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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Yes, he was. Mike, it means a lot of people are using the same thing...look into the word bro.Anyway, sorry for detouring the topic guys. Just stay on track here.
  2. You pretty much did the same thing I did. My post was to say get on topic, and had a side note. I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to prove me wrong every time I turn around...we're both staff here. Or at least, we are at the moment. So we should be responsible and role models and such.
  3. Tech borders get boring very quickly, Nguyen.Anyway, not bad at all for a first try cragllo. I love the monochromatic industrial feel it has to it. :DCan't find anything wrong with it.
  4. No, you can't possibly love her more, cause I've already....taken care of....anyone that does.
  5. Biskie, your latest stuff is awesome. You have a relatively minimalistic style, but your effort shows up in the end. I've said it before, but all of your elements seem to work together perfectly. I LOVE it. :DAnd trust me, it's minimalistic, but not SIMPLE. I prefer your sigs over my own, actually...mine are too...typical...and not enough fun. =/(I'm totally gonna steal your style in like, 3 seconds. X.x)
  6. I agree...I think contract is what does that...I know for sure there's an easier way than the circle method though.
  7. That's what I think it'll be too. I have no doubt Truefusion will stomp the jesus outta me, if I make it past Sprite. And Cision looks like he's going to the finals, even though I doubted his entry. (Knew I shoulda entered that Gundam sig...my entry was more of a hour long render manip to get it to look all nice and stuff, and I didn't focus enough on the rest of the sig, hence the simplistic comments. Stupid Johnny. )
  8. Actually, I found a slight workaround to that...IM me sometime and I'll fill you in.
  9. Should be options in the atmosphere settings to edit the clouds...
  10. Ugh...I have those too...I've tried to cut them before, but they don't come out easy. You pretty much have to recut the whole thing...I've used one or two in some of my sigs, but they were rough cuts that I masked with other stuff...I've been kinda busy lately, but if I can find the time to render some of them, I'll let you know. Just don't get your hopes up...I'm good at giving false hope. =/
  11. Not bad, it just looks like there's too much saturation or contrast in the bg...too "hard", if you get me.
  12. You know what? It's funny...I remember now that my best friend in Houston had a dog that looked just like that, and her name was Sandy too. You didn't steal Jared's dog, did you? :DAnyway, as I told you before, awesome sig. Every element works perfectly, and you gotta love the quote. :DI LOVE Sandy!
  13. Wow, Luki, VERY impressive. You've gone from complete newb to having some very nice sigs in no time at all. Congrats.Now, onto the sig. I love every bit of it, except the blending. Her arm and legs are "invisible" rather than "blended". I think if you left it unblended, it would look pretty sweet.But other than that, nice job. You're starting to put Nguyen and Mike here to shame.
  14. YEAH! TOO MUCH IN BG, NOT ENOUGH RENDER YO! The text isn't very impressive either Mike. Tsk tsk.
  15. @Nguyen -- Yes you are. If I'm a newbie, you're a newbie. And I'm a newbie. So you're a newbie. @Biskie -- Judging by his expression, I'd say he is drunk. O.o
  16. A cyber cafe's main computer has low ram? That's sad...very sad.
  17. I always have too much something to do. Shonen means manga for boys, basically. You're thinking of Shonen Jump. SJ is the raddest magazine on the face of the earth.
  18. Just keep working at it. You may have noticed, but a few weeks ago, Nguyen, Luki, and a bunch of the others didn't have a clue about sigs. Now look at them...in tournaments and everything. Just keep working, keep trying, keep learning, and eventually, you'll have as much sex appeal sig skills as I do.
  19. Ditto that. Sorry Sprite. I told you on MSN what I think. But it's all gravy and we're the 'tatoes.
  20. Truefusion has my vote. Both are nice, but moonwitch's is a little too "faded", and the text, although good, could be better. In TF's, everything melds very nicely.2:0, Truefusion up.
  21. Phyre gmv. Cision's seems to focus too much on the render, and not much else, whereas Phyre's render just amplifies the rest of the sig.1:1. Tie.
  22. Biscuitrat has my vote. Nguyen's is nice, has a nice background, but everything just blends perfectly in Biskie's.0:1, biscuitrat up.
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