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Everything posted by Vyoma

  1. I cannot just say that do not use yellow. But I can say that do not use yellow together with white or something like that. It is always the combination of colours that you use, that make or break a site. And these days, if you are a newbie designer, I would say that stick with pastel colours. To get a good set of colours that go well with each other, you could try the Colour Scheme Generator provided at http://www.wellstyled.com/.
  2. Ok. As for the problem I had, it got solved when I replaced all _SERVER occurances with _SESSION. But I see that this thread has developed quite a bit since I last left. Yes, I have heard that session_register is deprecated. So, Quatrax, should I just go ahead and use _SESSION variables and not do any session_open() and session_register() functions?
  3. I voted for other. Why? Because I like Blender. Why do I like Blender against the others?Well, I am not sure about the feature set, but Blender is Open Source, and I am all go for such an effort.And speaking of feature set, I am not that much of a 3d Designer, but I have not found myself incapable of doing anything in Blender that could be done in another of the same genre. And if it is anything to do with Sub Division Modelling, then I should say that one should go for Blender.Ofcourse, as someone mentioned, Wings3D is good too, but I think I will be sticking with Blender.
  4. Yes doudou, I think that would be prudent. I gave the full set of installation instructions because I could not actually pin point on what the problem was from what you have given. Just try to do things from the scratch, and then hopefully it works.If it does not, try to give the exact step where you failed to get the result as you expected. That would put us both on the same page and then we can work on the problem and try and get a solution for that.
  5. Oh! The _SERVER and _SESSION variables are different. I should have thought about that. I will check this up and let you guys know how it turns out to be.
  6. This is quite a bit of problem I am facing, and I cannot point exactly where I am going wrong. I have been lurking around here at the Asta Host forums with regard to login and user authentication scripts and I have got as far as this: - Starting a session - Registering a session variable - Using the variable to check if the user is authenticated or not. - Authenticating the user through MySQL database - Logging of the user, by setting the session variable to un-authenticated I have been able to achive the following things too that I think is not related to this problem: - Encapsulate the database handling to a seperate source file - Use a templating system of my own. - Handle everything in only one page using the querying through URL (this is my requirement due to the templating system I use) - I want only one file (index.php) to be called with appropriate action requests (?q=login or ?q=logout) Here is the code I have so far: <?phpsession_start();session_register('auth');require_once('database.inc');// These $d_<something> variables will be placed in the template$d_html_head = 'Some portal DART';$d_header = 'The header - DART';$d_status = NULL;$d_content = NULL;$d_nav = '<h2>Link set 1</h2><ul><li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li><li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li><li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li></ul><h2>Link set 2</h2><ul><li><a href="#">Link 4</a></li><li><a href="#">Link 5</a></li><li><a href="#">Link 6</a></li></ul><h2>Link set 3</h2><ul><li><a href="#">Link 7</a></li><li><a href="#">Link 8</a></li><li><a href="#">Link 9</a></li></ul>';$d_footer = 'copyright info';$q = '';// Database handling part$dartdb = new dbhandler;$connection = $dartdb->setconnection( 'dbadmin', 'dbpassword', 'localhost');if(!$connection) $d_status .= "Unable to get a connection <BR /> $dartdb->errorstring <BR />";$connection = $dartdb->setdatabase('dartdb');if(!$connection) $d_status .= "Unable to select DART database <BR /> $dartdb->errorstring <BR />";if ( isset($_GET['q']) ) $q = $_GET['q']; if ( $q == 'login') { // Check the 'user' and 'pass' against database and set // 'auth' based on the result $loginmessage = "The Employee number or the password given is wrong. Please try again."; $_SERVER['auth'] = 'NO'; $user = NULL; $pass = NULL; $user = $_POST['user']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; $query = "SELECT * FROM dart_emp WHERE empid = '".$user."'"; $dartdb->query($query); if ( $user != NULL && $dartdb->result != NULL ) { $array = $dartdb->fetch_object(); if( isset($array->empid) && $array->empid == $user && $array->password == $pass ) { $loginmessage = "Login successful."; $_SERVER['auth'] = 'YES'; } } $d_status .= $loginmessage; }else if ($q == 'logout') { // User has logged out. Hence set the 'auth' to 'NO' $_SERVER['auth'] = 'NO'; $d_status .= 'Logged out. <BR />'; }if( isset($_SERVER['auth']) && $_SERVER['auth'] == 'YES' ) { $d_status .= 'Authorized access <BR />'; $d_content .= 'Content, content. <BR />Logout <A href="?q=logout">link</A>.'; }else { //Show the login form if ($q != 'logout') $d_status .= 'Not logged in. <BR />'; $d_content .= '<form action="?q=login" method="post" name="login"> Employee Number: <input type="text" name="user" size="6" maxlength="6" id="user" /> <BR /> Password: <input type="password" name="pass" size="30" maxlength="30" id="pass" /> <BR /> <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" id="login" /> </form>'; }// This is the templating system I use. The above $d_<something> values// are replaced in the appropriate placesrequire 'template/page.tpl';?> Now, here is my problem. Once I log in, the URL will be:LOCALHOST/index.php?=login After successful login, it will show the content. Now, if I type the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, it should still be showing the content. But it does not. For some reason, I am loosing the $_SERVER['auth'] variable. I am not sure, where in the flow I am doing wrong. Could some one please check this up and let me know what I am doing wrong, or what more should I be including? Please let me know, if you need anything more, or want me to explain why I put the code as I put it there.
