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Everything posted by kelvinc2
If God tells us to do something for Him, and if we don't then He'll smite us (while we are innocent), then that's tyranny. The Bible tells us that in the beginning we are all sinful. And because we are all sinful we will all go to Hell (That's the condemnation). But through God's grace, if we trust and put faith in Him, we may be saved. Therefore, what the scripture is saying is actually "If you trust Me (Jesus/God), you will be saved, and go to heaven. And if you don't, you will go to hell, BECAUSE you have sinned against Me(Jesus/God) right from the beginning." What you say is true, that history written may be subjective, but the account itself remains objectively true. If you believe that Julius Caesar existed through numerous literature, then maybe you should also consider that Jesus existed as literature written about Jesus counts far more than Caesar. As said above, regarding the talk on "why should I believe simply He tells me to." It's not that you will go to hell because you don't believe in Him. It's "Because you have sinned, you will go to hell. But Jesus came and died for you in your place, so if you believe in Him, you will be saved." As you say "searching for our own truth" you are saying that of subjective truth or objective truth? Subjective truth can be found anytime you want such as "Murdering people is a good thing" (That's subjective truth demonstrated in the context of moral). But if you are looking for objective truth, then God, creator of universe, is your answer - Just as human cannot create objective moral (as it will only be subjective to yourself), there must be a upper authority to create this moral to rule over the people. Again, refer to the first answer. If he didn't die for our sin, who is paying for the consequence of sin? He died, and rose again. To you, do you think that dying and rose again is not a super power? It's written in the Bible that through the crucifixion Jesus has victory over Satan.
A Question Of Free Will Are we just robots?
kelvinc2 replied to Nameless_'s topic in Health & Fitness
Although we cannot know for sure if we are being controlled by a superior power, from a Christian perspective (I am a Christian), it is said that we have free-will. Although God knows what we did, doing, will be doing, He does not interfere directly, but through various events. It is what Christian believes in general, that we have freedom to do whatever we want, but if we as Christians accepted Jesus Christ into our heart, which then holy spirit fills our heart, then naturally we will do good things. -
Santhosh, there are a few things that I think you should really reconsider..The first is on your question "how to increse my spiritality?" You have to know that you do not "increase" your spirituality, you will be helped through knowledge from the Bible and through your understanding of Christ, but ultimately - the Holy Spirit is the one that is in your spirit. Having said, this leads to your second question "howcome i'm not annointed yet?" You must realize that the Holy Spirit is already in you, as the day you truly become a Christian (the day when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, and when you accept his gift on the cross). Therefore, whether you are specially "anointed" or not, the holy spirit lives within you. Therefore, do not think that you have to be anointed or must speak tongue language in order to be accepted. In the events of Jesus Christs crucifixion, you are already accepted by God and all your sins are taken by Jesus Christ in exchange. There is no shame in not being anointed or must speak tongue language.. I mean, I'm not anointed nor can speak tongue language. But that doesn't make me less of a Christian.
A Hard Question On Islam no disrespecting and such just curious
kelvinc2 replied to jopak134's topic in Health & Fitness
Thanks for bringing us back on track iGuest. I am pretty sure that the answer is yet to be answered. 'hoor' means beautiful, not woman. If you truly need to study Qur'an (I am a Christian, but if you really need to study that..) You should study it in Arabic. Although I do not know why it is said that the beauty of Qur'an only exists in it's own language (Arabic), but learning context in it's native language is always a plus.By the way, iGuest, I can't seem to access the website you provided. -
Yep I am a pretty old member.. Does that make me a Veteran?Just kidding.Anyways, thanks for your solution. I'll go ahead and go through all the troubles and open a ticket.. hehe..
Hello Everyone :)I have a question regarding the "Decade" plan - I am satisfied with what I will be getting off the decade package.Though - I only need the webhost for 1 year (It is a website for my school's committee), I don't want to stack on Xisto with a 9-year idle package and clog up space So I am asking here if I can use what I have right now (which is almost half the credit of the Decade plan), and grab a 24 month (Our school have special policies regarding websites, it must be valid for 2 years..) plan instead of 10 years?Another question - How can I transfer my current Google apps to Xisto? Do I have to record all the A, CNAME, MX.. and those stuff, then manually input it back onto Xisto? Or is there some way that can conveniently do it?
