i=1;i<NumberOf+1;i++){ WMnu=MName+eval(i); MmbrCntnr.InnerString+="<div id='"+WMnu+"' style='position:absolute;'><\/div>"} MmbrCntnr.innerHTML=MmbrCntnr.InnerString} for(i=1;i<NumberOf+1;i++){ WMnu=MName+eval(i); NoOffSubs=eval(WMnu+'[3]'); Wdth=RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?eval(WMnu+'[5]')?eval(WMnu+'[5]'):MenuWidth:MenuWidth; Hght=RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?MenuHeight:eval(WMnu+'[4]')?eval(WMnu+'[4]'):MenuHeight; if(DomYes){ Mbr=Location.document.createElement("div"); Mbr.style.position='absolute'; Mbr.style.visibility='inherit'; MmbrCntnr.appendChild(Mbr)} else Mbr=Nav4?new Layer(Wdth,MmbrCntnr):Location.document.all[WMnu]; Mbr.SetUp=Nav4?NavMbrSetUp:MbrSetUp; Mbr.SetUp(MmbrCntnr,PrvMmbr,WMnu,Wdth,Hght); if(NoOffSubs) Mbr.ChildCntnr=CreateMenuStructure(WMnu+'_',NoOffSubs); PrvMmbr=Mbr} MmbrCntnr.FrstMbr=Mbr; RcrsLvl--; return(MmbrCntnr)}function CreateMenuStructureAgain(MName,NumberOf){ var i,WMnu,NoOffSubs,PrvMmbr,Mbr=FrstCntnr.FrstMbr; RcrsLvl++; for(i=NumberOf;i>0;i--){ WMnu=MName+eval(i); NoOffSubs=eval(WMnu+'[3]'); PrvMmbr=Mbr; if(NoOffSubs)Mbr.ChildCntnr=CreateMenuStructure(WMnu+'_',NoOffSubs); Mbr=Mbr.PrvMbr} RcrsLvl--} i want it should display in center of the screen what change i do for this that it display in center. or if anybody have good code. it may reply with code or suggestion welcomes. as it is final stage but if not in desired format it may cancel. i use other logic to design Menu. CSS or else other things.
  4. I want to Design the POP up Menu for I have reach the final stage to design the Menu but it is come come in desired format as i want the logic which i use here i am presenting with Javascript code file var NoOffFirstLineMenus=7; var LowBgColor='#685776'; var LowSubBgColor='ACE5AA'; var HighBgColor='blue'; var HighSubBgColor='blue'; var FontLowColor='ffffff'; var FontSubLowColor='1E2B70'; var FontHighColor='ffffff'; var FontSubHighColor='#997787'; var BorderColor='blue'; var BorderSubColor='black'; var BorderWidth=1; var BorderBtwnElmnts=1; var FontFamily="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" var FontSize=8; var FontBold=1; var FontItalic=0; var MenuTextCentered='left'; var MenuCentered='center'; var MenuVerticalCentered='top'; var ChildOverlap=0; var ChildVerticalOverlap=0; var StartTop=90; var StartLeft=0; var VerCorrect=0; var HorCorrect=0; var LeftPaddng=2; var TopPaddng=1; var FirstLineHorizontal=1; var MenuFramesVertical=1; var DissapearDelay=1000; var TakeOverBgColor=1; var FirstLineFrame='navig'; var SecLineFrame='space'; var DocTargetFrame='space'; var TargetLoc=''; var HideTop=0; var MenuWrap=1; var RightToLeft=0; var UnfoldsOnClick=0; var WebMasterCheck=0; var ShowArrow=0; var KeepHilite=1; var Arrws=['tri.gif',5,10,'tridown.gif',10,5,'trileft.gif',5,10]; function BeforeStart(){return}function AfterBuild(){return}function BeforeFirstOpen(){return}function AfterCloseAll(){return}Menu1=new Array("Home","home.php","",0,20,90);Menu2=new Array("Department","","",3,20,100); Menu2_1=new Array("Placement","showstud.php","",0,20,150); Menu2_2=new Array("Faculty","faculty.php","",0,20,150); Menu2_3=new Array("Student Donation","adonation.php","",0,20,150);Menu3=new Array("Alumni","","",3,20,120); Menu3_1=new Array("Registration","new_user.html","",0,20,100); Menu3_2=new Array("Login","login.html","",0,20,100); Menu3_3=new Array("Search","user_detail.php","",0,20,100)Menu4=new Array("Admin Login","a_login.php","",0,20,120);Menu5=new Array("Gallery","show.php","",0,20,120);Menu6=new Array("Student","","",3,20,100); Menu6_1=new Array("Feedback","feedback.php","",0,20,150); Menu6_2=new Array("Student Performance","student.php","",0,20,150); Menu6_3=new Array("Article","article.php","",0,20,150);Menu7=new Array("Bulletin Board","bulletin.php","",0,20,100)
