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Everything posted by dwolters

  1. You missed quite a few kind of games on there . Anyhow, I like the RPGs, especially online, like World of Warcraft of Everquest. Some shooters are pretty good. And if i'm going to play strategy there has to be someone on the other end, that way i'm not battling against computer algorithms!
  2. Kobra-- Protein shakes and protein bars are the way to go then. I drink my protein shakes with water. They're not the tastiest thing in the world, but if you can guzzle them down quickly, it should be pretty painless. If you are completely against dairy products you might think about taking a calcium supplement. chriso is right about the milk and peanut butter, simply because thats alot of protein and calcium. They also sell weight gainer shakes. But I tend to veer away from those because depending on your metabolism they can make you gain fat.
  3. Just so you guys know, there is a broken link at the top of alot of your pages for computing web hosting. It goes to a site that doesn't exist. And the graphic for Imagefilez is also broke. Wasn't sure where to post, so here you are!
  4. Alex- As I said in a previous post, this really depends on you. How active are you right now? Do you play any sports? Have you worked out before? If you are just starting out I would recommend 3 days of weight training and 2 days of cardio. If you have a lot of weight to shed consider focussing more on the cardio. With the weight training start with full body workouts. After you progress enough to start going 4 days, you might want to alternate between upper and lower body. For your weight training, if you are going to a gym, usually the equipment is set up by machines and free weights with what muscle group they work. I would start out with the most basic exercises and then refine. Also, like I said you will need to switch it up every month or so(add exercises, change reps/weight, grip differently) If you are completely new to weight training, I would get a trainer at the gym to show you how the machines work, and how to get the most out of each exercise. Important points when you are weight lifting: WARM UP- it is important to get your blood circulating, especially in the region of your body where you will be lifting. This will result in less muscle ache, better performance, and better results. To warm up at the beginning of the workout do some stretches, especially focussing on the body parts you will be working that day. Also before lifting a higher weight. Start out with a weight that you can do at least 20 reps of. This will increase your blood flow to that part of your body without putting alot of strain on your muscle. (example: if you are going to bench press 140, try bench pressing 50 first, to warm up) Start out with a lower weight - You want enough weight, so that your muscles start failing after 7 or 8 reps, but you also want to be able to concentrate on your form Make sure you are doing the exercise correctly - Take it slow at first, it should take you the same amount of time to lift and let down the weight. If you are lifting wrong it could result in pulled muscles. Drink water - Water is the key ingredient in your muscles, if you want results, you better have some water in you to back it up. Usually I use the time between every set to drink a little Eat protein and often - Like a previous poster said you need to eat at least 6 times a day. This is not saying eat huge meals. If you eat a protein bar or drink a protein shake, that counts too! Vegetables are always good. Stay away from sweets, if you are really trying to cut weight I would stay away from fruit as well. Basic Exercises to Start With Bench Press - Targets your chest, but uses biceps, triceps and back as stabilizer muscles Squat - Targets mostly your quads, helps with your core, uses other leg muscles as stabilizers Bicep curl - targets your bicep, uses other arm muscles as stabilizers Tricep extension - targets tricep, uses other arm muscles as stabilizers pull down (on machine), pull up(hanging from a bar)- Targets back Row- targets back I would try these on for size for the first couple of weeks, and then start adding more exercises to it. For the cardio, do anything really active that you find enjoyable, riding a bike, jogging, aerobics, swimming, the list goes on and on. 20 minutes is a good place to start. Make sure you push yourself. If you find you really cant do 20 minutes, just make sure you shoot for more the next time you do it!
  5. I found this post while surfing today. http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html It gives signs for parents to look for to tell if their child is a hacker. It is the singular most uninformed piece of garbage that I have ever seen. But it is also very funny. It is from 2001, so it makes you wonder if his kids ended up in a mental institution or something. I wish there was an update somewhere! *sigh* I guess we'll never know!
  6. Its just fine that you are starting out slow, but to see results you have to work! Meaning that the first day you do 10 reps, and then the next day you push yourself a little more and do 11 or 12. You should progress each day. After a while (4 - 8 weeks), your muscles will probably plateau and you won't be able to increase your reps. So then you need to tweak your work out a little bit. You can add some weight to your situps, or do them a different way, such as lifting your legs at the same time. I would also recommend getting at least a set of dumbbells. These provide a means to work out your whole body. Ones that you can change the weight on are preferable, because then you can use different weights for different body parts without paying a fortune for a big set of dumbbells. Also, in your post you leave some questions to be answered: What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to build muscle, lose fat, or train for a particular sport? In any one of those cases, you will have to put more effort into it. Just doing situps and pushups is only going to do so much. On a daily basis for just my abs, I do 3 sets of 5 or 6 different exercises, switching out my routine every month or so. Once you figure out what exactly you hope to accomplish, you need to set realistic goals for yourself. Such as: "I'm going to lose 3 lbs in the next 2 weeks" "I want to be able to do 25 pushups in one set by next week" Don't jump too head first into it either. You need to start out slow. Say resistance training 3 times a week. Cardio twice a week. Maybe start out with 20 minute workouts. But when you are doing resistance training you want to start working your whole body. You don't want to have huge pecs and itty bitty legs. Balance is key.
