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Everything posted by chibimerrick

  1. I have read this bok many years ago, but I loved it so much. It was very interesting to see the perspective of the life of a geisha, from such a young age, and then to have the whole story seem like it might be sad, when in fact it ends quite well. The imagery and description into the world really makes you feel like you are living it with the protagonist.The movie was great to deliver that imagery, and then some, but like mentioned above, kinda left out some of the cultural nuances that made the book so intriguing and interesting in the first place. However, if you have to time to read the book, you could watch the movie and have a good idea of the story. Aside from that, I'm not sure where to find a detailed summary, sorry.
  2. Yes, milk is excellent when it comes to your energy needs. This is what new borns and infants feed off of to grow quickly and get stronger. It is so necessary in many species too. Of course, as much as it is good for growth and energy, it is not good to have too much, as it is fatty too. And once you've grown, technically, you don't really need milk anymore. Humans are the only creatures that continue to drink milk after it is needed in our diet for growth. I think this is due in part becuase of too much advertising for the "goodness" of milk and to help out dairy farmers....As for lactose intolerance, I am one of those people, and so is my mom. This is something that starts gradually when you get older, like in your teens or later. You tend to get an upset stomach after drinking milk or eating cheese. And then it can get worse to the boat that you get bloating and or diarrhea too. I have practically no tolerance at all of milk anymore. For me, it started in high school, where I just stopped drinking milk. Then in university, I noticed that even when I didn't drink milk, I would get bloated. I realized, by reading the ingredients to things, that there is A LOT of milk ingredients in almost everything. This does not help at all. So I am at the point now where I eat things that are milk free, over things that have some like ingredients. I still eat yogurt, as there is no lactase in it and it's fine to eat. I also eat some cheeses that are somewhat easier to eat then others. I can't drink milk anymore, and I can't cook with butter either. When there is milk in something, or butter, or I'm not sure, I take lactose enzyme pills. They work very well. Though I tend to use a fair amount depending on the meal and the amount of dairy products in it. I also find that sometimes, lactose free milks are not always entirely lactose free, so I stick to soy milk. I don't really enjoy soy milk, but when you want those nice coffees at starbucks or something, it works to ask them for soy milk. The coffee still tastes great. But the most inportant thing I would say, would be to check the ingredients to all your foods. You will be quite surprised by the amount of milk in things you would never have imagined.
  3. I don't mind computer games, except that I have a MAC and that does not allow much flexibility in games. I really wish that games would all be cross platform, but that's never going to happen....I really love sony consoles, since they have the best RPG games. And they have alot. I don't own a PS3, but I have played on one a little and the graphics are amazing. If I had the money, I would prefer a PS3 over a PS2. As for everything else, I'm not as fond of them, just cause I don't play many other types of games, except for mario kart
  4. For school, it's already been submitted, and I have my grade of 20 out of 20 I was thinking of possibly submitting this to a contest, but now that you mention it, I could spend a bit more time on it to add some things, like a shadow I wouldn't really add much of anything else though, as the car looks great as it is, and I don't want to put effects I don't like on it, or that would take away from the car.But thanks, I like that you like it lol
  5. I had to do a vector art of a plane, train or automobile for my Digital Applications class as a project, and I decided to do a Smart car. I traced it and applied gradient meshes to it, and it turned out great I am very proud of this piece, especially since I never really used much of Illustrator for vector art before. I spent an insane amount of hours on it though, the week it was due. In total, it was about 40 hours in all for this project, but I got a 20 out of 20 for it, so it was worth it
  6. I have never really been able to do this at all. I think I may have controlled my dreams only a few times. I mostly am completly within my dream and do whatever my dream self wants to be doing. The only times that I have been able to control the dreams, and that is only a little, is when I am almost half awake but not quite, and I am conscious that I am dreaming, mostly in the morning. The other times are when I am having a nightmare, and I realize that it's not real and only a nightmare, and then I force myself to wake up from the nightmare. Aside from that, I am at the mercy of my dreams ....
  7. oh man, this is really hard! And to think of how many times I've tried to answer this question, and I think it comes out to be different every time! lolI think.... it's realy close for some powers, but something really interesting would be electricity manipulation. It just seems cool and kinda handy. As much as telepathy and flying are super awesome as well....As for the name, I don't know.... Spark Lady? lol!
