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Everything posted by candicej

  1. Raptrex:Just checking to see how your Fedora experience is coming along. Anyway, I see you got it up and running. Wine is pretty straight forward. If it is not installed on your box, you could go into the console mode typesuenter your passwordyum install wineThis should install wine for you. Also, you can update your fedora too by doing the same thing, but type yum update. I find updating this way is way better than the GUI way. The GUI way is way too slow. Anyway, hope all is running well. Keep us updated.
  2. I have actually found the answer to my earlier question. The XBOX 360 is suppose to sport a 20 Gb HDD, which is upgradable. However, this sparks a new question, since my last one has an answer. Will the new XBOX be backward compatible? In other words, will it play the old XBOX games? I really hope so. I know that when Sony came out with the PS2 one of the cool features a lot of people liked was that it played their old PS games too. I think this would be a great way for the XBOX to go. I am definately going to get a new XBOX either way, but as stated by someone earlier, I will wait a few months when the price drops, and there are a few more games worth getting. Who knows. perhaps a Halo 3 may pop out. :-) That would cool. Anyway, if anyone knows about if the XBOX 360 will be able to play the first geberation XBOX games please shed some light.
  3. Can anyone help with this issue? I have at least three machines at work that are currently booting up to a blank screen with either hal.dll or ntosknl.exe missing error. The machines are running Windowa 2000 pro. I have been able to get them back up and running, bu t I am a little concerned that there maybe a virus. However, I have made sure my AntiVirus software has been updated and a full scan has been run, and no virus has been detected. I have run spyware detecting software as well, and nothing unusual seems to appear. The machines are running ok so far, but I am worried this may happen again, and perhaps infect my other machines on the network. On another note, I also have a Windows NT 4.0 box set up that has also done the same things as the Windows 2000 Workstations. The one anomoly is that I noticed that the Hard Drive space seems to fill up really fast. I know there has to be something going on there but Norton is not finding anything. If someone could please help on this issue I would greatly, greatly appreciate it.Thanks
  4. If you navigate around the image, moving a ways in all directions, you can actually see lots of these things, whatever they may be. Very interesting. I was initially going to say lens issue, but if you zooom out far enough, they disappear, which rules that out.
  5. I agree with xboxrulz about SP2 being bloated. As for SP2 being more secure, that is debatable, from a Sys Admin's view. One option you could do is place the other HDD into your Dell box and get all the data that you need backed up. Also, you could see if there is a certain file that gets corrupted due to restores and see if you can replace that corrupted file through your Dell machine. Once that is done, place it back into your other machine and boot up and see if that works. Good luck.
  6. I would have to say some of my favorite games for the XBOX is:Splinter CellSplinter Cell Pandora TommorrowSplinter Cell Chaos TheoryMission ImpossibleSphynx and the Cursed Mummy007 Everything or Nothing: (This is my favorite bond game by far.)
  7. If this has been going on for about 6 months, check to see what you have installed since then or downloaded anything before you began recieving this error. Assuming you have run a virus scan, it could be something else imbedded. Check for spyware or adware. Also, if you haven't, make sure you run all Windows updates. If there is a security issue this may help, and if there is a known error in the code, perhaps MS has a patch for it.
  8. Raptrex - The first thing you need to do is to make sure that the 13 gb of space that is free on your hard drive is not alrady partitioned by Win XP. If it is you will need to use a partition software to set up a special partition to hold Fedora. One option is to use Knoppix. It is a live CD you can run from the CDROM. It will server 2 purposes actually, 1. To allow you to see if your hardware is Linux compatible, and 2. You can run a program called parted which allows you to set up a seperate partition just for your Fedora.Next you need to take the partition you created and install Fedora. These are key areas to set up your Primary partitions, not to be confused with the partitioning I spoke of earlier.Set your partitions as such during installswap (Size is 2 * RAM) If you have 512 of Ram in your machine, setup swap to be 1024 mb/boot 100mb/ Use the rest of your free space.once all this is done and all packages are installed you will be able to dual boot.You can also set up on a second hard drive. Just make sure you do not mess with your Windows partition and you will be ok. Use the same swap, /boot/, and / format and you will be ok.good luck.
  9. I prefer firefox over internet explorer due to security reasons. However, there are a few issues with firefox that I would like to see resolved, one of them being the way it handles some sites using java. The biggest issue with internet explorer is that it is a security leak to the whole OS. Windows is totally built depending on Eplorer. Outlook, file viewing, and internet are all using the explorer browser. By everything depending on one browser you compromise your security. Perhaps if MS created a file browser and modified outlook to be indipendant from explorer then perhaps that would reduce the rate of security and virus issues. Since firefox is independant of the file system, it does not compromise the system, although, it is not 100 % security proof, it is more secure than internet explorer.Just my 2 cents.
  10. Since my last post I have not had an issue with my XBOX locking up. As theRealSheep suggested about taking it out of the small area to see if it was getting hot seems to have been the issue. This makes sense considering that XBOX is really nothing more than a gaming computer. Thanks everyone for the tips.Saint_Michael - "To each is his own". We had looked at every console available on the market before choosing the XBOX. The deciding factor was the Graphic output, and the built in Hard Drive. So, in my opinion, and again this is only my opinion, the XBOX was, and is, the better choice. To say that the XBOX blows is your opinion. However, I did not come here for an opinion debate on whose console "blows" or not. I came here for troubleshooting an issue. Never the less, thank you for your honesty on how you feel about the XBOX.
