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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. Sad to see you go, but it can't helped. I can understand the situation you're in. Relying on the computer network is fine when it's up and running, but if an overhaul is on the horizon it kinda makes it tought to make posts. Since having your own PC is not an option, is there an internet cafe nearby (on campus, etc.)? Perhaps you could try that...but again the costs could add up.
  2. shigajet


    Hi, Mr. J, and welcome aboard!Glad to hear you stumbled upon this forum during your search. I'm sure you'll find lots of good posts about relationships and dating (and a lot more) in the ever-expanding list of topics in the Xisto community. Could you tell us a bit more about yourself (hobbies, programming skills and experience, etc.) in your introduction? Anyway...that's about it for now hope you enjoy your stay here and we'll see you on the boards!
  3. Welcome aboard, Carnage!I'm one of the veteran members here, and I think you've found a great community. The people here are friendly and supportive, and if you have any problems, don't hesitate to give the moderators/admins a shout.Don't forget to read the rules, and we hope to see more of you on the boards!
  4. Well, I will be heading back "home" to visit friends and family - including my parents wedding anniversary (50th..to be exact). Not sure if I would call it a vacation, though..I may be doing some informational interviews at some companies with an eye to land a job sometime next spring...
  5. Darn. That's one movie I've wanted to see for a long time. I've long outgrown eating out at McD's (or any other fast food joint). Now I just indulge in the stuff every once in a while. Admittedly, there's a lot grease and fat in that kind of food, but as long as you burn it off then it wouldn't do much harm.
  6. All I got to say is I hope you have a good memory or a piece of paper posted nearby so that you wouldn't forget an email address of that length. Prett silly idea, I must admit...but original!
  7. shigajet


    Welcome aboard, THesystem!Great to have you as a member of the Xisto community, although it would be nice if youtold us a little about yourself (hobbies, interests, etc.) in your intro.I'm one of the "veteran" members myself, and I assure you that the people on this forum are very supportive. If you run into any problems, I'm sure some of the staff and member will be able to help you out.Hope you enjoy your stay here, and see you on the boards!
  8. shigajet

    Hello All

    Welcome aboard, Mago!I think you've found a great social network with an excellent hosting package to boot. I'm one of the "veteran" members of the community and over time both the forums and hosting packages are getting better. It was great reading your detailed introduction. Too bad that anime is a declining interest for me. (Maybe it's something to do with my age, other priorities in life, etc.). Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here and I look forward to seeing more of you on the boards!
  9. Welcome aboard, wenster!I'm one of the "veteran" members in the Trap 17 community. I'm sure you'll have lots to talk about as I think this site has a great social network and great hosting service. The staff are very helpful and supportive. If you run into a problem, just give them a shout and they'll try to sort things out. Hope you enjoy your stay here, and we hope to see more you on the boards!
  10. Just came across an online magazine where you have a chance to earn some money as a freelance writer. After you become a member, you can also send in an application - along with some writing samples - and state which topic(s) you feel you can write about and why. If you're accepted (or should I say hired), you start off as a contributing writer (entry level) and submit 10 articles over three months. However, if your writing is really good and is read by many people (and if you're a prolific writer) you can become a featured writer and earn more. Oh, and the articles are a great read, too!The website is called Suite101 (just Google it and it'll come out at the top of the list), so check it out for the details.Any thoughts?
  11. Hi Demonoatashadow, and welcome aboard!Interesting to find a new member who just happens to live in the same country that I'm living in. Anyway, I'm one of the "veteran" members of the Xisto community and I think you've found a cool place to meet people and have top-notch free hosting as well. If you run into any problems, just ask one of the members or one of the moderators/admins!Hope you enjoy your stay here, and we look forward to seeing more of you on the boards!
  12. I guess the other factor is that wearing glasses is more economical for many people. As much as I like wearing contact lenses, I have to pay roughly $200 a year to get a year's worth of 2-week disposable type soft lenses. Perhap I may have to switch back at some point in the near future....or maybe just do LASIK and not have to rely on either means of correcting my vision.
  13. Just thought I'd add my suggestion(s). Overall the resume looks good, but here are a few tips.I agree about the age/experience thing that others have mentioned...perhaps turn into an objective and back it up with the skills/attitude you know you can offer ot the employer.I also find that long paragraphs (aside from the objective section) usually don't fit well in a resume. Waht I learned is that many (if not most) employers prefer a clear and concise format - especially if they are likely to look at a lot of resumes. In fact, most of them would only have enough time to skim through each resume quickly. So...instead of describing a list of skills and duties in paragraph format, try making bulleted lists of the skills you have thus far - and include what kind of software/PC skills you have experience with. Same thing goes for the job history...here's where you can back up your expreience with said software.Just my two cents.
  14. shigajet


