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Posts posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. I have a feeling that Obama won't help the economy at all. First, in order to do all of his 'nice things' that he promised us less than a week ago, he has to get the money from somewhere. That somewhere is the middle class (though he says he won't tax us more, which I highly doubt) and the upper class. And who are the people who are investing in these companies are...you guessed it, the middle and upper class. So then we won't have more money to buy more stocks, that will then in turn help the economy. I think the Bush plan wasn't that bad, it's just that it wasn't even given a chance. People judged it too early, and I think it will work, and Obama will take credit for it.

  2. The one of the few things that I dislike about Macs, is that they make a new OS every year or two. At a couple hundred dollars a piece, it is really expensive. Right now I'm running 10.2, because the firmware can't be updated anymore.Mac is always the best for virus protection though.The best thing for you is probably to get a PC and to emulate OS X on it, since you want to choose your graphics card. I have seen it done, but it takes some brains to do it!

  3. Pippin95,If the baby dies long before, it's called a miscarriage, and the baby would have no chance of living.As for the election results, I'm not very glad that Obama won, but I wish him luck, because for the next four years, all of us as Americans have to live under his policys. I oppose many things that he supports, but for the next 4 years I'm going to have to live with it.

  4. The problem if citizens could vote to declare war would be that some people would be uneducated on the circumstances. Not very much of what the White House knows ever gets out to public, so normal US citizens could never get a real idea of if we should go to war or not. Plus, you would get people protesting outside the voting places...As for being a libertarian, I would be against that party because they support abortion. I could never be with a party that supports abortion. Just have the baby, no matter how old or young you are, and put it in foster care. I person is a person no matter how long they have been living or growing in a womb. There are other issues that I agree with the libertarian party on, but the party that I agree with the most is the Republican Party. When I am of age to vote, I will look at the candidates based on their point of view on issues, not necessary on what party they are with.

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