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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Yeah, go for photoshop. Ulead's never had products on my "wish list", so to speak. You'll be MUCH better off getting Photoshop CS, trust me.
  2. Yeah, that's very good for a MSPaint job...I say get Photoshop and make it even better. ^-^Nice style, btw.
  3. I still think it needs more "effect" and the render should be a lot more visible, but it's getting better, I suppose. I would have chosen a better render to begin with though. Also, there's "sparklies" brushes out there that you can get. It's a lot easier than doing your own. Try googling sparkle photoshop brushes or something.
  4. Hm...very good point...I never would have picked that out...
  5. Get a *cough* "free" *hint hint wink wink* copy of Cinema 4D and read tutorials. That's what I did.
  6. Well, you're putting some of the other new guys to shame, believe me. Needs a border, and maybe a bit more color, then you're in good shape. Keep reading tutorials, and eventually, it'll all come naturally.
  7. It's a different style, but very good for a first try. Keep working at it.
  8. What he said. It's much better looking now though. Yeah, you're gonna wanna stop those tech borders... X.x
  9. Looks pretty nice. I think the banner could be a bit better, and the nav font could be a little cooler, but overall it's a pretty cool template. GJ. Finish it up. ^-^
  10. 1st -- Border is kinda unnecessary. Try doing a simple 3px border on that one. Tech borders are VERY tricky, believe me. The background is decent I suppose, but you really have to learn some brushing. Text doesn't quite fit on that one.2nd -- Much better. You could get a better font, and slap a 1 or 3px border on that sucker, and you're in good shape. Background could use brushing again though.BTW Saint Mike, I think on one of my topics at IPBG I gave some pointers to Damann on the light flash thing.
  11. I gave some pointers about the same thing to snlildude in his topic. Check there for my advice.
  12. Cool Freaker is once again the guiding light. Don't brush over the render too much, and don't leave so much blank space. And maybe some effect (like some sparklies near her hand) would be a nice touch. Text isn't too hot, but it works, I s'pose. The glowing border is a nice touch. I guess I pointed you in the right direction on that?
  13. Heh, it's cool. Just figured I might point it out in case. Deviantart is a very good source though.
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -- I just downloaded that yesterday, it's a huge pack with a ton of brushsets in it. Just about all you'll need, really. Some are useless, of course, but hey, it's worth it. (Stay on topic though.) Just to point something out, a render isn't always needed. I highly favor having them over not, but I'm seen some really awesome sigs without renders.
  15. Honestly, the graphic isn't that great...but we all know the tragedy of 9/11, and that deserves to be respected.
  16. Your butt's a liar. Many people try to do dark or faded style sigs, which don't really look good until you're a little more experienced. I've found my bright and colorful sigs to be my favorites... O.o
  17. Brushing. I have a brief overview of it in one of my tutorials, http://forums.xisto.com/topic/9970-render-blending-how-to-blend-a-render-to-your-sig-in-photoshop/ but I'm not sure if that will help. Try looking on good-tutorials.com or pixel2life.com for some good brushing tutorials.
  18. What Phyre said, basically. Text needs some work as well. Good try though.
  19. Saint Mike, don't ever quad post. Also, you still have a LONG way to go. I personally only see the smaller "lava"ish one as remotely good. The rest are really newbish.I really don't mean to offend, but you need more work. Just trying to help out a fellow sigger.
  20. Five new ones. Yeah, I did two lightning ones. Bite me.
  21. Yeah, thanks for pointing that out. I usually just go there for Photoshop, C4d, and Imageready. I seem to forget they do scripting and stuff as well.
  22. Okay, whatever suits you. I just happen to hate dark sites and banners and such. To me it just seems like people are just trying to look cool, but they aren't doing such a great job. X.x Maybe I'm just weird. Aw, Becca, my stuff isn't good either? *cry*
  23. The sun bursting effect can stay, and the render's okay, but the background is WAY too "faded", and the scanlines aren't really necessary. The text and background have conflicting colors, and it doesn't really need to be bevelled. Might want to choose a better font as well. Change the border, cause there's some sigs those just don't work with. Like I said, needs work. Keep at it.
  24. Heh, I try not to sound like a *BLEEP* when giving advice. But I still have lots to learn myself, so don't take my advice blindly. ^-^ EDIT -- What? You can't say j-erk? That's bleeping bleep!
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