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Posts posted by moldboy

  1. He doesn't want to make money, he just wants a way for people to send him money. Um, I'll look into paypal and egypt. But you might want to talk to your bank, they may have a program available.
    EDIT: Sorry, I guess Paypal doesn't allow eqypt accounts, you might want to contact them and ask why.

    Anyway I found a few pages regarding accepting payments and choosing a vendor, nothing specific, just some advice.

  2. You want to do that?
    Okay, try this, when you build your page leave sections open for content, So if you plan on having three pieces of informaiton say file name, file size, and description then build the html page as such, but rather then filling in that informaitn echo php variables as such $name, $size, and #desc in the respective spots.

    No near the top of your page use the code:

    <?phpif (isset($_GET['id'])){//this checks to see if you have specified a page/*now I don't know how to assecc a database but basiacly in your database have a coloum that is called id, now here's where you search for a row which contains the value in the id coloum that is = to $_GET['id'].this is the value of a sent variable*/};else {echo "I'm sorry no file was specified";}?>
    now it's as simple as telling your page to take the values from the database and present them in the proper variables. To make a link to the right page link to thispagesname.php?id=the_page_number.
    If my code gives syntax errors I'm sorry didn't have time to check it.

  3. I am looking for a piece of software that will allow me to scan a document and transmit it to a central system where it can be written on and sent back to me. SO say I drew a flow chart, on paper and then scanned it and put it on this system, a person could then go and see it, make a few notitations, and then I could see the notitations they made. Like brainstorming but with a computer, the critical requirement is hat I can scan in images. Software or Online service, free or very cheep is prefrence.Thanks

  4. Other then games? Well utilities are nice, how about a tool to keep score of a round of golf, or to keep the score of all the players in a game. Most phone have notepads, but you might be able to come up with some advanced features. Excerise routines, or diet planners and logs. Um, if you have a website you could build a Java based frount end for it designed for the phone. That's all I gots right about now.

  5. Google has flatly denied any plans to build a low cost computer except for their internal use. As for the OS I don't care to comment. I believe that rumor came from their job postings, they are looking for OS engineers and hardware designers. But anyone with any foresight could figure out that google needs people to develop their internal systems.

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