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Everything posted by Amiel

  1. Wow, The Sims 3 has been teased. And it's more realistic with The Sims 2. The Sims 3's first details will be seen on March 19, 2008. What I like in this game is you may roam around the whole neighborhood without encountering a loading screen. You may peek and spy out you neighbors any time you want. The Create-A-Sim feature or as the Sims players know, CAS, has been improved. You have now, the ability to choose their shoes, Wow! And, you may differentiate their height. Another thing is that 99 % sure of this game is that you may have a car without having an expansion. Hmmm, what can I say?If I would compare them:1 The Sims 3: You may roam around the neighborhood without encountering any loading screen... The Sims 2: In The Sims 2, you will have to wait for a loading screen before reaching a place from place to place.2. The Sims 3: You may peek and spy at your neighbors... The Sims 2: In The Sims 2, their is feature that you may see the houses of your neighbors, but you cannot see your neighbors.3. The Sims 3: The Create-A-Sim feature or CAS feature has been improved... The Sims 2: In The Sims 2, the Create-A-Sim feature or the CAS feature has been introduced with The Sims 2 and it's wonderful and amazing but, you cannot experience the immense satisfaction while you are creating your Sims.I'm very excited about this game. Very very excited. Well, the first News and maybe the first peek of some informations may appear at The Sims 3's site on March 19, 2008, Wednesday.
  2. My goodness! I thought that News is not real. But since, it's here, I should believe now. Yahoo! is a very popular site here in our country, most of our homepage here are Yahoo! but except me, I'm using Google. Yahoo! is a very great company, I cannot believe Microsoft wants Yahoo! And I think, Yahoo! should not end the fight, even if it is loosing it's team, they should keep it up nicely. But if they dont have any choice, then they should go for it.-Amiel
  3. Lol, I saw Microsoft FireFox, in MSN last year with their topic about scams. At first I cannot believe that Microsoft acquired FireFox but since the I havent saw any Microsoft FireFox article in the mainsite of Microsoft, I just laughed and laughed. I havent tried this browser, I'm not sure if it is safe or what. And besides I have Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1. Microsoft FireFox wont work with my Windows XP SP1-Amiel
  4. Amiel