  7. I too do not see why you should totally shut down what you have been doing. Just let it lie around there as you work on the other things.I can almost find things in parallel between what you are going through and what I did go through before. Sometime back, I had this forum based RPG (a high fantasy genre) (play by post) running on a free forum hoster. It was going well. Meanwhile, I also wanted to get an article library site for myself. I also wanted to keep a blog that would give away informational *BLEEP* bits on various topics. Now, I have two out of the three of them going good.My blog, Splat!, is now pretty well organized and it is going good. I am getting mediocre hits, but I just think, it is due to lack of my marketing skills. My article library site, WiseTome, has started out on a good leg. Inspite of my lack in marketing skills, I am getting hits to it from the three search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN). [That says, content is the key to a good site]. And I cannot say, the forum based play by post high fantasy RPG site, Chaos And Orders have been a total failure. Even though, I recently put up a post that all roleplaying would cease, I was confident enough to also add that it will make a comeback, being much better. Why? Because I have learned a lot while I was admining it and I know what the pitfalls are, and I have already thought up of solutions to it. (Ofcourse, I need to get my lazy bones to start working on it).Now, when I said, I put a notice that there would be no more roleplaying there, I did not pull down the forum. I have let it lie there, so that people can learn from it too. [And I would get trafic from there, if I start a new one]. I have been talking too much about myself.OK. Here is my advice for you. Do not put down your Game site. Just leave a notice there, that further construction has been halted for sometime. Get going with your Programming site, and get it up and lauch it. You will learn a lot of things that would help you when you revisit your Game site and think of reviving it.
  8. I am not sure if you could add referral links here.As for the site itself, going through the ReadMe (http://ww2.d4free.net/?folio=7POYGN0G2) And as for the authenticity of the deals they involve in, I cannot say pretty much. They seem for real alright.I though can say that I did get my TLD at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ have got a good community (not great, 'cause free stuff always seem to attract some 'particular' kind of people). But they give away only 30 domain names per month. (I think that is almost similar in d4free where they give away one per day). In d4free you get 1 point or 2 points depending on you post in a already existing thread or in start a new thread. You have to make 200 points before requesting a domain name. Hence, that would mean one would have to make roughly 170-200 posts to get a domain.In HostBidder, you get anything from 3 to 10 points depending on which forums you post. And you get awarded points only for the first eight posts in a day. You have to get 1200 points to get a .com, .net, .biz domains and around 400 points for .info domain. That would mean one has to put 400 posts maximum spread in 50 days to get a domain (.com, .net, .biz) or on a minimum 120 posts spread around 15 days.
  9. There are multiple ways of linking two tables, and it would depend on what exactly do you want to link these two tables to choose between them. For most of the cases a JOIN of the tables works and in some complex cases one would require to go for INNER QUERIES. Note that if you are planning on using MySQL as your database, as far as my knowledge goes, the present version does not support INNER QUERIES. (People, correct me if I am wrong here). Now what are JOINs? Well, ther are many different types of JOINS: Self Joins, Natural Joins, Inner and Outer Joins. Explaining them would take a lot of verbiage and instead I will just show a sample of JOIN query between two tables. (You may extend it to multiple tables. Now, I am assuming here that you have two table 'users' and 'content'. I am putting here some of the columns that I think may be present in these tables: users -userid (PK) -name -password content -contentid (PK) -userid (FK) -contenttext The above columns are minimal, and you may need to add more. But for the sake of explaining JOINs, these should be sufficient. Now, assume that data if filled in both the tables. The ones in 'users' table is straight forward. The data is put in 'content' table with 'userid' being a foreign key. This means, the content's author is that particular user. userid and contentid are Primary Keys (hence PK), and userid in 'content' table is a Foreign Key (FK). Now, we will see the SQL of how to retrive a particular content specified by contentid, along with the author name. SELECT c.contentid, c.contenttext, u.nameFROM content c, users uWHERE c.contentid = $cntntidAND c.userid = u.userid Note that c.contentid = $cntid part in the WHERE clause is like you would use in retrieving data from one table. ($cntid is just a PHP variable - you may replace it by any value, that is hard code it or pass it by any other means). Now, what compromises of a join? Yes, the c.userid = u.userid joins these two tables. The result of the query is that it will fetch content id and content text is picked up from 'content' table and author name is picked up from 'users' table. I have assumed a lot many things above, but if you want something specific, please do ask.
