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Posts posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. Dont use paypal they rip you off every chance they can get its been soo bad as to the point were they froze my account to collect the interest on it they currently are in like 30 lawsuits and only stupid people still use it or.. people like me who dont really have a choice i need to use it or i don't make money if you really wanna see whut paypal is all about go to paypalsucks.com

    :) You must have done something wrong for them to freeze your account. if you wish to discuss this further, i suggest you make a new topic in the internet forum.

  2. Or you could have your parents set up the account for you, to a bank account that has $10 in it or so. Chances are, they are going to see the money coming in one way or another and the best thing is to just be truthful to them. Show them the site, show them testimonials, and tell them that if you are going to lose any money at all, it will be the $10. PayPal can be trusted, and it can be a great way to earn a little money here and there.Or you could just wait until you are 18.

  3. Call of Duty 4 is a good game, and I would say buy it, but I do say that Call of Duty 3 is better. Call of Duty 4 has better graphics, but that also means that the blood is a lot more realistic.How old is your son? If he is older than 12 or so, I would say he could handle it. Ignore the M or T ratings, play the game yourself! There are many games that are rated M for one console, and rated T for another, when it's the same game. There are M games such as Call of Duty 4, and 24 The Game which I have played, that don't deserve the M rating that has been put on it. Also games such as Manhunt and Manhunt 2 shouldn't be rated M, they should be rated AO.I would also suggest the Medal of Honor series, and I know that they have an air-based game that your son may like.Also, if you have one in your area, check out the store GameCrazy. They let you try the game before you buy it, so your son could see if he likes it and if it is worth the $50 or however much it costs, and you could see if the game is appropriate for him.

  4. Once you place your order at Xisto - Support.com/Billing, I request you to wait for 24-48 hours for about 2-3 weeks.
    My staff will be trained and instructed at the same time. Initially, due to the overflow of orders by old-members after the credit system v3 launch is going to put a load on us. Once my team is trained, it should take about 24 hours for activation for accounts funded by credits. :-)


    Are you saying that old members should now request a plan on the v3 system?
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