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Posts posted by xpress

  1. Well, its some general thing to make you feel welcome. How do you feel if the software says Get The Hell Out Of Here when you start it? :P


    Usually its just some convention. For example when you learn programming almost all instructors will teach a program on how to write "Hello, World" or simple "Hello". They do it regardless of the programming language. And almost all programming books will have this "Hello world" as their first program. Its not a rule. Its just convention. "Welcome" message is just like that. :P

  2. Hey I forgot Need For Speed 7 (NFS 7). Thanks onkarnath for reminding me that. NFS is a really addictive game, if you are a race lover. When I was in Engineering we played NFS7 daily with other room mates, espicially the knock-out challenge. The person who wins the game will get the treat of the loser. A very interesting activity in my Engineering days.The NFS underground was a big disappointment for me. I never liked that game (Except Graphics, which are really good). Underground mode made me to quit the NFS totally. :P

  3. Thank you SO much, xpress!!! I didn't realise that you had to create another module folders in the sites/all directory for non core drupal modules... Now it works!!! I'll have to move the modules one by one to the correct folder when they need updates from now on.

    You are welcome Nameless.... :P


    Yes, we have to copy all new non core modules to sites/all/modules folder. We have to do that because we don't want to lose all our installed modules and themes if we upgrade Drupal to a new version. We'll back up our sites folder, which has our modules and themes.


    When we upgrade drupal to new version, the core modules folder will be overwritten (not just that, we have to delete all other drupal installation files and folders), so if we have our modules in that folder, we will lose them. Our modules and themes will be in our sites folder. After upgrading drupal, we'll just replace the new sites folder with our sites folder. Thats it.


    I wonder how many errors I have made in installing drupal? :D Well, this is the first one, and I suppose there will be many more to come. :P


    Do you also have to create a templates folder in sites/all for non-core templates?



    As BCD told, you have to create a folder themes in sites/all for your customized themes. Post all your problems and we'll try our best to solve them. :D

  4. As per your first screenshot, my first question is Where is your Views folder of 6.x-2.7 version? Your screenshot is showing that you copied your Views 6.x-2.8 to

    public_html/modules/views which is the location of core drupal modules. If you want to install a third party module, you should copy your module to

    /sites/all/modules folder.


    So I think, your views 2.7 is still in sites/all/modules folder, and copied version 2.8 to modules folder. That means you may have two versions installed. And that is causing problems. So delete views module in public_html/modules folder, and copy it to sites/all/modules and then run the update. And tell us the report.

  5. Is it working for you. I tried this but it didn't work, so I had to resort to file renaming method. I even tried adding server's IP address in the allow directive, even then it doesn't work. I only get an email with html code of the page not found error page which my cron command patiently tries to access every hour.

    Yes, it is working for me. But I'm using it along with my poormanscron module. I never tried the servers Cron Job. May be that was blocking access for servers Cron job.
    Its working fine with poormanscron module without any problem.

  6. OK... so... do I just download the poormanscron module? And that will help me run cron? Also, I went tried to go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, but I all have is a blank page, unlike http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Is that meant to be correct? I will download porrmanscron and see if it works, thanks... :P

    Yes, that module will help you to run cron automatically at particular intervals. No need to run cron through that http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. And BCD is right, if you see a blank screen when running http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , it means cron ran successfully. If you have doubts, check Recent Log Entries under reports. You'll see a cron run completed message there, if cron ran successfully.


    To setup poormanscron, Just go to Site Information in Site Configuration. At the bottom of the page, you'll find an entry to Automatically run cron at specific interval. Thats it.


    They should have that module automatically installed in it is needed to run a cron job.

    They are planning to integrate into core modules in Drupal 7, so no need to worry in Drupal 7. :P



    You don't even need to login. So you see, anybody can run your website's cron. They can repeatedly execute cron script without your permission. Although there are no security issues, this can slow down the server if somebody is trying to bog your server. And just the fact that anyone can perform administrative tasks of your website would want you to secure cron.php.

    Well, you are right. Drupal's core installation doesn't secure the cron.php file. Any one can run cron.php without the admin privileges. But there is an easy way to block cron.php access from anonymous users.


