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  1. exactly said, that is the way the SIP technology is about to emerge. UK prob. be the first place for this to surface Nokia is in the peak of working on this. One UK based mobile phone provider recently did a SIP programming competition.(with the idea of recruiting) Things are all happening in a faster pace...
  2. You can even use free compiler from Boroloan http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also you can find a number free C++ compilers over here http://www.thefreecountry.com/compilers/cpp.shtml if you are starting off i would suggest try to get the taste of C first and then come to C++ ppl say, u dont need to know C to learn C++ but i would say get the taste of C, for sure you will enjoy learning C++. for C you can use Kernigham&Ritchie (The C programming language) book and for C++ you can use a book of Lipman or stroustrup the C book is very cheap, its a must book for any C programmer. in india its only 95Rs converted to 2 US dollar You can also go for Thinking in C++. This book generally is downloadable. gud book worth reading
  3. https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html is the homepage of XAMPP you can get the download link from in. and about the short URL i guess http://www.noip.com/managed-dns this will help you
  4. here is my problem...i have a linux PC installed with redhat 9. i want to run this as an server in my intranet and run phpnuke What all the things required? like PHP, Apache etc...software requirements like this.if i have the lates version of PHP, MySql, Apache, perl. Is that enough? i have heard about the some modules in PHP like pear module etc.. Like this what all the modules i require or all these things are bundled with latest version of PHP.In order for this send mail to work, Do i need anything to do in my server.(its a intarnet network...with DHCP) like opening a port etc..can any one please help me in getting answers for these questions.nagu
  5. reference there are a lot of tutorial out of which you can find the right one which is my reference(just one).
  6. i too have the same problem but i dont have any ad blocking software in my PC.but i am behind a corp. firewall. will it be a reason??
  7. you can for sure host a website. but you need to check out with your ISP whether they allow running a server
  8. redirections always let you down in the google page rank especially if you are using redirection in your index page. SO you have to use the script that redirects as well as maintain the page rank. When simply write a code as header ("Location: $URL");it acts only as a temp redirection which causes most search engines to skip the page. this is because when the webcrawler visits your page, it gets a status code as "http/1.1 302 Found" ie the resource temp moved. so the best script to use would be <?php header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: $URL');?> This will help you redirecting pages without letting you down from googlebots. cheers, nagu
  9. nagu

    Swish 2 ?

    Swish is gud because of its easy use Macromedia flash is too gud because of its flexibility and power. You can even go for programs like Trendy Flash. It helps in creating full fledged Flash sites. Then amara software Link has a series of flash creation programs Then DreamingsoftLink also have some softwares to create flash contents or you can follow the Link and choose among any of these big collection of software, all regarding flash. They also have wonder full review on all the softwares Hope that helps you in choosing a right software
  10. quake 3 is superb. i would go for quake than halo
  11. WordPress have this option. It also has to option to make ur user register. I think thats what looking for. Sending e-mails to users...if some body know abt any script for that let me also know
  12. sure from the next time i will do the same. i didnt expect it, also since i could not delete the post, i left it as it is as i dont want to post one more time.
  13. And this one also ...more details you can get here link /* ,*/ #include <time.h> #include/* _ ,o*/ <stdlib.h> #define cŠ/* - . */return ( C); /* 2004*/ #include <stdio.h>/*. Moekan "' `\b-' */ typedef/* */char p;p* u ,w [9 ][128] ,*v;typedef int _;_ R,i,N,I,A ,m,o,e [9], a[256],k [9], n[ 256];FILE*f ;_ x (_ K,_ r ,_ q){; for(; r< q ; K =(( 0xffffff) &(K>>8))^ n[255 & ( K ^u[0 + r ++ ] )]);c (K )} _ E (p*r, p*q ){ c( f = fopen (r ,q))}_ B(_ q){c( fseek (f, 0 ,q))}_ D(){c( fclose(f ))}_ C( p *q){c( 0- puts(q ) )}_/* / */main(_ t,p**z){if(t<4)c( C("<in" "file>" "\40<l" "a" "yout> " /*b9213272*/"<outfile>" ) )u=0;i=I=(E(z[1],"rb")) ?B(2)?0 : (((o =ftell (f))>=8)?(u =(p*)malloc(o))?B(0)?0:!fread(u,o,1,f):0:0)?0: D():0 ;if( !u)c(C(" bad\40input "));if(E(z[2],"rb" )){for(N=-1;256> i;n[i++] =-1 )a[ i]=0; for(i=I=0; i<o&&(R =fgetc( f))>-1;i++)++a[R] ?(R==N)?( ++I>7)?(n[ N]+1 )?0:(n [N ]=i-7):0: (N=R) |(I=1):0;A =-1;N=o+1;for(i=33;i<127;i++ )( n[i ]+ 1&&N>a[i])? N= a [A=i] :0;B(i=I=0);if(A+1)for(N=n[A]; I< 8&& (R =fgetc(f ))> -1&& i <o ;i++)(i<N||i>N+7)?(R==A)?((*w[I ] =u [i])?1:(*w[I]= 46))?(a [I++]=i):0:0:0;D();}if(I<1)c(C( " bad\40la" "yout "))for(i =0;256>(R= i);n[i++]=R)for(A=8; A >0;A --) R = ( (R&1)==0) ?(unsigned int)R>>(01):((unsigned /*kero Q' ,KSS */)R>> 1)^ 0xedb88320;m=a[I-1];a[I ]=(m <N)?(m= N+8): ++ m;for(i=00;i<I;e[i++]=0){ v=w [i]+1;for(R =33;127 >R;R++)if(R-47&&R-92 && R-(_)* w[i])*( v++)= (p)R;*v=0;}for(sprintf /*'_ G*/ (*w+1, "%0" "8x",x(R=time(i=0),m,o)^~ 0) ;i< 8;++ i)u [N+ i]=*(*w+i+1);for(*k=x(~ 0,i=0 ,*a);i>- 1; ){for (A=i;A<I;A++){u[+a [ A] ]=w[A ][e[A]] ; k [A+1]=x (k[A],a[A],a[A+1] );}if (R==k[I]) c( (E(z[3 ],"wb+"))?fwrite( /* */ u,o,1,f)?D ()|C(" \n OK."):0 :C( " \n WriteError" )) for (i =+I- 1 ;i >-1?!w[i][++ e[+ i]]:0; ) for( A=+i--; A<I;e[A++] =0); (i <I-4 )?putchar ((_ ) 46) | fflush /*' ,*/ ( stdout ): 0& 0;}c(C (" \n fail") ) /* dP' / dP pd ' ' zc */ } Notice from BuffaloHELP: Entered CODE tags. Warning! Refrain from double posting especially when you copy and paste. It may be considered spamming.
