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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. How about styles? no?

    I like retro :D thers grunge, retro, pixel, vector, 3d, abstract. etc.? or not.

    O.K first of all all the categories are male-e-fied. What;s wrong with fashion or accessories.

    It looks fun and a realyl good idea. But I'm probably not going to participate as I'm crap and others with thrash me.


    You said you didn't LIKE girly sigs. X.x


    (You should give it a try anyway though. Even if you lose, it's still fun...sorta. :D )

  2. Firstly SHINGLE was not a typo. I like to put H's where ever they sound good in. e.g Shexy. Tu Comprendes ?


    Anyways. What Johnny said about the text going wild or whatever he said... I was going to say that, but Ididn't incase you did it and it turned out crap and you'd blame me.


    Anyways. The sig is cool nothing wrong with it...when Ifirst glanced at the sig Ithought that font was that 'joker' thingamigiggy font.


    (60^999 haha good one)


    Why yesh, you are shexy. :D


    I think the font you're talking about is either Joker ITC or Comic sans...don't ask me why I remember font names. It's part of my ninja training. :D

  3. Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for this tutorial! These links have been invaluable. I don't know why but it seems I'm going backwards through your tutorials. LOL, figures. :D Guess I just click on the first thing I see then move on down eventhough they are clearly numbered... doh!


    I have been a downloading machine today! I downloaded Gimp and have spent allot of time pouring through the font, brush, and render sites you provided above. There are allot of talented artists out there. It's awesome when they share their talent with the rest of us. Anyway, keep up the good work on these tutorials! It's awesome when you share your talent too! I'm still waiting on Part 4 so get busy!  :(


    Now, I just need to thumb through all of these renders to see which one I'm going to practice with first. If you're lucky I may just embarrass myself by uploading my very first sig attempt!  :D


    Haha, just glad I could help. :D

  4. Gamerenders tutorial? They have pop-out sigs tutorials? I don't need those. Figured it out on my own. :D But what's the difference between gamerenders and good-tutorials?


    Gamerender's has it's own tuts, whereas good-tuts just indexes them from other sites. Both of them have a few good tutorials, but they're all buried in with a ton of noobie ones.

  5. I would say leave it free for the designer to choose. It is sig of the week, meaning the best sig of that week. Some designers like more of an art looking sig, while others settle for a render and text.


    When you have a spiderman theme, or a tekken theme, everyone uses the same 1-2 renders, and it gets old.


    Open theme is the best, for good.


    Not really...spiderman has god knows how many renders, and tekken has quite a lot too.


    But eh...other than Frozen, I take it none of you have seen themed SOTWs before. Go take a look at Gamerender's SOTW section and see how they do it.

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