  8. I think everything that has been said up to now is very helpful. I will also say that the resolution and zoom tend to be very important factors in your choice, especially for quality. The resolution, in megapixels, varies on the camera, and depending on what you want to do, the better the resolution, the bigger and better quality pictures you can have. Also, the zoom, optical is much better for the quality of your images. Other things you may want to consider, depending on what you are looking for that had been looked over but can be useful to know to consider:Storage type of your pictures. What type of memory cards do thy take, are the expensive and do they come in big enough sizes?What type of batteries? Lithium, or rechargeable/AA batteries. There are pros and cons to each.The Flash modes can also be important, that is, how much you can adjust them and so on.Th frame rate has gotten much better and faster now, but some cameras are still very slow in taking pictures and/or saving them. Try to test out your potential cameras in a store before hand. I think some stores eve let you rent them, and you can test them out in your leisurely time too!So take your time if you need to, shop around, test, inform yourself on specs and definitely check out the reviews.
  9. Interview with the vampireDirty dancingMoonchildLabyrinthRocky horror picture show !!
  10. Like everyone else, it's hard to choose one favorite song among all of the ones you like. But for me, there are a few songs that tend to cheer me up or help me out whenever I really need it, and this song is one of them. It's Affirmation by Savage Garden:
  11. Personally, I think they are generally ok. They are safe and secure, and all transactions I've made have worked out well.The only thing that bugs me is the emails you get from paypal saying that they need more info, or someone was trying to log in to your account, etc, and require your information again. I don't think these are official paypal emails, but they still stress me out about the whole thing, and I stopped using paypal for a while because of this. But if you have no other method to pay online, paypal works.
  12. I think this is a new site, but I may be wrong. It's a great site for tons of Flash games, plus you have challenges everyday to collect points, as well as individual game challenges for more points. You can level up with them too. They haven't found anything else to do with the point yet though, but the system is really good. And since you create an account on there, it will save your games progress, which is always great. The community is amazing, and you can also chat, rate, and many other things! http://www.kongregate.com/ Here are some games I found really addictive: 3D Logic You connect the colored squares on the 3D cube http://www.kongregate.com/games/AlexMatveev/3d-logic There is also a second one! Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe 2 You play guitar in the guitar hero/dance dance revolution kind of way! Great songs too! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. ... but this was not a very bad movie. My friend, who loves musicals and Disney movies and all that pink and fluffy stuff, watched the movie and absolutely fell in love with it. I didn't feel very encouraged to watch it after that... though the commercials for it where funny and had seemed as a decent comedic movie. But recently, I watched it and I was quite surprised. Of course, if you've seen other Disney movies, you will get quite a few nice references through out the movie. I personally loved how the cartoon at the start was a mix of The Little Mermaid, Tarzan, Snow White, and a few more. The scenes especially. There are also many other references, especially to Snow white, which everyone knows, in the length of the movie. And as corny as it starts out to be, it is a nice emotional but funny kind of movie, that really gets you to like the characters. There is also quite some change in the main girl, (I forget her name now), and as much as her voice is ANNOYING... she becomes much more "human" and decent in terms of fairy tale cartoon characters. But it's not only that, its also about her discoveries and learning about life on a much deeper level. And the comedic part does not disappoint. It's really quite funny, the references and how naive the prince is, as well as the queen sometimes. And the songs... they are catchy! They are actually much better then some of the songs from the most recent Disney movies, that are really not so great anymore. So it was quite enjoyable, and it's not overdone, and they use this a comedic element to your advantage. So all in all, it was an enjoyable movie, if you want something light hearted and funny, and beautiful dresses and costumes, and a fairy tale ending
  14. My all time favorite car is the Smart car. It may be small, and not very powerful, but it is quite unique in it's look, an I find it way cute I think they have gotten a little better power wise, but they are still really expensive little cars. Thus, why as much as I like it, I don't think it will be very economical or extremely useful.My second favorite is the mini Cooper. I have a thing for small cars It's also pretty nice and it is a bit more efficient then the smaller smart car.