    Just add the following code at the end of your .htaccess file in your drupal directory.

    <Files "cron.php">  Order deny,allow  Allow from  Deny from all</Files>

    Now, your cron.php is protected from url run. That means if anybody tries to access http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it will give a Page Not Found error. (Even if we logged in as administrator). But it will run normally if we run it through a cron job, or Run Cron manually in Status Report.

  7. Maybe it's the running cron problem? I don't know how to run cron. Can someone help me? I tried to uninstall the module, but I couldn't do anything, so I didn't do it.

    Usually, we need to run cron for some periodic tasks like indexing our website, checking for updates etc.. Other than that, cron doesn't have anything related to versions. You can run cron in drupal, using Run Cron manually. It available in Status Report.


    Do you have Administration Menu installed? If not, go and install it, that is very handy when administering Drupal. If you want a Cron application for Drupal, Try Poormanscron module. It is a module designed to run cron periodically, without the input from user. Download and install poormanscron.


    Or we can setup cron job in CPanel also(without the help of poormanscron), if our server supports that. I haven't checked it yet. I'll check it and tell you later.


    When coming to backing up your site, There is no need to copy the entire drupal installation folder. Just copy the Sites folder. And the .htaccess and robots.txt files. And backup your MySql database. If you have any other doubts, ask me.

  8. Updating modules is fairly simple. Just delete the old folder (better copy that folder for backup purposes). Then copy your new module.tar to the sites/all/modules directory and extract it.

    Some times this is giving problem in CPanel's File Manager. It shows extract completed but no folder appearing in File Manager. If you faced that problem, just Extract the folder in your computer and upload that folder via FTP to the modules folder.


    Now run update.php script. (If you are using Administration menu module then chose Run Update from that). Then continue as default. Don't select anything. Just press update. If the update script detects anything new, it will automatically updates that particular module or theme and will show you the details. Thats it.

    Now run Cron to make sure everything ok.


    But Never choose Uninstalling a module, because if you uninstall a module all of its settings will be deleted. You have to manually set them again.

  9. Did anyone noticed that if you share your knowledge and people found it worthy then you'll see two type of reactions, "first your stuff works i respect you and second your stuff work and i'm going to modify it and make more from it and loser you shouldn't share such thing else people will take over you and hence i don't need to respect you". This two type of reactions i have seen in my life in corporate world. Other may have different opinion on this, i would like to know about it.

    I agree with that. I had also seen many situations like these. One person copies the idea of another person, then modifies it and shows it as his own. This is very common these days. Now a days people share knowledge, only if they doesn't care about the name or fame and really interested to help others. Or if they think the knowledge they have is no more useful for them.

  10. Hey buddy, Welcome back... Lets continue our discussions :PUsually it will take 4-5 hours. But recently there is some problem with myCents update, so it will take a while to update your myCents, so be patient if they are not updating.

  11. I think it's a case that my mates either dont know how or cant be bothered, theyre not big PC users!

    Oh, by your previous post, I thought that your friends are consciously avoiding ad blockers. :P

    i wouldnt hate them so much but to be bombarded with "YOUR COMPUTER HAS A VIRUS CLICK HERE ASAP" When im running linux im just like WTF...

    Yes, ads somewhat similar to content we are reading is Ok. But ads like "Your PC has errors" etc.. are truly annoying and meaningless. That's just cheating. I too hate those type of ads. Mostly computer illiterates click those type of ads. Trusted advertising partners like Adsense will not provide these type of ads.

  12. I use Ad blocker when I search internet for some serious work. If I casually browse internet I won't use Ad blocker. And if I like that website I click and check some ads. I disable ad blocker to encourage website owners. Most people are creating websites and providing information just to earn some money through it. And some people use that money to maintain their websites, to pay server costs etc. If everyone uses ad blockers these websites will no longer available. How do we expect them to spend money from their pockets just to provide some information to the world? Most people won't. Only some non-profit organizations can do this. So some sort of encouragement is needed for them. Ads will give that encouragement to them. That's just like content selling. Its nothing but business. May be your friends are not using ad blocking softwares for this reason.