  5. I am Design a Sample Login form Using This Code : <?php if(!isset($_POST["OK"])){if(empty($_POST["fname"])){$fnmerror='Invalid First Name';}elseif(empty($_POST["lname"])){$lnmerror='Invalid Last Name';}elseif(empty($_POST["age"])){$ageerror='Invalid Age';}elseif(empty($_POST["city"])){$cityerror='Invalid City';}elseif(empty($_POST["pin"])){$pinerror='Invalid Pin No.';}elseif(empty($_POST["mob"])){$moberror='Invalid Mobile No.';}elseif(empty($_POST["email"])){$emailerror='Invalid Email address';}else{$result =" Thanks submitting your Information";}}?><body bgcolor="#99CC66" text="#663333" link="#FFFF00" alink="#996666" vlink="#FF6666"><center> <form action="Student.php" method="post"> <H1><font color="#800000">Please Fill The Following information :</font></H1> <font color="#800000"><br> </font> <TABLE BORDER="" BGCOLOR="yellow" width="448" height="293"> <TD height="2" width="86"> <TR> <TD width="86" height="35"><font size="+1" color="#800000">First Name</font></TD> <TD width="41" height="35"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299" height="35"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="fname" value="<?php echo $_POST["fname"]; ?>"/> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$fnmerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">Last Name</font></TD> <TD width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="lname" value="<?php echo $_POST["lname"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$lnmerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">Age</font></TD> <TD width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="age" value="<?php echo $_POST["age"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$ageerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">City</font></TD> <TD width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="city" value="<?php echo $_POST["city"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$cityerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">Pin No.</font></TD> <TD width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="pin" value="<?php echo $_POST["pin"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$pinerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">Mobile</font></TD> <TD width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="mob" value="<?php echo $_POST["mob"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$moberror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD height="28" width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">Email</font></TD> <TD height="28" width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD height="28" width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $_POST["email"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$emailerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR SIZE="100"> <TD colspan="3" height="7"><font color="#800000"> <b> <input type="Button" size="40" name="result" value =" <?php echo $result; ?> " /> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86" height="3"><font color="#800000">.</font></TD> <TD width="41" height="3"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="Submit" value="OK" /> </font></TD> <TD width="299" height="3"><font color="#800000">.</font></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </form></center> When i brows on Server i see This here i am not able to show you exactly but just like this Please Fill The Following information : First Name : Invalid First Name Last Name : Age : City : Pin No. : Mobile : Email : (OK) Conclusion: In starting Invalid First Name even i am not hitting on OK button but when i hit it is fine i want that it come only when i hit on ok button and field are blank. any one correct this problem what is right code for this i think that in this code have error <?php if(!isset($_POST["OK"])) { } ?> but i am get resolve after so many try.
