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Posts posted by kobra500

  1. Now if you'd had asked me 1 year ago the Xbox 360, but we are now one year later and I would say the PS3. Feature wise now I would say it offers more in the way of things I want to use it for (BBC Iplayer in the UK) It features bluray which I will admit I've never used but I'm sure It will be a wise buy for the future. It's come down in price a lot which is good and the choice of games is moving up to reach the Xbox, I think that people may have been right to say the PS3 will have a longer life and I think feature wise the PS3 is now really strongly competing with the 360, same for titles.

  2. Well I pick up objects close to me and fiddle with them all the time, its to do with being bored, its not OCD it's more likely you just have an inability to do nothing, like me in a lot of ways, you can't just sit there, you are always having to be doing something and it's mostly sub-conscience. It's not a problem but it can annoy others but that is their problem.

  3. I liked Truefusions reasons, I hadn't thought about that, the main reason is it makes your site look proffession, if you got it from a free website templates site, it is samey, any no. of people could have had that template. If the site doesn't require link backs then it is really up to you, I agree with what you're saying bani but I still think that people sometimes (not always) have good reasons to hide there CMS or there template designer. What if it was a php template, anyone could find the template and then use the code to find a weakness, much like what truefusion said.

  4. But i am going to say that i do not agree with the evolution theory. Just because you believe you evolved from a monkey doesn't mean it is true. Or that I and everyone else are required to believe it.

    I don't believe we evolved from modern day monkeys or monkeys in the sense you are speak and neither does anyone else who has any basic understanding of evolution, the "Monkeys" we evolved from are in fact now extinct, and are referred to casually as Old World Monkeys. Secondly, you're right just because I believe it doesn't make it true, what does make it true however is the insurmountable amount of evidence among many fields within biology that has established evolution i.e. change over time is a fact and micro evolution and macro evolution have both been observed and you can look all this up for yourself.

    You aren't required to believe it however, you are required to admit that you are ignorant of evolution. You are also required to realise that by not believing you are disbelieving a scientific fact (Evolution i.e. change over time, speciation and genetic mutation are all fact however, it is a theory as many part of evolution are not facts and are still debated by scientist i.e. aspects of social evolution). There are also countless examples of intermediate fossils and we have a very and increasingly full fossil record showing gradual evolution of species.

    So my reason is valid and your reason is also valid but I would say yours is the thought process and mine is the genetic reason, both are related.

  5. Haiti isn't just a poor nation, its the poorest nation in Western Europe. and the damages are humongous. The worst thing was the nut job who blamed the earthquake on a deal they made with the devil 200 years ago (same guy who blamed New Orleans on a Lesbian Comedian) name escapes me but how harsh is that.Well, I wish them all the best, I hope the support makes it there okay and that the problem is sorted out quickly and efficiently.

  6. Well I agree cheating is a big problem and having never cheated on anyone and to the best of my knowledge been cheated on I can't say for why exactly. I will add that Humans aren't sexually monogamous. Social monogamy is in our nature however, which is what cheating falls under.

    Thats the scientific reasons, and if your interested this article: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you must remember that we are products of evolution and although we have the ability to go against our own nature, it doesn't make it easy. and it doesn't make you any less guilty of wrongdoing it's just a scientific viewpoint on it.

  7. In the first couple of paragraphs you seem to be saying people cannot put themselves into other people shoes enough to make the right decision but in reality much of the time you are better, much better to be out of your own shoes, unbias and uncorrupted. Take this issue, your friend wants to drop out of college, there's only 5 months or so left before the end of the course and he could walk away with a qualification, so I was critical of him. I told him, what are you doing you wasted all this time on the course and now you want to drop it, you've done all that work. Now he wants to drop out of his course because he's not enjoying it but sometimes in life you have to do things you don't want to, it's in the job description, he shouldn't drop out its a waste of time for him to do so, he should stick it out, get the qualification, go to university. But don't you see? Because I'm not doing to course, I have no opinion on the course I can offer him a objective viewpoint compared to his primarily subjective opinion. If you do wrong you aren't likely to notice yourself, until someone points it out: Is critical of you. No you can't put yourself in others shoe's but people over react and therefore, being outside of there shoes is where you ought to be.As for the rest you discuss a different issue, where you are talking about breaking down people, I was merely adding about constructive criticism. For the rest I will simply say that there are people out there who try to control others, they enjoy it, they would be harmless if it weren't for how many people get drawn into it. Put under the thumb etc.

