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Posts posted by kobra500

  1. I agree, as long as the files are legal and will not affect the reputation of Xisto - Web Hosting, I.E. they don't want to get any takedown notices etc, then I doubt they will have a problem with you hosting files as torrents, as long as it does not cause a ridiculous bandwidth usage as Rob said, if you have the unlimited bandwidth option then watch out. I don't know if torrents would use a lot of bandwidth, I assume you will be the tracker but there usually quite a small file size.

  2. Very intersting, I might get up on this offer. or not, a link may or may not be worth the effort it would require me to beat the people who actually know what they are doing and don't have to google every other bit of code. I take it we're sticking to html/css not ajax or flash or anything, that banner gets old (no offence). I might look up that post for why it is called Xisto form some ideas. though I personally think people wouldn't mind a couple of mycents there way.

  3. Right, this is one of those dreams you really do remember, not one you think of when you wake up, go to tell someone and realise you've forgotten, this has been firmly positioned in my long term memory due to the intracy of it as it managed to make no sense and yet make sense, but not only that, seemingly random jumps in the dream and it even had a plot, I just wish I'd finished it, I want to know how it ends.Right so I don't know if any of you are from the UK, but the BBC has been advertising heavily for there own show Torchwood special, "Children of Earth" or something along those lines, now I have seen 2 minites of the 2nd episode in which I saw jack talking about sacrafising kids for some reason to some aliens and taken them there on a coach/bus, substitute kids, for 17 year olds, and kids for my Friends and myself. So we get there and defeat the aliens (who I never saw) in an unspecified way. I'm not sure, we all twelve of use use the aliens teleporter to make it back. Then I arrive home to find my mum at the head of a secret organisation which me and my friends were part of, but would have known about. I got sent to russia to help my dad capture some Russian guy (don't ask) for whatever reason glenn was underground in a manmade tunnel under this guy. Its snow roof, I think he was listening in on him or something, the russian guy has Dogs and a nife, the dogs somehow hear/picked up the scent of me and my dad under the snow. so then the russian guy uses his hands and knife to cut into the tunnel, brief fight in which the russian guy gets a cut down his cheek from his own knife and I blind him in one eye with my finger (nice) I head home, my Dad also heads to his home, (my parents are seperated) and I go to my mums where she informs me that one of our no. never made it back from the teleporter. I tell her not to worry I'll sort it, but it was my weekend at my dads. I'm at my dads and we're are having a discussion about Russia, he thanked me for the help and when I asked him if he was worried about the danger, he said he didn't really care about that anymore. I then go to my room I have at his and sleep, I wake up (still in the dream) and I'm back at my mums but I'm myself, the same me but In the body of myself when I was in year 5 (I asked my Mum what year I was in) this was before whatever organisation existed. I go to school and see people who I don't know, I don't know if there really schoolchums from primary or wether my subconsious just made them up but also there was a few friends who I did go to primary school with and a couple who I wouldn't have met but for the dream apparently I had, at this time, I'm trying to avoid changing time, but then the Voice of the girl lossed in the teleporter keeps cropping up around me and I realised that I had to change something while I was here.... but then I really woke up.I must say, when I woke up I was upset, it was the most amazing dream I'd ever had, and I want to know how it ends but I know that only in sleep am I creative enough to discover it, and getting back into a dream is next to impossible, so like all dreams I'll never know how it ends. Lets just assume a happy ending. But anyway what do you think, it sounds made up but this is really what happened, though I'm not entirely sure about small bits, I might have invented some glue to make it work by accident, but there we go. I just wish I knew how it ended .... :(