Hey anwii, First of all, I do agree with what you have said about the trials that people must go through. In life, we must realize that there will be difficulties and bumps in our road of life. Though, these tests and trials are (what I believe) given by God. It is said that true Christians goes through trials and, whoever that would pray and seek God, will come out strong. How do you define nature? If it is the balance of the Earth - Then, how does earth exist? Does it exist by chance, or by a creator? On the first line you have made a disclosure (Disclaimer) which states that you are not religious, but you do not take away that there is a possibility of God/higher power. Though, in the end of second paragraph you put a no on both. What is the mindset? On the question of incarnation - That is similar to what is called "samsara" (The cycle of incarnation). If one failed in the previous life, and obviously their mind is erased (Or else we would still remember our previous life), then it would create a infinite cycle of reincarnation because the person would result in failure on the same event.
Hi,If you are an over-clocker (which I highly doubt, since you are asking for an suggestion), you may want to buy a Intel Core 2 Duo E2180. This CPU can be overclocked and can preform as good as E8300, which is a real bargain. The down side to this, though, is that you would require special heatsink, powerful motherboard to do so.If not, I recommand Intel E8300 CPU, Powerful CPU. Though, it all depend on your budget, ofcourse, if you are wealthy, you could go with Core i7. But if you cannot fully use the CPU, then it is virutally no need for such high-level CPU, for my opinion, Core i7 is overpriced.Obviously, you would need to look at other sources to see which CPU is most suitable for you personally.-KC.
Hi I currently own a iPhone.. and heres my review.The default earbud is rated B+ on iLounge, which is an average mark, the freq responce is 20 - 20k, which is not bad. base is average, not muddy, but not absolutely clear as well. the high voice, very squishly. The iPhone's free applications are a fail - all lite versions, unless you buy the actual app off apple store, or hack your iPhone and put the apps in, there is no other way. Also, iPhone claims to have bluetooth, and it actually does, but you can only use devices with the bluetooth, which means you cannot send any files through the 'bluetooth' that you have in the iPhone.the Speaker is very badly done, when it goes the base, it just CRACKS - basically you would think that the base killed your speaker. but because of the recent software update, the speaker now 'speaks' better. anyways, its still horrible.The ringtone, you gotta buy it online, other then creating one yourself (which is possible through itune). anyways you still have to go through some procedure to do so.The iPhone really sucks, when you run applications, it crashes unless you restart your iPhone. so basically if you ran a big application, you gotta restart your iphone in order to run another big app.This is my review for iPhone. (Note: the one I own is not 3G, its first generation)-KC.
What Will Heaven Be Like? A place for new perspective
kelvinc2 replied to asdftheking's topic in Health & Fitness
It is stated in the Bible that God has created Earth in 6/7 days, but until now he is still constructing heaven, if Earth is already good for us, you cannot imagine what heaven would be. -
truefusion! :)thanks for the advice, our school is finishing turing, turing is so not for real programming, do you have any websites that can help along with php study?-KC
csp4.0: definitely, if in the future there is an option to quickly go to north pole (by magnet) then at least it is an prototype to what I was thinking.. I agree with you, but what happens is, if we are to be using zero point energy, then we can actually go light-speed, (well light speed is the highest speed - only for humanity) I've heard that in space there is a special energy that will affect the whole universe, what happens is if you are to be in the space, and you met this force, you will be even faster than light-speed. although I have no idea what this force is. the space is full of mysterious, theres a novel that talks about this force, which states that at their time, no space ships will have engine, they all connect to this force, and this energy force will bring them to wherever plant they want to. I really doubt though, that there is something faster than lightspeed.
