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Posts posted by moldboy

  1. Actually, Google Webaccelerator is spyware. Check it out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    It's gmail all over again, their reading my email AHHHHHHHHH!
    That's just insane, infact when you go online everything you type is sent open to a third party. Or even to a first party, your ISP. Who says you can trust your ISP? They have a privacy policy, they must be trustworthy, well so does the Web Accellerator. It even says taht https pages won't be cached and that it all is encoded to you, besides, I will say like I said with gmail, don't like it don't use it! It's free, and no body is forcing you to use it.

  2. I wouldn't recommend making a Flash album because most users probably do not have flash installed on their computer, and they probably don't want to go through the hassle of installing it. Also, flash takes quite a long time to load, and if you have tons of images in your gallery, that just makes your visitors leave especially if they have a slow connection.

    Actualy apprently approximatly 95% of web users have flash installed, but I won't argue with the speed thing.

    There is a product from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that makes albums, haven't used it myself, but I have used Swish 2 and it seemed to work better then expected. So if the price isn't an object (not that's it that expensive) give that a try, there is also a free trial, which might be just enough for your project.

    As far as using flash I would think there are lots of tutorials available out there.

    Just simple if you download OpenOffice.org you can make a presentation just like PowerPoint and then exxport as swf, there are no interaction of animation though (in the swf version)

  3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I found this while responding to the google size thread. Seems quite intresting, most of the other services that offer this aren't free, but hey this is by google. If you don't mind me being snide for a moment, they say it works best with broadband, well, us dial up users are the one's who need the speed up, but seriously, I think this will be a good thing, I used it for a few minutes, I have ISP/modem problems but it said it took 5-6 seconds off my waiting time!

  4. DON'T use Fireworks, it's not worth the money. It depends how you want to blend the images. I'll start off saying I don't know much about Photoshop either. But there are two way's I can think of; place one image on each layer, then use a opaque to transparent image mask this will let a part of the image under the one on top show through.Or place the images beside eachother on the same layer and then mess around with the liquify effect.I'd like to get something straght, fireworks doesn't have neer as many features as even Photo shop elements, and yet it costs 4X. That being said Fireworks works well with dreamweaver, so If you are making images for website, particularly one built with dreamweaver, Fireworks would probably be an okay choice. Then yes use the fade option.

  5. Yeah Google probably doesnt actually have 2 gig per person but i would guess that they use a compresion algorithm to cut down on the size needed. I know that numerous algorithms outhere (yes ones better than winzip) can shrink data to extremely small sizes. All google would have to do then is shrink everyones mail, and when they log in, unshrink it onto a temp holding space until they time out.


    Defionatly a compression algoritum. No arguing there!


    Back to the space. What does google offer?

    Gmail (2168mb/user)

    generic search (8,058,044,651 page indexs)

    page caches (assuming 8,058,044,651 caches)

    image thumbnail index and thumbs (1,187,630,000 thumbnails)

    satelite images (unthinkable numbers)

    Blogs (?)

    google video uploads (upload.video.google.com)

    translitation of all pages (something like 70 languages)

    google groups messages

    catalogues (6,600 full color)

    "my search history"

    web accelerator (whatever that is? webaccelerator.google.com/)


    To add to the list, I heard that all information stored on google servers are saved 3 times seperated but at least one physical swich, infact appeantrly there was a fire that brought out six trucks, and didn't hurt the system as a whole. So X3 everything on this list.

  6. It could be said that God is STILL working on his creation, and that is why evolution is STILL occuring.

    I like that, I always said that maybe god created the not a mokey but some other prehistoric human, and then we modern humans evolved from it! But I do like that, after all time is all relative, just think it the earth was spinning on it's axis faster, and around the sun slower, and the rules of time still applied, then a year would be A LOT longer!

    The problem is strict believers in the bible assume that the writing in Genisis is literal...

    When in fact it quite literaly can't, I'm no religious scolar, but I'd say that genisis is a suggestion of what might have been. Think about this, in the story of creation (note I called it a story, I'm catholic, and we all call it a story, everything in the Bible is a story!) got is said to having said Let there be light (we all know that one) then something like let there be a dome to seperate the water above from the water below. Now firstly we define sky as above, if there was no dome to seperate the sky from ground there would be no above, you'd probably get lost, like in heavy fog. But more importantly, remember as a kid when you would lie on your back and look up and imagine the boats in the sky, that would be because we thought the sky was made of water. Now that we have grown up a little we know that the sky isn't made of water, yet the bible say's there is a dome to seperate the water in the sky from the water below, this dome would be the skyline. Hence forth according to the bible there is just as much water in the sky as there is in the ocean! Why would an early man write this (assuming there was no devine intervention) because the ocean is blue, when infact it isn't it simply looks blue as a reflection of the sky! and because early man couldn't go to the sky he assumed that both were blue because of the water.
    Consider this a vent inside a vent!

  7. In my school division we take matyh on the internet, which you know isn't bad, I like Internet, I like math. Best of both worlds! But when the teacher signs off for the day there is no getting efficent help from him (there is always email) so as students we have been provided with textbooks, and despite how much I like interent, I still prefer earning from the book (for math anyway). But when things start saying obvously, that really bugs me. A text book should never say obvously, except maybe in a quote, or Dr. so and so felt that it was obvous... [case study] But if the line reads it os obvous that from here we should use the decomposition yatta yatta yatta....Well how helpful is that? If it was obvious then you wouldn't have been paid to write the text book! If it was obvious then I wouldn't have to read this paragraph. If it was obvious then why are we learning it.Just bear with me if you will. Lets say that I read " All cats have ears on there head, therefor it is obvious that all dogs do as well." You know at the time I might just shrug it off, but later on when asked on a test or a question where are crickets ears? I would think ' if dogs ears on on there head, then so must a crickts. Now if anybody has studied the anotomy of a cricket they know that the ears are no where near the head.Anyway that's my vent. I love this forum!

  8. VNC is good I know there is one built into Win XP but there is some restriction on using it, something like the transmitter must have Pro.But there is also NetMeeting get it by typing conf at the run prompt in XP. Net meeting has the ability to use remote desktop.

  9. I primarly use MS office simply because that is what I started using. I hear that the new version will have much better support for shapes and microsoft in general. I do have OOo installed and use it on the linux computers at school. It is quite slow, that I must say. I like the equation editor in OOo, something I don't think is availiable in MS yet (correct me if I'm wrong) As far as a standard file format appeatrly OOo 2.0 used the open document format rather then the sx* format. And I believe that it is XML based.I would (and have) recomend it to friends who can't/don't have the ability to use MS office. Even if something happens to OOo in the next few years, it has definatly started to make MS sweat, just like the Gmail in the world of email!

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