  4. Now I know I said I wouldn't but this isn't directed at anyone here, so I will anyway, but heres what I hate, people who register domains, don't use them, don't sell them, don't let them run out, just keep them. I'm back to take advantage of Mycent system at Xisto and was looking for a domain, I won't say what it is. But then I think, it would be nice to have a smaller version (3 letters), but its bound to be taken, so I type in Domain.com, taken, then the same domain.org and loe and behold, nothing I struck gold. or did I?No I didn't, after having a quick peep on a registar I found it to be taken, .co.uk was also taken. As well as .net and all the other TLD that are at least worth it. I have a look at the who.is the domain is owned by some dutch company that don't use it, its not even worth me emailing and hoping they'll let it run out, they'll probably only renew it, or try and sell it to me for ?100 or something on sedo. But now, i'm being hippocritical because I have unused domains (I don't even have a hosting account) but at least I'm not renewing them. But really, whats the point, its $10 a year out of your bank account when you could save that money and give it to someone who would have as much use out of it as you planned on having. Talk about getting your hopes up just to have them knocked down again.

  5. Well I have a laptop, so I essentially go buy a new one when I get fed up of the old one, Why not buy a desktop pc? well, I need the portability, I hardly ever just use my computer at home, I just wish laptops could keep up with desktops technology wise, but I'll never be that lucky. But at ?600 a pop for a good one, its a shame a month later when you could have got god knows how much better for your money, but the thing is, if you'd waited the same thing would happen!

  6. I don't like any of the forums, the bad ones like PHPBB has all the users and the content, where all the better made wikis such as AEF and such have barely any. as far as paid go, this is the best paid and the other major player thats names escaped me is the ugliest forum software I have ever seen. But it really depend what your forum does. it always helps to have php knowledge to customise your forums. But this one is my personal favourite.

  7. Now I prefer british sitcoms, but I do like friends. I don't like the other ones. I also hate that fake laughter they put in the background, If I find it funny, I will laugh. Though I also like frasier, but I'm british so I prefer our humour overall, its just the way it works, you prefer, or are more confortable in your own culture.My Family is great, but It lost a large part of itself when nick left, he was by far the best Character in the Show. and I agree with baniboy, talk shows are so acted. Also "psychics" and such, also most haunted, its just shamelessly acted, possessed, are you kidding me...

  8. Well at 12:34 and 56 minutes (both A.M. and P.M.) it will be 7-8-9 day (July 8, 2009)i don't know if this means anything special, like the year of the devil or something, but the Mayans predicted it.
    We're also all supposed to die on December 21st 2012 but that's just according to the Mayans, so don't take my word for it :excl:
    So far these forums are cool :( Friendly people, and you get to make money for your own servers for posting :angel:

    Not in England it wont be, it will be that day here on the 7th August, because our dates are different :excl: . I must admit though that it is illogical to have mm/dd/yyyy because that suggests its the month of the day of the year. I know thats because you say May 8th but your techniquely meant to say 8 of May etc. but anyway it should go chronologically. Not that it matters but I just thought I'd add that.

  9. The bands are the frequencies they can use. So triband has 3 frequencys, quadband has 4. and each band usually is assigned to a country or selection of countries. Its useful to enable roaming if you plan on visiting other Countries, quad band I think adds a few new Countries that wern't in the tri-band but this is just my understanding.

  10. Hmm, the worst game I've played was Kane and Lynch, if I ignore the fact that I don't like other Genre's. I like shootem ups as much as the next guy, but this one was awful, the plot made little sense, even though the idea seemed good, the gameplay was awful, and there seemed to be no logic to it, they just seemed to randomly drop you into stupid situations, theres one bit in particular, when you spend time getting an army of locals together and die, hundreds, and then they all charge in the distance, and all die, then you proceed and the 2 of you manage to do what 300 odd people couldn't. The story progresses randomly, the other guy might not exist, it was said to be a co-op experience, and it certainly was an experience, but it wasn't a good one, and in the end you can rather A) Be a selfish *BLEEP* and escape, or choose to save your friends, despite when you get there, only one is still alive, and he dies anyway.The only redeeming factor is the multiplayer, which works, barely. it's a great Idea but is poorly made, the whole game seems to have been designed by comititees, and all but all comitees are locked in seperate cupboards each doing there own bit, its designed like they were given the name and a rough plot and people were set off to do there own bit, and never spoke to each other till the finished product. Yes I got the idea for seperate cupboards from a video by Yahtzee before anyone tells me.I would have said PGR 3 or PES 6 but that would not be because they were bad games, but simply because I don't like the genre, but of the ones I've played Kane and Lynch was just... awful!

