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Posts posted by moldboy

  1. I'm not that suprised, apple has never really been in the software game. It's always been about the hardware and new and diffrent designs, take the newton, hardware; iPod, hardware; even Macs, hardware. So to allow people to use windows just seems like a natural move.

  2. I think thinkgeek hit the nail on the head, (for those of you who don't know this year for april fools they had a wireleff extenstion cord set!) at the bottom of the page was a warning

    Warning: Even though these microwaves are about as harmful as the leakage from an ordinary microwave oven (not much), do not put computers, televisions, other sensitive electrical equipment, food, liquids, paper, glass, flammable substances, magnets, or living things in between the base and satellite units. Just in case.


  3. Yeah, if the sound is turned up all the way in windows then that's the best you got. You can buy some pretty cheep amps, and I hear they aren't that hard to make it you have the time and patience (plus the parts).

  4. Okay I have a ATI Radeon Sapphire 9600 XT card (128mb) the fan on this card has begun to make strange noises, which I believe are reminisent of the fan dieing. On the top of the fan shell there are two screws which appear to remove the fan from a greater metal case. Does this make sense? That I can replace the fan without replacing the entire heat removal device?

    Also where would I get a replacement fan from?

    Posted Image

  5. You know I have been thinking of things like that for the longest time, but my problem was would happen if you lost the remote finding remote? But a button on the side of the TV, that's a great idea. But be forwarned, some closed minded people are going to say (or think) "well if I have to walk all the way to my tv why not just change the channel?"Um, Hello, interactive program guides, advanced features, pluss you'd have to get up every time you wanted to change the channel, (my what A lazy society we've become)

  6. Fall was on a Wednesday, then Winter came on Thursday... (a Canadian thing)

    LOL I get where you're coming from. But I too like fall the best. And summer is the worst. Summer is too hot, and spring is just a sign summer is comming. Winter would have to be my second fav, because, well I have some what of an excuse to stay inside (I need to protect my skin from freezing). Actualy if the tempurature would stay between 10?C and -10?C I'd be happy.

  7. Here's a new idea, Have you ever had a blue screen of death? If no, maybe that's what is causing your computer to restart. Why I ask if you've every had one before is because If you have seen one then the next steps I'll list will already be set.Go to Control PanelChoose SystemGoto the advanced tab, and choose settings under startup and recovery.Then under system failure uncheck "Automatically restart"When your computer crashes it displays an error message, if this box is checked off the computer will simply restart rather then displaying the error message. A BSOD is usualy caused by a software hardware conflict, it could e bad drivers pertaining to your network interface which caused it to crash. THere might be a folder C:\WINDOWS\Minidump where dump files from crashes are stored, do a google search on debugging windows dmp files, this should also get you started.

  8. I'm on dialup so I can't test your videos, but If you could make all your videos the same, or ask viewers what screen resolution they ould like to see the video at, say 320x240 or 640x480, that way people who just want to see smaller videos can without worrying about using their bandwidth or your internet/server as much. I also hear great things about Apple's H.264 video compression scheme.Edit: I see you are using Windows media streams (I think), you might want to consider going to Flash player streams like google video uses.

  9. FYI don't try to prove you aren't a nerd by going to a dictionary. That would be a bad idea, but I do know what you mean, everyone wants you to help then, and they don't understand why you get nervos (me anyway) before exams, "oh yeah you're just going to get 100% anyway!"

  10. What a wonderful idea, although one problem, the actual foot pedal to hold the seat up would have to be quite large to accomidate diffrent standing positions. And also you'd have to add a locking mechanism incase you wanted to clean or otherwise.But one question you said that it would cut back on the wife yelling ath t husband for leaving the seat up. Why does the man have to be the one who puts the seat down? Why can't the wonam be expected to put the seat back up?

  11. Sorry I like my pages fixed to a certian pixlage, mainly because I like my image the size it is. If the image would scale nicrly then maybe, but not the way it is currently. What you said about makeing the margin for the left sounded quite clever. Unfortunatly it didn't quite work, the main content still doesn't have an olive green margin on the top and bottom but the floated menu DIV does and If I make the ceontent shorter the nthe menu then it floats right over the olive green cell.I thought about removing the olive green all together and making it a border on a content cell, however when I did that the border worked again on firefox adding the 5px to the outside howeveron IE the 5px were added the the middle so there was a 5px shortage. If you know I way to combat this problem that might solve a few problems.I also have an image which is simply an olive green square that I can position in the background 150ish px from the left and repeat-y to make a division in the middle I just don't know how to accomidate the writing after that.

  12. Sorry about the link I guess the forum included the ) anyway here is the real link:
    now I guess I'll include the HTML:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><HTML><HEAD>	 <TITLE>DOCUMENT TITLE</TITLE><LINK HREF="2sty.css" REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="TEXT/CSS"></HEAD><BODY>	<DIV class="frame">		<IMG src="./images/banner.jpg" class="banner">		<DIV class="green"> p				<DIV class="menu">			 Hey			</DIV>			<DIV class="content">			   cpntent			</DIV>		</DIV>	</DIV></BODY></HTML>
    The W3C CSS validator says only stuff about background-color not being complimented with color, I'll fix that later, and the HTML validator just says it's not a valid 4.0 transitional page, If someone could help with that, but I'm not to worried right now. Anyway I do try to develop for FF, but I like to see wat it looks like in IE at the same time, the only reasion I mentioned IE at all is that is how it should look I can't seem to get the FF page to look like that, (the olive green block should encompas the grey content areas)
    And If I get rid of the two floats then the grey boxed go inside the olive green area, but the olive green only showes around the sides not the top.

  13. Okay so I'm redisigning my site (here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and need help with the CSS that makes the main content. On IE it works which scares me because I'd much rather have it work on FireFox. So here's the CSS I used:

    BODY{background-color:#22324f;background-image:url('./images/bg.gif');}DIV.frame {background-color:#07571f;border:solid #000000 2px;width:740px;}img.banner {}DIV.green {background-color:#6d966c;width:730px;}DIV.menu {width:145px;background-color:#cccccc;float:left;}DIV.content {background-color:#cccccc;width:500px;float:right;}img.banner,DIV.green,DIV.content,DIV.menu {margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;}

  14. Our school's offical policy was NEVER to close the school for reasons of weather. Buses could stop running at the discretion of the drivers, but never the entire school. We did close for three days there was a little flooding and long story short the basement had several inches of water running through it, that and the doors were blocked to keep more water out!Now I'd like to make a commentary, I don't know anything about Fahrenheit, born and raised in Canada but google tells me that -15F is about -26. You'll remember when I said busses could stop running at their discression. Our old division policy (were in the middle of changes) was that unless road conditions prohibited otherwise that busses were to keep running until -40 (same in Fahrenheit or Celsius) or -45 with a windchill. Infact last year the tempurature hit -50 (that's -58 Fahrenheit) and our entire school went outside to celibrate by throwing boiling water into the air and watching it freeze before it hit the ground.Please don't complain. And I'll try to do likewise. Although I know how you feel when other schools close because of weather, we have a new teacher and she said that her old school was considering closing for a few days in the summer to cool down the air.

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