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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Strange, that's exactly what I tried yesterday and it didn't seem to work, I forgot exactly what happened though. EDIT: BH, Have I mentioned I love you? I figured out what the problem is...basically, BH's method did what I wanted it to, but for some reason it was showing a "no page at this address" cpanel message, but it was just because the site didn't know that the index was a php file, so I had to edit the .htaccess to reflect that. The only thing I don't get is why it requires a password for the addon domain...seems like it should be an option. Now, that's one issue down, I just have to deal with the other hundred. Thanks BH. I'll leave this unlocked in case future problems arise or if anyone wants to discuss a similar issue. I'll try it again and see if it works.
  2. I'm not sure if that can help, but it can't hurt to try. How would I go about using a CNAME pointer?
  3. Okay guys, I'm having a bit of a problem regarding my website and domains.Basically, I have about 6 domains...I want 3 or 4 of them to go to my main site (a blog), and the other 2 to go to another directory of the site (a graphics forum), so I've been trying to set up my cpanel to be able to do this.The current setup is like this:plusone.trap17.com -- my blogplusone.trap17.com/forums or forums.plusone.trap17.com-- graphics forumAs an example, I have these two domains registered:jrockett.infoplusoneconcepts.infoand I want them to direct like this:jrockett.info --> plusone.trap17.complusoneconcepts.info --> plusone.trap17.com/forums or forums.plusone.trap17.comI want them to actually go to those locations, and not just be a redirect, but all I've been able to do is make domains go to my main site plusone.trap17.com.So is there any way, maybe by .htaccess files, that I can set it up so that some domains go to the front page while others go to a subdirectory?
  4. A handheld is not big nore a console.
  5. Love it, I just think there's a bit too much green text, seems to look odd. Maybe a gray color for hyperlinks? 9.5/10
  6. I'll keep those comments in mind, thanks.
  7. Basic templates can run from $20-60 each, and those only require the design/coding for one or two "pages", so I'd say if you're doing 60+ individual pages, you should probably charge no less than $250.[uSD]
  8. So if the deleted file gets overwritten by new data, it's not really considered taking up space on the drive right? So what's the worry?I could see privacy issues, but I never keep anything overly private on my computer, and nobody has access to it, so I don't really see why I would bother deleting...deleted...files.
  9. 1. PHP/MySQL -- I prefer these systems over other ones, as they're easier to edit and work with.2. Simplicity/Speed -- They kind of go hand in hand. I like a sleek, fast forum, that isn't loaded with graphics and such, but still looks nice. Maybe some good CSS usage?3. Source -- I agree with Rob, the source code should be well commented so users can edit it easily.4. Shortcuts -- It's hard to explain this, but basically just a way to do things faster or in bulk, like adding 10 subforums to a forum category, or adding 5 member ranks at a time. Stuff like that saves a lot of time when you're setting up a forum.
  10. savge -- Thanks. :)siotoxin -- Not to sound stuck up, but where are your sigs? [And please don't tell me C4D or fractals are any better.]
  11. I may be mistaken, but I thought Hellgate London was an FPS? I think I remember seeing a really nice looking FPS by that name.
  12. I think OpaQue will sell Xisto or hand it over to another admin or something eventually, I mean, he can't really work on this place forever. But I think it's safe to say OpaQue will be taking care of this place for a long time.@scab_dog -- There are a lot of "post to host" forums out there, and I'm sure Xisto wasn't the first one, so I doubt they could be copying us. I think Plenoptic was talking more of literal copies, like the exact same look/rules/guidelines/etc.
  13. I have no idea how much internet companies would be worth, but I'm willing to guess a few thousand, judging by Xisto's popularity and standings on search engines. And the large member base we have already.
  14. Lol, I was actually thinking of this yesterday. I had written myself a note on my hand, and then I started doodling on the other one. Then I decided hey, I should get this as a tattoo. So if I did get one, it would look something like this:
  15. [it's really hard to find a decent street fighter render... =/] Comments/criticism?
  16. Not bad, the name text is nice, but the gfxtrap text seems like a wrong font, and the background is just part of the render. 6/10
  17. Thanks, and yeah Mike, that Tekken sig is a good example of different ways to use brushing:
  18. Alrighty, thanks for the comment/suggestions.
  19. Thanks a lot for all the hard work you're putting into T17 and the rest of Xisto, OpaQue. If not for that, none of us would still be posting.I've also been doing a little "giving back" to T17, I recently started posting regularly again and I've got some plans in store.
  20. Oh, here's another issue...what if someone with a disease like AIDS or even something like SARS or Anthrax decides to be a *BLEEP* and leave some blood (or substance) on or around the scanner? very not cool.
  21. This better be considered grungy, cause I'm not redoing it. [Yes, there's a border on it, it's just hard to see on a light background. It's 1px white at 50% transparency.]
  22. Be yourself, is all the advice I'll give you. Don't stress over trying to adhere to whatever advice other people give you, just be yourself.Even if you pretend to be someone else now, he'll eventually get to know the real you and either like it or not. It's better to just be straight with him now and save all the hassle later on.That's assuming this relationship is long-term.
  23. You have some good points and some bad points. This is true, but it's also true of vegetarians. I've found that the people who worry about their weight or what they eat just create too much stress for themselves and they end up avoiding foods they like for the sake of looking good. The people that stress the most are usually the relatively skinny ones anyway. I have to disagree with that one. I just now came back to Christianity, but I'm still not a strong believer. I'm not even sure if I believe in God 100%. I think that a lot of people are a bit too fanatic about their religion, but that's just how they believe they should act. But there are also people like me who believe in a religion, but don't let it overcome other things in life. Eh. I think a lot of major politicians from all parties are overly corrupted and deceitful. They find themselves in places of power and take it too seriously or use it for ulterior motives. So I wouldn't keep it just to republicans. Maybe, but I think all races have their own issues. I may be a little too stereotypical at times, but I think I'm right in most cases. For example, I think that a lot of Black people are too lazy and naturally "ghetto", and never seem to want to amount to anything. Go listen to the song "Changes" by Tupac Shakur. It explains exactly what I mean. (For those thinking that I'm a complete racist right now, I'm half-Black, so I think I have the right to speak about Black people, and this is the vent anyway.) But to be fair, I also think that (female) Asians are bad drivers and overwork themselves academically (my ex-girlfriend is asian and a complete match for that description), and Mexicans have way too many children. Not all hispanics, just Mexicans. There are definitely some exceptions though. I know some great people that come in all shapes and sizes, and they don't all fit stereotypes. I probably just offended half of the world, but hey, it's a free country. Open yourself to new ideas, and go watch Mind of Mencia on Comedy Central. If you're still offended, send me a pm and I'll be glad to discuss. I have to laugh at this one, because it's so true. I take a 45-minute walk to school everyday down some of the busiest streets, and I can't tell you how many SUVs I see with only one person in them. I suppose they could make a valid argument about the look, but they'd look just as good in a Mustang too, which would probably emit less gas. Another true one. As I get older I find myself wanting money less and less, because I'm starting to realize there are a lot better things in life than dollars. I'd much rather spend an hour in the grass looking up at stars than spend an hour cleaning dishes for 10 bucks. I don't care about money in life, I just need to make some to put myself in a position where I can enjoy the better things. [Man, I've got to get back to those Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto audio books on my iPod...and Harry Potter.]
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