Existance Of Jesus (aka Christ) Core of Christianity
kelvinc2 replied to kelvinc2's topic in Health & Fitness
Its beyond our knowledge, I believe, not even after generations we can reveal about the universe. I do agree, just because we dont know yet it doesnt mean God is involved, that is possible, but not probable. I'm saying this is because based on the records [ON HISTORY BOOK, NOT BIBLE], none of the twelve got anything from this,instead, the twelve are constantly being caught because of them preaching the word of God. how could anyone be so stupid and go spread this false thing that they made and keep it, not getting anything from it, why would they even go and preach this crapy stuff when you will get owned by the government? unless its the truth. This is between you and the evidence, there is although no evidence to absolutely prove that Jesus is resurrected, but all the theories have failed to prove something, and that although its possible that its just a lie, its improbable that they risk death for this lie. -
the seven days is for God's day, it can mean 1000000Million years for us
Existance Of Jesus (aka Christ) Core of Christianity
kelvinc2 replied to kelvinc2's topic in Health & Fitness
what you said is that, this scientist chose God because Science and God because the bible contradicts to reality. Bible, meaning God's word, God never does thing wrong. but us humans can make wrong decision, Science is basically theories that was observed thoughout the time, it can be proved wrong later on. but how can the universe just "grow bigger and bigger + complex?" i doubt it would grow randomly just because "it does." its just like plants, they cant survive if there is no soil, no water, and no sun. so to plants - soil,water, and sun is their god. this simple example just proved that universe must have a "god" Hes not being a bastard to non-believers, he is being FAIR. but because He is giving GRACE to us, we CAN be saved.SO you might be asking how is it fair if he doesn't give the equal opportunity of "grace" for us? First of all, He is being fair - you sin, you deserve punishment, its just like you killed a person, you go to jail. then, he gives you grace - this grace you DO NOT deserve it, but God give it to you because He just wants to, there doesnt have to be any reason - so by grace, God forgives and forgets your sins, so that you can start a new life, just like the giving grace to a murderer and let them free (Dont think me wrong here, in Law, they deserve jail) or maybe you can think something simple - stealing, if one is to steal something because he needs it for his mom's surgery, he got caught, and now he is in the court, there is a thing called "grace," or the judge can understand his situation, and give him grace. first of all the point here is not that if mary had sex or not, its the angel that says the son of God will be born though her, so weather or not they had sex before marrige or not it doesnt matter, the baby is still the son of God, its just like if your mom believe in Jesus, that doesnt mean you believe in Him as well. -
Existance Of Jesus (aka Christ) Core of Christianity
kelvinc2 replied to kelvinc2's topic in Health & Fitness
Hey Kobra!,So what are you talking about is, there is no God, whoever/whatever created the universe is either simple or doesnt exist at all.Well, according to the Bible, it is stated that God used 6 days, specifically each day what He creates, if you are wondering that "6" days, for God it can be 6 days, but for us it can be millions of years or even trillions of year. Based on what you said, God must be more complicated than Earth? We cannot understand God, it is said that God have three forms - God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. What I'm stating here is that we still have no total explanatory on how this work. This is because our knowledge just cant reach that far, so for God, earth might be just a piece of cake.All human forms were told to be created in God's image, all the good characteristics that we have here reflects God, but wherever good exists, evil exists, so in our heart there is evil thoughts. He knows our thoughts, he knows our destiny, but the choice is human, i know this sounds kind of weird, but God give us the opportunity to choice either believe him or not. What you're saying is that he must have be working so hard reading all our mind, but what if for him its just a piece of cake? its impossible for us to judge God.The pregnancy before marriage - at that time, NO one probally had the thought of pregnancy before marriage, that olden times, it is most likely marrige, then right at that night, have sex, because the couple does not have a say, and they might have never met another. Jesus was born in mary is because Jesus need to be in a human form to sacrifice for our sins. Simple - if we are created by something simple, then we are even more-simple-r, because we dont have the full knowledge of the "simple." so even if whatever it is is simple, that whatever still out-knowledges us..if you're saying simple as an accident, what accident? its improbable, if its an accident, then something/someone must have made this accident happen, it is possible though, but improbable in a way that they cannot come from nowhere, because nowhere has to be somewhere/someone. for example, programs dont come out of nowhere, its human that creates program, with some of humans knowledge, which means if the programs can think, they can never figure out other knowledge in your brain except for the ones that you were givin to the program.-KC. -
Hi, I'm learning Turing right now in school.. I personally take Turing very easily as I know every single concept of it.But when it comes to real life, turing is UESLESS absolutely uesless. I was wondering, is there a easy (comparablely) programming language I can learn? (out of Java, PHP, CGI, C++, ASP) I was wondering as well: I self-learned some-what little graphics java, its a game. but when my sister learn java its just absolutely different.. whats the difference? can anyone tell me? Thanks!!
