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Posts posted by varalu

  1. As a lot of you know I am a real non believer in all this Globle Warning stuff, and when I saw this I had to kind of laugh.




    To me that is bunk. mainly because they say Present-day. Hello there a lot more people on earth now than way back when. Yes the CO2 will be up.

    I will say that yes there is more industrial use now. But you have to look at it this way too. Industrial use is not the only problem if this Globle Warming is true and not just a cycle that the earth is going through. I still say it is a phase. but I will say this however. I think the 1000 years is saying a bit much. things can change if we wanted them too. But trying to get people to stop using there cars suv's and things like that would be like drilling for oil in a sandbox full of mud.

    The current situation is irreversible. And whatever we do now is never going to reverse what we have already caused/ done to the environment.

    The best thing to currently work upon is to gear us for action items which will not make us wonder why we have done this 10 years down the line... So its better that every individual take up the responsibility of working on this. Say for example reduce a persons carbon footprint (What is carbon footprint? -- A carbon footprint is the total set of Green House GAS (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by a person, an organization, event or product (This definition is an extract from the UK Carbon Trust 2008). The GHG emissions for an individual, nation or organization's carbon footprint is measured by undertaking a GHG emission test. Once the footprint of a carbon is known, a community wide strategy can be devised to reduce it or take action items to completely avoid it).


    Its not as easy as it seems like... We might have to change our lifestyle altogether to reduce your footprint and in turn the warming on a long run.... Again... people are so hasty about getting results. They stick to rules for an year and expect some result which will not happen. This will be long term. Its like spoiling the environment for over a period of 50-60 years and asking it ti repair in few years... and the worst part without having effort on that front...



    Calculate your carbon footprint here -- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    How to reduce your carbon footprint? -- http://www.howcast.com/guides/828-How-to-Understand-Sex/


    And if you want to know what are the different GHG (Green house gases...) below are a few...


    * water vapor

    * carbon dioxide

    * methane

    * nitrous oxide

    * ozone

    * CFCs


    The above are the major ones.

  2. i have noticed that many websites give complicated ways of learning many different aspects of html or other programing languageif anyone out there has a good website where it is thought step by step from basic to advance could u please send me a link?

    In order to get the latest and best HTML tutorials, you have to use the one from w3schools. I see many people have already posted the link, so I do not want to post it here. I started learning it from w3schools only and I know the depth of knowledge they provide and am sure, they still maintain the standard.

    I would also like to suggest that the best way to learn any language is to start working on it... So, come up with your own requirement for developing a website and start working on it. You can refer to materials as and when you get doubts and get clarified. This way you will also have something to show at the end of your learning.... I know. The learning never ends... :D

  3. almost everyone knows that some kinds of phones like p900 do not support msn messenger, so, i have discovered a method, where u can chat, like if u were using msn messenger, but without using it, u just enter the following:


    and bingo, u log in using your ordinary sign in info to msn messenger, and u can chat ...

    Have you tried fring?

    Fring is one of the best mobile based messenger solutions available. It supports almost many mobile phones... Java based, Symbian based and even the iPhone. Apart from the support it provides for multiples platforms, it is also rich in feature.



    1. Sign into multiple accounts at the same time

    2. Support for gtalk, skype, yahoo chat etc.

    3. Centralized settings - This may depend on the platform.

    4. Easy to use

    5. Intuitive and features gets added now and then.

    6. Very stable

  4. so it's like and instant message thingy?
    i just use yahoo

    it works for me

    Its not just another instant messenger. What if you have a Gmail ID, Aim, Yahoo and have migrated to these service at different times and want to keep in touch with all your contacts? Instead of installing separate softwares for each one of them,... gtalk for gmail, Yahoo messenger for Yahoo etc. You can use Pidgin, using which you can sign in to all the services at one shot.... Apart from that it also has a lot of other features which is not present in any of the other clients.

    And another feature which is not yet implemented in any of the client is the plugins feature... Like in firefox, you can add addons to your pidgin client to add additional features, which you would like to see.

  5. A friend of mine recently sent a Message by George Carlin. George Carlin (May 12, 1937 June 22, 2008) was an American stand-up comedian. He was also an actor and author, and won five Grammy Awards for his comedy albums.


    Read more about George Carlin here -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Carlin



    Below are some of his thoughts...


    The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.


    We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.


    We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.


    We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.


    We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.


    These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...


    Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.


    Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.


    Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.


    Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.


    Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.


    Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.


    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  6. I found this great program, and it really works, it's called CashRead (http://ww5.cashread.com////) All you have to do is sign up and you get $50!!! Then you will start getting emails, I've made up to $20 from one email, once you reach $500 you can cash out, in my first week I cashed out $715 and this week I'm over $1500. Check it out at http://ww5.cashread.com////

    P.S. I will be greatful if you sign up with my referal link found HERE

    This is not genuine. They either cheat you by promising money or mislead you and make you click some ads in their site which will get them money from add providers/ agencies. Better stay away from such sites. These are the sites that are also rich with spyware, malware etc which will try and steal personal information from your system.


