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Everything posted by sunkist

  1. Hi All:When I go to C panel, it looks nice. It has a nice white desktop and colored icons. But when I go to file manager to work on my site, it is very, very blue. Is there a way I can change the background so its not so blue. The color is very hue intensive, and I would much rather work with a softer background.Thanks.
  2. Ok, thanks.I uploaded my directory called "homepage" to the directory WWW.I uploaded my directory called "image" to the directory WWW.I used file manager in CPanel to do this. I did not use WS_FTP (although I have this program, it seemed that CPanel was able to do it.When I use file manager, and pick a file, I look at homepage.htmNone of the images are viewable.The relative links work on my cox host, so I cant figure out why they don't work here.I have not yet pointed my domain name histology-world to the Xisto site. I want my site to be working before I do.Thanks for any other suggestions.Sunkist
  3. I am thinking of switching to the paid host at Xisto - Web Hosting. 365 posts seems like a lot when I can get the same thing for $10. How does the paid host compare to the free host at Xisto. Which one is better?What are the differences?Thanks for your input
  4. agghh....still not working.Should I be able to view my webpage in Cpanel and see all the relative links and images?I wanted to get my page set up before I point my domainname to Xisto. Could that be the problem?
  5. I have never heard dream in a wishful way. I think the singer or author made up the phrase. But I would guess it to mean, dream of something you want...dream big...dream your fantasies.I dream in a wishful way that I could get my webpage working without the frustration of having to figure all this out.
  6. Well, since I am a newbie to webhosting and Xisto, I have been doing a lot of "aksing" while trying to use this wonderful hosting freebie.But English, I know...and I can answer this one (for a change!)Both terms are jargon. They are used informally. They are not "proper" english. By that, I mean you would not use it in a paper or article or in a professional presentation.A freebie is a free item or thing.A newbie is a novice. A person who is new to something.Any more English questions...I will be glad to help!
  7. Hi:My situation and question is similar...so I figured I would post here rather than start a new thread. I own my own domain name. I have it cloaaked and going to my current host (free space provided by my ISP). Now I want to point it at the Xisto.Where do I do that? Do I do that from the Cpanel on Xisto? Or do I do that on the site that is currently cloaking my domain (the company I registered with).Thanks for all your help.
  8. Also, do I make a subdirectory with my site name? Or just put all my site documents in public-html?
  9. Hi:Thanks for your response.Yes, I use a format similar to <img src= .../images/yourimagename.jpg >; However my image directory is just called "image". It works on my other host.I just made the directories "homepage" and "image" when I started Cpanel. You are telling me that I should put them in the folder named public_html instead?Next question...where do I go to point my domain to Xisto? Do I go to the site I registered my domain name with? Or do I do it in C panel?Thanks again!
  10. Hi, nice to meet you.I am new here too.
  11. I got my free webspace *YAY*. Now, I uploaded my homepage.First problem: I made a homepage directory. I then made an image directlory. Nonethess, none of the images are visible.I used "../image/picture.jpg as my format.I just used the cpanel to upload. Is there a special directory I should be putting this in? Or should I be using something else to upload.I did not see a tutorial on this topic, but if somebody could point me to one, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
  12. Interesting, those are my numbers. What do you think of combining adsense with page view ads?
  13. Oh, thanks. Where do I put the anchor tag? The body or the head?
  14. Hi:Thanks for your replies. What are the URL masking services? Do you have any recommendations?My page is on my ISP. I would rather not have the long and unprofessional URL assoicated with the ISP. Members.cox etc.MY ISP wont let me do Cigi, so I may have to move my site. But overall, I am happy with them other than those two problems.If I host here, will the pages have the subdomains so people can bookmark them? Thanks
  15. I have used several of the Window products. I enjoy windows xp and have not experienced mamy problems with it. I am not familar with the other OS however.
  16. I have mixed feelings about popups. I think pop unders might be better. At that juncture, they have already left your site.I use to have a lot of pop ups. It drove away my traffice. I even had somebody link to my site with the cautionary note "lots of annoying pop-ups". So he linked to me, but who woudl follow that link? I suppose if you get a ton of traffic, it is worth it.Anybody have any good result with popunders. That is, ads that only show up after the visitor leaves your site?
  17. I have a huge amount of keywords listed in my meta tags. Is there a limit? Does this help my search engine ranking? Every time I think of a word or phrase, I edit my meta tags. Now I am getting cold feet and wondering if I overdid it.Thanks!
  18. I use URL framing/cloaaking for my domain. I have my actual website hosted on my ISP. I get a lot of free space there. Its fast. Its always up. So overall, pretty happy with the space.The problem is: No matter what page you are on in my site, the URL does not change. No subdomains show. I am also concerned about how this affects my ranking the search engines.Thanks!
  19. HI:I am new here too. I am Sunkist.I am considering moving my site from my isp to a free host. I currenlty have URL cloaking. There are some things I want to do, that I cant do with my ISP. Also considering buying hosting. I don't know yet.I am also new at forums. I have made a few posts in a beauty forum I belong to, but still pretty much a newbie at forums....so bear with me.Nice to meet you all!Sunkist
  20. What is the minimum before they pay you. I use to be part of the paid to surf fad. Some of the threshholds for payment were too high....company went out of business before I reached the threshold for payment.
  21. sunkist


    Ok, slightly off topic here but....do you think she used photoshop to stretch her legs out, or are they really that long?
  22. Hi everybody...I am Sunkist!I have my own domain name, but I use a free greeting card site. I want to be able to make my own greeting card site so that I can put ads on the site. Is that possible here? What do I need to do that? I think its a cgi bin, but I don't know for certain.If a free host is not the way to do it, what is the best way to set up an electronic greeting card page on my site?
  23. sunkist


    Do you think meta tags should be on all my pages in my site? Or just my home page? Thanks!
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