  11. Right, I disagree with what I said, Honesty really is better, so I guess I agree with anwiii, however I feel that judging from your reply that, your relationship is broken, that you just aren't right for each other, you may disagree, but it is just my opinion, but Judging from limited information that is my suggestion, theres plenty more fish in the sea.

  12. well I may join, I am farely handy with computers, I would have to agree with ShadowX that the Design is lacking in my opinion, but since I am for the idea I think it would be good, and any money you make could be spent on the forum making it better, assuming it gets big. But I am not as good as Alex or SaintMicheal and, well the Evil Group in general. But if I sign up expect to see "PopOnImpact" on the forum. But we'll see.

  13. No but I am giving you an example. I do not honestly know a lot about transitional fossils, all I know is that they have been proven to exist. I agree a wikipedia article would not suffice, but there is peer review papers and I don't know what, the question was simply saying why isn't there, which is like asking why apples aren't fruit, they just are... as I said, if you're interested look it up for yourself. Erm, you seemed to of misunderstood me unless they're living where we can't find them they must of died out, it would be illogical to suggest anything else, unless as I said they are hiding under rocks, the reason I made this point was because if I am right about God this is the logical answer to the question, it wasn't to say that they did exist, only if they did this is why they died out. Your point is there not there because they never were, but I was explaining why they are not here without God, that doesn't mean that they were ever here but it IS an option, and since evolution is true (sorry, it just is, because of Evidence, not faith), it is the likely one. There is evidence of there existance, I just havn't researched it enough to be able to answer you, I won't going into too much detail because I'm really not qualified to answer you, but there are plenty of people who are, who have researched the subject, but you won't find the hanging out on the Xisto forums. But I only know there has been evidence discovered because I had read a article about some research that had found the common ansestor, I'd look it up but I don't archive slashdot emails which is where I found the article. So there is evidence, wether or not you accept it to be true.

  14. Right, I've already replied once but that was only really regarding a very brief bit, for old times sake, heres my reply to truefusion. :angel:. and contrary to what you might think, I do actually like TF, regardless of wether he likes me, but I have a great deal of respect for him which is nothing to do with faith, but lets have a look.

    Baniboys Questions:

    1. "If evolution is true, then why there aren't any transitional fossils", probably what you'll receive as a response is silence. Not silence of "I don't what to say", more like: "I'm shocked of your stupidity". This is a lie that many people have repeated over and over again, they don't seem to understand that repeating a lie no matter how many times, doesn't make it true.
    2. "Evolution says that we evolved from nothing". NO, NO, NO! This will make you look very stupid. There's abiogenesis to explain the origin of life and how life began on earth, which is a good theory and has been tested and apparently, long amino acid chains can form without fairy dust biggrin.gif

    3. "If we evolved from apes, why can't we see apes evolving into humanoids today?". Evolution doesn't state that we evolved from modern apes, but that we had a common ancestor. Remember, that every modern living being has evolved, not just us. Simply, from an early ape specie which then divided into 2 subspecies which then caused the extinction of the original specie since they were more succesful.

    4. Don't use quotes of famous people stating god/creationism is real, it proves nothing but your idiocy. Many famous people in history believed the earth was flat. Did it make it flat? That is called quote mining FYI.


    6. "The eye/wings is/are too complex to have evolved" Take an example of flying bats, they're mammals, and their bones aren't like birds' bones. So why would an "intelligent designer" (aka god(s)) do that, if bats had liter bones they could fly like birds. The only way this is explainable today is with evolution.

