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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Yeah, it's tough, but your friends are right. I've been in the same situation quite a few times, and I can honestly say that if she says something like that (getting over someone, even though it's been about a year or more), she's probably not interested. No offense.I'd say try your best to move on and maybe try to notice some other girls you've been missing.I could be wrong though, so don't completely give up. Just put it on the back burner.

  2. Funny...I just bought an iPod shuffle last night, and now I have a bone to pick with apple about how you can only use iTunes to add music to your iPod (without hacking it), especially when iTunes is the SLOWEST program I have EVER seen.It's worse than running Counter-Strike: Source on my pentium 2, and all I'm doing is looking through mp3s. =/

  3. Not to be off-topic, but lol, rob, you still have a sig from christmas of last year. That's like leaving your christmas lights up year round. :)As for the topic, I'm not sure of any sites or companies that offer radio services, but I would also be concerned about bandwidth and even space issues.EDIT: oh, nevermind, it's a sig rotator. still funny though.

  4. I think you should get some relaxation in another country alone. That will make you feel comfortable and relaxed. As I assume, if that is your pic in this sig, that your age is about 17-22 then in this time every guy will feel angry because he is depressed from work or college and social problems. So what you need is to forget all those for some time,away from home, friends and family and go to a strange country with different people. Then return home, and start a new page you will feel that everything changed and even yourself.

    Lol, I'm not sure where you live, but it's somewhat hard for americans to visit other countries. We've got a few choices...go to mexico (and avoid the water), go to canada (and speak french in some areas), or spend a bunch of money on a plane ticket somewhere else.

    Not like Europe or South America where each country has like 6 borders. =/

  5. You could load an external file into the main content box with a PHP include, if you don't mind some very simple PHP code. The only way to actually get the content to appear without changing page is with Javascript and something called Ajax, which is what GMail uses to load the pages.
    You could use Javascript so that all of your content is on the page at the same time, but most of it is hidden. When you click a link you just change the properties of the different sections of text, so the current one becomes hidden and the new one is shown. This would eliminate any user that doesn't have Javascript enabled though.

    Thanks a lot for the php suggestion, but now I'm not completely sure I want the single-page thing...

    Reasons for:
    I want to have a single main template that, if edited, changes those parts of the page for the entire site.
    I want to have a single content box, that I can change to reflect different pages of content, so I only have to edit a page of content, rather than a page with the template -and- content.
    I want to have my content box css coded.

    Reasons against:
    I don't want more code than necessary.
    I'm not sure if the content box would stretch properly when it loads a different content page.
    I could modify the main template for each page, if needed for special cases.
    One less page to deal with.
    I could use a seperate css file for the whole site.

    Also, I modified the template a bit (well, completely redid it, really), with a toploaded nav bar. Here's the new version, I'm not sure which one I'll use, but it'll probably be this new one:

  6. No, I don't mind your asking. It is a handle that I and my daughter have used mostly on the internet. We live in Michigan. It is not gender specific, which can be helpful in some cases. :D


    Oh, I see. That's clever. :)


    If I used my home state I'd be York instead of Johnny. Or if I used my current place I'd be Cal. :(

  7. just a larege handful of junk I installed but can't find any more.

    I understand the feeling. Try checking out the program SpaceMonger. It's very handy for finding where the majority of your space is, folder-wise.

    Anyway, never getting a virus is a good thing, and pretty hard to do. The easiest way to avoid them would be to avoid visiting any sites that are not completely 100% trustworthy, but that can't always be done.

    I personally learned a (somewhat) complicated trick to use the registry to find and kill viruses before they can do anything to your computer.

  8. Okay guys, I need a bit of help with my new template. I'm kind of a noob at coding, so right now I'm using dreamweaver to help me along, but anyway, I've developed this template:


    Posted Image


    which you can see in use (somewhat), here:



    and I'm having a bit of trouble with the content box. I want the content box to automatically stretch to fit whatever is in it, (and have the navigation box stay unstretched) which I've managed to do with some tricky slicing, but the problem is that with the stretching, I seem to have two choices:


    1. The content is in a specifically sized box, with scrollbars to view the content.

    2. The content is in the same box, but it has no scrollbars, which causes either cutoff content, or extra space at the end.


    Also, I want to be able to have the navigation links change the content of that content box, without having to change to a new page entirely. I'm not sure if this can be done without some fancy flash or javascript or whatever though.


    EDIT: Okay, I took out the iframe, and left the content box in divs/tables, but is there any way to call the content from a different file, without having to include it all in the page or use iframes? And also, I still need the last part with the navigation links.

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