  6. i see here in link that my invoice is paid from "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/: Invoice #9895Invoice Date: 2008/10/31Due Date: 2008/11/05Logic Plan - veerumits.trap17.com (2008/10/31 - 2008/11/30)i want to know that username and password is delivered where in email account or what i fill at the time of create account that is the username or password? to access the cPanel of my url "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; please guide me regard this
  7. Who is too much closed with you ?God, Parents, Wife, Children, friends:My answer is Parents, even you not meet long time because they dont live all time with you. you are at our working place and they are at our working place but when you feel difficulty you remember the nearer nearer person with your soul,every one pray to god when they are in difficulties but when you relize that god is not come to help you only parents or i mean nearest soul person can help.i feel that Parents are our GOD.if any body ask me please sequence this series in increasing order then i sequence like this:Parents->Friends->Children->Wife->GOD.What is your sequence please most welcome what you are say about this topic.thanks
  8. Now a days i reading Article on Ramayama The holly book because here a greate festival come in India DIWALI a a GOD Ram's story to victory with Rawan in Discussion Topic.The Rāmāyaṇa (Devanāgarī: रामायण) is an ancient Sanskrit epic attributed to the Hindu sage (maharishi) Valmiki and an important part of the Hindu canon (smṛti). It was the original story on which other versions were based such as the Khmer Reamker, the Thai Ramakien, the Lao Phra Lak Phra Lam the Malay Hikayat Seri Rama and the Maranao Darengan.and in study time i am reading Rocx Book To PHP and MySqL
  9. veerumits


    welcome Shaulbarlev This site post your web page free but you have to earn the credit by posting our Topics in Forum if you earn the credit minimum 10 credit then you can create your package1. free webhosting no ads portal. in begening it is hard work and patience to earn the credit after then convert it in to myCent and then $x. to maintain your site you must be post atleast 1 post a day.any administrator can approved your account presently you are go to discussion (Post) more and more topic and earn the credit. ok
  10. When you are not doing any job, you are doing then what ? if we discussuion on this topic , i find that this is also a job that not doing job. you are doing something else you are earning some thing which you are not seen this is seen by the god only or your soul can see this so any body who dont have job dont mind just do what you are doing this is your job one day it give more then your expectation.i my life so many time these period come and i face it.any body who have great idea about this please reply i want to appreciate those who dont have job and living life just like beggar.Thanks
  11. I live in india and I give only 5/10 because this is not safe from around the Country. there are so many terrarism here in india even in side the country government try to remove it but not success till now even got so many lost to make the country safe but i live there so i love my india and its great country.there are have poverty, hungry, educational, safe, life style etc problem.but every 100 people one face sure with these problem. so i am also facing.Women and men have not equal rights. In the workplace, in government voting, and in the house. Women are most titled the 'Carer of the House' and work in full time jobs. villager people male make The rule the house.there have every think which you cant thinks but nobody use it due to lack of knowlede government not fully support the people.
  12. This experiment for ordinary man is fullfill as i also find but have some exception to live without the water even MAN can live whole life with out water if we go to sprituality, Yog, Tantramantra, etc we find so may example that sant live whole life without eating food and drinking water. what you say about this in our auspicious books give example also.
  13. Dreams are those time when you are full concentration, and remember those day of life either you are spend or wants to spends. they comes automatically no one stop it, because thoses are real internal feeling of mind and soul. so i am not hate the dream, dream gives me way to live in this world. every one first see the dream after then go to implement it or any think you wants to do comes in dream so why i am hate it. even i am today here because i a have dream to do this type of work. some time dream fullfill or they may be fail to get our dream but stop to see dream. So many see dream with open eyes also but real dream is with full concentration what your soul say to you what you wants to like in life is the dream. what this article says to you "The American Dream is belief in the freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States to achieve their goals in life through hard work. Today, it often refers to one's material prosperity, which is dependent upon one's abilities and work ethic, and not on a rigid class structure. Although the phrase's meaning has evolved over the course of American history, for some people, it is the opportunity to achieve greater material prosperity than was possible in their countries of origin. For others it is the opportunity for their children to grow up and receive an education and its consequent career opportunities. It is the opportunity to make individual choices without the restrictions of class, caste, religion, race, or ethnic group." Cary Tennis is Salon's advice columnis write this to Charlie Pilgrim "I read "Article" nearly 8 years ago, and I hated it. I hated it because I couldn't deal with the idea that we have no free will. I've always suspected that my life would be one of great mediocrity, but goddammit, I want to be great at something besides mediocrity. I want my life to mean something. I want to leave this place better than I found it. I want my life to matter. But if I have no free will, then I have no ability to change my mediocre ways. I have some big *BLEEP*ing dreams, Cary, and they are wonderful dreams. They are dreams where I save innocent lives and build magnificent machines and start wonderful organizations and spread spiritual faith and *BLEEP* beautiful women and travel the world and befriend convicted murderers and rescue stray dogs and start overdue revolutions. But, truth be told, I don't do much to make these dreams happen. And maybe ... maybe I don't have what it takes to change the world. Maybe I'm supposed to be the kind of guy who raises his kids to be good people and builds pinewood derby cars and works at an anonymous job and goes to church and marries a good woman and buys a house on a cul-de-sac and fears convicted murderers and rescues stray dogs and watches the revolution from afar, living vicariously through the revolutionaries while silently screaming, "Viva la Revoluci?n!" I've got a good woman, and she'd love to marry me. She'll even help me explore my dreams, as long as I promise to come home every night and fall asleep next to her. Cary, how do I figure out whether my destiny is to change the world or to settle down into an average life? And if it's the answer I think it is, how do I let go of my dreams of saving the world and embrace the realities of Tupperware and Easter bunnies and furniture sets and falling asleep in the arms of a good woman every night for the rest of my life? " but when i read it gives greate idea.