My Review Of Megaupload.com File Sharing Service
kelvinc2 replied to icemarle's topic in General Discussion
I'm sorry if you do not live one one of the big countries, but for me, I live in Canada.I say MegaUpload is one of the best share file on the website, my average download speed for this website is well on 450k/sec, which is very good in compare to rapidshare/ mediafire/ filefront.I personally strongly love Megaupload due to its interface - no ads on website, only 1 when you click download. and also you have a chance to win membership, I really like this file sharing website :)I dislike rapidshare because you have to wait like forever to download a file, but for megaupload it is only 25 second (just register a regular account for that), which is very good.rapidshare's speed for me is an average of 45k/sec, which kills for me, i download files that is well over 50mb. it takes FOREVER for me to download. but as i said before megaupload gives around 450k/sec. which is 10x the speed of rapidshare. -
Hi, This is KC. this is the first day I return to Xisto, I want to contribute, I am a Christian, a new christian, but i'm strong in spirit. I want to go straight and talk about the main question that affects the existance of christanity - this post is exclusively for : Saint_Michael Is the resurrection of Jesus Christ real? First of all, I think, we have to gather up all the theories + stuff that proves the resurrection of Jesus, either true, or false Xisto members, if you are not believed in christ, i suggest you read the following: We cant really find a way to prove there is the resurrection of Jesus, but what we can do, is based on all the theories that we have so far, and make a close look: 1) Conspiracy theory: the resurrection of Jesus Christ is fake, its just a bundle of lies that sounded so real, they all aim for something. My explaination: so, according to the conspiracy theory, its stated that the "Twelve" just come up with fake lies to get something that they long/short desired. this theory fails to prove what did these twelve people get, according to the HISTORY (note, not bible), all twelve were hunted down because they were spreading the word of Jesus christ, one of the twelve was chased down, and got skin removed (dont know if its true, but this is what it was written), one was hung reversed cross (because this guy said he was unworthy to die as how Jesus died). they all died of terrible death, what do they gain? if they are lying all the way, at the end before they die they would be like "ok man calm i was lying dont kill me!" but instead, they all died "in the name of Jesus." 2) NOT dead theory: the resurrection of Jesus is fake, but what happen is, in the cross, Jesus was beaten to unconscious, but because of the cool air in the tomb, he was revived. FAIL!: this failzor. Look, the tomb was SEALED - friken sealed means no air can every get into the tomb, and as well, there were GUARDS guarding the tomb of Jesus Christ, there is no way for a just-revived man go against well-trained-weapon-equiped soliders. I doubt anyone here can face a Counter-Terriorest, that is right in front of your face, with a gun, pointing at your head. NEXT, he cannot be so strong- according to the history, he was beaten by a whip called "Cat of 9 tails", this is a whip with 9 tails, each tails have sharp stuff on it, so when you whip it on that guy, it rips the skin off. according to the rule, they cannot beat the person 40 times, so what they did was they beat Jesus up with 39 times, and then throw him in the cross, and the nailed his hand, and then friken set fire. Such extreme condition, its basically impossible to survive. oh and did i mention, the cross is full of splinters. 3) The body was stolen and replaced!! : so, basically what happend was, the body of the tomb was stolen, and they managed to find another dude to act as Jesus. Answer: this fails to prove, because according to the history, all the scars that were beaten on the body of Jesus remains, so meaning its the absolutely real body, + living. 4) they think Jesus too much, making them have the vision of Jesus: what happened is people think too much of Jesus, thus they have the vision of Jesus , but Jesus didnt actually exist anymore. Answer: FAIL, it was stated, that there were 500 of the brothers at the same time saw Jesus. i doubt that all these 500 people have the vision of Jesus at the same time, at the same place. Jesus was raised on the 3rd day, and then he was there for 40 days, he met thousands of people, there is no way. This is all the most common believes, but they all fails to prove some thing. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ OK, so this is another thing might people ask: Q:DUDE HeS NO GOD! A:ok, so basically, you say that Jesus is not a God, I say, He prophets all these things that will happen, he even say that oh i'm gonna die but i will come back in 3 days. tell me, who in the name of -whatever-, would say that to other people. also, when people call him "I FINALLY FOUND YOU MY LORD!" and so praise him. if he isnt truely God, then he would've said "ohh noo, i'm just your teacher, no god? wtf?" but instead, he said "Yes, I have come.", He acts like a God. Q:ok even if the resurrection is real, why the heak would he wanna come back to earth, and why would he wanna go back to heaven? A:He came back to earth, is because he is to show us He is truely God, and, He go back to heaven, because He is bound to human body: you have to think about in a court right now to understand this- so basically, God is sitting in the middle we have defending lawyer - Jesus and we have the accusing guy - Satan What happend is that Satan keep telling God that omg this guy just sinned, he just said muther f**er , you should punish him and what happend is that Jesus defends for us - well I paid for the price of them sinning, so that would equal out ---goes on forever--- so Jesus basically go back to heaven to be our defending lawyer. ASK any question you have for this post oh please please please use CC. I dont want anyone flaming this post. Thanks for reading!!
