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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Both kids and older people play games and RPGs of course, the same. But you won?t see too many old people (I mean above 35) playing games because it?s something they haven?t grown with. It?s only logical. But for the rest I suppose that you play a game if you like it and you find it funny... if a game is oriented to mature people, with puzzles that a child mind possibly can not deal with, children will get bored of it. And if it?s too easy, some older people will find it very simple. But anyone can play them.

    People who are 35 now are the ones who were playing Asteroids and Pac-man in arcades when they first came out...

  2. Oh, in that case, I do prefer playing with older players, because they know what they're doing, they're reliable, and they don't speak like idiots (no offense, but it's true. You should see the warcraft 3 channels lately)But I do think that kids should be able to play as well. I mean, if I were shunned from some of the games I was playing when I was 12 or so (everquest, starcraft, etc.) I would not have been too happy.

  3. well lets see if this works :rolleyes: i bought Red Hot Chille Peppers - Dani California, lol i cant believe i actually bought that OMG neways, im hoping to get the confirminaiton code and get the domain, since my website allready has a domain until 2009 i think ill use this for a site called forumize that currently has a Xisto sub domain (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) but anyways :lol: if this doesn't wwork....arghhh imma sue! joking!
    anyone know how long the domain will last

    lol watch it last 6 months

    I read up on this offer on other sites, it looks like it takes up to 48 hours to get the promo code, and the domain will last a year. It does not count towards renewals or transfers though.

    I still haven't gotten any information regarding the domain, just the confirmation of the order (song + coupon). So I guess I'll wait one more day, and if there's no news by then, tough cookies, I suppose.

    I also saw one site saying that the purchase needs to be over a dollar...I hope that's not the case. The coupon says specifically "any purchase" from buy.com

  4. I think an easy way to find triangular numbers would be to add each number and the next one, it's hard to explain, but triangular numbers are like this:1 + 2: 31 + 2 + 3: 61 + 2 + 3 + 4: 10And so on, sort of like the bowling pins. Get it? So you can just keep adding numbers bigger than the last and the sum will always be a triangular number. So you can pretty much go on forever, provided you have the time to do so.(Man, I'm such a genius, I just thought that up.)

  5. Well, I kind of am satisfied with my first name because I was named after my father who was Don and I am Donna. However, my middle name I would like better if it were Jean instead of Lee. Sorry, leeleelee. :rolleyes:


    So why the forum name Mich, if you don't mind my asking?

  6. If I were President of the united states, I'd officially declare war on MySpace and all similar retarded web sites. Seriously. There's nothing I hate more than MySpace or idiots bickering about it. It makes me want to get a time machine, find the guy who invented myspace, and punch his mom in the uterus so she'd miscarry him.If the entire internet was a house, MySpace would be a toilet. The house would have no plumbing, though. That means the MySpace idiots would overflow every time somebody flushes it into other portions of the internet house.
    MySpace is also a pedophile sanctuary, but people go anyway.

    From now on, me and the internet are going to have to fight.

    That's an interesting perspective to put it in.

  7. Man...that sucks. 158 million pages for Johnny. I also tried a few different names (jargon johnny is the name of my site, jailbreak johnny is the name I use for all my instant messengers, jet set johnny is the soon to be new name for my site.)Results:Johnny -- 158,000,000Jet Set Johnny -- 4,400,000Jargon Johnny -- 391,000Jailbreak Johnny -- 217,000JetsetJohnny -- 102JailbreakJohnny -- 35JargonJohnny -- 10Meh.

  8. Don't ever use the same password for everything you register (I certainly don't do that).

    I got sick of remembering different passwords, so I use the same one for everything now. If someone found my Xisto password, they'd also have the password to my blog, 4 email addresses, 4 instant messenger screen names, my deviantart, my myspace, a ton of different forums, a bunch of online games that need a password, and my computer itself.

    So good luck with that, guys. :rolleyes:

    BTW -- I don't really care much for any of that stuff... my blog I can manually change the password for (and I'm tearing it back down soon), the email addresses get too much spam anyway, the im names I could use new ones anyway, I never use my devart, my myspace is getting boring, I don't visit half the forums I'm registered on, all the games I can just sign up for a new account, and nobody in the world is touching my computer. :lol:

    The only real hazard would be Xisto, but that's easily fixed.

  9. Very nice post. I was previously trying to get around a block on myspace (and other stuff) from my school's server, and so far I had tried proxies and translations, which didn't work. Eventually, I used a method similar to method 5, but instead of putting http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, I use  thewebsite.com/, because the "https" part opens a secure connection, which can sometimes get around blocks. This was still being blocked for myspace though, so I ended up using a proxy -combined- with the secure connection trick, which seems to work. One thing I never tried though is the IP method, which should have been a "duh" to me. I'll check that out later. Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent. Good post.

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