  14. This is the programming power that you use there is nothing deep sense just use the programming skill and use logic to complete our taske any how any cost search the required logic and programmed it.in your case C++ compiler facility it must return integer value so thats by here int return.
  15. Hacker or Cracker are respectable person if they are use mind in right way. your valuable information about hacker is appreciate me and clear my doubt about hacker and i am thankfull to you that you are respect the hacker now a days most people are abuse behind when his PC hacked his security breaks.and his data has to be stolen so what you say on this. hacker are best tech. knowlege person its all right but they are use our knowlege in bad direction it is not good as i thinks so i also have some idea to do comeplete this task but i never use it in wrong information. Three different words using to differentiate hacking. are 1. White-Hat Hacker: These are ethical hackers. They work to improve system security. 2. Black-Hat Hacker: Unethical hackers who exploit systems for their personal use. 3. Grey-Hat Hacker: There are many arguments about these Grey-Hat hackers. factory standard or your perception. thanks.
  16. the account activation process i face following you can see below on image. after submitting the page. the step which i go here are after got nothing what can i do now. even i try two time same result here.any one please help me .
  17. what is the basic diiference in java script and vbscript, java script and vb script are very much popular validation language. both these are use for validation but finally what is difference in between two can one replace to other it is possible. then how much change are required.give any example for both vb and java script. with code. i am not using any one. most time use i use PHP validation as i know it very well, but i want to move to this side also, any suggetion, advice, views all are welcomes. here i am posting sample how to use PHP validation i am use PHP regular expression syntex. <?php if(!isset($_POST["OK"])){if(empty($_POST["fname"])){$fnmerror='Invalid First Name';}elseif(empty($_POST["lname"])){$lnmerror='Invalid Last Name';}elseif(empty($_POST["age"])){$ageerror='Invalid Age';}elseif(empty($_POST["city"])){$cityerror='Invalid City';}elseif(empty($_POST["pin"])){$pinerror='Invalid Pin No.';}elseif(empty($_POST["mob"])){$moberror='Invalid Mobile No.';}elseif(empty($_POST["email"])){$emailerror='Invalid Email address';}else{$result =" Thanks submitting your Information";}}?><body bgcolor="#99CC66" text="#663333" link="#FFFF00" alink="#996666" vlink="#FF6666"><center> <form action="Student.php" method="post"> <H1><font color="#800000">Please Fill The Following information :</font></H1> <font color="#800000"><br> </font> <TABLE BORDER="" BGCOLOR="yellow" width="448" height="293"> <TD height="2" width="86"> <TR> <TD width="86" height="35"><font size="+1" color="#800000">First Name</font></TD> <TD width="41" height="35"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299" height="35"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="fname" value="<?php echo $_POST["fname"]; ?>"/> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$fnmerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">Last Name</font></TD> <TD width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="lname" value="<?php echo $_POST["lname"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$lnmerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">Age</font></TD> <TD width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="age" value="<?php echo $_POST["age"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$ageerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">City</font></TD> <TD width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="city" value="<?php echo $_POST["city"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$cityerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">Pin No.</font></TD> <TD width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="pin" value="<?php echo $_POST["pin"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$pinerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">Mobile</font></TD> <TD width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="mob" value="<?php echo $_POST["mob"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$moberror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD height="28" width="86"><font size="+1" color="#800000">Email</font></TD> <TD height="28" width="41"><font color="#800000">:</font></TD> <TD height="28" width="299"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $_POST["email"]; ?>" /> <b> <?php echo '<font color="RED">'.$emailerror.'</font>'; ?> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR SIZE="100"> <TD colspan="3" height="7"><font color="#800000"> <b> <input type="Button" size="40" name="result" value =" <?php echo $result; ?> " /> </b> </font></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="86" height="3"><font color="#800000">.</font></TD> <TD width="41" height="3"> <font color="#800000"> <input type="Submit" value="OK" /> </font></TD> <TD width="299" height="3"><font color="#800000">.</font></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </form></center> just like this example if you have code please appreciate me. Thanks.
