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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I acually play an awesome text-based rpg called Islands of Myth. The players are all really friendly and like to help out whenever they can, and its really easy to get started. There are dozens of races to choose from and many guilds that offer more skills/spells the further you progress through that specific guild. The website for the game is Islandsofmyth.Org Try it and see for yourself
  2. renew script bashBash Script To Display Your Ip! /bin/bashexip=`lynx -dump https://www.whatismyip.com/ | head -and 11`Echo "$exip" -reply by silv3r
  3. You must add more teams.Thats the only problem.How Many People Like Ea Sport Cricket 07?I love cricket. And its the best game ever. But the problem is you don't have United States of America(USA) in the game. They beat Bermuda, and Canada. They won the America's Cup. If you want to sell Cricket video games. You just need to add other teams like Afgagistan, Singapore,Japan,China,Bahama,and the United Staes of America.Don't need to send a message just remake the game as I told you. So for the Next game I will think its very enjoying. -reply by Husnain Bashir
  4. Scam with Reservation RewardsReservation Rewards - A Scam!This is really disappointing from Orbitz, I won't make any transaction with them anymore, because they just gave my information to this people to charge me monthly during 7 months the $12 fee, and that is very repulsive if you find out about it after you have paid your credit card and actually you have paid interest over it, that sucks, I want everyone to be aware any time they make transactions with Orbitz, because they are partners with these thieves. -reply by lisi
  5. Mobile is getting switched off regularlySony Ericsson W910iHi Folks, Greetings... I'm getting heritated oftenly due to mobile(sony w910i) is getting switched off regularly... I don't know what happend and how to resolve this prob...Actually one stupid has taken and done a trial and play on my mobile recently..Due to some virus got affected ,I think mob might be got infectted..COuld one of you please help me out regarding this misterious prb... Thanks you for all who are trying to give the suggestions in advance.. Cheers Sudhu @};-
  6. iGuest

    Next Gta?

    Me personally I think they should come out w/ a gta san andreas stories, I mean they've made extras for vice city and liberty stories, they should make one for san andreas.To me this was the best one they made. Same type of character, but just let it take entirely in california instead of los vegas. Los angeles, compton, crenshaw, and san diego and hollywood... -reply by Donovan
  7. Wordpress Instalation errorWordpress Installation Error [resolved]Hi, I instal xampp and wordpress. When go to adress LOCALHOST/wordpress/wp-admin/install.Php I receive the error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:xampphtdocswordpresswp-config.Php on line 32 Someone could help me. Many thanks.-reply by Marcelo
  8. HA HA HA, Super marios is a more immature game than World of Warcraft, and surely if it is such a poor and badly made game then how come it is the largest played of its genre? Indeed, the world proved you wrong.
  9. Replying to zuhayr Indiana Jones (it's an action game which includes shooting, has lots of weapons, swimming, diving, you explore stuff and it's really good although the title doesn't sound so attractive), it's like uncharted for PS3 if you know what's that. Also it has really cool bosses and it's extremely creative and doesn't repeat itself. For example there are the original places, but there are also levels that 90% of them take place underwater and there's also a level on a cable-railway where you need to keep your cable from falling, while people are trying to shoot you. It's not too hard, I mean you don't need to repeat the level 20 times in order to get through it but it's definitely not easy. -reply by Noya
  10. I thought...Dealing With A Long Term Relationship Break UpUmm, my boyfriend and I just broke up last year. We were together for three and a half years. All that I've been doing is crying. I need some advice on what to do. Although I am only seventeen years old, I thought that he was the one for me. I also know that I have my whole life ahead of me, it's just hard. I'm scared that I might not find anyone else like him. -reply by Chris
  11. There are a fewDoes Anyone Have Neopet Cheats Or Hacks, EctI have seen html hacks for neopets all over the internet that can adjust your neopets money scheme there are also alot of helpful cheats on youtube I do know one that is supposed to work. go to neopia to the neopian plaza to the wishing well. donate 1np and type in what you want click submit, now go to the url in the address bar and at the end it will say "thanks=1" change the 1 to 999999 and press enter you will have donated 999999np and will either get the item you desire or get the neopoints back. This has worked for me before Indigo Caz
