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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Then again, you can use an invisionfree forum, which is free, faster, and has less ads.


    I agree with you on this one...


    I don't dig ameteur bands that look like a bunch of emo kids.


    See reason 3 quotes above.


    A majority of people aren't technologically advanced enough to use forums, surprisingly. That's why nobody I know is on the invisionboard forums I already have. :rolleyes:


    Not all the bands on there are emo bands. There's some great ones on there...my favorites currently being switchfoot, gnarls barkley and foo fighters.


    Also, myspace is probably an easy way for tech-impaired kids (and adults, sadly) to create their own "space" on the internet, since honestly, they probably couldn't figure out how to use something like Xisto to start their own website. The friends I've referred to trap so far always come to me to set up their website for them (which I try to avoid) because they can't figure it out.


    Sorry to say, but a good majority of the world just doesn't know how to use a computer.

  2. You actually did include that.


    Anyway, awesome post. I'm actually going to go through with this right now, I'll let you know of the results. After all, even if it doesn't work, 79 cents is really nothing, and hey, if I get a song I like, even better.


    Edit: Bought and downloaded Fort Minor -- Where'd you go?, and I trust that I'll get the godaddy info sometime soon. If all goes well, I'm gonna see if I can do this 2-3 more times before the offer is up, (6/15), because I've been wanting some domains for my site. :rolleyes:


    Again, thanks Blacklaser. I'll send you some credits later. <333

  3. Hey I use Yahoo! :lol: Anyway you do make a point, when ever I do try to keep in contact with friends they always say "Do you have AIM?" or every other messenger I don't use that often. I do agree with that, anyone who does meet up with a sex offender and ends up having bad consequences because of it deserves what they get. I don't know about all Internet relationships being bad. I know quite a few people who have had successful relationships online, you just have to be careful about who you try to have a relationship with and be on your guard.

    lol, I use yahoo too. :rolleyes:

    But no, not all internet relationships are bad...I've had a few before, actually, (well, one that evolved from having a mutual friend, and one that came from an irl relationship where I moved) and those weren't that bad, but I just can't see an internet relationship turning into anything permanent.

  4. None, that has to be the most contributionary post ever. :rolleyes:

    Also, I like how you mentioned Gunz, that's my personal favorite as far as free games go.

    By the way guys, Anarchy Online is having a nice thing where you can play AO for free, you only have to pay if you buy the expansions (which you don't need, really). I personally don't play it much because of the lag, but it's a good game. Here's the link to the offer:


  5. I've had two myspaces in the past 3 years (because I got sick of it and deleted my first one), and I'm not sure really why I like it so much. I guess it's just an easy way to be in contact with all my friends, faster than email and more permanent than IM (because you can leave a message even if someone is offline, which currently only yahoo does, but nobody uses yahoo).First, I make it a point not to add people I don't personally know well in real life, not because I'm scared of sex offenders or anything, but just because they're annoying.Second, anyone who actually meets up with a sex offender on myspace...honestly, they deserve it. Internet relationships are bad, and internet relationships that turn into real life ones are worse. So if you go down that road, expect bad things to come.Third, I like a lot of the extra stuff myspace has...the music section is great, for example.Now, I still use my email, and all three major messengers (yahoo, aim, msn), I just like myspace as an easy way to keep a network with all my friends.

  6. I've pondered this question since I was 8 years old. I still think it's very possible, if not probable. But not just that we see things differently, but we percieve everything differently. Tastes, colors, even living itself.I've noticed that sometimes I can look at someone and see them one way, and then another time I can look at them and see a totally different person. (well, not totally, but very different)Other questions to think of:What if everyone else in the world is sort of like an automaton, and only you are the real human being capable of free thought?What if there are colors we've never seen before?What if the dinosaurs were a failed experiment, and God (or whoever) destroyed them on purpose to make way for us?I have more, but I can't think of them right now.

  7. Steam has to be my single favorite system for game distribution. It's just so easy to buy a game, download it, and be playing within the next 5 minutes or so (differs depending on the game and the updates).On my steam I have:Half-LifeHalf-Life: Blue ShiftCounter-StrikeCondition ZeroCondition Zero: Deleted ScenesOpposing ForceTeam FortressDay of DefeatCodename Gordon (Never play it)And the various demos.CS is by far my favorite, but maybe that's just because my compy can't handle the source engine yet.

  8. While I was an admin, I talked to OpaQue about a lot of different stuff like this. He told me that a large part of the site's upkeep comes from the ads, and then any profit made goes back to the site when there's a shortage of people following the ads.So basically, the server maintains itself with the advertisements, and sometimes OpaQue has to pay from his own pocket.He's also customized the site to be one of the highest ranking websites on google (and other search engines), so a lot of traffic comes from those. I myself have found Xisto as the top result in a lot of my searches. :rolleyes:

  9. Saint-Michael: 2Avalon: 7Looks like avalon wins. My vote goes to him because it looks clean, fresh, and it flows well. Mike has a bit too much dark brushing in his (as you can see on the girl's face) and the text could be better.As for the tech border, I think it's just that people don't like tech borders in general. Yours is fine, as it fits the theme, I just think it could use more detail (the row of holes looks odd) and it could be a bit more metallic.Grats Avalon.

  10. Agentb [0]







    Truefusion has my vote, because it seems to flow the best, and I like what he's done with the text. Second would go to command-prompt, because I like the flow and coloring. AgentB would be a close third, but it's a little small, the text is hard to see, (that could just be from my resolution though). The rest either don't flow well or are too simple.


    (Side note: Photomanips earn very little credibility in my book.)


    Notice from Avalon:
    Corrected scores

  11. Of course this would solve the space problem easily. However, not everybody uses the storage site I do. Do other graphic/photo storage sites offer the same service?


    Actually, I believe that imageshack is one of the very few (if only) that does that automatically for you. But like TF said, you can do it manually, it just takes anywhere from 2-10 extra minutes to do, depending on what you use to make/host your images.

  12. 1280x1024x32 on an old Sceptre 17" CRT monitor...It's kinda tiny, but it gives me lots of room to work with when I'm doing graphics.NOTE: But at higher resolutions, the graphics themselves are smaller, so you get less detail overall. Depends on what you're working with, I guess. Templates/splashes/touchups don't need a whole lot of detail.

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