  14. The following is one of the winners of 2004 International Obfuscated Code contest #include <ncurses.h>/*****************************************************/ int m[256 ] [ 256 ],a ,b ;;; ;;; WINDOW*w; char*l="" "\176qxl" "q" "q" "k" "w\xm" "x" "t" "j" "v" "u" "n" ,Q[ ]= "Z" "pt!ftd`" "qdc!`eu" "dq!$c!nnwf"/** *** */"t\040\t";c(int u , int v){ v?m [u] [v- 1] |=2,m[u][v-1] & 48?W][v-1 ] & 15]]):0:0;u?m[u -1][v]|=1 ,m[ u- 1][ v]& 48? W-1 ][v ]&15] ]):0:0;v< 255 ?m[ u][v+1]|=8,m[u][v+1]& 48? W][ v+1]&15]]):0 :0; u < 255 ?m[ u+1 ][v ]|=4,m[u+1][ v]&48?W+1][v]&15]]):0:0;W][ v]& 15] ]);}cu(char*q){ return *q ?cu (q+ 1)& 1?q [0] ++:q[0 ]-- :1; }d( int u , int/**/v, int/**/x, int y){ intY=y -v, X=x -u; int S,s ;Y< 0?Y =-Y ,s,s=- 1:( s=1);X<0?X=-X,S =-1 :(S= 1); Y<<= 1;X<<=1; if(X>Y){int f=Y -(X >>1 );; while(u!= x){f>= 0?v+=s,f-=X:0;u +=S ;f+= Y;m[u][v]|=32;mvwaddch(w,v ,u, m[u ][ v]& 64? 60: 46) ;if (m[ u][v]&16){c(u,v);; ;;; ;;; return;}} }else{int f=X -(Y>>1);; while (v !=y ){f >=0 ?u +=S, f-= Y:0;v +=s ;f+=X;m[u][v]|= 32;mvwaddch(w,v ,u,m[u][v]&64?60:46);if(m[u ][ v]& 16) {c( u,v ); ; return;;;}}}}Z( int/**/a, int B){ }e( int/**/y,int/**/ x){int i; for (i= a;i <=a+S;i++)d(y,x,i,B),d(y,x,i,b+L);for(i=b;i<=b+L;i++)d(y,x,a,i),d(y,x,a+ S,i ); ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; mvwaddch(w,x,y,64); ;;; ;;; ;;; prefresh( w,b,a,0,0 ,L- 1,S-1);} main( int V , char *C[ ] ){FILE*f= fopen(V==1?"arachnid.c"/**/ :C[ 1],"r");int/**/x,y,c,v=0 ;;; initscr (); Z(Z (raw () ,Z( curs_set(0),Z(1 ,noecho()))),keypad( stdscr,TRUE));w =newpad ( 300, 300 ); for (x= 255 ; x >=0 ;x-- ) for (y= 255 ;y>=0;y-- )m[ x][ y]= 0;x=y=0;refresh( );while ( (c= fgetc (f) )+1) {if(0||c==10|| x== 256){x=0;y++;if(y==256 )break;;} else{m[x][y]=(c =='~' ?64 : c ==32 ?0: 16) ;;x ++; }}for(x=0 ;x< 256;x++)m [x][0]=16 ,m[ x][ 255]=16;for(y=0;y< 256 ; y ++) m[0 ][y ] = 16,m[255][y] =16 ;a=b=c=0; x=y =1; do{v++;mvwaddch (w, y,x ,m[x][ y]& 32? m[x ][y ] & 16? 0| acs_map[l[m[x][y]&15]]:46 : 32);c==0163&&!(m[x][y+1]&16)?y++: 0;c == 119 &&! (m[ x][ y- 1]& 16) ?y--:0;;c ==97 &&!(m[x-1][y]&16)?x--:0;c==100&&!(m[x+1 ][ y]& 16) ? x ++:0 ;if( c== 3- 1+1 ){endwin( );; return(0) ;}x -a<5?a>S- 5?a-=S-5:(a=0):0;x -a> S-5?a<255 -S* 2?a +=S-5:(a=256-S):0; y-b<5?b>L-5?b-=L-5:(b =0) :0; y-b>L-5?b<255-L *2?b+= L-5 :(b =256-L) :0;e(x,y);if(m[x][y]&64)break;}while((c=getch())!=-1);endwin();cu(Q);printf(Q,v);} Notice from BuffaloHELP: Entered CODE tags.
  15. Count me in if its more technical as issues on phpnuke or mambo etc. or with apache probs
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