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Nani Cheri

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Everything posted by Nani Cheri

  1. I have Dell...Before this I had Packard Bell whiches SUCKSSS!!! It crashes for no reason and I hate it!! BUT!!! What I like to shar with yall is this one: a iMac g4!! I WANT THIS!!! NOWWW! But Can't Offort itt!!!! And I heard it is more for media use...like setting up movies and songs... Is that true?
  2. My favorite things: - My family - Food (SUSHI!) - Dancing a whole night long and then (after having a great shower) lie in my bed and sleep for 20 hours! - Transparent Sea, Palm Trees and White Sand - Laughing with my friends about things only we think is funny - Admiring Dancers in good Videoclips - Shop Til I Drop - Hearin my lil niece talkin (she's 3 and very wise) No SNOW FOR ME PLEASE!! Hahahah but I like thunder too and rain when lying in my bed, and hearin the drops fall on the roof and window...
  3. Hey, just to make something clear here hahaha, I REALLY DONT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK. I just saw children at my school: primary school, wearing brand clothes 'because everybody does it'. Well, first of all, I dont care if my clothes are from a brand or not...I even buy my clothes at the market sometimes; very cheap and most of the time it looks like clothes i saw in a magazine..and it looks good on me.. So I don't have any problems or anything. My boyfriend actually has! I dont know what's wrong with him . He only buys Fake London, Blue Blood, and Pepe Jeans etc. He says he likes to wear clothes that he never saw anyone els with. But I accepted his style cause if thats what makes him feel good in...he's happy and thats important to me I always said to my friends; I have not 1 cloth of brand in my closet...Then I cleaned it up one day...and saw a shirt from Donna Karen New York, and a tennis shirt from Adidas...Hahah So I didn't even knew they were from a brand!!!
  4. Thanks veryyy mmuch!!! You really helped me with this...and didnt new from the host member area, i will do that in the future.... i you check this again i have one question: do I have to upload all the pics etc too...cause I cant see my image or background
  5. Hahaha very funny!!! I agree to! I hate it when they come to your door (when your eating) and almost force you to join there thing, and aren't about to leave until you've almost shot the door in theire face... But hey, I think that I do understand them... They believe so hard in there religion (they experience it as a good thing) and just want us all to experience it too. Like you are in a debat. And you have this point which you think is totally IT, so you do almost anything to change the other persons mind about things! So, I know they are very annoying sometimes, but they won't mean it in a bad way I think...BUT HEY!! They're stay annoying!!!!!!!!!! Im not a Christian, Im not a Hindu, Im not a Jew...I believe in a God, but I dont believe in the bible...Some would say that's too weird, but I say: "Believe in what you believe, if that makes you keep going on in life. Don't take religions from others, yours is just fine!" Very Interesting Topic!!!
  6. was so glad My application for free hosting Package 2 was approved! I'm now at the cpanel site...you now http://ww38.yoursite.com/cpanel and I have noooo idea what to do next!! I want to make a site...I have a site saved in Frontpage...so does anyone know how to upload it or something...I've never did this before so I have no idea. I also would like to work with HTML....but how do I do this...I mean is there anywhere a place in the menus where I can upload it ? I'd really appreciate anyone helping me. I couldn't find a help topic anywhere on the site...or FAq.. I dont have a qlue what to do know...Im like ...OKAY??? Right now...hahahaha
  7. I was so glad My application for free hosting Package 2 was approved! I'm now at the cpanel site...you now http://ww38.yoursite.com/cpanel and I have noooo idea what to do next!! I want to make a site...I have a site saved in Frontpage...so does anyone know how to upload it or something...I've never did this before so I have no idea. I also would like to work with HTML....but how do I do this...I mean is there anywhere a place in the menus where I can upload it ? I'd really appreciate anyone helping me. I couldn't find a help topic anywhere on the site...or FAq.. I dont have a qlue what to do know...Im like ...OKAY??? Right now...hahahaha Notice from snlildude87: You might want to make a more descriptive title next time to attract attention
  8. I'd Call her Emily!!!! Why? Ehhrrrr..... I dunno...Cause my mom is called like that too I guess...altough Evelyne isn't a bad name ttoo... I like the names.. But anyways congratualtions with your...friends daughter? and yes, a child grows very fast!! I see that with my little cousin...she's 3 years now..and I could remember holding her in my arms when she couldn't even speak. Now, its like she invented the word mouth ...but its cute dough...
