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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. [1] True, but you were rude about it. [2] Aw...I'm SO sorry we're not catering to your needs, your majesty. Xisto has free spots.
  2. True, but then it should be up to the designer. They can make the decision to make it or not.BTW, I won't be taking this request...have other stuff to work on.
  3. Heh, it's not bad bro...it could be better, definitely, but nice job.
  4. Ditto. I also think it'd be cooler if the whole thing were black and white...I dunno...just looks like it'd give a nice feel. I'm not sure if that is brushes, but if it is, or even if it isn't, get new ones. The Sig Tutorials Pt. 1 has a list of places to get good-quality brushes.
  5. Hm...I think it'd look cooler if it were all, or not, bevelled, cause right now it looks kinda odd with 2d and 3d mixing. Other than that, nice job. Looks cool.
  6. I agree with Nguyen...it's one of your cooler ones. Just the text for your name is slightly hard to read. Nice job Fro.
  7. I tried blurblending again...guess it didn't really work out too well. Meh. Thanks for the comments/criticism guys.
  8. There's quite a few skilled and capable designers...no need to limit yourself to KuBi and lazy Johnny.
  9. KuBi, you can't just deny people their requests. Especially based on rules you and only you decided on.
  10. Ugh, I feel bad writing a one word post...there should be a longer way to say "ditto." Oh wait...I just did. Sweet.
  11. You make baby Johnny cry! Hm...didn't think it was that bad, but thanks for the opinions/criticism guys. @Fro -- *Props* Nice job.
  12. Oh, well, I wouldn't say tha--........................................ *sprint*
  13. Your forum name was too long so I used Mat. Take THAT Tom Brokaw.
  14. Blaquemajik -- Background, color. Johnny -- Other junk.
  15. Actually, I use a black background. But really though. Too much pride yo. True, defaults require more skill, but most defaults sigs just don't look as good as brushed ones. And if you're against using other people's brushes, make your own, like Jashin or Metal or Alice or whoever.
  16. There's a difference between pride and flat out ego. Thanks Fro.
  17. Hey, she's right man...I agree with pretty much all of it. I tend to avoid going any lower than 5/10 though, cause you did spend time on them, and they are defaults. But yeah...the text, textures, and color use. =/ Sorry bro.
  18. Psh. I hate challenges. Give me an easier way to make good sigs and I'm all over it. (But not really...I do my sigs differently than most, I think...I've noticed a lot of intermediates have the same style sig that looks like it took 5 minutes. )
  19. My vote goes to Biscuitrat. Sorry Blaque, but yours just seems like Metal CX's sparkle brushes with a render and text slapped on, and the text is kinda bad. =/ The right side is way too bright compared to the left too.0:3, Biscuitrat up.
  20. My vote goes to KuBi. The whole thing flows right, and it all looks like one piece, instead of a sig with color and text just slapped on.1:0 Kubi up.
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