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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I'm going to guess that the taste is just like normal cake. Vanilla?And I didn't even know there was more than one type of flour...I thought it was all the same and that yeast is what makes it actually rise, . Or by self-rising did you mean flour that already has yeast in it?
  2. You're at negative now even,lol...I think maybe what it is doing is overconverting.Like let's say you have 132 mycents, it may be depositing $2 and then putting you at negative 68 to account for the change.It's really the only explanation I can think of. A lot of us aren't ever going into negatives, but I see that a lot of you still are.Or it could be due to spamming. Maybe your posts and/or threads are being deleted and that is what's causing the change?
  3. Pretty fun game but it would be better if there was at least some type of randomization in it....Every question I get wrong I memorize for the next time around.So for me it's just repeating each one until I find the right answer, then I won't forget it.If it had random things as well, you couldn't sit there and completely memorize it, .Either way, fun thing.
  4. For those of you who aren't using Adsense, and are using others, would any of you recommend a CPM one instead?For example, with almost 5k hits on my site in a month, I'm lucky to get one click,lol. But CPM would pay regardless.
  5. Those are some pretty cool codes.But...For the one that adds to favorites, that means you could use it to add a *different* site to favorites too, right?Like a blind one I mean...Be on Xisto but have it add something like http://www.rofl.com/ to the favorites instead?
  6. As a farmer in a mmorpg(Age of Conan) once said to me : "Welcome to meet you!"I hope you enjoy your stay here. There is plenty to learn here, and plenty more that you just need to ask about,
  7. Okay, your argument is mostly about the hardware, is it not? If so, consider the fact that on every game system sold, the manufacturer gets almost no money, if any at all, and sometimes even get back *less* than it costed them to produce the system in the first place. Their money is earned by the games and accessories sold, not by the systems. Now, consider the media player(blue ray) that is in the PS3, and compare it to HD in the 360. Obviously the blue ray will cost more. So comparing the two really isn't any good. Not to mention PS3 has blue ray and built in wifi(doesn't it?) whereas the 360 does not. Again, consider that the ps3 has free online play(did with ps2 at least, I don't have a ps3 to confirm) but the 360 you have to pay $60 a year to play online. To better explain the losses that are incurred, check out the following link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ According to that, Sony admits to losing $130 on every PS3 sold, but the real figures are more like $260 lost per console. So...Don't base your hatred for the companies on how much they charge for their systems. It's the game prices that matter. And being that blank blue ray's run $25-30 on the normal market, asking $60 for a game that is on blue ray isn't too bad I don't think. Just assume you're paying $30 for the game, whereas with wii/360 you are paying more like $40. Overall, the PS3 is the better deal, .
  8. They did one test to see if the pictures were doctored on the show Mythbusters.They came up with the conclusion that they *could* be real, or may not be.As to what I personally believe....I really do not know. I just find it very...Weird, that they "can" get a huge rocket all the way to the moon, land it, and bring it all the way back. Think about how much gas that must use. How do they have enough to get all the way back?I'm not saying that it is not true...But really it's something I have a hard time believing.Then again, there are many other things I never thought were real until I saw them(like robots that can LEARN and stuff).
  9. Site width...Are you speaking of the actual site or the social network?I have been trying to figure out, for quite a while, how to make Joomla a full screen site, but nothing is working, and I don't know enough CSS to go through the files myself to try and do it.That is something I would love to change about the site though. If only I knew how, .
  10. To clarify a couple of things in your post... About linkbucks, it converts the links you post yourself, as well as your members. So if you were to post msn.com here it would convert it into a paying link to msn, which is essentially the site in a bottom frame(85%) and 15% of the top set for ad space. Those aren't the exact measurements but that's how it works. As for adsense....You don't even need a lot of traffic for that. I got in on one of my real, real old websites which was just a clan website with 20 members, and the site was even framed(before I knew about css, cms's, etc.) So I'm pretty sure that *anyone* can get into Adsense.
