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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I'm also on the logic plan, and I have had no issues with it at all yet. My only lockouts were before the new myCENT system. Ever since it I've been perfect, .I don't use the email from the site though...Nor from Google Domains. At the moment I have no use for "commercial" email(even though it's free) so I just use my regular email address.
  2. I am using the latest version of Debian, with only one additional install(TS). I set it up with the desktop, web, and file environment...And one more but forgot what it was.Anyways, to give a better view of what I am attempting to do, I am emulating Linux using VirtualBox so that I can learn how to use Linux as a server(As I am planning on going to a dedicated server down the road. I want to know what I'm doing ahead of time).Now, I did the install as said above, and the TS is TeamSpeak 2, which should have nothing to do with my issue.What I am attempting to install now is VHCS. It's like Cpanel, only free.I downloaded the tar file, I unzipped it and all, and it has file source code that must be compiled.Following the tutorials(even on the site - http://www.vhcs.net/) you should go to the root directory of the unzipped files and type "make install."I come up with errors...They are [install] error 1 and [install] error 2. I can post the full error messages if that would help with anything. But more or less it's not even *trying* to make the files.I tried using the command "make" as well, with the same results.So the question is, do I need to install something new in order to "make" source code files and install programs, or am I doing something wrong?If any details are needed please ask me. I've literally been messing with Linux for about an hour and a half now, so I know almost nothing about it.Thanks in advance.
  3. I understand where they are coming from and I'm quite happy about it really.You're bringing up the IP issues, and how they should be able to keep your IP at home on a whitelist. But....IP's can be faked. Anyone could fake your IP and their systems would show the same IP for you and the other person.Same with mac addresses. Contrary to how "safe" people feel by knowing that there are mac address/IP safeguards, they're both easy to bypass.So although it is an inconvience, it makes me feel safer knowing that they put in these things, .For the record, I've only had issues with being locked out twice in a year. That's not bad at all.
  4. Shree said that it happens when you log in too many times sequentially using FTP on one account, when you give invalid usernames/passwords too many times, etc.The reason for it is *security*, .Keeps people from being able to brute force your password or anything.
  5. I agree that lower wages may affect workers' attitudes to a point, but it's way out of hand.If you have ever been to Wal-Mart at night(2-3 AM) for example, half of the ones at our store at least are dressed like they're walking around a high school - baggy clothes and stuff.And they hire way too easily. I don't even know of one person who has applied for a job there that hasn't been accepted.I think their standards all around have dropped because they want to be the "good" guy by hiring anyone who needs a job.I know that they talk about that a lot as well, how they hire xxx amount of people. They are using psychology to get people to think that they're a great company, and on one hand...Don't get me wrong - I don't think that it's a huge negative to hire just anyone who applies to work there, but still, there has to be some type of cut-off on the deal. There is a difference between being "nice" and going overboard.
  6. Does this mean that those who are missing mycents really aren't because they weren't meant to have them in the first place? Or is this saying that they get credits, then lose the ones they just earned, leaving them behind where they should be? It sounded like the second one, but a confirmation would be nice on that, .
  7. I'm not understanding why the "outdated" software would be banned. There are many current programs(phpBB, vbulletin, and many others) that are also exploitable using injection-scripts.So why ban some and not all? Old doesn't really have anything to do with it.And in terms of the resource usage...Does this mean that under VPS and/or dedicated servers those things are all okay to use? Considering it's only your resources, not shared ones.I don't personally, nor have I ever, used scripts like those mentioned as being banned, as I have never had a use. But, regardless, this does interest me as to why the rule is in place to begin with.
  8. According to Xisto you own the domain. Even when it was the 240 normal credits for a domain, it was 100% yours.The lack of information is due to ID protection, of which many places actually charge extra for.If you want the ID protection removed, I'm sure Xisto can do that for you. But then you will get emails offering $75 million from Nigeria in return for your domain, and stuff like that.