    Opera opera

    Opera is a good internet browser but not all websites can be accessed thru opera. You need Mozilla FireFox or Internet Explorer to access a particular site which doesnt support opera. At first I thought that opera is just a noobish internet browser that would add more problems in my daily internet addiction but when I spend more time with it, I have found out, it may be the best browser in the future. Who knows?-Amiel
  5. If I'm sick, I will call my friends and I will tell them that I'm sick. And I love to chat with my friends at the phone. If I'm bored at the same time I'm sick, I usually watch our Television because it gives me a lot of entertainment especially laughs. As other people says: Laughter is the best medicine. After watching, I go to sleep nor I will rest.-Amiel
  6. Hah, since Microsoft has gained a accomplished it's users, why dont you or some people try it. Maybe Linux would have more user than Microsoft Windows in the future!Linux need to be explored! Linux needs time to improve! Linux is not good or bad, but it's just okay for me.-Amiel
  7. Well, at my side, be confident in what are you doing. Be friendly, be nice, be polite, helpful, be honest, and be confident is my motto while I'm in our school. I'm not saying that I'm popular in our school but almost everyone knows me lol. By being friendly, nice, polite, helpful, honest, and confident, you could earn friends and you may earn popularity somehow.Watchout in what are you doing because people may see what you are doing. Watchout with your attitude because you may loose your friends and you may gain enemies.-Amiel
  8. Before, I love Grand Theft Auto Vice City, then I hate Grand Theft Auto Vice City then I love Grand Theft Auto 3, I hate Grand Theft Auto 3 then I love Grand Theft Auto Vice City. I hate Grand Theft Auto Vice City and I love Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. I cant choose which sequel is the best. But now, I have to say, I'm loving Grand Theft Auto San Andreas because I already saw it's real gameplay. I thought before that Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Su**s but now, I'm loving it. The cars has been improved, more features has been added, more great missions, more exciting scences, more places to explore, and of course, more great gameplay obviously.Now, I miss Grand Theft Auto San Andreas because I lost my CD's, and I want to play it now. But I cant find Grand Theft Auto San Andreas in the 3 big malls here in our country! They are all out of stock! My goodness!-Amiel
  9. Hello,I would just like to ask why does Php-Fusion is not included in the Fantastico? Neither it is a very good CMS. And it is even better than the very buggy Php-Nuke. Could it be possible to include Php-Fusion in each and everyone's account? Or is there any way so Php-Fusion would show up in Fantastico.-Amiel
  10. High School's are not boring. In fact, for us here, High School is the time where you could have the freedom! Well, I mean, your parents will now let you go if you have some friend appointments, attend concerts, and others. Our High School Campus is very big and it is s refreshing there and you can enjoy yourself there.-Amiel
  11. Oh FreeWebs, my first host when I was just a starter back in 2005. I thought before FreeWebs is a unfriendly site but it is a friendly site. It's designs are very good. The host's features are npt that bad but I hate to see that FreeWebs only gives up to 40 Mb. Owww... Even a small bandwith. Oh well, atleast they give a nice hosting to everybody. That is why they called FreeWebs. But is it called still FreeWebs if you are already in the Premium? Well, when a customer upgrades into Premium, a big site change should be seen in their Accounts. FreeWebs has been transformed into PremiumWebs or PaidWebs... Lol... Well, name is not a problem. I remember, when I sign up in FreeWebs they only offer few templates and a weird subdomain: freewebs.com/mysiteoryoursite My goodness! But now, 2007 and now 2008, a big change in FreeWebs has begun! New user interface has arrived, it's very refreshing, and it adds more templates, more features, and new subdomain! Before, freewebs.com/mysiteoryoursite Now, it is mysiteoryoursite.webs.com! It's very cool. I love to be hosted there but I want to try out Xisto. -Amiel
  12. Yes! Byet host is a bad host for me because I dont really know what's their purpose... lol... They offer good services although they are a little bit slower. I think Byethost is a unfriendly site. Their cPanel thingy there is themed with Vista which is very yucky. I didnt like it. Xisto is better than that Byethost!-Amiel
  13. I only and I really love: de_inferno. Whenever I play Counter Stike, When I was in that map, I usually imagine that I'm a real fighter. Neither I'm close, but I'm not. It's a very good map.-Amiel
  14. I hate Microsoft Windows Vista because of some reasons:1st: I hate Microsoft Windows Vista because of it's system requirements. Oh cmon, it's very hard to get high specifications this time. Evey PC specs are very expensive and they are not worthy to buy in my opinion. Well, could you imagine, 1 gb ram could exactly give you the satisfaction? Think, it's Windows Vista, there are too many things and etc loaded and added there which are not important. For me as a consumer, 1 gb is not enough to run Windows Vista. I need atleast 2 gb ram to run that.2nd: I hate Microsoft Windows Vista because of it's precious price. Oh cmon again. Microsoft Windows Vista is very expensive here in our country. So, pirated CD's are being sold in markets and everywhere! I almost cry when I saw it's price here. I cant imagine that at first, I need a 2 gb of RAM to run it, plus now, I need atleast 400 $ to buy Microsoft Windows Vista? I dont think so. I'd rather wait and I need to earn more money, so I can buy the luxurious Mac OS!3rd: I hate Microsoft Windows Vista because of it is just a shiny version of Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005! Well, it is more shiny, but I still hate it. I really prefer into the boring and classic original design of Microsoft's 95, 98, 2000, and ME!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But even though I love to hate it, Microsoft Windows Vista can assure us that we are safe. It has great programs but others dont help though. For now, I'll stick with Microsoft Windows XP!-Amiel
  15. Go for http://www.y8.com/ It's a very cool site which compiles every flash games you'll see in other sites. It's very great to see many games there. And I always play Hot Dog Bush. Hot Dog Bush a funny game which tells us that what would happen in to the president of United States if he has been kicked off at his position! Well, he would sell hotdogs.... lol...
  16. Wow, very great tutorial, very well explained and said.The Gimp is a very cool program, at first I thought it could not help me out. But I realize I'm not helping myself out and I'm not exploring the things there. Now I learn.I want to try other programs. And they are very interesting!
  17. I'm also addicted when it comes to internet. it's very addictive, and I cant say for now that I can stop using it. In fact when it comes to me, I use the internet for 3-5 hours! mygoodness!-Amiel
  18. Very funny topic. Well, in our school, our school is very strict when it comes to skipping classes. For example, I didnt attend my Language subject and I just stayed and eat in our canteen! But here, we do not call it as skipping classes, here it is called or known as cutting classes. It's kinda weird but it is the same as skip class. Hmmmm, as far as I know, I skip class for the past past past day because our teacher, tells something to the selected students to have a meeting neither it's already recess time. After the meeting it's already discussion time. Well, I didnt go straight in to our classroom but I go ahead in the canteen and eat my recess! lol...-Amiel
  19. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, is one of my best Computer Game ever installed in my computer. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, is a very good game which adds more features unlike it's other series which has been also a top selling game. When I played Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, I was very concentrated with it because of it's great graphics cool sound effects.At first I thought it was boring but of couse it's like a movie, at first it's kinda boring but when you reach the climax you cannot breathe anymore. I really love there roaming around, killing people, driving cars, flying planes, and of course, doing the cool missions. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is the best Grand Theft Auto game that I ever seen as of now. But maybe, when Grand Theft Auto: 4 has been released, maybe all of us may change our minds.-Amiel
  20. Amiel