  10. Tell us how it comes up. As for the modifications, I do not think there would be many changes. All you have to do is have a form in one HTML page, and pass the 'id' to the next .php file throught the FORM POST action. Once you have captured it into a $id variable, you just need to change the query to MySQL. Instead of: $result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `marks`');you would need to give a $query = "SELECT * FROM 'marks' WHERE id = ".$id;$result = mysql_query($query);And that is it.
  11. Well dhanesh, I have replied for you at the other forum where you asked for help. For sake of record, I am quoting it here again:
  12. Ok. Just give me about a week or a bit more. I will come up with a simple use of Taxonomy module of Drupal.
  13. Ok doudou. Let us do this one by one. Unzip the drupal tarball to the htdocs directory Now we need to create a Drupal database with proper username and password (because, this we, would be using in settings.php): Open a MSDOS command window. (Choose Start->Run... and then type 'cmd' and hit OK. type 'CD c:\xampp\mysql\bin' (note to replace c:\xampp to whereever you have installed xampp) type 'mysqladmin -u root -p create durpaldb'. It may ask for password. If you had changed the password earlier for root, give it now. type 'mysql -u root -p'. Again, give the root password. copy and past the following QL command: GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, LOCK TABLES ON drupaldb.* TO 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; Note: repalce username and password with anything you wish for your 'drupaldb' database. Just remember them. Once you hit enter, it should give: 'Query OK, 0 rows affected' After that, give a ' FLUSH PRIVILEGES;' Enter 'exit' and come out of the prompt Then enter: mysql -u username -p drupaldb < database/database.4.1.mysql Use the username you had used earlier while granting permissions. You will need to give that same password. Also, it is advisable to use the full path of databasee.4.1.mysql file. Now, go to the sites/default/settings.php file, and locate the $db_url. Remove the standard string there and replace it with:$db_url = "mysql://username:password@localhost/drupaldb"; Again replace username and password with whatever you had given earlier. With in the Drupal directory, create a folder called 'files' That should work. If it doesnot, just tell us on which particular step you are failing.
  14. Yes, setting up a server at home can be difficult, but as I said earlier, and also as seec77 pointed out, the job has been done easy by XAMPP.XAMPP stands for Apache, MySQL, PHP and PERL. (Do not ask me what 'X' stands for, 'cause I do not know ).Anyway, do not bother with the lite version. Down load the full version. I downloaded the self extractor, and extracted it to C:\xampp folder. After all the files have been extracted, run the C:\xampp\setup-xampp.bat batch script. (That is, just browse to the folder you have installed xampp and run the file setup-xampp.bat). By doing this all paths in the configuration will be updated.That is it, it is as simple as that.Start the different servers using the GUI "xampp-control.exe" that is present in the same folder. A prudent move would be to make a short cut of this and place it on your desktop. Just click on the Apache and MySQL Start buttons if they are not running already.Now, go ahead and install a Drupal site on the \xampp\htdocs folder. If you had earlier used the Fantastico installer to install Drupal, you would find doing this a bit more difficult, but reading through the Drupal installation instructions is easy.Anyway, first install the XAMPP and then try to install Drupal. If you have any problems, let us know and one of us would walk you through.
  15. I know the basics of Taxonomy module now, and can use it like one would use it to create categories for the different types of articles. I know how to get such a set up done, and a little bit more. I was thinking of writing a pretty basic guide by myself, that would be a subset of the Drupal handbooks.Meanwhile, is there anything specific you would like to know, doudou?
  16. The first one is, set up a local server on your PC (may be using XAMPP or EasyPHP), and then setup Drupal there. (Just FTP download your site, and put it in the www folder of the Apache). Then, I think it is straight forward. Put the theme you created in the themes folder, start your (local) Drupal, and select it and see how it turns out.I have heard people use different themes for different roles, but I am not sure how this can be achived and it is too much intrusive. This method, requires a lot of code change, I suppose.So, the best way is to have a local copy of your Drupal website running on your workstation, fiddle around with it, and when you are satisfied, upload it.
  17. You know, I would have suggested for you to go with Drupal, but I resist myself from doing so now cause you have a requirement of going for a forum software too. The forum integration of phpBB with Drupal is said to be a nightmare and there are a lot of grumble thread going on at Drupal.org. So, stay clear from Drupal. (Meanwhile, I am looking on tweaking Drupal's inbuilt forum).I would say, you should go on with Houdini's advice and install PHPNuke, that comes with a phpBB installaiton. I belive, it already has the user integration, and it wont be a effort at all.