  13. How can they find malicious process if any trojan and spyware attatches to any available current process ? I doubt any small utility can analyze this much difference from running processes.

    Well, that statement you quoted was a typo. :) I was thinking something else and wrote extensions instead of extent. That auslogics utility gives details about installed software only.

    Auslogics has another utility Auslogis Task Manager. It is more advanced than our XPs task manager. It will rate all your running processes. And will show its memory usage, read/write speed of hard disk access, internet usage etc.. It even shows all the details of services and all opened files( like DLL files, LOG files, all EXEs etc.. ). It has many other feautures. If we look at the process and its detailed usage of resources we can decide which process is causing problem. Of course, it won't do anything related to its maliciousness. We are the decision makers :o ... it will just provide information. These utilities are part of Auslogics BoostSpeed.

    I am just giving an example of such software. And I agree with you, no software can detect a process good or bad unless that software is either antivirus, or antispyware utility. And they need regular updates too.

  14. I doubt this utility is available for both windows and linux.

    For windows, there are some utilities available that analyzes its trustworthy at some extensions. For example, Auslogics uninstall manager will show all the installed softwares and shows its trustworthy. It will mark some suspicious softwares as dangerous software. But of course, I don't think they are 100% correct.

  15. I think, what he wanted is a software that monitors the current running processes, and explain us whether that particular process is important or just a normal process etc.. In windows, there are many utilities available for this purpose which tells us about all the running processes and their trustworthy. I think he needs a similar utility for Linux. Is there anything like that?

  16. Lot of science... and lots of studies.. they always disagree with themselves.. As one study tells us that cell phone is causing cancer, and another study tells that cell phone usage is safe... So.. lets stay away from these studies, until someone scientifically proves that so and so person has this disease because he used cell phone, and this is the reason. Until then just read the reviews.. and forget them. But one thing we should remember is moderation is always safe, in everything. Let it be drinking, smoking or using cellphones. So lets use cell phone moderately, and use it only when it is necessary.. Why Take Chance anyway ? :)

  17. This is the utility what i wanted to do the stuff. Thanks for the link. I'll try the utility, i'll let you know about it.

    You'll definitely like it. After installing open it and accept all the processes you think good. And remove un necessary entries from autostart tab. And don't forget to change the flashing color to somewhat darker (red is better, this setting available in info tab). Then everytime a new process appears the tray icon flashes. Show warning dialog setting is useless in my opinion. It irritates us sometimes.

  18. I'm in search of any small utility that watches processes and gives information about it and can show if the service is important or is from system. I tried sysinternals process explorer but it's not what i want.

    Well, I think a utility cannot determine the usefulness of a service, it depends on use, like printer daemon, workstation, updates etc... these are unnecessary for most of the users.. So we have to determine which is useful and which is not.

    I am using an utility called Autostart and Process Viewer(APV).. I have been using that for 5 years.. it stays in the tray and watches all running processes. If a new service started without our permission, or a new autostart entry saved it will warn us. So we can kill and remove them right then, or accept it. A very useful freeware. You know, every time I reinstall xp the first software I install is APV.

    If you want you can download it from here Autostart and Process Viewer. It is below 1MB

  19. Disabling some useless processes is not a bad idea, and sometimes thats essential. Because some processes may conflict with your drivers and will slow down your system. I had faced this problem before. A process slowed down my system upto 4 minutes after logging in. I checked the entire process list and found that one process is in starting state and causing all this delay. Turning off that process speeds up my system again.. I'm doing this every time I reinstalled my XP.

  20. I'm not surprised with kontera support. I sent email on monday and yet to get email reply from them. It's more than 3 days i guess. Anyway, i doubt they will even reply with my earning as it's very low. and who knows how much they cut down behind the scene.

    I had contacted them a few times before, and they usually replied to all my queries in 4 working days... so chances are they will surely reply you. I think it doesn't matter how much you earned because, my earnings will be definitely much lower than yours...

    And a good news (of course, only for me :) ). I somehow managed to put infolinks code into my drupal website, and its working...far better than kontera.. hurray.. :o
    Now I have other worries, how to disable it on my home page etc... Have to find the solutions..
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