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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. 1. Solitaire -- It's a total classic.(1.5. Pinball) -- Comes with Windows XP. It's a good alternative to the plain card games and minesweeper.2. Hearts -- I just like hearts.3. Freecell -- Good challenge when you're bored with Solitaire.4. Minesweeper -- It's really easy to play, but it gets boring quickly.

  2. You know I was thinking the same thing and you might run out of blood. I figured anyone could stab you though just for your blood and they can go to the store and say oh don't worry I just cut myself unless they have some sort of ID come up on the computer that allows the cashier to identify who that person really is. I guess the license thing would be needed still to go through this process or something like that but then you wouldn't need a blood sample u would just need a form of identification with the fingerprint.

    I think there's few things easier than credit cards, aside from maybe telepathic purchasing.

  3. LoL you can definitely steal finger credit cards. All you need is a knife! :(

    It would be a lot -harder- to steal them though. You can reach into someone's pocket and pull out a wallet, but it's a lot harder to chop off someone's finger stealthily. :(

    I could see that being bad in prisons and POW situations. :)

    Blood samples are a good idea. I'd hate to get poked every time I wanted to pay for something though. What if you made like 80 purchases in a day? That's a lot of holes in your finger.

  4. I think deviantart is a great place for artists of all kinds (especially digital artists, like me), but I agree about the type of people on there. It seems that a HUGE amount of the member base are either strange anime fangirls or art fanatics who wouldn't know real art if it smacked them in the face.Then of course, there's those who think they've created the next world masterpiece, regardless of how bad it is.But if you find the right kind of people to be friends with, it can be a great place to learn, share, and show off. Which is what I like best.@cgrim -- I think you read the post wrong.

  5. In my opinion.. worst idea ever. What happens if someone takes bill-gates fingerprints while he is sleeping? And then they use them whenever they want.. Its possible by manipulating other peoples fingerprints to match someone else, its called tape. You can actually take someones figerprints with tape. But then you would havew to reverse or inverse it somehow. This is why I think its such a bad idea.

    Bill Gates probably doesn't use credit cards, so he probably wouldn't use a "finger-card" either. He's the richest man on the planet, I'm sure he has help that does errands and goes shopping for him. The kind of harrassment he would get if he went shopping on his own would be ridiculous.

    @Arigato -- As for retina scanners, the only problem I could see would be for people with contacts...it'd cause a lot of errors.

    @leeleelee -- That phone sounds way cool, but I could see problems with losing it. Even if you can cancel it and be reimbursed, it would be a hassle, especially if you have a habit of losing things often.

    @Zabb -- That was a cool movie, and yeah, the same thing could happen here.

  6. Indeed, you can't just go with a fingerprint. You have to have some sort of additional info to go with it, like a pin number or another scan (retina maybe), which is commmon sense to anyone smart enough to be conducting fingerprint scans anyway.As for people with no hands...well, they probably wouldn't be at a grocery store in the first place, seeing that they couldn't carry anything.

  7. O_O!! NO fusion do not work hard!! .....it's bad...for you health!! LOL!!
    nah mans I'm hoping to see what you can come up with! I kinda think this is a pretty hard sotw considering all the gears of war renders and pictures are so DAMN hard to work with!!

    Actually, I believe gears of war was just an example. It says you can use any gaming render from atari to xbox 360.

    Anyway, yeah TF, hard work gives you cancer.

  8. First of all, where do you live? I've never heard of a school that has to crackdown bad enough to do strip searches, so you must live in a really bad neighborhood or something.Anyway, no, it's not right for schools to do strip searches. They can use dogs and do searches through your locker and bags maybe, but a strip search is too far. It just seems embarrassing and over-the-top.

  9. Really close one between Tom and Truefusion for me, but I'll have to vote Tom.


    I like Truefusion's sig a lot, especially the lighting, but something about the text in most of his sigs (this is no exception) just seems out of place.


    I like the simplicity/color of Tom's, it looks clean and flowing.


    Mike's would be the runner-up, because I like the color and the feel of action, but Mike's been using that style for a bit too long now, and it seems a bit too grainy for me.


    Sorry Mike and Truefusion, but you guys have enough wins as it is. :)


    itsmyard: 0

    truefusion: 0

    aminzzlink: 0

    Tom: 1

    Saint_Michael: 0

    kylelnsn: 0

  10. YESSSS! Another older member!Lol, not to be rude about your ages, but I really do love having older (mature) members around here...it makes up for some of our less....prized...members. :)No offense anyone, I'm just speaking my mind. :(Anyway, you've been here since january, but welcome to Xisto, it's good to have you.By the way -- if you need anything, shoot me a pm.

  11. I never used apple except for buying my ipod wich I hated it to death, it has nothing except putting music and some videos. And its pprice equal the price of a phone that has numerous features. I bought a JXD mp4 and it has all what I need: putting music and videos etc.. and memory lots, voice recorder, web browser, 5 megapixel camera with video and auto focus, games, tools (e.g dictionnary) and other features as well for only 120 US$!!!! On the contrary my 60 Gegs ipod costed 600 US$. So I hate apple.

    Your logic is a bit flawed.

    Your player: 512mb
    iPod shuffle: 512mb

    Your player: $120
    iPod shuffle: $70

    The reason your player is so much cheaper than the 60 gig iPod you had, is because it has an enormous amount less memory. So from a music standpoint, you would have gotten a cheaper deal with an iPod shuffle. From a general standpoint though, the $50 difference pays for the extra features your player has.
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