    Responses from truefusion

    [1][2] Begs the question.
    [3] Even though i already know that the theory of evolution doesn't assert that we came from monkeys per se, you can clearly see that it starts begging the question at "Remember" and so on.

    [4] Wouldn't the opposite be true, therefore nullifying most of your answer to the 9th and 11th question from, apparently, Dr. Hovind and Creation Science Evangelism?

    [6] Asserts a false dilemma.

    In case you need more of an explanation on why your statements commit the fallacies i pointed out: For the ones i said it begs the question, basically doing research on begging the question should be enough. However, as you mentioned in the beginning, in order to debate this, you have to provide evidence, otherwise your statements are equal in weight as your opponents. For example, the following begs the question: "The theory of evolution has been tested and proven many times, therefore it has to be true"—which nullifies your answer to question 7 from Dr. Hovind and Creation Science Evangelism.

    For the false dilemma, you don't need evolutionary descent for a bat to have lighter bones. But to say more on number 6, while number 6 also requires evidence that bats have heavier bones than birds, since it is hypothetical and since a false dilemma is more apparent, i refrained from accusing number 6 of question begging.

    My Response:

    [1] There are Transitional Fossils, I won't take Baniboys retrospective of calling them idiots but It does annoy me. There are infact quite a few try google, we are lucky to have so many fossils anyway, we could easily have no fossils at all. We still havn't found any rabbits in the pre-cambian as well.
    [2] Evolution doesn't say we evolved from nothing, it explains we evolved from the simple organisms that were here when it started (likely from meteor/astreroid) you as bani boy said have to use other theories to work that out, it cannot be used to disprove evolution before the theory of evolution starts, you could even say God created the cells, it doesn't make evolution wrong.
    [3] Why can't we see any half whatever we evolved from (has recently been discovered I think, do your own research, half human. Well I hate to break it to you guys and girls but its because there all dead. Thats it, thats why. Thats where natural selection comes in, the died because they wern't as good, likely we killed them or worse, who knows its outside living memory, but the way evolution works means that everyone evolves at pretty much the same rate, because those who don't die, I might also add that there wernt a lot of us as we first became "humans" or close to, and would have been origionally in a very small area.
    [4] I not going to argue to much with Truefusions point here, because he is right, what baniboy meant to say or what I would say more like, is that for example don't use quotes of Einstien for example out of context, not to not use them at all. The same is true for creationism but I don't think that he took Mr Hovinds quotes out of context, they aren't retorical or anything of that nature. You are of course free to quote anyone you like as long as you capture their true meaning.
    [6] I agree with truefusion on this, but you can explain these things using both Evolution and Creationism they would both work, its just evolution has the evidence, creationism has a 2000 year old text written people who couldn't of known better from "gods will" apparently.`

    Right I'm going to go back and edit this with the rest of truefusions points but I have stuff to do, Truefusion please hold on just a little longer to reply, i'd rather you reply to the whole thing , though you can break it down if you wish.

    The main point is you need to research this yourself, don't take my word for it, for example merely searching for "list of transitional fossils" returns a wikipedia page and any no. of things which should back it up. Also the same goes for baniboy and truefusion, the main reason I'm posting is that Bani boys section is riddled with holes and not often clear, and hes forcing me to agree with Truefusion which is not a nice feeling :(. Right, to be continued ...

    Quick Edit: Baniboy, I meant your post was more of a rant, and less of an explanation.

    Part 2: Right, is Creation Science a science, well whether or not it is is rather trivial, just because a Peanut has nut at the end of it, doesn't make it a nut (it is a pea, look it up). Likewise just because you can say Creation Science doesn't make it any more true or scientific, Creation science fails because the assertions it makes are quickly rebuked. For example "There are no transitional fossils" - yes there is, heres a list. and also it can't be studied by empirical evidence, if the bible was released as a peer review paper it would bring nothing to the table, and meanwhile the creation science, lets call them squad, the creation science squad to my knowledged have never published any peer review papers on it, and if they have there assertions have been debunked. It is likely because creatioism cannot be studied scientifically. They try to proove it by disprooving evolution. (function X could not of evolved over time in gradual stages therefore X must have been created by God. theres even a book on the subject, except they use chance as the opposite method to Creationism, when evolution is not chance, it is the opposite) each examples has been proved to be false and a way it could have evolved has been discovered for every creationist example. Again, look it up yourself, think for yourself.