  15. I have yet to really taste such coffee, though I have heard of this for some time now. My roommate that used to work at Starbucks, kept telling me that their coffee was not that great, and that the best way to make it is on your own, roasted and grinded and made in a filterless coffee machine thing. I was again repeated the same thing at a food/gourmet convention, and I guess I did get a taste of this kind of coffee, but it was green beans, so the taste was quite different to start with. But the bitterness was definitely less present, but it was a really string coffee.Generally I like medium coffees, and as much as they may taste good, I like to sweeten it up anyways. But I don't like Starbucks coffee either, I prefer Second Cup and Timothy's coffee, even though these are not any step closer to better coffee. This is something that I will invest in when I'm not such a poor student
  16. This movie was truly awesome. I did not have any expectations for it, since for the longest time, before it came out, I thought it would be animated. Then, when I saw the trailer, I still didn't clue in that it was a live action Transformers movie. Finally, about a few weeks before I saw the movie, I say a better trailer, and really loved it, and thought, maybe I should go see it!So I did, and I LOVED it. I'm not much of a fan in the first place, except for having watched most of the beast wars shows. So I don't know much about the original transformers. But that it didn't really matter, because the animation was AMAZING and so cool! The story was really good too, dynamic, and not too predictable. And the characters, both the robots and the guy, are so lovable! At first, the way the guy was trying so hard annoyed me, but he calmed down a bit and turned out to be quite great. Seriously though, I was in awe when I saw the first transformation! It just never ends and is so cool looking! And the fact that you feel so much for the characters, just made me love it before it even ended. I highly recommended the movie to my parents, and they watched it, and were just as amazed as I was! I have rarelly left a movie thinking how GREAT it was, but this is one of those!
  17. I loved this game very much. I think it's second to the FF8 one The story was good to start with, but what really got me going was the beautiful sceneries and the great animation for that time! I have to admit that the characters did not majorly appeal to me until FFX-2. But as I played more of the game, the story started to get more twisted and sad, and I REALLY loved it then. I kinda spoiled myself the ending a bit, by accident, but until the end, I really wanted to know the turn out. I was in love with the cut scenes!! lolAlso, I love the concept of blitzball! I don't really like playing it, but it's really quite unique. The things is, I remember, many years back, I had a reoccuring dream about pools floating in the air, just the water, though not sphere like, but rectangular. And there were three onto of each other, but separated by some space, so you could swim around in one and then jump into the next one, above or below... and it reminds me so much of FFX. As for FFX-2, I mostly liked all the outfits! I only played it for that... the story was very much laking I find, and what I really wanted to see was the reunion. The story about Lenne is good, and the cg in the game was also fantastic, but as a FF, it was simply a sequel, and not in the capacity of a new FF game.
  18. I am waiting for an awesome movie that will come out this year:Repo! The Genetic OperaHaven't heard of it? Well, this will be a macabre musical movie, with Rocky horror influences and modern rock/opera music. The premise, sometime in the future, corporations will be able to give out organs on credit to people who want them (I higher level of plastic surgery) and those who cannot pay will have a repo (reposessor) come and take the organ away as per the legal contract. Thus the main character, a repo, and his daughter who knows not of this, will conflict in this world and so on. I think this will be VERY original and I look forward to the story, but also much more to the fantastic music!
  19. Could it be possible to replace the cream from the Lemongrass soup to coconut milk? I'm just wondering, since I'm lactose intolerant. I used to work at a chinese restaurant, and I loved this one dish, and learned out to make it myself. Here is the recipe, though it's not exactly specific: Shanghai Noodles For about one person/one serving: Ingredients Noodles (spaghetti or the japanese kind -> Udon) - As many as you usually have for one, but slightly less since your adding more stuff Meat (porc, beef, and/or fake crab stuff. Any meat really, and you can mix them) - about a handful of meat, either one kind or combined. Bell Peppers (red preferably but green is fine) - 1/4 Red Onion - 1/5~ or less Green Onion - 1 Carrots - 1/2 Celery - 1/2 a stalk Soy Sauce - 1/5 cup Sugar - 1/5 cup Sesame Oil - a few drops Salt - 1/2 teaspoon Chili stuff ( something spicy, like you can get in asian restaurants, the red sauce) - 1/2 teaspoon or less depending on taste Olive oil - 1 tablespoon Instructions 1. Boil water and cook your noodles if they are spaghetti noodles while cutting the meat and the vegetables. Cut the meat in bite size pieces or strips, same with the vegetables. 2. Heat a pan, put in the olive oil and the vegetables. Cook and set aside. Cook the meat, except for the fake crab. Set aside. 3. When noodles are done, drain the water and then add them in the pan with all the meat and vegetables, as well as the crab meat. If you are using udon noodles, put them in the pan during this step with everything else. 4. Poor soy sauce and sugar in the pan at medium heat, and let the noodles become slightly browner. Add the sesame oil, the salt, and the chili. 5. Mix everything well. Let the noodles absorb most of the soy sauce. It should take a few minutes, and then it is ready to serve with chopped green onion on top.
