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Status Updates posted by miladinoski

  1. I liked it (your banner) but I found another one... Too bad I don't know if my project will survive I think of canceling it for brighter days :\

  2. Why have you marked me as spam? You little devil you :)

    I'm not angry.

  3. To add up to the previous comment because it's 400 chars max: I told that because with Opera you don't lose the content if you open something else in the same tab and then go back in history (keep in mind that this only is true if you have wysiwyg disabled) :)

  4. Are you really 13 years old? :)

  5. I didn't mean to offend you dude, I was just amazed how talented you are :-)

  6. I hate you.

    You have such great avatar and profile pic.

    I hate you. :(

    /jk :)

  7. I like friendly people like you.

    Rock on ;)

  8. "I will reply to this tomorrow, 'cause I was almost finished with a megapost on this topic and the I accidently destroyed it when I was dragging an image to the tab I was writing the reply on. So, I don't think I can repeat my masterpiece again but I'll try, but not today... sorry" --- That's why you'll use Opera. That's what I do :P

  9. How did you like my birthday present on the post for you? :)

  10. Don't sign off your posts buddy :)


    Isn't it delicious? :D

  12. Zdravo, ja sam iz Makedonije i isto koristim GNU/Linux :)

    Drago mi je :)

  13. You sure post a lot :)

    over 100 posts in just 10 days? wow :D

  14. Well have fun in here! I hope you'll find it! :)

  15. 35 posts in just one day? Phew :)

  16. Well don't be afraid, just see SM :)

  17. A humble question. How do you type the double dash '—'? Do you have it on your panel or something or you type it in unicode? :\

    Thanks :)

  18. Nice! I'm using Opera as my main browser too and find the notes convenient but I couldn't think of adding the dash that way! :D

    Thanks :)

  19. Oh hewwo.

    You are the guy from Kongregate, am I right? :)

    I'm white_eagle overthere. Have fun at trap17 :)

  20. Btw, I *love* your games dude :)

  21. By your posts I think you are going to be a fantastic contributor to this community. Welcome :)

  22. You h4v3 b33n sp4mm3d! hahahaahaahahah :D

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