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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Vista's worthless, IMO.Some parlor tricks with program windows (mainly transparency),a bunch of worthless search features,extra passwords thrown everywhere to give a false sense of "advanced security",and a new start menu that's even more horrible than the original.Good game microsoft, way to send yourself 6 years backwards.I love using windows, but vista is extremely short of anything special.

  2. I don't know what it is, but I like it.


    slow down, keep your pace

    this is not a horse race

    all you need is a taste

    and then brace

    yourself for my grace

    my embrace

    copy and paste

    this court case

    from place to place

    don't backspace

    in this interface

    don't misplace

    the preface

    harden your carapace

    tie your shoelace

    speed your footpace

    clear your headspace

    we're not commonplace

    you're a queen, I'm the ace...

    you make me flush

    I make you blush

    don't rush


    turning to mush

    from this sudden ambush

    this subtle onrush

    drawn by a paintbrush...

    I'm lemons

    you're limes

    you're giving me all the right signs

    at all the right times

    I'm giving you all the right lines

    from all the right rhymes

    hear the chimes?

    in the meantime

    in realtime

    you're so divine

    I might feel inclined

    to mix the bloodline

    redesigned to entwine

    suppertime in summertime

    sine and cosine

    if you're not mine

    by the primetime

    my hotline could flatline

    don't stop the plotline

    don't stop the playtime

    don't stop the turbines

    don't stop the sunshine, sunshine...


    don't mean to scare

    but I can't stop the stare

    I might need medical care

    you're just right there

    with angel hair

    quite rare

    I'll take the dare

    elite warfare

    save you from the dragon's lair

    we can share the fanfaire...

    join my coalition

    with an acquisition

    through precognition

    just one condition

    full composition

    hit the ignition

    what's the definition

    for recognition

    and juxtapositions

    an audition in tradition

    not enough nutrition

    in the new edition

    tough competition

    tough opposition

    but I have ammunition

    without inhibitions

    on the road to perdition

    put yourself in my rendition

    put yourself in my ambition

    put yourself in my vision

    put yourself in my position


    I thought of half of it while in the shower this morning, and the other half on my walk home from school.

    I didn't realize it when I thought of it, but this really coincides with a girl I'm falling for.


    Oh, and um, any suggestions/fixes/comments to make it better?

  3. @Truefusion -- I'll have to pass on making things pixelly. I like the blur-ish style. Green bar will be changed.@Ava -- Numbers are for a more tech feel. It seemed kinda plain.@Kyle -- Thanks a lot.@Mike -- Good idea on the green bit. I'll probably just change it to the same blue as the bg. I'll see what I can do about the sidebars.Thanks for the input, any more would be great.

  4. W00t, thanks all. I guess I'm probably going to use initialignition then. Maybe I can sell the other ones. :lol:So hopefully sometime this weekend I can get around to starting to code that bad boy (I plan to use a bunch of css, which will be my first CSS template, and maybe some overlay dealies for the menus) and then eventually I'll pop it into my wordpress site.Anyway, thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate them all, and feel free to add more. :rolleyes:Btw biskie -- All of them are stretchable, I was just using that one as an example of how the flower thing would move. Well, it'd be tough to stretch the first one, but whatever. I never liked that one anyway. ;)

  5. Alright, I did some tinkering, keeping in mind some of your suggestions and came up with:


    Posted Image


    Which would end up looking like so after content stretches it and whatnot:

    Posted Image


    Better? Should I keep the text like that in the middle of the circle thing, or on top like before?


    Also, my personal choice of the original four would be #3, the left-aligned space/time one. Any suggestions to make that one better? I like it, but it still seems a little plain.

  6. Heh, there's an easier way to do it. Like, if each box is in its own layer, you could select the box, and the logo with the text, and if you have the move tool selected, you'll get an option to center things horizontally according to a layer.

    Actually, I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.

    Too bad the boxes are all in one layer though. :)

  7. I voted for initialignition 1.0. But, i have a few suggestions:

    Remove the drop-shadow from the stuff in the gray spot.

    The bottom-right corners, with the white-faded parts. Make it pure white, so it seems like it's missing an edge. Except for the first three (the ones that make up the banner), leave them with all edges.

    Center the logo and text vertically and horizontally in the bottom-left box.

    Thanks for the input. I'll try it without the drop shadows, and I'll make the triangle things full white, but as for the logo thingy, the light orange box is going to be stretched to fit the content anyway, so it still couldn't be vertically centered in relation. And I measured it out (guides and such), to be horizontally centered.

  8. Okay guys, I'm trying to decide what template I should start coding to use on my site, I know which one I like best, but I figured it'd be best to see which one other people like. So here you go, vote choices are:


    1. -- hell hath no fury 1.0


    Posted Image


    2. -- initialignition 1.0


    Posted Image


    3. -- space//time 1.0


    Posted Image


    4. -- space//time flipped 1.0


    Posted Image


    For those wondering -- I'm doing a new template for a few reasons, first of all, I've only done or or two in the past, and I need to practice. Second, my site currently has a default-ish template from wordpress that I modified a bit, and I want to replace it with an original custom one that I made from scratch. Also, my site is currently named jargon johnny, but nobody gets that, so I'm thinking of changing it to jet set johnny.

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