    Hello, and welcome aboard!Just thought I'd also welcome you to a very fine community. The people here here on the forums are friendly and very supportive.I'm one of the "veteran" members...so to speak and I think the hosting package is excellent and offers a lot more than any other free hosting services. There's also plenty of topics and threads, so feel free to have your say and you'll build up your hosting credits in no time. As well, if you run into any problems, just ask one of the moderators/admins.Hope you enjoy your stay here, and we hope to see more of you on the boards!
  15. Pity I don't have Photoshop, but how about using programs like Fireworks MX or the GIMP (which admittedly takes a bit longer to learn)? In the meantime, I'll check out the website you provided the link to. I could always do with more experience designing logos (whether for free or not).
  16. Well, that's news! Hope the Rocket still has his stuff and can help the team. There's been a few cases of players coming in and out of retirement. Roger Clemens, Dominik Hasek, Rob Ray, Michael Jordan, to name a few. Nothing wrong with extending their career (or coming back to have another shot at a championship), just as long as they still have the athletic ability and the drive to keep going.
  17. Hi everyone! I was wondering if any of you have some constructive advice for me. I'll tell you about my situation.I'm seriously looking into getting back to Canada to re-integrate myself back into life there and re-enter the workforce. Due to recent circumstances, I have come to the realization that what I'm doing now does not suit my personality (I'm more of the quiet, creative type who is much better at writing and designing), and I want to go back to a position that involves writing (or even "ghost-writing")...or at best, something that involves both my creative skills and the transferable skills I picked up while being in another country for so long.Since I'm planning to go to Canada this summer for a family event, I'm also using it as an opportunity to have informational interviews with several companies in the area - with a view to go back to Canada (for good) by spring 2008 or 2009, at the latest.In the meantime, I'll have to put together some writing (and some graphics) samples to brush up my experience.I know I may have left some things out, but I hope to hear from the rest of you about what I should do to make the transition as smooth as possible.
  18. Wow! Talk about a detailed introduction! Well done Dangerman, and welcome aboard!I'm one of the "veteran" members here in the Trap 17 community, and judging by your hobbies/interests/etc. I'm sure you'll have a lot to talk about. If you ever run into any problems, just ask one of the members, moderators or the admins. The people here are really supportive!Hope you enjoy your stay here, and we hope to see more of you on the boards!
  19. As you might have guessed by the content of this post, I sometimes use smilies whenever I want to emphasize my comments a bit further...if I can't find the right words to express my feelings at the time of typing.BTW...check out the new avatar! (There you go...you'll probably won't see another smilie from me for a while now.)
  20. I used to play the clarinet in high school and I also took piano lessons when I was a child. Pity I didn't continue them...guess I also saw it as a chore...although my folks didn't want me to waste my talent. Never did feel comfortable playing in front of a large audience. Good thing is that I still play the keyboards from time to time (I used to own a Roland synthesizer or two way back when). One instrument I would love to learn how to play is the acoustic guitar.
  21. Speaking as a Canadian, hockey wins hands down as the best sport to watch...and playing street hockey in times when it's NOT on TV makes it even better! If only I had the time these days...Anyway, it's play off time...here's hoping Vancouver and Ottawa meet in the finals!
  22. I think the iPod Shuffle is great for me, since it doesn't weigh me down like a regular iPod does. I don't mind changing the songs every once in a while and I fell I don't really need a screen to view what it's playing...might be a distraction if I were listening and riding a bike at the same time. Of course, since the player first came out it's gotten smaller (clip-on!) - and it's available in five different colours...like the nano!
  23. I found that often the best rule is to eat large breakfast, a medium-sized lunch and a light dinner. I can't remember the exact quote, but I think it was..."eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a commoner and eat dinner like a pauper (pauper=poor person)". As for my personal exercise, I'm going to concentrate on the abs (getting a bit too flabby) so I'll start off with 10 sets of sit-ups a day and build on it from there. Oh, and if any of you have a better suggestion, please let me know.
  24. I also prefer a hot bath over a shower. Kinda funny, since I used to take showers in the morning all the time. I started taking baths in the evening about a year ago and I realized how much more relaxing it can be. I used to think that I didn't feel awake until after I had the shower, but the down side was that it was one more thing for me to do in the morning before heading off for school/work. Worse still if I was in a hurry (for example...sleeping in on a weekday). At least now when I take a bath, I can relax and get the blood circulating before I go to bed. Of course, if I soak in the bath for too long, I might fall asleep in it.
  25. Hi Carson, and welcome aboard!Glad to see that you've gotten a few responses, so I'll add myself to the list. I'm one of the "veteran" members of the community (well, I joined about 2 years ago, but I went on a hiatus for a while...otherwise I think my post count would have been quite a bit higher). Anyway, I think you've come to the right place to host your website, and there are lots of members around who can help you if you run into any problems.Hope you enjoy your stay here, and we look forward to seeing more of you on the boards!
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