  18. Not at all a problem doudou, I am glad I could be of help.I came to know the ins and outs of cPanel as I had to use it from all kinds of obscure networks where I do not have FTP access. So, I can now use the File Manager of the cPanel quite well, but yet, it is not a 'walk in the park'.
  19. As suggested by austiniskoge you can go for some other software. But if you want to use the cPanel's File Manager, and are facing the problem of not being able to open directories, then here is the solution. You need to click on the folder icon (that is to the left of the filename) and not the filename itself to open it. I know it is that simple and even I felt like a bummer when I was trying to crawl around in the begining when I got my Xisto account.
  20. Flight simulators were never my cup of tea and I stuck to roleplaying games. I prefer roleplaying games.But the X-Wing simulators have got their own charm and I dont mind shifting categories when it comes to them.
  21. Sorry for the double post, but I have an update. As you all know I have been a bit worried about not getting reply from the Adsense people for the mail I sent regarding the detection of few fraudulant clicks on the Adsense Ads placed on my site. I had sent them the log details showing the clicks on the Ads. Well, I think I need not worry about my account getting cancelled for now, because I did get a reply from them. It is as follows: Well, the Google AdSense Team sure took their own time, and I am sure they were scrutenizing my site like anything. I hope I have come out clean.
  22. Wow! I just learned today that even the HTML content that is put with in <head> tags are rendered by the browser. Any way dhanesh, I would suggest few more changes to your code to make it more semantcially proper, and have a cleaner code. First of all take back up of the present code. Next, move the following code <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td width="*" align="center"><a href=''><img src='http://dhanesh.astahost.com/wp-content/themes/rin/images/masthead.jpg' alt='IPB' style='vertical-align:center' border='0'/></a> </td> </tr></table>form the <head> tags to right below the <body> HTML tag. If that works, then you can try one more thing. Instead of having the elaborate <table>, you could simplify it by replacing it with the following code: <center><a href=''><img src='http://http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.esanctumfiles.fundu.org&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222; alt='IPB' style='vertical-align:center' border='0'/></a></center> Tell us if it works.
  23. Thank you austinkoge for your reviews.And business? Well, I do not have any at the moment. The website is intended to serve quality articles and information on various topics. May be later if I get enough articles on one particular topic, I might put a HTML based book out there under the banner of WiseTome. (OK. I start day dreaming again )
  24. I am not sure about it, but should the code be something like this: <html><head><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td width="*" align="center"><a href=''><img src='http://dhanesh.astahost.com/wp-content/themes/rin/images/masthead.jpg' alt='IPB' style='vertical-align:center' border='0'/></a> </td> </tr></table> <title><?php echo $site_name; Let me try to simpify the differnce betwee what I have said in the code and the one you indicated as follows. Your code has something like this: <table> <tr> <a><img></a> <td> </td> </tr> </table> Where as, the one that I have mentioned puts it properly: <table> <tr> <td> <a><img><a> </td> </tr> </table> More over, I have some questions. Dont you want that banner of yours to be clickable? If yes, then I think you should put the URL in the code: <a href=''> part. The single quotes '' should contain the URL. And one more major doubt that arises when I checked the source of your page in an text editor is this: Should not the table code be put at the begining of the <body> </body> block? Why do you have it in the <head> </head> block. More over, if you want just a banner in the center, you do not need to put all those table stuff. All you need to do is put <center><img></center> whereever (in this case, just after <body> ) you want to show the banner. dhanesh, if it is still not clear, then do respond with your doubts and I would clear it out. Also you I think all the HTML could be cleaned up and leaner code can be used to get the same effect.
  25. I am one big Star Wars buff. Last year I spent around two thousand bucks on StarWars novels. I have around 15 novels now on my shelf. And the games that are based on Star Wars Universe have the charm of their own. This game 'Battle of Endor' is a X-Wing Figher Simulation. You fly in a squadron along side Wedge Antilles and go around fighting of Tie-fighters, Tie-interseptors, Star-Destroyers, Super-star-destoryers and more. It is a good game content wise with rather mediocre graphics and no sound overs. You just have the Star Wars theme music in the background and the sounds of lasers shot and torpedos being loaded. You also have occassianal screeches of the Ties as they whip past you. It is quite a good simulator of the Battle of Endor, and can be quite engrosing. The only annoying part is when Lando Clarissan calls out to save his @$$ from the Ties attacking the Millenium Falcon. I got it off a Magazine DVD, but I think you guys can download it off this link: http://www.bruneras.com/games_swboe.php It is a freeware.
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