    Gta Iv

    GTA 4, an upcoming game which is very cool and amazing. With it's new great features, I easily fell in love with it. It's graphic enhancements is now realistic. Cars are now improved and better. Player system has been also improved. Missions are not boring, they are all in action!I love it! When I saw the trailer, I saw some parts in New York. The trailer was very cool. Before, GTA 4 must be released on last October 16, 2007 but as Take 2 interactive announced, the game release will be moved on 2nd Quarter 2008 with no exact date as of now. Rumors spread that GTA 4 is afraid of it's sales because of the much anticipated game which is Halo 3. But Take 2 Interactive software tell that they we're fixing some things, and they need to improve more things there.I hope, after it's release for XBOX 360 and Playstation 3, there will be a release for Computer owners so I can play also! Yay!-Amiel
  21. Wow, very exciting and very amazing. I'm sure, almost all of the games now are cool and very amazing. Everyone should watchout for these games. And we'll see what we got.-Amiel
  22. I live in Philippines and obviously I'm a Filipino. So I speak:-Tagalog or to be specific Filipino.-English. Why English? Because it's the Global Language or Because Americans invade us for 40 years!-Amiel
  23. Ohhh, I have to say I Like it because it is the most addictive Simulation game ever. It is very an amazing game which enables us to be God. And being a God is a very wonderful task. In every Sim game you cannot hear any franchise or any product saying that there is no Simulation thingy in that particular game.In my The Sims Bustin' Out which was in my Gameboy SP, I find it very cool because I can control my character. And that time is the time where I started created my first fansite named Simoley. Next to my game is my The Sims and it's other expansion packs which has a different format unlike in The Sims Bustin' Out. One day I researched on the web that there will be a The Sims 2 which has the greatest features as of before and as of now. Unlike in The Sims and it's other expansions it's view is only 2-D, now, in The Sims 2, it is a 3-D game which is very wonderful because I can see my Sims closer and I can see their moves smoother.There is already announced The Sims 3 but there's no further details about that. It's very exciting and as far as I know, The Sims 3 might be released on Late 2008 or Early 2009. It's kinda far but I'm willing to wait for that new sequel to the Sim series!-Amiel
  24. I have Picasa2. I'm a digital camera lover. I love my polaroid camera. And I always bring my polaroid camera in all of the great events in our school. Well, my camera's flash has been destroyed. And we are waiting to have a specialist to fix my polaroid camera. So now, I'm using Picasa2 a very useful image editor thingy tool which enables my to adjust the brightness of my dark pictures. It's very cool and amazing. I hope there will be more features to come and I hope it will be staying for free forever? Oh yeah, forever!-Amiel
  25. I'll go for Playstation Portable. It is very enhanced well, very designed well and very good, internet access in WiFi zones.. Am I sure?Hmmm, Playstation Portable has a simple design where while you play and use your Playstation Poratble, it is impossible that a person passing by will ignore you. Well of course, with it's very great design it will attract people obiously.-Amiel
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