  9. Wuahahah Niceeee!! Great Link!!! Guess I have not many problems to work on for my self...?
  10. Hiiiiii Any one playing The Sims 2 must have heard from Bodyshop, or is even very handy with it and makes his own clothes to use in the game...!! Well Those people I'd like to ask about some tip or tricks, because, I tried making clothes, and were pretty on the good way so far, but I just kinda have the feeling I dont know all the tricks yet!! Anybody who is familiar with this program can leave some tips/tricks, also for others who want to create great clothes for their sims???? Thanksss so very much, I have this outfit in my head, but have no idea how to make it perfect...
  11. Hope this isn't offensive or anything I dont wanna name the brand for advertising or something, Im just curies which brands you know, an Like! I don't wear many brand clothes actually, Dont have the money for it. I do like to go to the site of BabyPhat, which is very beautiful by the way.. Babyphat is worn by many artist I like, like : Alicia Keys, Eve, and Gwen..S The only problem is: the brand is not for sale yet in Holland, so I just have to wait until SOMEONE comes up with the IDEA!! But , to make this topic interesting here's my question: what is your favourite brand, and what do you think of children bullying others, because of the fact they don't have brand clothes. It happends often at schools I've been on. But if you have a strong will like me, and you dont wear brand clothes, they'll respect you... Well, hope it's a bit interesting to start a discussion with? Thanks..
  12. Well, guys, I get shiver from graveyards. Especially if you must cycle at night after going out, near by the cemetery... oohhh... then really get I shivers. It is just scary, knowing that there all dead people under those stones... That does make you think of films such as Sixth Sense (ghosts) I Know What You Did Last Summer, and Halloween Ressurrection!!! I find dark alleys on a rainy night very scary too!hollaaaaaaaaa
  13. I know what you mean, I have that too! Very Often. But I thought thats what they call a 'Deja Vu' , its French. Meant litterally: already once seen.. Sometimes I am scared for this ' deja vu ' moments ! It is simply a strange and crazy feeling. As a matter of fact I dont really know what to think of it. Many say that it absolutely has nothing to do with your dreams, but with your ' so-called previous lives '. I kinda believe in that too I guess.. but nevertheless I'd like to get to know more about that ' deja vu ' - thing....
  14. Hi, everybody! Im not really a poet writer actually I just made a poem one day, which came from my heart. Its dedicated to my sister. She is 6 years older then me, and I feel like i cant live with out her! Can anybody with sisters regocnize this? Or not at all!? Tell me what you think here about my poem: This is IT, edited with Paint Shop Pro...
  15. For Everybody who lives in Nort America, Europe or China/Australia.... and you know Australian... And haven't tried the BEST FLAVOUR OF ALL: MACADAMIA!! I'd Say: TRY IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN... :: I LOVE IT ::
  16. Hi there welcome , I quiet new too so! See ya around!
  17. So you did this with PAINT???? OH MY GOD! WHAT A PATIENCE ................very goood! How do you do that??? You can make nice Icons for you website with that!! Great Job Yo!
  18. You just take those wise words outta my mouth boy!
  19. DEAD OR NOT DEAD...It doesnt matter, he made good music and he still got it goin on! OH YEAH
  20. Well, I never had a real relationship on the internet with all the mails and stuff, but I did dated someone from the internet! He lived in another city, but we had a relationship for 2 months so: IT DOESN'T WORK AT ALL!!It's true, you get to know eachother first, from the inside, and not from the outside. Thats one thing thats good about it, the disadvantage of it: there isn't a first love flash like you have when you sit in the lunchroom and HE walks in. The eye contact has not been taken place, which I find very Important...So, no! No more relationships with boys I met from the Internet for ME...
  21. Hi Every 1 !!! GREAT TOPIC !!! I love quotes! Sometimes I just sit at my PC, and look up for Quotes on the Internet. I Also are planned to put some on my site if I ever get one.....Some quotes I Really Like are: ABOUT LIFE: http://szafa.pl/?reg_layer=1&utm_source=butikpl&utm_medium=przekierowanie&utm_campaign=butik ABOUT HEALTH: ABOUT SUCCES: ABOUT LOVE: ABOUT ANGER: NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  22. Oopsss Sorry Florisjuh, Didnt saw the text on the right which says you from NL
  23. Hey Guyes!! Thanks for your replies! Funny you made your site too at Tripod with Frontpage! I'd like to make friends here too you know, to learn from you all! ANd ehh..Florisjuh are you from Holland too??
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