  8. Well this is the bit where all the members who have been here for a while race to be the first one to post you with the rules, the faq etc (prehaps in aid of a trap award nomination). But you seem to have sorted yourself so well done for that. Hope you enjoy your stay here at Xisto

  9. Prison is meant for two things, the punishment bit is just a side effect of what prison is about and the two things are: Segregation, the person is not fit to stay in society, as they have already proved to everyone that this is the case by committing a crime, when there sentence is over hopefully they will be fit to re-enter the world, but not everyone is, some never will be. The second is rehabilitation which ties in, prison is meant to rehabilitate criminals allowing them to exist in harmony with society not against it which I have already said. Prison offers drug rehabilitation, anger management and other help groups but the person has to want to change, some don't and some can't (socio-paths and psychopaths being key examples). The reason you get time off for good behaviour really is prisoners who behave in theory will behave in the real world, not always the case I know.Prison isn't punishment, although it is, its necessary. But what do you suppose? Think of a system that segregates people and can be done on mass which provides a minimum level of safety for employees that also rehabilitates as best it can despite the large cost. You'll struggle, and people can't just be rehabilitated because you want them to, they have to want it and this is key. The people are the broken ones, not the system.As the saying goes. "You don't want the time don't do the crime" and the other great one "you reap what you sow." yes they could have got married, had kids but they chose not to, they chose to lie, cheat, steal, kill or a mixture there of. Okay it might not be there fault, it could be that they were abused, or in other ways they have been led to think these things are acceptable but for everyone safety they have to be segregated. This is a utilitarian society. The majority outweigh the minority.

  10. KJV tends to include some old English in it.

    Thats okay, I can read old english fine

    If you go to WalMart (assuming you have one in your area)

    Know we don't have WalMart here in England, we have ASDA which is owned by walmart but it's not really the same as Walmart...

    some so thin that they feel like they're going to tear upon turning the pagenot my kind of thing

    I'm glad you agree, thin pages do suck.

  11. Well of course outside forces affect you, thats a given, both metaphorically and physically. Planets give off gravity which to a varying degree I suppose you are feeling if the moons is strong enough to move the current. What it isn't true to say is that any of these forces have the power to influence whether or not you'll have a good week or not. They just don't. The only way these horoscopes etc work is by believing something will happen to you, people subconsiously make it happen or will add meaning to an event which slightly is decribed by the horoscope attributing it to the planets. In truth the horoscope is bound to say something that you can see meaning in because it has to be so broad as to allow everyone to gain meaning from it. It's safe and I am certain to say that the planets alignment don't affect our day to day lives unless we make them affect our lives by believing in astrology and almost making it right semi-intentionally.

  12. There is belief in the supernatural, which in some cases is understandable even if I don't share your belief, but a belief in Astrology is just downright stupid, I'm not even going to waste my breathe arguing the point, It is just the biggest load of rubbish ever invented, if you truly believe that planets affect you and secondly that must mean that the prediction made by the teller must match with everyone of your starsign, and you believe that you will get find solace in something that happens to you today because you phoned up a no. charging 50p a minute then you are so gullible, so lacking in common sense that you might as well just blow your money on chocolate before you end up giving your bank details to some Nigerian scam artist who's father died and is offering to pay ?5,000,000 into your bank account. If you think I'm joking, I'm not; I count people who believe in astrology at the same level of idiocy as people who get fooled by an email. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Words to live by.


    please excuse the fact I have used too many comma's and not enough periods, I do that sometimes, don't ask why!

