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Posts posted by kobra500

  1. Hi again, I'm back, again and thought I'd post one of these (again) explaining what's what. Okay so I've been away, I've been busy with exams and since I started paying for hosting, but It's run out and my parents have moved to tenerife, so my money is tied up in other things. Now I know if you were to (and don't) go through all my previous posts you'd see that I was usually a reasonable poster, but every now and then you'd find a rant on something, some of which I'm a little embarressed of, so its safe to say this is a new start at Xisto, I plan to lower the no. of posts I regret making and hopefully will make me a more popular person. Some things havn't changed, my views on religion have not changed but have become more refined prehaps and I can't tell wether or not I like the iphone despite boycotting everything apple make. "I am farmiliar with the rules no need to post them underneath, all I need is some "hi there's" and "welcome backs" to whoever is currently a regular poster. and maybe I'll finally get to 500 (quality) posts so I can finally get a custom thing on my profile. Hi again everyone and nice you to meet you to the people who have arrived since I have left. as I said, new start, etc.I also have some stuff to sort out with billing so, if Opaque is here, I'm sorting in, sorry for lateness.

  2. Right, my screen has a resolution on 1600 x 900 (I was foolish and bought a Vaio FW series. I should of gone for a 17" toshiba.) anyway I want to do a HD screencast to go on youtube, but I want it full screen, but my moniter doesn't support 1280 x 720. Now i don't want to force the resolution down, what i do want however to know if I can resize the screen, as aposed to changing the resolution.If any of you know anything let me know (is this possible) I know it is on box moniters (we used to piss around with them at school) but not laptops. Help ...

  3. My Beta Key came through a week ago, I'd give it a mixed review, it is well made, espicially for a free game, but fans of the other games should not be looking for a sequal. As much it bears the "Battlefield" Title, it is really part of the series, but a new game in its own right. It is fun to play, and rather arcadey. It has interesting game play, but in my opinion the maps aren't big enough and there is no sprint feature, so you run slowly. The customisations are good, however, is it worth paying for a free game? The graphics are eccelent, although cartoony.Overall I would give it 7-10. Worth playing but there are much better games out there, such as Urban Terror, which I recommend by the way , however feel free to sign up for the beta, but you will be waiting around for a while for your key.

  4. They gave the USA the Statue of Liberty, Don't be mean guys. Also, people have no right to think there superior from where they come from (though, myself included, do) Where you are born is just luck of the draw really. That is quite hilarious, "Freedom Fries" america isn't Free, nowhere is, there is no such thing as a good government, as much as Obama is great and all, all the other members are in it for the money.

  5. Well, there are two types of people who should visit your site: Clan Members, People interested in joining. If you wanna get people in, Advertise to your clan members to visit the site, if you put all the details on there, they'll have little choice but to visit it. Make sure you advertise on Games forums such as Gamebattles to get people to join. As for what your site must contain: Clan Statistics, Games, Contact/Join information. Best Content Management System to use would be possible E107 though skins are a little hard to find. But you could use anything you prefer. Just make it easy to use, forums etc. Track Game Statistic and Good Luck with your Clan.

  6. So do I, E4 plays music in the morning and it is all Hip Hop and mainstream shite, It's awful, have people ever heard of ... a guitar, drums..... no? God Rap, hip hop its as boring as hell, anyway enough complaining, but seriously I'm glad people like what their into, but I wish they wouldn't play that crap full volume at the back of the bus every morning. It drives me crazy.

  7. I don't see the problem, linux is opensource and comes with opensource software, windows is microsoft, and comes with microsoft's software, don't get me wrong, I think that opensource alternatives on windows are great and this is a good leap forward however, I wish people and I'm saying anyone here, would stop *BLEEP*ing that "Internet explorer being shipped with it is unfair", its at the operating systems manufacturers discretion.I've installed the new 8, a quick browse and a look in Task manager, shows it is pretty impressive, but I'm happy with firefox for the moment. Is microsoft doing an firefox addons style site, does anyone know?

  8. No, Evolution can't stop, since all evolution is random gentic mutations, not to say that evolution is random, since natural selection makes it have a sort of intellegence.off topic"Religion is unconscious and metaphysical, therefore incapable of causing harm." Hitler didn't kill all the Jews personally, doesn't mean he is responsible for the death of x amount of jews...

  9. don't get why people are complaining about this... Why are you double clicking the webpage anyway? There should be no reason for you to double click something on the webpage.

    Its a force of habbit, I use it to copy and paste, secondly if you don't speak English, then use Babel fish, or Google Translate or whatever, the stupid thing is annoying as hell. You speak English, i'd like someone who doesn't who uses it to object as your opinion as speaking fluent English on the subject is unjustified.

  10. Adriantc makes a good point, the Bible is taken from lots of different books, it's an anthology if you will, its not written or scribed by "God" its written by people, homophobic, racist, and stupid people apparently, in favor of Capital Punishment by stoning for crimes that hardly hurt anyone, usually no one.Todays people are more moral that the bible, the bible is as moral as a fur coat.