  12. this is greatAny Travian Players Here?hey man. Like you and I think lot other people in this real world I am quite addicted into this game (travian).What happened yesterday is very funny and shocking to me. I finished my exam early to get back and sit in the village so that my enemy troop can't get my army in the village. How fnny! how long have you been in this? -reply by rathin
  13. Catholicism and Biblical Christianity are divergent religions. They are built on different foundations, and they propose different ways of salvation. In principle, Christianity is built solely on the Holy Scriptures, the written Word of God. The Bible is our only infallible rule of faith, being sufficient to give us the sure knowledge of the Gospel for our salvation and holiness. Roman Catholicism demands submission of the intellect and will to the doctrines taught by the Roman magisterium (the Pope and bishops). It is claimed that the Catholic Church derives its doctrines from the "sacred deposit" found in Scriptures and Sacred Tradition. However the faithful cannot verify these doctrines by referring to the original sources. The Scriptures are inaccessible because only the magisterium is able to establish the authentic meaning. Similarly the contents of Sacred Tradition can only be known through the magisterium. Roman Catholicism is mental and spiritual slavery to the Vatican. As expected, since the foundations are different, so also are the edifices built upon them. Christianity stands on the Gospel of God's sovereign grace. In love, God predestines His chosen ones to be adopted as sons through Jesus Christ, their sole mediator. The Son became man and gave His life as a ransom to secure their freedom from sin. Being dead in sin, they are completely unable to convert ourselves or merit God's favour. Therefore God graciously grants His people repentance and faith to turn to Him and trust in Christ Jesus for salvation. Believers are accepted in Christ, solely on the merit of His righteousness and blood, and not because of any goodness or human merit. God also resides in His people by the Holy Spirit, enabling them to obey and glorify the Father, and to guarantee their inheritance in heaven forever. Rome's "gospel" is not good news at all. The Roman institution, calling itself "The Church", usurps Christ's mediatorial office, proclaiming herself as the "sacrament of salvation." The "Church" dispenses salvation to her faithful in small portions, starting at baptism and continuing throughout life. Forgiveness can only be obtained through the sacrament of penance. The benefits of Christ's sacrifice are accessible through the sacrifice of the Mass. Instead of teaching the faithful to rest in Christ by faith, Catholics are taught to perform religious works to "merit grace" and to do penance to make satisfaction. Even after death, Catholics remains dependent on the "Church" to relieve their suffering in Purgatory by masses and indulgences. The Roman Catholic Church is a mighty obstacle to anyone seeking salvation, enslaving millions of people to a religious system and preventing them from coming directly to Christ. The choice is between the Bible and the Roman magisterium; the choice is between salvation by grace through faith in Christ, or through human merit and effort in the Roman religion. Our good works cannot qualify us for salvation. We cannot make amends for our evildoing by trying to balance it with good deeds. Our moral debt cannot be paid by doing good works, by penances or by performing religious rituals. Scripture teaches that the wages of sin is death; without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Romans 6:23; Hebrews 9:22). Besides, Scripture states that the children of God are saved by His grace and not by their own good deeds. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8). Many people entertain wrong ideas about the grace of God. They think that they merit grace by something they do. Now, if we can obtain salvation by the merit of our own moral attainments, God would be indebted to us, for “to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt” (Romans 4:4). But God is indebted to nobody. God saves the sinner, not on account of human merit, but simply because He chooses to be good and kind. Salvation is a free gift. If you had to pay for a gift, it would not be a gift at all. Thank God, salvation is a gift of grace, and the Christian is always boasting about the goodness of God. I often encounter this objection: “If this is so, then I need not do any good and I can be saved just the same.” But such reasoning is fallacious. It only shows that the Gospel is not yet understood as it should be. The children of the heavenly kingdom are saved, as the apostle Paul explains in Ephesians 2:8-10, “not by works,” but “for good works.” Good works are the purpose, and not the cause, of salvation. God first saves a person and gives him a new heart in order to produce much fruit for His glory. To illustrate, let's say two men give ten dollars for charity. Outwardly, it appears that both did the same deed; but their motives may be totally different. The first did so, thinking he would obtain merit for salvation. The second, knowing how much God loves him, willingly and joyfully helps others. The first one is a Pharisee; the second one is a child of God. God bless -reply by Michelle