Hello - ok so lets get straight into my question..I want to grow taller, I'm currently 170-172cm ( I forgot ), and also kind of fat, i need some advice on what kind of gym stuff should i do.my apartment luckly have a gym and also a pool.. so any advice would be very helpfulThanks@KC
Freehostia.com Great free host
kelvinc2 replied to reconraiders's topic in Websites and Web Designing
the problem with freehostia is that the domain is very ugly, not saying if you have your own domain. everyone who visits your website will know that you are using a free host, thus not very popular among other hosting company. Also, there is a very big traffic problem with freehostia, I once hosted in freehostia, what happend is I was trying to load the website at school - took me like 15minutes (not that long, but probally 2-3 minutes)AND even the mainwebsite takes forever to load.. I live in Ontario.Dont know where freehostia's server is. Personally suggest Xisto you just have to post, but posting here is more like talking to each other, not like other forum, that the first guy starts a download link, requires everyone to reply to download, resulting massive spam posts.-KC. -
Hi everyone, long time since I've posted on Xisto :)So, I was wondering the next uprising power that would the world globally used, I come up with some thoughts about a few, but immedately found its quite unreliable or even umpossible.What i come up to is - magnet, according to a website, the core of the earth contains metals, and as they move, they hit eachother, and then boom magnet appears.. earth is basically, although not a magnet, but have a magnet field.So what I think is that the next generations can figure out a way - magnet car/station/whatever. so basically if we have magnets that is repel to the earth, we can have floating cars around in the next generation ;PThis is what i think, what about you guys? what do you think is the next uprising power that the next generations would depend on?
During exams, with all the stress, my brain explodes, I need to turn to God for help. I've been thinking I'm able. I've been thinking I'm good enough. I've been thinking I'll make it on my own. I've been seeking my kingdom. I've been longing for my own thing. I've been trying my best to take control. But without you I crumble. Without you I'm lost. Save me, Jesus Won't you take my pride away. Save me, Jesus Today Give me eyes that can see you Patient heart and a gentle word Love for justice, mercy, peace, and grace Lord I want to be like you Lord I'll never be the same Save me, Jesus Won't you take my pride away. Save me, Jesus Today I surrender For your way And forever I will run to the arms of the One who can save me! Jesus Won't you take my pride away. Save me, Jesus Today Save me, Jesus Won't you take my pride away. Save me, Jesus Today
I Totally hate smokers, why do they even bother to smoke anyways, its really disturbing and gay and stupid and dumb!look, smoking is bad for your health, it makes you have bad breath, it kills your life makes you die faster,it can also lead to cancer, also, environment is damaged by those CO2 emittted from smoking!!!many people died because they have cancer, but how did they get the cancer - SMOKING!I stongly disagree with smokers - kthxbye =)-Kelvinc2
Website: Warning: If you are an ardent lover of animals, you may find this video extremely disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised. If not wishing to see the video, synopsis of the video is provided below the link. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Strange isn't it...how cruel a person can be? How violence and war can turn the goodest of people into monsters? For people who didn't see the video (and don't want to see the video), it shows two disgraceful American soldiers from the United States Marine Corps throwing a white-black puppy into a valley. The dog whines as it falls into the "Valley of Death" and finally ends with a disturbing "crack" as the dog lands (and probably cracking every bone in its poor self). Needless to say, the puppy is obviously dead from a fall that great; hopefully it died right after it landed . Why the deuce would that Marine do such a inhumane thing. A disgrace to the Marine Corps, to his country, to his fellow soldiers, and to his family. Every soldier is trained to uphold a code of honor, and they are EXPECTED TO DO SO AND ARE DISCIPLINED ENOUGH TO DO SO. A soldier is just like an ambassador, he/she represents his/her country. This guy doesn't even deserve to be a Marine! SHAME ON HIM!!! Strange isn't it, how the marine taking a video was not responsible enough to stop that half-witted maniac from throwing the puppy into the valley...Responsibility is the test of a man's courage...Obviously, that Marine had no conscience, no guts, and no responsibility even though he carries the title of a "Marine"...SHAME ON HIM TOO!!! Strange isn't it, how a guy like him can take advantage of a small animal? Strange isn't it, how a guy like him thinks him being a Marine would make him safe? Strange isn't it, how he doesn't even consider a life of an animal as important as a human's? GOD CREATED ANIMALS AND THUS THEY ARE GOD'S WORK. DISREGARDING AND KILLING ANIMALS CRUELLY MEANS THAT YOU ARE KILLING GOD'S WORK, AND THUS DISRESPECTING HIS WORK AND THE LORD HIMSELF!!!!