  9. About the weapon being loaded or not, I know tons of people who leave their weapons loaded. Now, I also come from the country, but the location to me should be irrelevant. The way to look at it is....Someone is breaking into your house, or is already in(you're asleep). Do you seriously have time to go find the weapon, find the ammo, load it and *BLEEP* it before they get to you? Probably not. So leaving it loaded would be much safer than leaving it unloaded. As for the child though...If it was a loaded weapon it should be to where they can not get to it. But does that mean that one of the other teens took it out for him and/or were the actual shooter? No. Unless there is a video or something of the situation(some homeowners do set up cameras to catch their babysitters stealing and whatnot) then there's really no proof one way or the other.
  10. Wow, great story here. I can agree to what they are thinking, which is that they shouldn't be limited to what rich/more well-known scientists are doing.But at the same time...This brings on the possibility of us having a real case of "Fringe"(if you haven't seen the show, watch it!)I find it quite amazing how cheap she got the stuff though. I thought a DNA analyzer would cost millions,lol.
  11. Having an office would also most likely mean that he would have better preparance for if an issue occurred. Being that he was in his home, that makes me think that he wasn't prepared for any issues arising. I agree what it's better to get some care rather than none at all, but serious injury could make issues worse than they were to begin with.
  12. About layaway, I never even noticed they took it out...For me I just pay in cash/credit anyways so I had no use for it. But about them losing business, I highly doubt it. Regardless as to how much I(we) hate the place, it is pretty much a necessity for many items. I hate going to places to buy things, them already be broken or whatever, and have to argue with management to allow me to return them. What we need is for another store with the same type of policies(aside from the "we don't care" one that they apparently added) as Wal-Mart, but with more customer care. Wal-Mart used to not be like this. I remember I loved going there because I always had the help I wanted/needed, if I had an issue I knew people would be there to guide me, etc. Now when I have a question I find myself either calling a friend/family and asking them, or asking random people(by help I mean like where certain things are located).
  13. The point is more geared towards wanting to harm someone. For example, someone is breaking into your car and you pull out a knife, glass shard, etc. to stab them with it, although not to kill, just to get them off of you. It's showing that although the pressure that you used wasn't "fatal," it can still have a fatal effect.
  14. I just want to bring up some feelings that I have had about Wal-mart for a while now, that are starting to compile upon each other.I understand that they have the "lowest"(usually) prices, that they have great price-match policies, and nobody can deny that they have by far the best return policies.But...I'm getting to the point where those aren't making it worth going there anymore.I'm not sure if your stores are like this, and I would really love to know, but here are just a few of the issues that I have with them right now.1)They re-date meat. This was on multiple news reports, and you can tell if you check many packages because they often just put the new sticker over the old. It's sickening to lift up a label to find that they extended the date by 10-15 days, and that it should already be expired. Other stores do it as well, true, but not all do.2)Their support has been getting much worse. I remember being able to walk in needing a certain item, and ask just about anyone in that department where to find it and I would get an answer like "Isle 3, down at the bottom near the middle." Now when I go ask about things(and this is something that happened to me last week) I get the run-around. I get told "Oh, that was moved to lawn and garden," and then those people say "Uh, it was never moved here... It's still where it's been in *Area you were at here*." This happens more often when they are re-organizing than anything, but regardless you would think that people would either admit that they don't know, or would tell the truth.3)The place is getting disgusting. The floors are dirty, the shelves are always disorganized. Obviously children and even some adults will just toss random items on the shelves (like milk, meat, etc.) but still, it's getting worse now than ever before. Even the bathrooms are getting sickening.4)Their pharmacy people will make up stuff. I was there to pick up a prescription one day and they said it would be 20-30 minutes so I waited an hour. Was told 20 more mins...To cut a long story short, I slept on the bench there for 5 hours before I finally gave up and left. The next day we called in and it still wasn't ready. That's just ridiculous.Now, these are things that I have noticed about *ours*. I want to know if the same thing is happening with you all's as well. Because how it seems right now is that just like Microsoft, Wal-Mart has learned that many people are dependent upon them and therefore couldn't care less about their customers anymore. They know that no matter what, people will still go there.Sadly, I'm one of those people. If there are items for the same price at Wal-Mart as elsewhere(or less), and especially if it deals with electronics, I would go to Wal-Mart in a heartbeat. Why? Because of their "No questions asked" return policies. I've yet to have even *one* issue with returns.Enough about me. Your turn!