  14. you all didnt get the question!Who Is The Hottest Girl In The World?the question is who is the hottest girl in the world not who is the hottest celeb in the world. I'm a small time photographer and I saw way hotter girls then all of these celebs you have named... Besides all of the celebs you named are most Americans or known mostley in America. There are a lot of hot celebs in other countries. -reply by big$mike
  15. Question: Did naruto ever be hokage. Or did he die?Naruto's FatherReplying to MeadockYeah! you are right. I think naruto is special. Yah! Tha 4th is naruto father.Woooooo!In naruto shippuden episode 86-87,when naruto was going to hit the bad guy with the ultimatefull resengan powerful thing, the 4th hokage body appears. And then it ends. Lookin forward to naruto shippuden episode 88!Question: Did naruto ever be hokage. Or did he die?-reply by Tosin
  16. Now what can you say?Oscar De La Hoya Vs Manny PacuiaoYou really are boxing fan... (ironically speaking) hahaha! Pacquiao is still the best. -reply by Rypakz
  17. the 2 best depressing song of all timeDepressing SongsEmmaline by Urge OverkillSolitude by Black Sabbath
  18. How do you know when You don't Love A Person Anymore? 1) When he is mentally, verbally, physically, emotionally and financially abusive towards you. 2) When he smashes your brand new Mercedes-Benz coming home drunk from a club and then expects YOU to take the ****ing blame for HIS accident because his drunk ***** *bottom* has too many DUIs and HE doesnt want to go to jail! 3) When he tells you you are old, ugly and doesnt want to be with you anymore because you are no longer attractive and young. 3) When he constantly compares himself to YOU and everything YOU do is WRONG and anything you do HE can do it better (according to him). 4) When he tells you that he can go out and find a younger chick with a tighter ***** than you have. 5) When he tells you that he wants kids and your old *bottom* cannot give him any. 6) When he tells you that you are stupid for being loyal and kind to him while he has been ****ing prostitutes behind your back without using condoms!
  19. format number in vb6Vb6 Using A NumberI want to print numbers in msword through vb6. The field I want to print has different values in it. I want to print it like this 100 200 20000 500 500 100 I try to use format function but the result is like this 100 200 20000 500 -question by Ahmad Sheeraz Saeed
  20. Actually, in case you didn't know, MMORPG's aren't created in a month. I'm part of the RC community and I can tell you there's going to be about 15-20 games up by 2010. RC is a very versatile, cheap and powerful game engine. "Most games crash within a week". They do not, infact, I've seen a game made by RC in 2005 STILL online. Noobs like you should think before you post. -reply by Waratoco
  21. I Have that problem rite now, I just alt + cntrl + del and then click file and run the internet to get on Lol... I also typed explorer.Exe in and my toolbar and desktop popped up. I got mine from a virus that I still have and don't no how to get rid of. I ran Ad-aware scan and then that got some and then I ran microsoft one and it was gone for like 5 minutes and so I reset computer and now its back... =L
  22. How to change the max level of my offline server?Private Server Ro .Please help me to change the max level of my private server..It is in default of 99...I want to have atleast 255 or 300...And also I want to know how to exceed the maxlevel of character status instead of 99... -question by Decipher
  23. Ox virusMsn Virusokay well I accepted this thing from this kid on my msn for a picture something like that. And it started dowloading it was finished . After that every like 4 hours my computer would shut it self off . Then like after that would happen it wouldn't let me turn it on for periods of time. After about 6 days of that my computer would turn on and a blue screen would come up and it says that my computer has been internally shut down and that I have an ox virus. how do I fix this? -question by Kenya
  24. phishing myspace email?Phishing In MyspaceIt was brought to my attention that I had phishing links sent to someone through my email. I didn't put them there, I don't know how they would have gotten there..I didn't even know it untill I read letter she sent me that I had sent her.All I see is some html code that WAS ADDED AFTER I sent her the thing in the first place.There shouldn't be a link attached to my email. I thought it was all myspace controled.How do I fix it? -reply by skarekr0w
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