  11. I have my website set up that after you go to the index page, you must log in to go futher. Once you log in, you are directed to another index page with a Welcome! script and member-specific info. When you set up your form to process, direct the form to a processing page that verifies your user then directs to a welcome page (a copy of your index) and modify that page to whatever welcome content you wish! This is my form processing code: <form action="checkuser.php" method="post"> In checkuser.php, after all variables have been checked and the user verified, I have this: if($login_check > 0){ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){ $$key = stripslashes( $val ); } session_register('first_name'); $_SESSION['first_name'] = $first_name; session_register('last_name'); $_SESSION['last_name'] = $last_name; session_register('email_address'); $_SESSION['email_address'] = $email_address; session_register('special_user'); $_SESSION['user_level'] = $user_level; $_SESSION['auth'] = true; mysql_query("UPDATE users SET last_login=now() WHERE userid='$userid'"); header("Location: welcome.php"); }} else { echo "<center><font color=red><strong>You could not be logged in! Either the username and password do not match or you have not validated your membership!<br /> Please try again!</strong></font></center><br />"; include 'index.php';} I hope some of this helps you. I know that was a huge chunk of code for just a little info, but I was afraid of leaving out something you might need. Good luck! candicej
  12. This is good info to know. Does anyone know if this would work with Fedora core 3? My husband has a few clients that are running linux on some of their workstations, but they want to run Windows 2000 as well on dual boot.Thanks
  13. I may have to check the components, it does seem to resemble a hard drive issue sometimes. The box tends to lock up on any game, so that rules out a bad disc.The console has not been dropped or anything of that nature. However, that would have narrowed it down. -_-Thanks for the input, I will post a reply if I find out what is up. Also, would anyone know where I could get a HDD replacement, or can I use a standard HDD?Thanks,
  14. Most companies that buy other companies normally fuse, or take out what they want from one product to enhance theirs. However, if it requires too much to get certain features out of the aquired software, they will repackage it with their name, of course, and make them all compatble with each other.
  15. My XBOX seems to lock up alot as of lately. It started this when I placed it in the TV center where the VCR/DVD is located. I am wondering if maybe it is getting to hot in that small space and if that would cause the lock ups. Has anyone ever dealt with this type of issue?Thanks
  16. Does anybody know if they kept the Hard Drive in the new one. I remember reading something about Microsoft thinking about not having a hard drive in the new model, but a lot of the game developers did not like that idea. Is there any specs on it?
  17. candicej


    osknockout quote: I agree with you on this osknockout, about it not helping the rest of the dev. community. Linus created Linux to be open and free so everyone could contribute. But now it seems like alot of linux OS developers have found a way to Copyright their own added features. This is ok if you are into that, but I feel it takes away from the original Linux spirit. Skyos looks very promising, but if the only opensource part of the core os is the kernel, then it saddens me to see this. We don't need another MS Windows, or Mac OS proprietary closed system. Linspire is doing pretty much the same thing. A good Linux concept, many good reviews, but becoming more and more closed source. There are others out there as well closing up "their" code. To me this causes a bottleneck effect. Instead of thousands of developers working on the whole OS, and contributers who can turn patches out for the distros within hours or a couple of days. Being closed source causes the particular distros to use a fraction of developers, longer patch updates. Not good in my opinion. Well, i will stop here. As you can probably tell this is one of my pet pieves.
  18. Actually the best customized OS is Linux. Talk about tweaking config files for days if you like. Windows has its good days, but not much. If you like customizing your computer like a hot rod, then Linux is the way to go. If you are bold enough, you can even download the kernel and build your own OS from scratch.
  19. Thank you both. Thanks to your help I now have it working wonderfully. I appreciate it greatly!candicej
  20. I am having trouble formatting my table to display the results of a mySQL query the way I want. Here is the part of my code: $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uploads WHERE Category='Drama'")or die(mysql_error()); ?><table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"><tr> <th>Title</th> <th>Author</th> <th>File</th></tr><?php// keeps getting the next row until there are no more to getwhile($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {//<!--Print out the contents of each row into a table-->echo "<tr><td>"; echo $row['Title'];echo "</td><td>";echo $row['Author'];echo "</td></tr>";echo $row['File'];echo "</td></tr>";}echo "</table>"; I want to make 'Title' show as a hyperlink to 'File' but am at a loss as to how to do this. I have tried all I know so any help is appreciated. I am very new to php and mySQL. Thanks in advance, C
  21. You could build a better computer for less money than you'd spend on alienware. That way, your computer would be built exactly to your ideal specs. Good luck either way!
  22. As so many of the others here, I prefer ad-aware. When I used Windows os, I had ad-aware installed and it kept me operating relatively secure for a quite a while.
  23. Here's a suggestion if you are interested in seeing what BSD has to offer. Look here... this is open BSD. It is a free program that should be comparable to BSD. I know this isn't much, but I hope this helps.
  24. I have not been a virgin for a long while, but I do wish I had been for longer than I was. I wish more teens would hang on to their virginity longer. As someone said earlier, sex is not just a physical act. As for not having the experience, sex with someone just to have sex is worlds apart from sex that is from love, or that expresses love.
  25. Your words are beautiful. This reminded me of a split between me and a very close friend. Unfortunately, we could not heal the hurt between us, but I hope things with your friend turn out differently.
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