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Posts posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. I don't have one, but I think the price is too high. The graphics are great, but it isn't worth the hefty price tag that was put on it. The Xbox 360, in my opinion, is better, but still has flaws. The Xbox 360 has great graphics too, and it's actually a normal shape, but you have to play for Xbox Live. Also if you have a wireless internet connection and want to use it, you have to pay $100 for the receiver (Even my Apple airport card didn't cost that much, and Apple prices their items really high).People may say it's worth the price because Blue Ray will be the new DVD or VHS. I would say wait--once the Blue Ray patent runs out, all these companies will start making cheap Blue Ray players, and the price will go down a lot. I remember when DVD first came out. A DVD player costed $100. Now you can get a good one for about $25 or $30.

  2. I HAD all their songs (and some quite rare ones) on my iPod, but my iPod died, so now I'm trying to get back all the rare ones that I had (may take a while). I didn't go to Mayhem because it was too far away from me (I live in upstate new york, in albany, and the venues were 100 miles to the east, west and south of me). TTF was awesome, but I think one of the things that made it that way was Mike's bada$$ drumming.I've been trying to put my site on the web since I heard that the old DMB shut down and TDO sucked (and died).

  3. Any Disturbed fans here? They are my favorite band and have been listening to them for years. Their new album is great, but I don't think it is as good as the Sickness (which just surpassed 4,000,000 sales). Also you may want to check out the link in my sig :lol:

  4. I think you should put more time into one of your blog instead of having many. I also think you should pick something to blog about. Just posting pictures and such, you should just put in a Gallery and enable comments.For your forum, host your own forum, and get a guitar centered theme. It will look a lot better.For getting money, I don't know how you could do it without Paypal or something like it. I would suggest putting ads on and getting the payments sent to you via-mail.

  5. Are you kidding me? Obama is talking about the *ISSUES*? Obama avoids every question by using his gift of tongue. Hes not asked any hard questions, when hes asked to come up with his plan, his immediate answer is something along the lines of, 'When I'm in the White House I'll bring together all my advisors to come up with a plan.' I can't say I like either candidate, they both have a lot of weaknesses, so its as if your choosing the lesser of two evils. One of my friends told me a few days ago, and I think she was right, anyone smart enough to be in office is smart enough not to run. But back to Palin, Tina Fey is a left-wing comic, working for a left-wing network, her job is to make fun of Palin. Tina Fey is not here to portray any truths about Palin, just make a joke out of her. Also, Palin isn't clueless, are you saying Obama or Biden actually understand average American lives any better than Palin does? Biden was raised by a rich family and taught government immediately, Obama was raised by the Political 'machine' in Chicago. I can say Palin may not be an experienced politician, but all these attacks I see on her are ridiculous.

    Well I don't really know the political affiliation of NBC, but I can tell you that NBC doesn't do this stuff (such as Saturday Night Live) to portray the truth of any candidate, in any election, whatsoever. When the Democratic Candidate was still up in the air between Obama and Clinton, I remember laughing so much at the stuff that they had making fun of them (also Jay Leno did a good job of this too).
    All of these attacks on Palin I think aren't real good ones. I think John McCain made a good choice when it came to Palin, because she represents the average American family. She has kids and probably knows well how high taxes hurt Americans, and will probably only endorse tax hikes when she deems the necessary.

    Personally, her only comeback against anything Obama says is that he is a terrorist, or a rubbish joke!

    I have never heard her call Obama a terrorist, adn she never will because he isn't! At a rally one person called Obama an Arab. He isn't-he's an American just like you and me. Even if his heritage was Arabian, I don't think that it should matter in an Election.

  6. So you don't make 2,000 credits and then not come back for 2,000 days.

    I still see Saint_Michael here ^_^I think that the credits should be displayed in a member's postbit, like iTrader in vBulletin, just so that others can see if you are just coming here when your credits are down.
    I know that this has been suggested, but more points if you post 1 post a day as opposed to seven posts for one day in a week. It will encourage people to come here and check back more often, then to just come here and post for a few hours and take the week off.
    I, of course, use this forum to host my website, but I'm not going to be one of those losers who comes here JUST for hosting and their posts are a one liner that was probably copied and pasted. Don't be one of those people :lol:

  7. I used to be OBSESSED with runescape, then stopped playing when they added the Grand Exchange and the scam-proof trade thing. It isn't as fun as it used to bee, when I could sell stuff for more than it was worth and buy stuff for dirt cheap.

  8. I wear normal glasses. Everybody in my family has poor eyesight. I may soon get contacts, but right now I am stuck with normal glasses. Speaking of which, don't wear breakable glasses when playing soccer. I learned that the hard way (another tip is to keep a spare pair at home or in a car if you need them to drive).

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