  7. After checking out your post, I had to see it. This is by far the most unique quiz i have ever taken. Some of the questions, I still don't understand. I think this will be something I do at work to pass the time. I'm kind of wondering what the person who wrote this was on when he made up the questions. lol
  8. Nope, I guess I don't understand spending all day at home waiting for a letter so you can get money. You know, rather than going out and earning it yourself. With the story he tells the guy WAITED 8 YEARS. Sounds like a wasted life to me. If I was religious, this story would still make no sense to me. My family is very religious and I know my family members don't just sit around and wait for God. They seek God and His understanding everyday. Which I guess in this already morbid story would equate to seeking out the uncle and pulling the plug? hehe, or just getting up and doing something. I wasn't saying that christians just sit on their *bottom*. I was just saying that this story and tying it into religion makes it sound like they do.
  9. Awesome!!! Worked like a charm. Thank you very much.
  10. Hi there. I have been trying to upload a zip file only about 2mb to my account through CPanel. First I tried uploading it to a new folder in public_ftp. Then i tried to put it in the main part of public_ftp. I also tried the same thing in public_html. It shows the file being uploaded, and i get 100 %, but alas, when i look in the folders nothing is there. Is there a restriction on .zip files? I have had no problems as of yet uploading htm and html pages. Please let me know ASAP. Thank you.
  11. Waiting, huh? Do you realize that christianity even at its start was and is based on the "fact" that the world is going to end very soon? Ok, its been a couple millenia, christ can come any time. That makes your comparison of the uncle kind of moot, because at least the psychiatrist finally had proof. I guess I don't quite understand what you are trying to say with this post. I'm not going to center my whole life around waiting for the world to end like all those other Mormons. Lol. Which brings up another point, according to Mormon's there are going to be under 1 million people who get into heaven(i'm not sure the exact number). Do you realize how many people have lived and died since mormonism has been around? Billions and billions. Look what waiting does for those guys. Only a very very small percentage get into heaven. And correct me if i'm wrong, but i think that only happens at Christ's second coming. Poor guys. Anyway, I would rather live in the moment, then waste my whole life waiting. So good luck with that.
  12. Hey guys.I just sent my url to google and i was wondering if anyone had any experience with how long it takes to actually be entered into their system and crawled for content? Let me know, thanks.
  13. Ok, so I was watching the news the other night and they had a report that dropped my jaw. They were saying that you should drink 64 ounces of ANY fluid a day, and that it was just as good as drinking water. I know the times that i have been serious about weight training, i have almost OD'd on water. LOL. I am unsure on whether or not to believe the news. One day they are saying drinking coffee causes cancer and then the next week they are saying it cures AIDS (obvious exaggeration). But to my way of thinking, water is pure without many additives and should be processed by your body faster and more efficiently. Whereas, say, diet soda is still loaded with sodium and other crap. Anyone heard of this?
  14. Okay, you gave no information on that. What site is it? What do you have to do to make the money? This stuff is probably need-to-know if the info is going to be at all useful
  15. I don't think the brand matters as much as the store you buy them from. You should buy your smokes from a place that has a lot of traffic. If you are going for the el cheapos, well lots of people buy those. Just as much as marlboros and camels. My worst experience with buying cigarettes, was from a Wal-Mart. I opened up the carton and half of the packs were slit down the middle. Those guys really need to learn to use box cutters. LOL
  16. If you want a good 3d game engine. Blender has one built in. Blender is a 3d rendered and game engine all in one. You can also do stuff for cg in movies. If you are wanting to get serious about game programming. Blender is a good place to start. It is all open source, which means its FREE! You can find a ton of tutorials for it on wikipedia, and you can get a nice 3d game going relatively easy.
