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Everything posted by sunkist

  1. sunkist


    Hi:Anybody know specifically what different factors Yahoo likes in its search engine? I have read what google likes, but not much on the Yahoo search engine. My site is ranked much higher with Yahoo, and I am trying to figure out why. Plus, perhaps if I can figure out those factors, I can improve my rankings further in Yahoo.Thanks for your help.Sunkist
  2. Hi:I am experiencing the same thing. I use awstats and I had previously used a different stat counter. The stat counter isn't as good though, because you have to put a snippet of code in each page.Sunkist
  3. Hi:I hope somebody is able to help me with this one.I use to have my site on a different server. It was also free. But they had advertisements and I wasn't able to use my own domain name. So I moved my site to Trap 17. The problem is, I got traffic to the old site, and have good search engine rankings with the old URL. How do I do a 301 redirect? Does anybody have a tutorial they could point me to?Also, part of the problem, the other host did not offer many advanced features as trap 17. So I don't even know if a 301 redirect will be possible.Thanks.Sunkist
  4. This is a good question. When bored and surfing, I have several I like. I can start with the obvious: Trap 17. Sometimes I just read the forums, and don't post. I go to google, and go to the news section and read news online. I sometimes play games. I like scrabble, so its nothing too fancy. And of course, shopping. Lots and lots of shopping sites. I go to some other forums, and read stuff there. I go to some sites kwith nice pictures, and I look at pictures.
  5. Hmmm...that is interesting. My space did not go. I am still limited by the tos as to what they said theywould give me.Thats ok though, it is still a pretty good deal for the amount of space you get.Sunkist
  6. A while ago, the pay to surf programs were popular. You would put a toolbar that flashed ads on your screen, and so long as you are surfing you got paid. It was paultry though. A few pennies an hour. I don't know if people made any money from these.I have also heard that there are pay to read emails. Again, I doubt its any money. Could also be a scam.Sunkist
  7. Thanks.Looks like I am back!
  8. Hi:I have made money on the web, although it certainly is not a living. It is langniape.There are several ways I have made money. I have sold things on ebay. Just stuff I had accumulated, and wanted to get rid of. I have also sold things on half.com. I actually prefer half.com to ebay. Your book or cd or whatever stays listed forever, unlike ebay. Ebay is usually a week listing (although this varies). I have also made money from google adsense and affiliate links.I liked the free handbag site. Instead of a handbag, I got $250 gift certificate to neiman marcus. It wasn't enough to buy the handbag I wanted. But its still not bad for getting 5 people to sign up as referrals. I also had to complete an offer (but it was pretty easy). The free handbag site is similar to the free ipod site. But, I don't want an ipod.Sunkist
  9. Hi: I sure hope somebody is able to help me with this one. I understand that google page ranking depends in part on the number and quality of pages clicking to you. When I search on yahoo for links to my site, I get a lot more links to: http://histology-world.com/ than I do to: http://www.histology-world.com/ Yet they both are my site. I do not want to have my links diluted by having two sites (one with the www and one without the www). Should I only have one URL and delete the other one? (If i can...not sure I know how to do this). Google gives my page without the www a higher page rank (makes sense...a lot more incoming links to it). So it looks like google does not know they are the same page. Please help. Any suggestions? Sunkist
  10. Hi:I just got my first postitive reputation point, but really don't know what reputation is. I guess this may be an obvious topic for some, but what is the point of reputation? And what is it? Who can award points?And what is it used for?Thanks.Sunkist
  11. Hi: Can somebody please clarify for me on the topic of internal links? On my page, http://www.histology-world.com/, I have a menu on the left. I have most pages on my site on the menu. They all also have a link back to my homepage. However I use a relative directory structure, rather than absolute. If I were to use the full page URL on the link back to my homepage, would that hurt or help me in the search engines. Does that count as a link? If this would help with search engine optimization, it would be a very easy change to make. I don't, however, want to do it if it will harm my page ranking. Thanks for your imput! Sunkist
