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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest

    Maple Story

    Replying to matrixloverYou still like maplReplying to matrixloverYou should download this prvate server for maple story from this site:http://riggedms.vforums.co.uk/1000x exp you lvl up very fast like kill 1 snail you turn to lvl 9 the amount of exp in normal x 1000...1000x meso the amount of meso in normal x 10001000x drop drop rare stuff every time-reply by Alex
  2. Two dial up commands Dialup Users Double Your Connection Speed When I attempt to dial up I click Connect on a small window, then a larger window appears again asking me to Connect. Often the small window reappears and I have to click Connect or the page is dead. -question by Joan
  3. If you guys happen to be a fan of tactic rpgs look into Final Fantasy, Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem, or Onimusha Tactics. -reply by Greg
  4. Why are guys so obsessed with woman's breasts?
  5. The topic Video Editing Software Hey. I've edited quite a few videos too. Instead of spending 100 bucks on Adobe Premier pro or something. You can go get Pinnacle Studio 11 or 10. They both have censor effects, and black box effects. It is really easy to use and easy to figure out. The bad thing about Adobe Premier is, for a first time user, it takes a while to figure out what to do. That is for PC. If you have a Mac, then you can just use iMovie which probably came with your Mac. If you don't have it, either go get the iLife suite, or get Final Cut. You don't need pro because Pro is basically just for professional video editors. I'm quite sure you won't need it. -reply by videditor =D
  6. Ok I got the same exact thing on my laptop and I don't know what to do. Does anyone know how to fix it cause it is making me really mad. And also when I play it on my home computer I can do a new game but when I want to load my saved game it says: Failed to allocate video memory. Please try reducing your graphics settings. File: /source/main/civilization4/SDKs/gamebryo2_0/CoreLibs/NiDX9Renderer/NiDX9RendereredTextureData.Cpp,Line:170Does anybody know how to fix this? please help!-reply by dabears
  7. Money making Runescape I am quite a low lvl in combat and stats related to that. I have 59 def and nearly 60 I want dragon but only have 3mill. Does anybody know an easy way of making 11mill for full dragon? If you have Please send me an email( Toon_tiger07@hotmail.Co.Uk) Thank You -reply by Secret
  8. iGuest

    Text Based Game

    yes it Text Based Game You can do text based games that are a lot more advanced than just selecting answers off questions. Look around for web based mmorpg, you will find TONS. Good and bad. Most of them today are based on a common script that people adapt more or less successfully, (mafia games, pimp games, )and some others like afterdoomsday are built from the ground up in php. From what I read, it took 6 months of work for that one -reply by tonkipu
  9. Replying to Acidifylol dude your gest mad because you never were any good at it but wen your as good as me youll have fun!!But sence you havent played recently the only thing that sticks is the no pking part and the new trade crap so be it gaytard it part of life-reply by leafericson6
  10. Replying to angad619I bought the phone and it was really nice at first but yes if you drop it a couple times the keypad does crack and now my screens broken too. If I were you don't get it.
  11. I wanna play Age Of Empires 2 The Conquerors Multiplayer Online Replying to Trap FeedBacker I'd like to play you. I wanna see if I'm any good in multiplayer, because I'm good bordering on better against the computer. - thx for your time -reply by Jose
  12. PLZ Help Account Suspended I have a problem in accessing my Gmail account. It initially said that my username and password does not match... When tried to reset the password through "forgot password" option , it says the username doesnot exists in the server... Wat to do PLZZZZZZ ,its my official mail id Some one out ther help me.. -question by Anitha
  13. PLZ Help Account Suspended I have a problem in accessing my Gmail account. It initially said that my username and password does not match... When tried to reset the password through "forgot password" option , it says the username doesnot exists in the server... Wat to do PLZZZZZZ ,its my official mail id Some one out ther help me.. -question by Anitha
  14. PLZ Help Account Suspended I have a problem in accessing my Gmail account. It initially said that my username and password does not match... When tried to reset the password through "forgot password" option , it says the username doesnot exists in the server... Wat to do PLZZZZZZ ,its my official mail id Some one out ther help me.. -question by Anitha
  15. PLZ Help Account Suspended I have a problem in accessing my Gmail account. It initially said that my username and password does not match... When tried to reset the password through "forgot password" option , it says the username doesnot exists in the server... Wat to do PLZZZZZZ ,its my official mail id Some one out ther help me.. -question by Anitha
  16. And have YOU ever been raped? Death Penalty For Rapists. Replying to rldowling03 Considering your idiocy, I'm going to assume that you haven't. Well, let me tell you something: when you are raped, you DIE inside. It haunts you, controls your life. Imagine, at the BEST, years of living in fear of any man that approaches you, even if he's someone you've known forever. Then there's the flashbacks, or, if you were too young/too scared to report what happened to you, you run the risk of running into the jackass again. At the worst, imagine all of that but it never goes away. Two or three people? Anyone who rapes two or three people deserves, not only death, but the worst death possible. Raping even ONE person is too much. Your mentality makes it sound like you think rape is no big deal. Well, let me tell you something, that is RAPIST MENTALITY. Rape is the worst crime in the world. Disagree with me? Prove me wrong. -reply by Hannah
  17. Try Arch Lord online. Its got great graphics, is free, and has more than 2500 quests and after you get to lvl 15 or so it is very PvP oriented.-reply by Athens
  18. Spongebob's lover <3 I SO love spongebob squarepants he's my husband I watch his show everyday at 6:30 till 7:00 and early in the moring after school and I even go on demand to watch him I also record his shows I like sandy patrick pearl mr. Crabs and squidward and the other fishes he's such a classy and beautiful person I even have by babe sister to watch it with me well got 2 go bye:)-reply by Teshona
  19. Apply for guild? Age Of Conan Guild Replying to rpgsearcherz Are you still recruiting for your guild? I'm a Level 22 Ranger but I've only had the game for 3 days (needless to say I put in some hours haha). You can look me up in-game under BlazinAsian. I guess you can send me a letter in game. -reply by BlazinAsian
  20. Y.E.S. SimCountry.com Finally, a game that should be required play for Congress! I'm sure they would even learn how to govern properly. The game itself is awesome. I love micro-manage games, I have all the Civ's but get bored once I either outmatch the opponents. -reply by David I.
  21. Replying to FeedbackerYour sure this wont do ne thing to the home computer? I have ALOT of buisness stuff of my dads on it
  22. Excellent! Lock Workstation Shortcut Although WindowsKey+L May be the fastest way to lock your computer, here at work I am using an IBM ThinkPad T41, and anyone who has one knows... There IS no start key. So the shortcut is, as a result, the fastest way now! Excellent, Thanks!
  23. engineering college Colleges In Tamilnadu My cuttoff is 164 which college can I get tell me last year counciling allotment -reply by NAVEENKUMAR
  24. sims2 isnt workin Can't Play Sims 2! This is unbelievable I am gettin really fustrated please please help me it is really annoyin me -reply by jaja
  25. Erepublik invitations Erepublik.com I have 5 invitations. Just send me an email, and you will get one. -reply by BuLaNiK
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