  17. If you work in retail or any other customer-based environment, I want to hear replies on customer's who are stupid, mean, ignorant, or just down-right retarded:I am the asst mgr. of a well-known electronic retail store. I had a customer come in who wanted to return something. So I followed procedure to a tee. I asked her to enter her phone number on a pad. She asked why. I said it was required for the return. I then asked her for her name and address."You don't need that.""Yes, I do, ma'am. Our company tracks all returns.""I'm not telling you""Okay then I can't do your return""I've gone to other (enter company name here ) before and they have never asked me!""Ma'am it is nation-wide policy. But you are free to go to another (enter company name here) and try."At this point she storms out. About 10 minutes later, I am helping another customer, and who storms in the door but my favorite customer of the day! She starts in on me while I am helping somebody else. I again explain to her policy and then show her on the back of her receipt where it says that "company name" may require name, address and phone number. "IT SAYS MAY!, I THINK YOUR JUST RACIST!!!" This is a good time to interject that she was asian. Also the person i was helping when she interrupted was asian. I told her she was now being ridiculous. She commands me to write down my name(which is on my nametag) At this point i just want to kick her out of the store! I point to my name badge. "WRITE IT DOWN!" she screams. I give her a pen and paper and tell her to write it down herself. I also tell her the number to corporate office and let her know for maybe the 10th time that i was following company policy and to indeed call and report me, because they will just tell her the same thing.Finally "the witch" leaves. The customer I was helping when she so rudely interupted, said "what a b***h." Other customers who were in the store expressed the same sentiment. That was the first time I was ever accused of being racist! Who knew that asking for someones address makes you racist.What a beeotch.I will add more to this topic later. I have plenty of horror stories.
  18. I have a samsung A900 right now. Almost time for a new one! I work at RadioShack so i see alot of different models of phones. The ones that seem to have the coolest features (esp. if you like music), are the sony erricsons. Most of their phones have a built-in FM radio(that you don't have to use with a specialized headset, like Nokia). And depending on your service, you can get song recognition (put your phone up to the radio and it will tell you what song it is). They also have some sweet slider phones out. If i wasn't going to get an HTC Touch next, i would definitely go for a Sony.
  19. Interesting question. But this truly does bring to mind the question of whether or not your consciousness is seperate from you're body. And goes even further from there by raising the question of a soul. Any neurologist will tell you that your mind is just made up of a bunch of neurons and chemicals and such. Which give you thoughts, feelings, motorskills, etc. I have also read about many cases where people have gone out of body and collected information and reported it accurately (i.e. if I went out of my body, and looked at what you were wearing, and then called you later and told you). This could be a different phenomenom altogether. The "OOBer" could be getting the information through neural waves, or some other way, and the OOB experience is just a way for the brain to translate that into a way the "OOBer" can understand.I actually attempted this several times when i was in my formative years. And it felt like i got close. (I'm an insomniac, so that may be why I didn't definitely achieve success.) But if you want to try it here are the steps I used:1. Lay down in a comfortable position.2. Take deep breath (inhale 3 seconds, exhale 3 seconds)3. Now concentrate on relaxing all your body parts. It may help if you imagine a slow wave of complete relaxation traveling up your body.4. Once you are completely relaxed, take some time to visualize a second body within you. Be conscious of this body and try to forget your physical body.5. Visualize this other body rising up from your physical body, try to keep your consciousness in it (if it's not thats ok).6. If your consciousness is still not in that body. Concentrate whollly on transferring it to your "astral" body.A couple extra tips: If you plan on doing this, try to plant thoughts into your head all day long. "I will leave my body tonight". I have read that this helps.Also don't be too disappointed if it doesn't work the first time. Try, try again. Each time you do it you will get a little farther.My theories on this however is that if you are easily susceptible to hypnosis, then this will work easier. Which raises the original authors question: Is it all in the mind. Try this out and let me know.
  20. One of my favorite books has got to be Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. For those of you who haven't read it, it is a book about a utopian society where everyone is genetically engineered in factories and everyone is conditioned rather than raised. This book was published in 1932, the phrase "genetic engineer" hadn't even been coined. I like this book because it is way ahead of its time. It isn't a lengthy book, so i recommend that anyone with half a mind check it out.
  21. Python is one of the best starter languages if you want to learn to program. Most programming classes in college start with this language. Its object oriented, like c++ or java, But much easier to code. For example in C++, the main bulk of you program has to be wrapped in a function: #include <iostream>int main(){ std::cout << "Hello, world!\n";} making the output: Hello, world! The same program in python is: print "Hello, world!" You can make anything from scripts to games with it. Once you are comfortable with python, it is fairly easy to transition to a different language. But the thing i like about Python, is it gives you the knowledge to "think like a programmer". And once you're thinking like a programmer, the learning curve on learning any programming language declines. Feel free to ask any questions. and i will gladly help you start with python!
  22. Ok, this is my first post here. So here goes. I have been programming in pygame for the last few weeks. I know it doesn't sound like long but it has a really low learning curve. That example was pretty good, albeit very basic, but i would have done the keyboard input differently. when you do get_keys(), it actually checks through all the keys on the keyboard at the same time. There is a better way to do this so it just checks for the one key. Consider using: for event in pygame.get(): if event.type == pygame.K_LEFT: xpos -= movement_x if event.type == pygame.K_RIGHT:etc. etc. etc. MASONBRO-- You will have to set them up with an if statement, that if they aren't at your location, they will go x amount to (x, y) coordinate. If you let me know how much experience you have in Python, and are still interested i should be able to help you out!
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