  11. Lol, Echo...Watch the ASIMO turn into a "Little Brother, Little Sister" toy or something.I could market that so easily...."Ever wanted a little brother or little sister but your parents say no? Well no more waiting on the stork to drop one off, boys and girls, ask Santa Claus for a new AsiBro for Christmas!"
  12. Dropping Windows for a Mac? I would have to pass on that, myself.If I left Windows for anything(which I honestly wish I could) it would be Linux.But sadly I can't because I game too much, .Linux needs to pick up the ball and start supporting DirectX or something. It seems that it's the biggest issue with gaming on the system anyways. And as far as I know Microsoft releases an SDK for DirectX, so it's not like the source code and all is hidden. I'm sure if Linux developers could create a full operating system, they could make something compatible with DirectX, .Anyways, sorry to hear about your issues man. But don't go to the dark side(Mac). Windows > Mac, . Unless you are into video and photo editing, of course.
  13. Wow....That was very critical... But it's exactly what I wanted! Thank you very much for the helpful insight into that. The negatives are what I'm looking for the most, as they will help iron out the issues. All positive comments brings nothing new, . So as to your point, it's very solid. As for the purpose, I have not 100% figured that out yet. I am thinking about taking it to the gaming scene, as you inferred, but I am unsure as to if the social network should be a multi-theme(like Myspace and all) or not. To explain more as to what the goal is, to you, I am bringing an all-in-one solution to the table. No more having to say "Videos...Youtube...Socialization..Myspace....Forums...(???)...Gaming information...Ign", and instead give all of them at the same time. As for the lack of completeness, I am a sole developer on this right now and It's only been going for a few days now, . I will definitely add an About Us page though on the website and the network. If it's alright with you, can I possibly pm you in a week or so for another critical view on it, after it's had adjustments?
  14. I completely agree that they are great about solving issues. Even small questions that they should probably blow you off on or tell you to go to the forums, they will explain to you instead.As for the problems I've had, every host has issues. It is how they deal with them that counts.So far Xisto has given me no issues, other than the resolved ones.I love these guys, *tears*
  15. I just now made it to where guests can view the videos as well. One of the things I want, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea, is to allow guests to view pretty much everything.Do you all feel that I should do that, or make certain parts member only?Obviously my main concern here is bandwidth usage. At least if people are members they are helping contribute, whether it be a little or a lot.But on the other hand, guests who are able to see everything may want to then join so that they can comment, contribute, etc. as well.So it's a hard decision.Edit : Jl - that's what I was afraid of. There are 4 more articles after that, that are supposed to be seen by all but for some reason aren't....I'll mess with that some more.
  16. Well the only people who have the killer robots are like the government and other high-dollar agencies like that.I'm talking about in the future when everyone has robots in their home. When you can get a $20 robot that washes your car, takes your dog for a walk when it has to go, cleans your room, and everything else you want, .It's amazing how affordable these things are already getting. The iRoomba was like $2500 a year or two ago, and it's already down to the $200 mark.I will definitely be getting one of these ASIMO's when it is actually affordable, which won't be much longer than a couple years after it comes out!
  17. I need to skin both of them to be honest. I've been working solely on function on both of them. And sadly, I am a solo developer who knows pretty much nothing, lol.I'm learning as I go. Pretty much I find something I want to edit/change, and then search Google for tutorials and explanations as to how it works and what to do with it, and then I try it and see how it goes.Did you find any issues other than the looks of them? Like various things you think should be taken out or added? There is some stuff that I am planning on adding to the network as a whole if the site grows big enough(if it grows a lot I will need to take it to a dedicated server anyways, and I already have many plans of what to do with it after that).