    Remember this always... There is nothing like easy money. :D

  7. Ok. Some interesting news after some time. One of my friends recently passed a link that had information about the peace deal signed between the Pakistan government and the Taliban forces. I was a bit shocked initially and thought this is not possible. But after going through some of the links from reliable new reporting sites, I had no choice. It has indeed happened. I also believe that without even a small trigger, there could not be so much fuzz. So something has indeed happened...

    The Taliban forces in Pakistan's Swat valley has received Rs 480 million ($6 million) in compensation(for the losses they have suffered from the Pakistan forces attacks) from the government after agreeing to a ceasefire with security forces for an indefinite period. Reports also suggest that this deal was in the pipeline for quite some time... This news was first reported by Italian press and slowly the news has spread to every corner. Hmmm...

    More information in the below link:

    What do you think?

  8. Hi, I have never been a big reader up until recently. Could somebody tell me where I could perhaps find dirt-cheap books so I could buy? thanks.
    PS: I am interested in sales and anything that is beneficial to my life books. THanks

    I am not very sure if i am going to give the right answer to you.. because your question is not very specific. You have not specified if you want to buy original books online, or ebooks which you can download and read it in your computer...

    If it is the second case... I have a solution for you. You should visit chmpdf.com. This is one of the best sites which will provide you with millions and millions of ebooks on almost all subject starting from literature, technology, philosophy etc etc. for free. All you need to do is to create an account and start downloading the books you wanted.

    I have been using it for quite some time now and I am sure, this is one of the few best sites that provide such service.

    There is a small limitation though. Free members can download only 3-4 free books per day, which according to me is much better than not having any other site that does this. If you want, you can pay a nominal amount and become a pro member where you get unlimited downloads.

  9. I would love some recommendations on what books are most helpful for learning PHP.
    I know XHTML, CSS, some Javascript. I do know some PHP as well.

    Also can someone also recommend some books on Advanced PHP, that actually shows how to create a fully functional and somewhat complex website/application. (Like RailSpace does for Ruby on Rails)

    From what I have seen no book explains the complete development or fully functional website. All books do is to give you a basic understanding to get you started in whatever you want to do. Books helps in understanding the framework or the underlying architecture. The only best way to learn or develop a fully functional website or portal is to start working on it by exploring.

    Exploring is the first part, where you decide what has to be done, how has to be done, the different technologies that has to be used, how they gets linked, decide on scalability issues, decide on the backend or the client server architecture etc. Once this is done, you have basically crossed a big hurdle.

    The next step is to plan as to what exactly has to be done and how. Prioritize the list of tasks that has to be completed...

    Learning curve will be very steep in this case. It will also be valuable. This is the way to go about... and i doubt if you will find a book that will explain all the intricacies of developing a fully functional site. Hope this helps.

  10. How many times you have been in the grave situation of losing your mobile and also the contacts with it?

    Won't it be great if you can retrieve all the contacts that you lost?

    If you want to take a backup of all contents in your mobile like contacts, SMS etc, check out the below service.

    Its nice. It supports almost all mobile phone makes and models. For the list of mobile phone supported, check out the website.
    The sync is seamless and cool.

  11. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Notice from mayank:
    Edited topic title, moved from technology

    Thanks for the link. Have bookmarked it and will check this when I am into building a new website.
    Also, If you are looking for more web templates, check out the below link....


    All the web-templates are free here and are very good. i have used them for some of my websites and have also recommended to many of my friends.
    Its like a virus and many of my friends are using it now and are like very satisfied.

    They have templates for every business you know and can be catered to your business with very less change.
    All the templates follow w3c standards and are of high quality when it comes to documentation and standards.

    If you have already used them...let me know if you like them. I am also in the process of creating some templates and contributing and would like to get some feedback from users and create templates accordingly.

    Thanks in advance.

  12. Ok.. I got the solution for this and is the best solution.
    It has something to do with the metadata.

    All the details about the views are stored in a metadata table called all_views.
    When I talk about all the details, it also means that details about the query that constructed about the view too.

    All I had to do is to write the below query to get the underlying query. Simple.

    select TEXT from all_views where VIEW_NAME='VIEW_NAME';

    You might have to replace the VIEW_NAME in single quotes with the actual view name.
    There is also this thing of privileges. You might need privileges to access the metadata.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks to Karthikeyan who helped me in this. Check out the comments section of the post.

