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Everything posted by jet

  1. There are a few ways you can make text appear on top of the images. The easiest and probably most common way is to use a div with absolute positioning, if you're not sure what i'm talking about, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. The other easy way is to make the bit you want your text on one slice, and then in the table instead of <td><img src .. ..></td> put in <td background=... ..>insert the text you want on the image here</td>. About slicing, there's another way I use which I find easier. I don't like dragging the shapes straight out with the slice tool, because more often than not I get the size wrong. In Photoshop, when your rulers (View => Rulers [i think]) are on, click on the ruler and drag down to create a guide. When you have guides everywhere you want a slice, click the export to Imageready button. In Imageready, there's a menu item called Slices, and under that you should find something called Create Slices From Guides. Of course, you'll probably end with slices you don't want, so with the slice select tool select the ones you want to be one slice only (shift + click), then right click and choose "Combine Slices".
  2. Down near the river, there's this largeish park which children play in and you can walk your dog and stuff. In the park there's a large sand pit area, and in the sand is a little ship structure thing. You can climb up to the very top of the ship to a caged crows nest, and then slide down this slide. I've had nightmares about that slide. Its tiny, and the top half of it is enclosed and I have claustrophobia sometimes.. When I first went to the park, I thought the slide would be great because it was so high.. But I got up there and went straight down again
  3. I read the Hitchiker's guide ages back but I never knew there was a game. Yesterday I went to see the new movie with a few friends, but it didn't stay very true to the book. On the other hand, Douglas Adams was supposed to have changed everything every time he did something with the Guide. I think the TV series were better, though the movie had some nice effects. Earth blowing up was a bit of an anti climax though.. not loud enough
  4. It all depends on what the eyes are used to seeing. Everyday reading materials - books, magazines, newspapers etc - are almost always dark coloured text on a light background, so if your site is aimed at a very general audience that's probably the way to go. Middle aged and older people are generally more conservative - I know my mom complains non stop when she has to read bright coloured text, especially on a dark background. But younger people normally won't have a problem with that.The other issue is the theme and ideas of your site - pastel colours for a Halo clan probably wouldn't be great. It basically all comes down to personal preference and aesthetics - if you like it, somebody else should too. Friends are good sources of second opinions.
  5. Hm.. Maybe it would be better if it was dark green and black rather than pea green and white..
  6. Nice invention :PI thought the pocket knives were made by Switzerland though, not Sweden.
  7. one and a half years to go til longhorn then! Do you think microsoft will celebrate their fiftieth by giving out free copies of longhorn or whatever version of windows they're up to then?
  8. http://haematic-dreams.deviantart.com/art/Ville-Valo-15574741 Sorry I've just linked it, I can't really be bothered waiting ages for it to upload to an image host and my DeviantArt page could do with a few more hits Ville Valo is the lead singer of Finnish band HIM, the drawing was done completely with a 4B pencil.
  9. Out of interest.. About how many clicks per day do you get for those ads and how much do you get paid?
  10. Nei. That sucks. Is this the first time it has happened to you?
  11. *sigh*wouldn't it be nice to know that your company could lose $3 million dollars and still not be dead broke?
  12. jet


    Well, there were a damn lot of fakies back in those days. If you were charismatic and had quick hands, you might as well pretend you had a brian as well.
  13. jet

    Sims 2

    For the first week or so, I absolutely loved the game (and ignored homework, music practise etc). But after that period, it did kind of start to get repetitive.. The movie things that come on when you propose/woohoo/kiss were great and hilarious the first few times, but they are a bit annoying now, since you have to watch through them. If anybody likes downloads, http://www.modthesims.info/ is a great site.
  14. It could be the large number of people accessing the site?
  15. I have an account at diaryland, but its not exactly a blog and I don't call it a blog. Its a reflection of life and stuff, but.. well, I don't know how to explain it. It contains accounts of my thoughts and things, not stuff I do, ie what I think about issues rather than "I had a test today and it sucked etc".
  16. I love Nietzsche quotes. Nietzsche was a german philosopher guy who was very.. urm.. contraversial? Two of my favourites:~ all truths for me are soaked in blood~ become what you areOf course, they've been translated from the original german. But when I'm not in a serious mood, I live steven wright quotes - One morning, I woke up and found all my stuff had been stolen and replaced with exact duplicates.
  17. I read a lot.. But it changes every so often. Sometimes I read lots, sometimes I surf the net lots (like now), sometimes I write lots and so on.. I have a lot of favourite books, and I'm one of those annoying people who refuse to see the movie until they've read the book. Some of my favourites:Darksong series, Obernewtyn series - Isobelle CarmodyKilling me Softly - Nikki FrenchSherlock Holmes stories ( ) - Sir Arthur Conan DoyleP & P, Emma, Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
  18. jet

    Blog/journal Software

    Ok, sorry I wasn't clear enough before. I want the type where you install it to your own server.. thanks for the links, I'm trying out Greymatter.
  19. jet.. I've been Jet (or Jette) for as long as I can remember (which isn't actually that long). Jet was my first ever and still most loved RP character, and then i started writing and put her into my stories.. Oh, and my name is Remira-Jet.
  20. As mentioned, recipes and word meanings. I also used it to find Vedran's address from a whois because i couldn't find my adress book
  21. I'm looking for a blogging software thing with a fully customisable theme.. Most of you would know about diaryland, forumer, lj and that kind of stuff, where you can sign up and choose one of their themes or type in your own? I would like one like that, because a friend and I have just designed a new website and its not exactly a blog but blogging systems would suit our needs well. We have a layout too, but all of the wares I've looked at so far come with preinstalled themes and you can't make your own
  22. Has anybody heard about Microsoft's next generation of Windows? It's named Longhall, after the Longhall Pub under/near the main microsoft building or something like that. I saw it on the news last night, and it looks quite spiffy, but will be (as usual) full of bugs and viruses and stuff. I think it runs on a touch screen, and most of the functions looked similar/same, but they have given it a major cosmetic overhaul so stuff lights up when you touch it and other spoofy stuff.. Anyway, I tried to find out more about it, but it seems there's no info anywhere.
  23. Ok, I've just had second thoughts about what I said ealier, which was kind of irrelevant to the topic. You don't need run to access stuff. C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe if that has been disabled by your administrator, meaning they have an inkling of what their job actually is, open C:\WINDOWS\system32\command.exe when whichever one is open, type in ping http://www.galcomm.com/. The ping probabaly won't do much since most sites reject pings, but you should get something like "pinging site xx.xx.xx.xxx blah blah blah", and there's your ip address
  24. I like Xoops the best, but there is another one called CleverCopy which would be great except for the fact that you have to pay for some modules.
  25. Thats great :PThe only problem with Altavista's Audio search is sometimes their cache is very, very old, and the page which is meant to have the song you want on it no longer exists.
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