  13. I'm looking for a bible, now heres the kicker, I want a bible with full thickness pages, I don't care how big it is and price is not a real interest, I know there are a lot people here who believe in Christianity and Might know, and for your information, a King James bible is the type I want, I don't want a good news bible, and It needs both old and new testaments. I'm also looking for a Qu'ran, English Translation obv. because I don't speak arabic, and likewise I want the thicker pages.It's not that I don't see the point in the thin pages that fall apart, I would rather pay more for better Quality.Thanks in advance.Edit: Study Bibles are good, I just want one I can use for personal use but also religious studies, in needs to be appropriate for ample sticky notes. Hardback is good rather than spending out on Leather or Goatskin etc.

  14. @Baniboy: There is no proven link between Flu Vaccines and brain disorders; and any of the disorders that could in theory be caused such as Guillain-Barre Syndrome is less dangerous than the disease and highly treatable, and this is a possible side affect of any kind of vaccine because it is your bodies auto-immune response, Thymerisal was believed to cause Autism in Children such that it was taken out but then the Scientist realised that mothers don't know best when it comes to disease, did some research and boom! no it doesn't, there is no link between the two. Just people creating conspiracies as usual.

  15. What debate? take the Vaccine or Don't; the latter means you risk contracting H1N1 and then spreading it on to your family, friends, colleagues who won't appreciate it. Taking the Vaccine means you get injected with a needle and thats about it. It's no different from a seasonal flu virus and if you aren't going to take it then don't it is your choice but there is no real reason not to, people will always say "IT WILL GIVE YOU AIDS" or something similar but it doesn't make it true, but I'm sure they know best with there years of Training: oh wait thats the scientist, my mistake. Take the damn jab, if something bad happens as a result at least you get gloat that I was wrong.

  16. The likelyhood is that there is nothing Wrong, you've probably stopped growing by now so don't expect any changes there; as for your weight lots of people find it near to impossible to put on weight without really starting to eat fattening food, and it's impossible for them to double in weight, resent research has shown that your body does its best to keep you at the weight you are when you hit puberty usually, and it will burn fat to keep you at that weight you are. See your doctor if your concerned but as I said I highly doubt there's anything wrong with you.

  17. Unless a flood of sexists have taken the express train to the forums I can't say Ive noticed underlying sexist themes on the forum but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. The truth is Girls or boys; guys or gals; Women or men aren't naturally unintelligent or intelligent. Girls aren't innately stupid, ditto for men; stupid people are stupid. Generalisations are always bad trick is understanding when their not aimed at you, if I say a blonde joke it isn't aimed at all blondes just the stereotypes.

  18. I don't usually have a lot of money, I have an annoying habit of spending it all; the time however, has come around where I am into some money and It so happens I need something to listen to music, play video and keep me entertained, a few people may be shouting Iphone or Ipod touch and I am considering it but there was one thing I was considering the new psp go. The PSP go sounded great, sony had a chance to do something great with the psp but they didn't they failed spectacularly to deliver something I would consider buying and heres why.

    Where's my second analog stick


    What is the one major downfall of the psp for playing games, if you don't have a problem with one analog stick I don't know why, it is a portable gaming machine in the 21st century, 1 analog sticks games these days are hardly worth my time and a second analog stick would allow sooo much more. Maybe they wont because its not a new PSP but a condensed version of the old one.


    Hasn't Changed a bit


    I am all for the removal of the UMD slot and the fact they included built in flash memory but why the hell have they kept the years old hardware, have you tried the browser it's pathetic, the psp needs a hardware upgrade but they havn't bothered, it is terrible how poor it can be, in need the ability to actually browse the internet, watch flash video and all of that, I am severely dissapointed.


    The psp go sounded great but it isn't innovation it's reinventing the wheel, and I'm not going to buy something that is essentially a 5 year old product. Sony has lost a sale.

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