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Everything posted by Tran-Gate

  1. I like to use the computer. It is easy to use (for some people) and I LOVE IT~!! I like to learn anything that would be associated with computers. I learn without effort. It just comes natural to me. Game on the computer are fun, especially recent ones.
  2. That is a fascinating story but, didn't your mom or someone ever tell you to never meet strangers online? Well.....at least you are satisfied.....My friends would say to NEVER EVER EVER EVER ask a girl out on the phone.....
  3. I made a topic asking what SHELL Access is. Someone answered the question a few days ago. Here is the topic post : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61839-xisto-hosting-general-sales-question-xistogeneral-questions/
  4. The game is fun but Microsoft should create a gaming device like similar to airplane controls so it would be awesome~!! Plus if you have surround sound system speakers, it would be realistic......
  5. I played Age of Empires II last week. I am surprised anyone still plays that with Age of Empires III out with the expansion packs. I really want to get Age of Empires III but I want to save money........Age of Empires II gets boring because I keep using "aegis".....
  6. xpress.....I LOVE YOU~!!! I always find you helping me with questions or doubts. So Encapsulation is hiding data. Encryption is transforming information using an algorithm. A class is a set of properties. Objects of a class are like things that contain properties of the class. THANKS XPRESS~!! Oh, and if I misunderstood, please PM me. =)
  7. To galexcd: Does ICANN moniter every single website out there? Anyway, Xisto allows you to put information like "City: Montana" or "Address: Houston" or at least that is what BuffaloHELP said...
  8. you can get a domain off the myCENT system. Login Plan -> type in domain name -> options -> checkout. Am I right? It would cost $9.99 annually plus any options you wanted. =). I didn't think that you could get a domain because I saw the post for xxxx.trap17/Xisto.com domains and didn't read the title. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  9. I don't know how to do this but I don't think this would be allowed in the forum. Keyloggers have more destructive uses than useful ones.
  10. Wow, I think that I am going to try this. Only three minutes a day!! It seems that all the people who commented on the video have been satisfied with this program. LMAO, I can not imagine me with any "packs" though......xDDDDD
  11. I like it. It gives members the feeling "OMG, I GOT MONEY TO HOST A WEBSITE JUST FOR POSTING ON Xisto~!!". From my point of view, I post, learn, and GET A SITE FOR FREE~!! I am extremely happy with myCENT and Xisto. myCENT also gives you features such as SHELL ACCESS, Advanced DNS support, etc.
  12. SOME (barely) GPT (get paid to) programs actually PAY you!! Treasure Trooper, I never trusted that, but my friend did and earned twenty bucks off of it. He quit after the marine came to his house and asked him questions....
  13. This is OUTRAGEOUS~!! Why? Lots of people enjoy using XP because Vista sucks "*kitten*". If XP is not being sold anymore, then I CANT WAIT UNTIL WINDOWS 7 COMES OUT!! In around 2009-2010........ T.T . Vista is so slow!! I think that Microsoft is just going to make less money that way.....
  14. GMail is the best. You really don't get ANY SPAM unless your email gets exposed to some maniac SPAMMER. It has about 7-8GB of storage and I think there is a program out there that can use the storage as an online hard drive. I doubt that program works though.
  15. FileZilla seems popular..... Though I have one question. What is an FTP account and how does having multiple accounts help?
  16. I think lots of people are getting addicted. I am so addicted that I talk about computers too much even if that person whom I am talking about doesn't understand. I need to cut down the computer time that I am using..... I need to literally get a life. I offended myself.... All you other computer addicts should learn how to balance your lives too. I mean I need a life. People don't want to admit it but it is true. Guys, listen to your moms when they tell you to get off. Or is my mom the only mom who tells me to do that?
  17. Sandeep Singh, did by any chance, did you sign up at the Xisto billing thing? You need to sign up for that to get the myCENT stuff. Read about the Credit System v3.0 at the announcements section of the forum. =)
  18. Oh I see, thanks everyone!! xpress, I just noticed that you signed up on my birthday. xDDD. So sub-domains are xxxxx.domain.ext. or domain.ext/xxxxx/ . Addon domains is like an extra domain that has nothing to do with your main website. Parked domains are kinda like pointers in C++ right? Well.....it points to a website.
  19. I am very confused. I do not know what are sub-domains, addon domains, and parked domains are..... I looked them up on Google and they said that all of them don't differ much. Are sub-domains xxxxx.domain.ext? I don't know what addon and parked domains are........ What are the domain.ext/xxxxx/ ? Does Xisto allow you to have free domain.ext/xxxxx/ or are they parked/addon domains? Thanks in advance~!! =)
  20. How do you find each other if the map is endless? The game is really realistic. XDDDDDDDDDDD
  21. Why don't you trust anything? You can trust Microsoft right? You can trust Google right? I don't trust 3rd party software though. Virus spreading through MSN messenger. That is scary. Should I discontinue the use of messenger?
  22. Nevermind, I got it, the system updates about every 4-5 hours. Thanks~!! i really like the myCENT system. It allows you to select from so many options!
  23. Sounds fun. Except that I am not a terrifying gamer/movie player.....
  24. That is a very good idea..... I should have 2 email addresses. That would be nice. It is best to start that habit now. I started doing that since I received my first email address. =) At least I know SOMEONE does that.
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