  12. Wow...cool tutorial! Thanks.This reminds me of a song a decade or so ago (I know, I am showing my age). "...don't it make my brown eyes blue"Sunkist
  13. Hi:I have participated in a different swap site, but similar concept. But people list their items. You brouse for what you want. Then you contact one another and set up a swap.It is really FUN. I have swapped things that are valuable, but that I have no use for. I have gotten all kinds of great stuff. I have swapped for perfume, coupons, dog clothes, videos, CD's, books, decorative items, candles, etc. Part of the fun, is getting a package. Part of the fun is setting up the swap. Anyway, my experience with online swapping has been favorable.Sunkist
  14. Hi:Anybody else have any problem getting into the forum tonight? Or was it just me?Sunkist
  15. HI:Thanks for your suggestion. I will check it out.Sunkist
  16. I only get between one to two credits per post. Sometimes, I just acknowledge somebody by saying "thanks" or "lol", an dI didn't think I get a credit for those posts.Sometimes, when I elaborate on what I am trying to say, my posts become more verbose.But since I am relatively new at a lot of this stuff, I have a LOT of questions, so I am not too worried about the post requirements. When my questions run out or posting becomes a chore, I will just buy my own space on a server.Sunkist
  17. Hi:Thank you for your help, Whyme. Since you thought my version of sendcard was corrupted, I got a fresh copy. I think that was the problem Somehow, it was corrupted. But the fresh copy solved the problem. It seems to be working now. Thanks again!Sunkist
  18. Hi: Thank you for your help. I think I got it working. If you test it, please let me know any glitches. http://www.histology-world.com/contents/contents.htm
  19. I am trying to put virtual greeting cards on my site.Is anybody familar with sendcard (sendcard.org) who is willing to help me get it set up?Or, can anybody suggest a good free virtual card script/program?I currently have histology greeting cards on my site. It is hosted by Bravenet. My visitors seem to really like them. I can tell a lot of cards are sent from the stats. The problem is that this is hosted on Bravenet. My visitors leave my site and are redirected to Bravenet. They are also exposed to Bravenet's advertising.I would rather host it on my site.SendCard (sendcard.org) looked pretty good. But I am stuck, it has too many features and I cant get it set up.So, your suggestions are welcome.Thanks.Sunkist
  20. Hi:Thanks for your reply. I am just looking for a graphic drawing, similar to the one Microsoft has...just a folder or maybe even a book. Or perhaps a question mark. Just a free gif image.I do not want to use any of microsofts images, as I do not want to infringe on copyrights. I am looking for artwork that is in the public domain.Perhaps I will just open photoshop, and draw a folder. Cant be that hard.Thanks.Sunkist
  21. Hi:I hope somebody can help me with this. I have never used a database or php or mySQL on my site before. Totally new at it.I found a great looking greating card program I want to add to my site, called Sendcard. I have uploaded it to my site. When I am going thru the installation wizard it is asking me for information that I don't know.---the data base host--- the name of the database---username ---passwordDo I need to go to cpanel and go into mySQL and set it up? Or is it done automatically? Or at least, where is a good online tutorial so I know how to set this up.Thanks!Sunkist
  22. Hi:Thanks for your replied.Actually, I am looking for a graphic picture of a manilla folder.I have a test bank of questions on my site. I thought that a folder would be appropriate next to each topic/chapter. The number of questions is getting too long to list on one page. So I was going to list them in separate files. So I need some kind of button or graphic so users know to click on it.Thanks.Sunkist
  23. Anybody have any suggestions for a site with free clip art? Spceifically, I am looking for a clip art drawing of a folder. You know the kind, seen in microsoft Windows all the time. But I want one that is in the public domain, so that I can use it on my page. It should be a pretty easy icon/graphic for me to find. But I am also just looking for some good clip art ideas.Thanks.Sunkist
  24. As an aside, I forgot to mention. The speed my page loads on the trap 17 is faster than the other free server I was on. Much faster!
  25. Hi:I have noticed that the speed of my page is fast. Every once in a while, a page doesn't seem to load. But I hit refresh and it then usually loads fine.I have, however, noticed that the forum does seem slower lately. Maybe it is just the time of day that I am using the forum, but there is a definate slow down that I have noticed.
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