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Posts posted by moldboy

  1. Btw, if the computer of the client cannot use JAvaScript, then what I have to do?

    assume they are smart enough to go file >> print, or if you have a slow audience perhapse a little "To print this page select print from the File menu" thing.
    Regarding why wou'd want to print from PHP... Perhapse you have a list of data stored in a table regarding your users and you figured it would be easy to tell the server to do that rather then have your page do it. It would still be easier to have a special page (perhapse inder a password) which generates a list of data you wanted printed and then use javascript on it. But hey just a thought.

  2. there is a way of making plastic tubing so that it is only poris enough to let the H2O water molecule through, it involves making the tube in a liquid and bubbling something through it, anyway when you attach many of these tubes to a suction system and plug off one end the negative pressure in the tube sucks water through leaving everything else behind. Thus pure fresh water, even leaves out bacteria and such.

  3. I'm not sure but I think you're all confused (regarding the hydrogen fuel) To the best of my knowledge there is no engin on the planet that runs directly on hydrogen, as it was mentioned hydrogen is extremly flamable and the combustion would be very dangerous. What they do do however is use hydrogen to generate electricty in the fuel cell, as mentioned in the previous articly then it is just a matter of an electric car. Wolves, where you say that hydrogen combines with oxygen in the air to produce water, that doesn't really happen all that well, if you were to leave a jar of hydrogen gas exposed to oxygen it wouldn't all turn to water (well it would over time), at least not at once, it could take many years. But in the fuel cell a cataylist (genearly platnium) speeds this reaction up many times over and the recombination of H+ and O- ions causes the release of electrons which are then captured.Something to look at, I am looking at going to university in the fall, and one school sent a booklet that had the "Why we are special" apparently someone there had developed a technique of storing hydrogen embeded in solid carbon, or something of the sort, thus making it much safer to store and transport!

  4. Well when it loads is told me to go to IE, perhapse you should try to get rid of that little suggestion.Also, I know it has nothing to do with design, but how bout a link, "Don't know what this is?" or "What's Carpet Boarding?"Wait I found it, but still didn't tell me anythin about it, and perhapse the link shouldn't be under the Legal section. No offence but teh descritpion looks like an assignment you were given in school but you didn't quite know what it was either, so kinda skirted around the topic at hand.

  5. Why can't we use 2 permanent magnets in a motor?

    one reason was already given, and I know you can solve the not being able to easystop with some sort of gear and clutch system, but the real reason motors aren't build with 2 permanant magnets is because they would never start spinning in the first place!. An electric motor spins when the magnet inside the motor attached to crank shaft (electromagnet) is in same polarity as the magnet on the outside. You are aware that the north ends of two diffrent magnets won't come together on their own accord, similarly the north end of one magnet won't become unattached from the south end of another magnet on it's own accord. Inside the motor the electro magnet is changing polarity as the motor spins, this generates the spin, how about a diagram:N = permanat magnet North end
    S = permanat magnet South end
    n = electro north end
    s = electro south end
    + = the crank shaft

    in a stationary electric motor (one without power) the permanant magnets are holding the electro magnets (which is just a chunk of iron) in place:
    |N| - + - |S| the "-" is the nonmagnetized iron, when you apply power the iron becomes chagred as:
    |N| n + s |S| now remember how two north ends will repel each other? This force pushes the n and s away, however because they are attached to a center they spin rather then just shot straigh away, then just as the shaft turns the polarity of the magnet changes and the process is repeated on the other side. Now the motor in the diagram isn't that practical because to much motion would shake it off its path so there are more |N| and |S| pols areound the edge.

    Hope that's understandable, it makes sense to me anyway.

  6. There is actualt already a site like that, I'm now sure exacly what's it's called, something like musicopedia http://www.musipedia.org/. I'll look in a minute, it mainly deals with classical music because of copyright and the easy findablility of sheet music the authors could import. I can't remember but I believe it is kinda like open source so you can add your own songs. It works on a patter of high low notes because most of the public can't identify what key a song is in or what note they are hearing at the moment, but most can tell if one note is higher then the other.


    I found the site: http://www.musipedia.org/

    It would appear that they added some new stuff since I was there, including the ability to hum the tune and search for it!!