  15. I know where you're coming from on that Echo....When I was in high school there were a lot of people who would sit around making fun of the "retarded" kids....And I was one of the few who actually went to visit those kids just because it's how I am. I like to learn.Pretty much I learned that those "retards" are smarter than nearly anyone else I know, and their only issues are that they have physical deformations. They also seem to enjoy life a lot more than "normal" people because they don't take everything for granted.It was a huge wake-up call for me, and I will never forget those times.
  16. What's your average monthly earnings, and how many unique visitors or total visits a month do you get on average? And does Adsense pay on CPM if you get almost no clicks, or will they just flat out kick you out of the system for that?
  17. I still think it's hard to determine who did and who did not mean to kill and/or just hurt others. I mean...Think about it...They release all of this information to the public, more or less allowing people to learn what the courts are wanting to use as evidence, and how they will be determining whether you are guilty or not. So any smart person(most criminals are not smart, but some are) would be able to easily work around the system by paying attention to all of the information. They can make things seem like an accident that aren't, and vice versa. Really, there is no way to fully determine if someone meant to do something or not. The only person who knows the truth is the person who did it. All anyone else is able to do is guess.
  18. I think that the world needs religion. Although it causes issues with people, it also resolves a lot more issues that we would have.Religion is what keeps the world as 'safe' as it is, although it's pretty bad, it isn't as bad as it could be.Religion is also used for making moral decisions, and it also has a lot of influence in shaping ethical behavior.So yes, I think we need religion.
  19. To answer the question as to if you can buy the domain if he doesn't reply, no.That would be like asking someone who has a car they never drive if you can buy it, them ignoring you, and you being allowed to forcefully buy it off them.The owner owns the domain, so it is theirs to do whatever they want with it. If they want to let it rot it's their choice.As to buying it, the maximum you can get a domain for is 10 years. Because of this, you can find out when it is going to expire and then check out purchasing it on that day.
  20. I think most "mobile" websites have two versions, of which the mobile one would use a different link. Instead of "checking" to see if it's mobile, the user would have to manually use the other address.For example, with Gmail there is gmail.com and the other is mobile.gmail.com I think. Or it's something like that.
  21. Good idea, but... The first classes you take will just teach the very basics. I got ahold of a book(Fundamentals of C++ .net I think was the name) that costed $15 and goes all the way up to object oriented programming(it's like 1.4k pages). I would highly suggest you learning the basics yourself, such as syntax and the like, before taking classes. Not only will it save you time, it will also save you money. Obviously you're able to take whatever course of action you'd like, but that is what I would do. What I learned in my first C++ class was the same stuff that nearly any online tutorial can also teach you.
  22. Ahhh, I see where you're coming from now. I thought you all meant the ER as in to get it fixed, lol...Was going to say I'd much rather have an oral surgeon take care of it.
  23. Your first deposit wasn't based on the dollar rounding thing. The first deposit(When you made your Xisto account) was just based on your posts.My first deposit was like $9.31 or so.After that, the forums are the ones that do the $1 increments.For example, if your first deposit was $8.50, and then you got $2 deposited due to the forums, the forums would still just show $2 but you would have $10.50.And on that note, I may in fact be missing funds. I forgot about the way it worked back then so I was guesstimating based on my forums amount compared to the Xisto amount.But either way, that explains your $xx.xx issue with it not being a rounded number.
  24. When you guys are talking about the ER, you mean like in a hospital? Why not just wait for the dentist?I didn't think that the hospital would deal with situations like that anyways...Since they are not oral surgeons?
  25. Hm...My view of the Sims is that it was a good game, for a while.After a while(at least with the original Sims and an expansion or two - forgot which ones) everything just gets repetitive. Not to mention you hit the point where you will relax for 5 minutes and all of a sudden you have a death or two in the family, or someone is just unhappy.I loved being able to care for a virtual family and help shape their lives, especially with how the sims working was how they earned money, so you could in a sense be learning budgeting(great for kids and adults I feel - it's amazing how many people don't budget).But on the other hand, the virtual family is just too high maintenance. I remember choosing *one* of the sims and taking care of them to keep them happy and healthy, as well as awake, and it was just too hard.Are the others the same way?(Sims 2/3). I'm going to guess that they were "improved," but that doesn't mean the gameplay. My understanding is that it's just more options and better graphics?
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