  18. Man, I read about this and saw videos of it a long time ago as well. I forgot all about it though.This is scarily neat though. I say scary because we are getting to the age where robots are going to be doing a lot of work that people used to.Yet we complain about the lack of jobs because of "illegal immigrants" coming into the USA? Seriously? And they are trying to get robots that can do the job instead? It just doesn't make sense.My fear is that robots will end up so advanced, and so used, that people will start using them as murder devices and stuff. Think about it - send out a robot to kill someone. Now you can be out in the ocean 50 thousand miles away while it's happening, completely safe.I know that it's a pretty "out-there" view as to what may end up happening because of it, but at the same time, I guarantee that if it can be thought of, someone has done, is doing, or will do it.
  19. I read somewhere though that most of our technology is brought upon by two places : the Army and porn sites.For example, supposably streaming video online was invented by porno creators. Same with higher and higher quality videos.Now, I can't confirm as to how much of this is right, it's just something that I heard quite a while ago. But at the same time, it does make sense.
  20. Okay guys, the site has gone through a HUGE overhaul. We are now split between a site and a community, . Please check out both of them, and let me know what you think. The following are things I'm interested in knowing... ***Things that you dislike ***Things that you like ***What would you change? ***What is missing? ***What is not needed? As for the website, I am thinking about dropping the forums from it and using the ones from the social network instead. Just seems more efficient that way. For the looks....I need to get skins/themes for both the site and social network that both mix together, but to be honest I am probably the most horrible person at choosing them, and I can not edit graphics at all, . So for now, I'm looking more for the functionality reviews than anything. And then I will work on the graphics. Also....A big part of this. Could you see yourself joining the community? My goal is to slowly build it up over time, bringing in people as I do various things, whether it be in school, friends online, games I play, etc. Without further ado, the addresses are... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The social link is also on the normal site(at the top - Community) And thanks a lot in advance guys. Please feel free to join the community if you wish. I am also looking for moderators/content providers for the site, social network, and everything else to do with it, . If anyone is interested, of course. Forgot to add...There are some specific things that I need to know about the sites as well. First of all - when you are viewing the main site, what are the two top stories that you see?(The first two that you see) And on this link, tell me if it shows up without you having to actually log in(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) Thanks again.
  21. Yeah, those are private, meaning they are not publicly owned. If one of those is worth $1 bil, that's how much ONE PERSON's ownership of it is worth.Google was worth 1.2 bil or so the last time I looked, but it is a publicly owned company. Same with MSN and the others named.As for porn...I would guess those would be at the top as well. I wonder if any porn sites would be worth more than MSN, lol.
  22. I wonder how much he's made off the game then. With the advertisers and how many people play it there is a possibility that he did make money but not near that much, lol.
  23. It sucks that you had such a bad experience with Verizon..You would think that a company as big and well known as them would know the proper way to react towards customers.Out of curiosity, though, were you pleasant with them when calling?(or your parents) Or were you already irritated?From personal experience, I have learned that if you are rude to the customer service representatives they will be a lot less helpful to you, but if you are nice and explain your situation to them usually they will give back something in return for your problems.Pretty suprised that they cut through some of your wire when installing their fiber optics though...They should have been a lot more careful than that.
  24. This is the only free host that I ever found that allowed you to send mail through the server, like via phpBB and stuff.Honestly, it was why I came here in the first place. I felt kind of annoyed that I had installed phpBB on probably 30 other hosts and then found out one-by-one that none of them even support the mailing feature of the forums(mass email, members signing up, etc.) and decided to go look for another.I can assure you that this is the best host there is. I know that being that I am a member I'd obviously be biased towards Xisto, but regardless, I feel 100% positive that they are, and have been the best host there is. And that was *before* the myCENTs thing!
  25. First of all, I'm pretty sure that twinkies and other foods with sugars can go bad...After all, twinkies are made with bread as well,right? That includes eggs and stuff. As for soda....Hard to say but I think that real old cokes will have a horrible, horrible "flat" taste. Almost as if you were sitting there shaking them for a few hours before drinking.
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