  11. - The earth is round*many people thought the earth was flat, that if you walked far enough you'd fall at the edge of the earth

    That is a fallacy, infact since the acient greeks (before the bible) people knew about the earth being round, the ones who said the earth was flat were thought to be stupid. So theres one of the points the bible didnt predict actually predict.

    There are 100's of facts that are said to be true, that we know are false, these are all false. I can reccommend a show "Q.I" hosted by Stephen Fry here in the u.k.

    There's more than what that web page has, but i guess the creators of that site figured that would be convincing enough. All of those i had already known about, though. But for some reason, even with all these facts, people still don't believe.

    It may be something to do with the Dark Age Regression, or something to do with lack of tracked science, could also be explained by the fact a non-existant being couldn't make this up.

    The Steam engine was invented in acient times. God must have given them the knowlegde, shame it was useless. Ironically rails had been invent years before even that.

    Also all the scientific evidence made since then goes against God.

    It's amazing with all these facts people still believe.

    -see what I did there?

    you don't look for a logical explanation, don't understand x theory.. just say God did it. The fact you believe these techs must have been God shows your lack of logical thought. I've already disprooved one of your list for a fact (and these are older written texts.

  12. edit:Apperently F.A.G is blocked but I'm talking cigaretteI go to a 6th form college here in England, it's good but means putting up with lots of 11-15 year olds. Not that there all that bad but some of them are.. anyway many time on my walk home I get asked if I have "spare *f.a.g*" there words, and I'm not talking about an extra extra homosexual , I mean Cigarette. Now in case you havn't spotted the faulty logic in this already I will elaborate. I am and never have been, a smoker... but if I had I would know just how much I have to spend on them, now smokers are addicted to cigarettes, addicted being the main word. This means to a smoker, none of their cigarettes is or can be spare because they have the intention I'm sure of smoking all of them in due time. To a smoker there is no such thing as a "spare *f.a.g.*".

    Notice from truefusion:
    Edited topic title: inserted "cigarette".

  13. Someone questioned the universe growing more complex, Well yes but not by chance, but by physics and evolution. there would have been a whole lot of dark, some rock maybe and gases etc at the beggining, Star were created there gavity attracted rock, bash bash bash planets, then elements were formed whatever etc, thats the very basic gist of it, Evolution exists, anyway you do God no justice, are you saying god could not of created evolution or is that beyond his reach.

    Existance Of Jesus (aka Christ)

    back to the question, did Jesus exist: possibly. Was he the son of god, god himself or any of that rubbish. No.

    Should we dislike him for bring us christianity: No it would probably spawn someother crappy religion

    Do I feel the world would be a MUCH better place without it ... yes.

    If someone gave me a mystical button which would remove (not kill the religious) ideas from the world would i press it?.. you'd better believe it.

  14. You can't proove it, if you could then you would know it to be true and would not be asking, I like to think .. no. No life after death means know worries, life after death is one step from hell and if the God is the God of the old testament or even the new, the fact I don't means that I don't have to worry. Why should you worry, you remember before you were born... no of course not. Whats scary about nothing, nothing is not scary.

  15. Ah, but I didn't say the universe was simple just WHAT STARTED THE UNIVERSE. The universe would have started simple and grown more complex over time. There was a very clever scientist who was also christian, he cut out all the parts of the bible which contradicted his science, he was left with so little, he couldn't pick it up without it tearing in two. Anyway he then said he had a choice, Science or God. Unfortuantly he chose God, shame to see some a good mind go to waste. You are a very intelligent person Truefusion, however I imagine how intelligent you could be without this God and I'm going to say Crap for want of better word. But I respect you because unlike these other "enlightened Christians" you take the time to study it all. Even though you didn't come to the same conslusion as me.Anyway I'll say no more on this argument, we are too just different people, when it comes to religion at least.If you're right feel free to laugh at me in heaven, or hell if he really is a bastard to non-believers, you may need to make a tempory trip :). If I'm right well, at least I didn't waste my life worshipping a false idol.Also Mary: I'm PregnantJoey: *BLEEP*, everyone will know we had intercourse before marriageMary: We'll Say he's holy or somin'Joey: We'll say he's the son of God.Though I doubt that it happened it is a possibility, however if mary really is the mother of Jesus she had sex with someone and it wasn't God.

  16. Well, no supprise there, logical, I am crap at art, I get more on the table than I do on the thing I'm painting on. There was that rumour that hand you use has something to do with, while it is true that left hand is controlled by the right site and the opposite for the right hand, that doesn't affect wether your artistic or logical.

  17. Here's something worth considering: Complaints are pointless if they bear no good fruit. There is more than one way to consider this; it deals with actions and words. The part concerning words is how to go about in complaining and whether one should be complaining altogether. The part about actions is, after properly complaining, how to go about in solving the problem which the complaint says exists. Consider also Proverbs 26:4-5 on how these relate to this.

    I disagree, though prehaps it's because I'm british, over here we bond over complaining, we use it to meet new people, to let off steam, we like it. Sometimes it is anoth for people just to listen to what annoys you without taking action.
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