  20. I love ramen! It's great food and can be quite filling if you add more stuff to it. I prepare my ramen different ways, but the most simple is just boiling it and eating it with whatever comes in the package. I also like to make it more hearty by adding cabbage, onions and an egg. You just put the egg in once your done cooking, as the water is still boiling hot, and then mix it right away so that it dissolves into the soup base. Adds good substance to the soup!Also, for the chow mein or yakisoba flavored noodles, I like to boil the noodles, then fry them with ground beef or shrimp, and add some peppers and onions and carrots. It's very tasty and filling. You can also add scrambled eggs to this.
  21. Oh my mistake! I got confused with all the acronyms, though NAFTA is also one of the things that is being discussed along side the union. I agree with this very much. I like being Canadian, and not being American. I also feel that we are already too close and affected by the American economy for my liking. Though it is hard not to be, as we share so many resources and are so close to each other geographically. I especially would not like a recession to happen and have us go down with them, but as things stand now, this will affect us also. That's why that maybe this union, if done properly, could possibly help with this if it ever happens.
  22. I'm not sure if this will help or not, but I found this great site for making your own ringtones: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's really easy, you just upload the song you want, cut out a part you want for the ringtone, save it and put it on your phone! And it's free! I love this because generally, I can't find ringtones of songs I like, since they are more obscure. But this way, I get to make the exact ringtone I want with the song I want. I should mention though that I re-saved the file as a mp3 for it to work on my motorola, but after that, it worked fine!
  23. Hey, thanks mega-man, for the simple sypnosis! As much as I try to keep up with the FF13 info, I mostly only get to see the latest pictures, and not the actual story details and such.I personally cannot wait for this game to come out for many reasons. First, it has been a while since a FF games story really captivated me and delighted me with twists and turns and character development. I think 8 and 10 were excellent for this. I'm not done playing 12 yet, but it seems to have a slightly more generic FF story then the dreamy, fantasy like stories of the other FF I mentioned. Also, the graphics will be superb! I am going to be in awe once I see the game on tv with a PS3! I have seen what games can look like on this system, and it is just amazing. And since this is gonna be the latest version of the game, it's going to be top notch graphics as always.Another thing I look forward to is the music. The music is generally really good, most games, but the few pieces we have heard of the game so far are so pretty and emotive. Finally, I love the characters so far, and I like the concept of the game and it's spin off in the same world, but with different stories! Means that if it really is good, we can make it last longer by playing the other games like Versus!
  24. I think that generally, I like taller guys. However, I am really short, so it's hard for guys to actually be shorter then me. But this is not the deciding factor. I look at many other things in a guy, and not just height. Height is just one of the variables and can be looked over if the others are all good <_<For exemple, I am crushing this guy who is MUCH taller then me, and even though kissing would be awkward to say the least, I don't really care, cause he's got many other things going for him! So don't worry about that too much.
  25. I agree with you on this, especially about the changes needed before something like this could take place. Especially not now anyway. However, this is not something in the distant future, and is happening much quicker than some people realize. The meetings for the Security and Prosperity Partnerships, that have taken place since 2001, are re-current events in which many steps are being taken, without the approval of the people, to change and unify the Americas in their own way. This is also done with CORPORATE heads. Which should not have this kind of influence in politics. A better explanation here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I don't mean to force anything on anyone, but I do want to make sure that people know as much as possible about this. I guess I've been pointing out some bad things about this union, and I know some things can be good too. So how about discussion about those positive things too?
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