  18. if you want to test PHP code for this i give all step which i thinks help you to solve your problem. First step : Download WAMP5 : from any source you can search it on any search engine. second step: install it on your PC. and fully configure it step by step process. on installation time. or you may left on defalt setting. run WAMP you see icon on tray WAMP icon see all services running or not if all services are running. check all means Apache, mySql, PHP. make a php file for example: A PHP file normally contains HTML tags, just like an HTML file, and some PHP scripting code. Below, we have an example of a simple PHP script which sends the text "Hello World" to the browser: test.php <html><body><?phpecho "Hello World";?></body></html> Each code line in PHP must end with a semicolon. The semicolon is a separator and is used to distinguish one set of instructions from another. There are two basic statements to output text with PHP: echo and print. In the example above we have used the echo statement to output the text "Hello World". if you see hello world then your test is successfull or if try it next time. when you got full knowlege.
  19. I dont want to use javascript as a validation form i want to use Regular expression in PHP for Login or other page. please any one have a best code for validation in PHP. as i thinks that web site Validation on server site is faster then client site validation. Most welcome.
  20. Strugling Period come every one in life: This time come in every one life so dont worry every one who do hard works knowing unknowing get what they want so as i thinks after compelete your education time you are also earn the money which is the desire of any one as thinks you can? you have a goal in life so you are got better opportunity in your life.
  21. Living without computer is not possible as i thinks from past 8 Years i used our personal computer as a entertainment tools nothing else even my family know this but when they interfere with me and my computer i got saparate from my family and i live there alone from last few years. now from around 6 months i use laptop and it is always log on even i get sleep. wheni wake up again i sit on it and do around the worlds activity on internet, so as i feel that computer is a real friends who is always wtih you it never abuse you what you expected it give to you what you feel it appreciate to you,when i works on personal PC i feel little bore but now a day i am using laptop i feel quite happy.computer give me all information what i want to search so it is best informator system in the world.
  22. How much you thinks that Information Technology give you idea to go away to GoD.if god is trully forgiving how could he banish ones soul to an eternity in hell? wouldn't reincarnation make a little more sence, if your soul lives on instead of just pilling up over eons in heaven or hell?there is a difference b/w being forgiving and ensuring justice...you can forgive someone but there still is a consequence for a person's actions. God wouldn't be who He is if He allowed ppl to get away with sinning and doing bad things...He is God of justice...why would you give someone forgiveness who never asked for it and admitted they had wronged YOU. You wouldnt.
  23. Actualy all these are only feeling. what you internally feel when you are alone nobody around to you that is actual so go to tour and spend some time there make butterfly of your mind. if you are physically fit everything is fine with you. so i suggest to you any cost maintain your physical structure healthy and wealthy.
  24. your mail is as i think is 100% spam if i you send me because it show only to make any cost a relationship after get some benifit you forget that guys whose you write this mail. because it comes froud boo from your mail . as i think please dont sent this type mail to one who love you most and most othewise he get in confusion that you are trying to 'makhhan baji'. relationship come from god. you cant make here in land by giving long description about you. when any one know he left you so come and live in real life. every think is fine in this world. if you feel.because this is life which we are living on the land.
  25. How much you thinks to decrease the poverty : As part of its continuing effort to fight poverty in the india or world will debate issues such as better policies, institutional reforms and improved governance.You may have ideas and increase awareness of the causes and measurement of poverty, and improve policymakers' understanding of the challenges in designing and implementing policy and institutional reforms. Efforts by member countries and reduce poverty.About more than 10 delegates from member states, donor agencies, non-governmental organizations and academic institutions will debate how best to address the needs of the poor and work towards reaching a consensus on strategies for reducing poverty. The theme of this topic is "Reforming Policies and Institutions for Poverty Reduction".you may revolve around three key issues: * Forming consensus for poverty reduction; * The ingredients of pro-poor growth; and * Tackling vulnerability - improving the situation of groups that are bypassed by the growth process."The vision of my free of poverty, provides by you a clear and single-minded mission. Poverty reduction is no longer just one of the objectives,To date, close to lac of the world's poor, who live on less than a Rs.50 a day, reside in the india. Nearly one in 100 india is poor. The recent financial crisis has not only slowed down the pace of poverty reduction, but resulted in a considerable increase in the number of the poor in the region.there is job crisis poor people dont know where they get job.no one help to collect the money only goverment, agency, donator can help to reduce the povery. what you thing to reduce povert not in india but world wise.any idea, help, suggesion most welcome to help the poor people.thanks
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