  13. I don't know how many more acts of terrorism it will take for our generation to wake up and realize that we are lucky to be sitting here in office right now. The things we used to take for granted are no more safe. Travelling in a bus or in a train, going out for a coffee, going for a vacation with our family. I am not saying that we should stop doing these things.We need to start exercising our right to vote. If our governments have failed to protect us and prevent these tragedies, then it is our right to go out and cast our vote against such politicians. It doesn't matter which political party is in office. But it does matter what the next government will do. We have to start caring. It is our indifference towards the political system in India that lets governments get away with not doing anything. It's time to give them their appraisal results. Here's what you can do the least:1) Keep your eyes and ears open, report any suspicious movement.2) Verify credentials thoroughly before renting out your house.3) Most importantly- Dont crowd to watch tamasha...do stay back only if you can help the victims. Like air being indispensable in everyone's life, facing terrorism is also becoming indispensable. According to me the solution lies in the hand of the politicians. Though we caste our vote, if all politicians are not good enough to solve a problem it becomes useless.People who enter into politics should be smart and intellectual enough to solve problems. they should be in a position to forecast things. Only then they can be a leader(have the right to be a leader). If this happens, we can find a solution for all hurdles. At the end of it... It comes to this.Our government is only a reflection of us.IndifferentSelfishCorruptIf we change, then only the government can change. Elections are all about vote bank politics. If people like us start voting, they have to choose appropriate candidates who can get our votes. How long can parties keep choosing criminals, corrupt people or fanatics to win their seats.

  14. All,If someone is working in oracle... and have some time to explore... try this and help me finish my job :).Is it possible to get the underlying query for a view? If yes... how?Considerations:- Normal user -- Just select privileges on the view...- No external app. to access the DB. Just the basic editor.Thanks.In some cases where there is an UI... like in MS SQl, there should be an option to get the underlying query just by right clicking and selecting an option of the view. But in this case... I need the solution to get the underlying view via a query.I am sure there should be such an option... I have seen people modify the view, which is not possible if they do not have the query itself itself in the first place...

  15. I updated your support ticket and now want to add one more bit of info regarding your account :-
    1. You have registered for Mycent

    2. I could not find your account in the billing system when I searched using DOMAIN but could find it when I used your first name.

    3. Which basically means that you signed up at the billing system BUT did not order the package. Please go to Xisto - Support.com/billing/cart.php and order the package of your choice.

    Your account will be un-suspnded & transferred to a new server and the details will be sent to you once you have order the package.

    Does this mean I do not have to worry about the hosting credits that I see during my sign in?
    All I need to do is to have enough dollars in my account to pay my monthly bills...?

    I will have enough time to create more dollars in my account before I will be billed the next time for the hosting... In fact this is awesome and very good.
    If someone thinks that I have got something completely wrong... correct me. Thanks in advance.

  16. Ok... It would be a crime on my part If i do not provide an update on what happened on this issue.It got resolved 2 days back. The vigor and dedication with which this was executed was just great. I know its part of their task... but still the professionalism in which it was carried out was just awesome. Appreciate it from my heart. All my contents were moved to the new server and the website is working perfectly. Thanks Xisto team. You rock!!!Keep up the good work. Thanks again for the prompt response.

  17. I updated your support ticket and now want to add one more bit of info regarding your account :-


    1. You have registered for Mycent


    2. I could not find your account in the billing system when I searched using DOMAIN but could find it when I used your first name.


    3. Which basically means that you signed up at the billing system BUT did not order the package. Please go to Xisto - Support.com/billing/cart.php and order the package of your choice.


    Your account will be un-suspnded & transferred to a new server and the details will be sent to you once you have order the package.

    Thanks for the update Velma. Appreciate it. I kind of did not go through the announcements and follow the steps properly and reaping the benefits.

    Now i have ordered for a package with the same domain name (http://www.computerkindness.org/) and have posted a message in the support.


    Hope this gets passed quickly.


    Please find the order details below.

    Your Order Number is: 9920067731


    Thanks again for the help.

  18. All,


    My hosting account is suspended though I have enough enough credits.

    Recently it was suspended due to insufficient credits and though I have enough credits now (for the past 7 days) my webpage is not loading. Its getting redirected to the suspended page. My credits are also getting reduced everyday.


    My Details

    My Webpage -- http://www.computerkindness.org/

    My cpanel User Name -- varaluuu


    Don know why this is happening. This is weird. Some small glitch.


    Any help appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  19. Well it would seem that the Pentagon got itself a juicy computer virus and banning all flash drives from entering the building and of course confiscating flash drives that do come in. Well that is what you get for letting people bring in their own computers or bring those flash drives outside a building. Of course, if it was an outside source and what they say that it goes after storage specifically then ok, but still you think they would be replacing the hard drives as well because of such a virus. Even then I know we are not getting all the story about what is going on and what so who knows what else they are doing about this.


    These days flash drives are getting more and more sophisticated that it can hold an OS and so many things can be done.
    Its only right that these are considered as a threat and measures are being taken...

    Not to forget about the limitation of these drives these days... Like they are getting smaller and smaller and growing in size.... Sure they can hold so much of sensitive data. In fact its a threat in many areas and measures are being considered to prevent this.
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