    Q)So is it a Science?

    Q)So what?

    Again I'm forced to agree with Truefusion, natural explanations do not do away with God, but you must admit, they make the need for him less and make the idea of God less reasonable, of course this doesn't matter, the thing about being omnipitent, is you can crop in anywhere you like. That does not mean, that you have done.

    Baniboys answer to point 11

    11. It is, but the "creator" would be an idiot! Incapable of producing quality stuff, and just changing the existing design when it could design anything!

    Truefusion Response to Baniboy

    How would that make the Creator an idiot? You seem to be addressing a different question here. The question was about similarities in design, not mutations over time. It could be argued that if things mutated over time, it could be the creator perfecting his creation, but the question was about similarities in design. By similarities in design we can argue that the design process was finalized and implemented, therefore further implementations would be unnecessary or at least not requiring the creator.

    Well again I have to sort of agree with truefusion, it would not make him and idiot, theres plenty of other reasons why he is, but I won't back up that statement because Its 1:30 am. using logic based on god being omnipitent and omniscient although a omnipitent, omniscient creator would have no need perfect his creation because he as a perfect being, could not create imperfect beings because then he would not be perfect, but that is assuming heavily, but it is still logical. he would have not made a mistake. and then truefusion goes on to explain the arguement the point was supposed to make, in favor of why Evolution is true without saying a word against it, his explanation is good enough that I don't have to write my own. Thanks Truefusion.

    This was my reply to truefusion, I hope it made sense and wasn't full of grammatical errors, and again, hoping that you guys will think for yourselves whatever the answer you get comes to, with that I can be satified, I suppose thats where my respect for truefusion, he thinks for himself (I think). Night all.

  15. Despite the fact I fear I am walking into a giant Clich? you have two choices, you break it off because you obviously are working, or if you prefer to fix it you can talk to your boyfriend, don't say you think he's cheating on you because if is untrue then that will end your relationship but talk about how you feel and your feelings on the relationship, but to be honest I can tell, you are young, and if you suspend ending your relationship, you will only be stressed and unhappy and its going to end anyway. So yeah, I'm not really into giving relationship advice but this was so simply its unbelievable, anyway hope this helps.

  16. Yeah, it looks good, its all done by downloads so wireless is required and it has a memory card slot so you could probably put another 16gb on it. I would also add that it now opens up simular to the Sony Ericsson X1 but still only has 1 analog stick I think, I have seen it on a video, if I find it I will edit this post with a link underneath. Best bet is just to google it.But regardless, if you liked the psp, or prehaps were dissapointed with the previous one this is right for you but if like me you didnt really like the old psp its not worth it. Especially if you want to modify your psp, it is going to be a lot harder this time. But its better looking, looks more confortable and I believe has a larger screen. Anyway thought I'd add to the post because it was lacking somewhat.

  17. The Major problem I have with a few of those questions is that they make no sense. The problem is with this: "If you think evolutionists have all the answers, try a few of the following questions on 'em." Now I know bani pointed it out briefly, but I will go into detail. Evolution explains the diversity of life in the universe, it does not explain where life origionated, where the universe origionated or anything else. It's the equivelent of asking a guitarist how to play the piano, he might understand it a little but being a guitarist won't teach him the piano. Secondly, even if they can't answer the question straight away they can go research it, it is stupid to just assume victory, because someone doesn't decide to put God into every gap in their knowledge. After all these gaps are eventually filled, and the person says "oh of course, but what about these gaps. Just goes to show my signature is correct.

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