  7. It is still not a smart idea to do things like that it could easily give virus.

    I really hope you aren't talking about unplugging it. You can't get a virus by unplugging the computer, the restart might wake it up, but the virus won't for if the coputer is unplugged. For a real world metaphore: A telemarketer CAN'T call you if all your phones are turned off/unplugged. Same concept if you format your HDD, install windows and never insert forign media (CD, Floppy Disk, Flash card, ect.) and never go online (or connect to a network), you won't get a virus, you also won't get much use from your computer, just Hearts, Solitare, Paint and notepad.

  8. Yes but sometimes it is dangerous to unpluging things on the computer. My friend unpluged his whole computer to move it someplace else and then his computer crashed from viruses.
    I think it is because when you unplug it something happens with the virus protection and it gets disabled. I also take computers and tecnology in highschool. So be carful cause you never really know.

    I'd like to say not possable, but I won't, I'd still like to say highly unlikely. Viruses can't do anything while the computer is unplugged, and don't know if the computer has been unplugged, perhapse it was the restart, but certalny not unplugging it.

    Anyway back to the problem at hand, it very well could be the power, if you have any extra HDDs or CD drives try unplugging them and seeing what happens, also a program that will record total power usages and report it to a log (you obvously can't look at the program when the computer freezes, and restarting will clear any information it may have had)

  9. I understand that it is necessary (please correct me if I'm wrong) to install something server side inorder to use Ruby on Rails. Is this something I can do in publicHTML or is it an admin thing, also what's the chance of getting it installed?

  10. One time our blocking system involved logging into a proxy system, however teh admins (assuming we were too stupid to figure this out) only set up the proxy in IE (netscape was installed at the time) and didn't protect the setting in IE so it could easly be changed! I told our local admin a few days before summer, and the next year we had a new system, and this year we have yet another system!

  11. It looks to me like you can't in gmail, if you could it would be in the rich formatting toolbar and would be insert an image. THere is an entry in their help here https://support.google.com/mail/ however it doesn't appear to offer help like you want. Um if you mean make the images show up in gmail, (they don't by default) you can't make someone elses gmail show the images you sent, unless you send the images as an attachment, but then it won't be in the body of the email.

  12. I don't know about places, but If you look at something like Dell, and you find a system you like, it will cost you 10%-50% more to build that same system! Dell (or companies like them) buys their parts in mass, this lowers the cost, which they then pass on to you. The advantage of building however, you get exaclty what you want, bad, there is no one to come crying to if it doesn't work, (except us, of course)

  13. Intresting idea, however magnetic trains require 3 magnetic forces, the one on the ground which makes it hover up isn't like the magnet in the earth. The earth's magnetic pole is stringest and stands at north and south, however the train magnets are like millions of bar magnets all stood up on one end, not one long magnet. THere is then also an alternating magnet field to pull the train along, but that's in the walls.Another problem you might have is ballence, have you ever tryed to float one magnet untop of antoehr in the air? It can't be done without support. Also more magnets might just cause problems with electronic systems, and the works.

  14. I'll try and be more specific...

    * I just want to show the IP of the visitor on my frontpage of website . An animated chracter having a board showing the IP , Windows , Browser of the visitor.

    Well this can all be acquire through php variables if you are into that, just check the manual in the variables section. OR http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Never used it) sorry it isn't animated

    * I just want to place e-messenger on my site .

    Sorry can't help you there, if you want a chat script through you can use phpmychat, there is also a thread about it on this site somewhere.

    * I want to place some Free java OR flash text and other effects on my site.

    miniclip.com has games you can place in your site, I know you didn't ask for that, but it's a suggestion. BUT PLEASE PLEASE don't over use any java/flash effects, they make the page erratic, annoying, and longer load times.

    * want to place Google seach on my site.

    https://www.google.com/cse/, or to walk on the wild side, https://www.google.com/cse/

    want to place a servye on my site.

    Did you mean survey? If so, again that can be done with php and MySQL, or https://de.surveymonkey.com/ (again never used it before)
    Hope that helps

  15. I don't believe that putting your heatsink on upside down counts as overheating moldboy

    All I know is when I put it on upsidedown the computer only came on for a second, and when I tried to turn it back on, I had to physicaly unplug, and wait for the internal power to drain, just like I have to when it overheats, from too much processing or something. But you're probably right, they hopefuly fixed any head issues. AMD still runs hotter then a Intel (or so I'm told) but that's alright because they are dessigned to run hotter. It's like compairing apples and oranges, sure oranges have thicker skin, but it's alright, they were built that way!
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